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Text File | 1996-05-20 | 468.9 KB | 11,261 lines |
- Jim,
- Greetings, my name is Barry Focha and i have been working for Atari
- games/Time Warner Interactive(now Williams/Midway) for about two and a
- half years as a 3d modeler/animator. I am a little anxious to get out of
- california and my girlfriend has this love of Atlanta so we have been
- talking of moving there later in the year. My current project(Primal
- Rage 2) will be finished Oct 1 and i was thinking of moving closer to
- November. I have been using studio for over four years now and consider
- myself very competent at it. This last month i moved to Alias and i love
- it, but i hear Max is quite good and should be getting it for my pc soon.
- So i was wondering if you might need anyone around that time frame.
- Also, i am disillusioned with coin-op and am looking foward to getting
- into games on home hardware. I was hoping you could reply and let me
- know a little about kind of games Magicode has and is currently
- developing. I am very excited about moving to your side of the country
- and it is a great relief to find that there are software companies in
- Georgia. I look foward to hearing from you. Barry
- Article: 19502
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!howland.reston.ans.net!psinntp!psinntp!psinntp!psinntp!usenet
- From: mikeling@nyc.pipeline.com(Michael C. Ling)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: LW vs Alias
- Date: 13 May 1996 18:40:52 GMT
- Organization: Pipeline
- Lines: 5
- Message-ID: <4n7vnk$g17@news1.t1.usa.pipeline.com>
- References: <4n7gua$li0@dfw-ixnews3.ix.netcom.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host:
- X-PipeUser: mikeling
- X-PipeHub: nyc.pipeline.com
- X-PipeGCOS: (Michael C. Ling)
- X-Newsreader: Pipeline v3.5.0
- Maybe this thread should be changed to a discussion on how to do character
- animation in Lightwave.
- --
- M C L -
- Article: 19503
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!news.kei.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!guitar.sound.net!news
- From: chuck@bbs.newtek.com (Chuck Baker)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: LW 5.0 Pricing
- Date: Mon, 13 May 96 15:47:31
- Organization: NewTek Technical Support
- Lines: 40
- Distribution: world
- Message-ID: <19960513.77C8AA0.E409@bbs.newtek.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: bbs.newtek.com
- On Fri 10-May-1996 11:48 , Bernd Kreimeier wrote:
- BK> In article <19960509.77E4690.10DE2@bbs.newtek.com> chuck@bbs.newtek.com
- BK> (Chuck Baker) writes:
- BK> > From: chuck@bbs.newtek.com (Chuck Baker)
- BK> > On Wed 8-May-1996 19:12 , VirtualBri
- BK> > V> >doing much of it in-house) were unable to implement linking to our
- BK> > V> site;
- BK>
- BK> > V> <A HREF="ftp://ftp.newtek.com"> NewTek's FTP site</A>
- BK>
- BK> > V> Um, OK, what was unimplementable about that? Interesting....
- BK> > V> --Brian
- BK> > Good question. We wondered, too, since it worked fine when we did it
- BK> here.
- BK> Site specific problems usually indicate a broken DNS/NIS installation. I
- BK> can't think of any other cause but failing the lookup of "ftp.newtek.com".
- BK> They could have easily tried the IP instead.
- BK> b.
- Interesting! That (using the IP) was what we had to do, for the FTP. I think
- the BBS telnet connect worked either way.
- .
- ========================================================================
- Chuck Baker | TekWorld: NewTek Tech Support BBS
- Technical Support Online Services | telnet address: bbs.newtek.com
- NewTek, Inc. | modem ports: 913-271-9299
- ========================================================================
- CompuServe: Go AmigaVend, NewTek; DTVForum, NewTek; GUGRPA, LightWave UG
- AOL: Keyword NewTek Email: Tech@newtek.com
- ========================================================================
- Article: 19504
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!howland.reston.ans.net!psinntp!psinntp!psinntp!psinntp!usenet
- From: mikeling@nyc.pipeline.com(Michael C. Ling)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: Unclean Boolean unions.
- Date: 13 May 1996 19:48:50 GMT
- Organization: Pipeline
- Lines: 18
- Message-ID: <4n83n2$jc4@news1.t1.usa.pipeline.com>
- References: <mad.77ws@torment.tmisnet.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host:
- X-PipeUser: mikeling
- X-PipeHub: nyc.pipeline.com
- X-PipeGCOS: (Michael C. Ling)
- X-Newsreader: Pipeline v3.5.0
- Thanks, but I think it is probably notthat. The objects I am referring were
- made from metaformed objects.
- On May 12, 1996 10:18:50 in article <Re: Unclean Boolean unions.>,
- 'mad@torment.tmisnet.com (Mark Dunakin)' wrote:
- >------------
- >I had a similar thing happen like this and I couldn't figure out why the
- seam
- >wouldn't disappear. I did so much as to keep zooming in in the object to
- see
- >if I could figure out what was going on. Finally, when I went back into
- >Modeler, I found out that what was happening was there was one polygon
- still
- >in the midel of the object slicing striaght through it. I deleted it and
- had
- >no more problems........md
- Article: 19505
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in2.uu.net!brighton.openmarket.com!decwrl!pa.dec.com!nntpd.lkg.dec.com!marbls.enet.dec.com!leimberger
- From: leimberger@marbls.enet.dec.com ()
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: LW is an Island
- Date: 13 May 1996 21:24:24 GMT
- Organization: Digital Equipment Corporation
- Lines: 52
- Distribution: world
- Message-ID: <4n89a8$54v@nntpd.lkg.dec.com>
- References: <4n0gad$erv@hermes.acs.unt.edu> <4n1apg$3g0@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- Reply-To: leimberger@marbls.enet.dec.com ()
- NNTP-Posting-Host: marbls.enet.dec.com
- In article <4n1apg$3g0@newsbf02.news.aol.com>, stranahan@aol.com (Stranahan) writes:
- |>Path: nntpd.lkg.dec.com!pa.dec.com!news1.digital.com!nntp-hub2.barrnet.net!newsfeed.internetmci.com!howland.reston.ans.net!news-e2a.gnn.com!newstf01.news.aol.com!newsbf02.news.aol.com!not-for-mail
- |>From: stranahan@aol.com (Stranahan)
- |>Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- |>Subject: Re: LW is an Island
- |>Date: 11 May 1996 02:06:40 -0400
- |>Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364)
- |>Lines: 35
- |>Sender: root@newsbf02.news.aol.com
- |>Message-ID: <4n1apg$3g0@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- |>References: <4n0gad$erv@hermes.acs.unt.edu>
- |>Reply-To: stranahan@aol.com (Stranahan)
- |>
- |>A few points responding a couple of different posts, but first - I believe
- |>Chuck is a good honest guy who is doing his best in a company run by
- |>morons. It's not Chuck's fault that Tim has lost nearly every key 1st and
- |>2nd generation NewTek employee. It's not Chuck's fault that manipulaitve
- |>people who don't understand the company's products or markets are in key
- |>management positions. So, this isn't a slam on Chuck - who is trying to
- |>explain a lot of inexplicable stuff, and doing a good job.
- |>
- |>1) The issue isn't resources - what are the combined salaries of Donetta
- |>Colbach, Jim Parsons, and Dwight Parscale? Are there other, more qualified
- |>people out there in the world? There are ways - plenty of them - to do
- |>better with the resources NewTek has.
- |>
- |>2) NewTek didn't market LW when -it should have-...ie a year ago, before
- |>Max or SoftImage were announced and shipping. Again, when I worked at
- |>NewTek and said we HAD to focus on LightWave at NAB 95, Tim's quote was
- |>'We're not a LightWave company.' He threw together Toaster For Window in
- |>about 8 weeks - when I left, he had only a vauge plan and no way to solve
- |>that 'product's' numerous problems.
- |>
- |>3) The Toaster didn't 'sell itself' - it was sold by people who don't work
- |>at NewTek because Tim proved he was full of shit one time too many. It's
- |>EASY to SAY it sold itself - you didn't do or see the work that went into
- |>making the Toaster a Big Deal.
- |>
- |>
- |>
- |>_____________________________________________
- |>Lee Stranahan
- |>
- Lee's right, I didn't see the work that went into making the Toaster a big
- deal. Instead I was working at an amiga dealer and saw people that did not
- even know the Toaster exsisted trip over themselves to buy one when they
- saw it in use in the store. Newteks great marketing back then seemed to
- miss a great many people. The people marketing the Toaster were in the right
- place at the right time to be sure.
- -bill
- Article: 19506
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!world1.bawave.com!news.clark.net!clark.net!jamesb
- From: "J.A.B." <jamesb@clark.net>
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: Has AMIGA been sold again?
- Date: Mon, 13 May 1996 17:33:42 -0400
- Organization: Clark Internet Services, Inc.
- Lines: 46
- Message-ID: <Pine.SOL.3.93.960513173227.6016A-100000@clark.net>
- References: <4m4pv7$ihn@web3.tcd.ie> <705.6694T1328T1581@pixelfx.demon.co.uk><31914c21.64924023@news.iserv.net> <4mu2m1$o06@madeline.INS.CWRU.Edu> <4mvbs6$m36@storm.cycor.ca> <1961.6704T951T2517@studio42.se>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: explorer.clark.net
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
- In-Reply-To: <1961.6704T951T2517@studio42.se>
- On 11 May 1996, Johan Steen wrote:
- >
- > >In article <4mu2m1$o06@madeline.INS.CWRU.Edu> aq722@cleveland.Freenet.Edu
- > >(John Gregor) writes:
- > >>
- > >> Not to mention that for every month that Newtek keeps prolonging the
- > >> Amiga's agony, its another month that those same resources could be better
- > >> spent adding features to the PC version.
- > >>
- >
- > >Hey, wait a minute, I take *grave* exception to that statement. There are
- > >lots of Amiga users still, and the ultimate fate of the Amiga is still far
- > >from determined - either way.
- >
- > >LW is one of the few remaining "mainstream" packages that is availible for
- > >Amigas, and for that very reason, NewTek gets my money.
- >
- > >Did you ever think that maybe the continued loyalty of Amiga users is the
- > >only reason why there is still a PC version to add features to? That the one
- > >thing that NewTek has that the 3D studio people don't is access to the Amiga
- > >market?
- >
- > >Get your head out of your ass. Just because you don't use it, doesn't mean
- > >there's no demand.
- >
- > Couldn't agree more! I gladly spend my money into Newtek for the Amiga
- > version of Lightwave, and I know lot's of other people with me doing the
- > same thing. As a loyal Amiga user I will continue buying upgrades for
- > Lightwave Amiga.
- >
- That's right! I hope to get my upgrade in the not-too-distance-future!
- Heck, at $295... you sure can NOT go wrong! ;)
- Alex
- ---------------------------------------------------------------
- James "Alex" Brooks Amiga 4000/040/28MHz 22MB RAM
- VideoToaster 4000 3.1/3.5 Emplant Deluxe / MAC / DOS
- Syquest 3.5" 270MB Bernoulli 90Pro
- NEC 3xp Triple Speed CDROM Warp Engine 4028
- Epson ES-600C Scanner E-Mail: jamesb@clark.net
- --------------------------------------------------------------
- Article: 19507
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!world1.bawave.com!news.clark.net!clark.net!jamesb
- From: "J.A.B." <jamesb@clark.net>
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Toaster version or SA?
- Date: Mon, 13 May 1996 17:36:26 -0400
- Organization: Clark Internet Services, Inc.
- Lines: 17
- Message-ID: <Pine.SOL.3.93.960513173513.6016B-100000@clark.net>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: explorer.clark.net
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
- I was just wondering if anyone knows if the upgrade for use VideoToaster
- users that upgrading to LW 5.0 is a Standalone OR a Toaster version for
- $295?
- Alex
- ---------------------------------------------------------------
- James "Alex" Brooks Amiga 4000/040/28MHz 22MB RAM
- VideoToaster 4000 3.1/3.5 Emplant Deluxe / MAC / DOS
- Syquest 3.5" 270MB Bernoulli 90Pro
- NEC 3xp Triple Speed CDROM Warp Engine 4028
- Epson ES-600C Scanner E-Mail: jamesb@clark.net
- --------------------------------------------------------------
- Article: 19508
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!hookup!news.nstn.ca!news
- From: what@do.you.want. (Mack)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.animation,comp.graphics.apps.lightwave,comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio
- Subject: Re: MAX or Lightwave? How about some MAX here folks.
- Date: 13 May 1996 21:58:12 GMT
- Organization: whatz up
- Lines: 66
- Message-ID: <4n8b9k$7nt@news.nstn.ca>
- References: <4mt2cm$co1@news.nstn.ca> <4mtnfb$pk4@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- Reply-To: not@here.no.more
- NNTP-Posting-Host: vega.torcomp.com
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Content-Type: Text/Plain; charset=US-ASCII
- X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.99.7
- Xref: news2.cais.com comp.graphics.animation:35647 comp.graphics.apps.lightwave:19508 comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio:16631
- In article <4mtnfb$pk4@newsbf02.news.aol.com>, virtualbri@aol.com says...
- >
- >Mack proves he has no idea what he is talking about:
- >
- >>You get what you pay for. The Lightwave users for TV effects and the like
- >are
- >>using custom and upgraded versions of Lightwave costing ten thousand
- >dollars
- >>and more. running on expensive hardware. the modeling is rarely done in
- >>software, but digitized like most highend models.
- >
- >No, they are using Beta versions of software, which show features we see
- >in about 6 months to a year. The computers it runs on I could by off the
- >shelf. And many of the models are constructed by very talented artists.
- >Please, learn something about LightWave before commenting like this.
- >--Brian
- >
- >====== http://members.aol.com/virtualbri/ ======
- >== Home of the rather large and mostly complete ==
- >===== LightWave 3D Internet Resource Lists =====
- the B5 Station was modeled in Lightwave, i don't think so.
- rarely are models for the high end actually modeled in software. and if you
- call an SGI or Dec Alpha "off the self", then you must have a pretty cool
- shelf.
- All Software has it's limits. Even ILM and Pixar, with access to the best
- modeling software around, Alias, use clay models for most of their movies.
- Casper, Toy Story, B5, and many more used DIGITIZED models.
- There are some things that still take to long to model in software and as a
- sculture, I can work faster in clay and althought here are some things I can
- model in software better and faster, clay is still the most natural medium to
- work in. if Lightwave was so great there would be no copies of Alias sold
- and no 3d digitizers either.
- use the proper tool for the job. if i'm going to animate sci-fi scenes for TV,
- yes, use Lightwave.
- animation for games, 3D Studio
- High end paarticle effects and rendering, Alias.
- hardcore charater animation, SoftImage.
- Give another package a chance and you might be surprised.
- I gave lightwave a chance, liked what i saw, but worked faster in 3ds4 and
- max and realised i could make more money as an independent using those
- products. I have 3 machines to use when rendering. I have a week, in most
- cases, to get my animation completed from start to finish, if i'm lucky.I
- couldn't say to my customer, "wait a little while longer and you'll get a nice
- raytraced image to display at 256 colours" "sorry, you lost the job because I
- need in two days"if i had better lead ins and was doing broadcast work, maybe
- i'd get lightwave, but right now it's not the right tool for the job.
- lightwave is far from being the swiss army knife or animation, but 3ds4 and
- max are pretty good that way.
- If i want film quaility, i'll use Alias. Every package has pros and cons, it's
- just time lightwave users that complain about every other package going woke
- up and smelled the coffee.i talk to Lightwave users all the time that see the
- benifits of other packages, so the ones on the news groups whining all the
- time must be a small minority. i don't hear users of any other packages
- making similar claims as this small bunch of fanatics. and users of Alias and
- Softimage have definate bragging rights.
- Though i'm sure my words will be twisted yet again by some person with
- software's equivilant of penis envy, others considering which package to buy
- should consider which package best suits their personal needs, not's some
- yahoo's opinion of what the Holy Grail is.
- Article: 19509
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!btnet!zetnet.co.uk!dispatch.news.demon.net!demon!mail2news.demon.co.uk!beanbaw.demon.co.uk
- From: John Reddington <john@beanbaw.demon.co.uk>
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: Bluescreening with Premeire
- Date: Mon, 13 May 1996 23:04:11 GMT
- Organization: None
- Lines: 14
- Message-ID: <338705224wnr@beanbaw.demon.co.uk>
- References: <4n6qkg$r5o@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- Reply-To: john@beanbaw.demon.co.uk
- X-NNTP-Posting-Host: beanbaw.demon.co.uk
- X-Broken-Date: Monday, May 13, 1996 23.04.11
- X-Newsreader: Newswin Alpha 0.7
- X-Mail2News-Path: disperse.demon.co.uk!post.demon.co.uk!beanbaw.demon.co.uk
- Sorry to spoil the party, but I still feel everyone should be aware
- that there are still plenty of people who ordered the book before
- Christmas and still haven't received a copy yet.
- I'm not saying anyone is getting ripped off. I'm sure we're not.
- But in my opinion the service stinks and I still can't understand how
- they reckon it should take six weeks to ship to the UK!!!! Just what in
- hell are they using for transportation?????
- I still reckon you should wait a while before ordering, especially if
- you live in the UK.
- John Reddington - Email John@beanbaw.demon.co.uk
- Article: 19510
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in2.uu.net!news.iag.net!news
- From: david goerndt <davidg@iag.net>
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: LW vs Alias
- Date: Mon, 13 May 1996 20:01:00 -0400
- Organization: stage 22 imaging, inc.
- Lines: 34
- Message-ID: <3197CD3C.42C7@iag.net>
- References: <4mtc6b$am1@nnrp1.news.primenet.com> <4n16sq$7p9@news2.h1.usa.pipeline.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: pm2-orl17.iag.net
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- X-Mailer: Mozilla 2.0 (WinNT; U)
- ebarba@usa.pipeline.com wrote:
- >
- > Mr. Leonard and Greenberg are still missing the concept of this
- > comparisson. It really should'nt be a vs. because, as I have stated before,
- > both packages have there advantages. the average guy out there just wants a
- > good honest opinion, and not a war of words.
- >
- > I don't know many Alias or Lightwave users that have had both packages on
- > there desk for three plus years. I have, and have been using Alias for a
- > long time, longer than the software has been marketed to the entertainment
- > industry. I can say with little predjudice, (unlike Mr. Leonard) that there
- > are alot of instances where Lightwave is a better choice for the job.
- >
- > Lightwave is the little engine that could, the more people say "You can't
- > do that with a hobbist package" the more artists like myself (and hats off
- > to the Vinton guys) just keep getting bigger jobs to do with it. Lightwave
- > is getting better with every rev. And yes Mr. Greenberg, belive it or not,
- > Alan, Stuart and Fori are very framiliar with the other "high end"
- > packages. I personally have shown them Alias and Softimage many times.
- > Lightwaves biggest asset, is its ablity to move quickly compared to the
- > other guys. So if your mad that you spent so much money on your equipment,
- > and software (are you listening Bill) and are being beat out at biding
- > time to a Lightwave house, don't bitch and moan, take a honest look and
- > stop suffering from the mother goose syndrome. I think you will be very
- > impressed when you realize what me and the other ex-amblin guys are working
- > on now at DD. We will be doing things for film, and I think there will be
- > some very surprised individuals out there.......
- >
- >
- > --
- > Eric Barba
- > ericb@d2.com Digital Domain
- > ebarba@usa.pipeline.com HomeGood point, Eric, since it's rarely how many tools you have but how you use them and what the output looks like
- and is the client pleased Say hello to Grant from the guys at Stage 22
- Article: 19511
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!world1.bawave.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!bloom-beacon.mit.edu!apollo.hp.com!netnews
- From: Pat Borjon <borjon>
- Subject: Re:Re: BONES: World coordinates question(sort of)
- Sender: usenet@apollo.hp.com (Usenet News)
- Message-ID: <DrD9Br.Kt0@apollo.hp.com>
- Date: Mon, 13 May 1996 23:02:15 GMT
- X-Url: news:3195BF14.6C87@got.net
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
- References: <Dr6Auv.DAv@apollo.hp.com> <3195BF14.6C87@got.net>
- Nntp-Posting-Host: hpbs4526.boi.hp.com
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- X-Mailer: Mozilla 1.12 (X11; I; HP-UX B.09.10 9000/382)
- Organization: Hewlett-Packard Company
- Lines: 24
- >> One of the first things i do when i add a bone to a scene to make a
- >> alpha char. walk is rot pitch 90 degrees so that it stands upright like
- >> a leg... from this angle tho, 2 of the axis of rot take on same qualities
- >> cuz of(i guess) gimbal lock(as the ref man states it). What i would like
- >> to do is set up the bones in this position, then tell Lightwave that THIS
- >> set of rot angles is 0,0,0 degrees.
- >>
- >> then my old heading could now become my new(needed) bank angle...pitch, of
- >> course, would stay the same.
- >>
- >> any clues...?
- >It helps to bring your model in lying on it's back.
- >Then assemble your bones, when your done pitch the object upright.
- Sat night i thought about rot pitch 90 deg on bone, r, keyframe & then make a
- null the parent of the bone so i can start w/0,0,0 rot deg BUT you CANT make a
- NULL the parent of a bone. I'll try to resave the letter in modeller lying it
- on its face, assign a bone, & rot object but i'd think the axes would still
- give gimbal lock. i'll let ya know tho.
- thanks for your idea.
- Article: 19512
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!world1.bawave.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!news.kei.com!news.texas.net!nntp.primenet.com!news.primenet.com!news.primenet.com!not-for-mail
- From: Mark Mahler <markm@rainbo.com>
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Job Opening 3D Animator
- Date: 13 May 1996 13:22:01 -0700
- Organization: Rainbow Studios
- Lines: 35
- Sender: root@primenet.com
- Message-ID: <31979A94.77E7@rainbo.com>
- X-Posted-By: rainbo.com
- X-Mailer: Mozilla 2.0 (WinNT; I)
- MIME-Version: 1.0
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- Opening: 3D Animator
- Rainbow Studio has openings for experienced 3D Animators with
- minimum 2 years experience. Skills needed include:
- - Excellent 3D animation abilities
- - Extensive 3D modelling and texturing experience
- - Use of 3D Studio Rel. 4, or Lightwave 4.0, or Softimage, a
- must
- - A love for action games and movies is a plus
- The position involves animating action sequences for our PC
- CD-ROM games, as well as work on upcoming feature film projects.
- Animators with a passion for creating exciting 3D experiences
- are needed to create the following game sequences: first person
- POV of enemies attacking, first and third person cut scenes, &
- great death scenes.
- Rainbow Studio is a Digital Entertainment Studio specializing in
- making action arcade games for the PC and Playstation platforms.
- Our most recent game release is The Hive. We are based in
- Phoenix Arizona, where lifestyle and cost of living are both
- unbeatable! Take a look at The Hive art gallery on the web at
- http://com.primenet.com/hive
- Please send resume, and graphic examples (video or CD) to:
- Mark Mahler
- Producer
- Rainbow Studios
- 3830 N. 7th Street
- Phoenix, AZ 85014
- Markm@Rainbo.com
- RainbowA@aol.com
- Article: 19513
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!world1.bawave.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!howland.reston.ans.net!psinntp!psinntp!psinntp!psinntp!usenet
- From: mikeling@nyc.pipeline.com(Michael C. Ling)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: MAX or Lightwave? How about some MAX here folks.
- Date: 13 May 1996 22:45:47 GMT
- Organization: Pipeline
- Lines: 19
- Message-ID: <4n8e2r$1j0@news1.t1.usa.pipeline.com>
- References: <4n8b9k$7nt@news.nstn.ca>
- NNTP-Posting-Host:
- X-PipeUser: mikeling
- X-PipeHub: nyc.pipeline.com
- X-PipeGCOS: (Michael C. Ling)
- X-Newsreader: Pipeline v3.5.0
- On May 13, 1996 21:58:12 in article <Re: MAX or Lightwave? How about some
- MAX here folks.>, 'what@do.you.want. (Mack)' wrote:
- >the B5 Station was modeled in Lightwave, i don't think so.
- >rarely are models for the high end actually modeled in software. and if
- you
- >call an SGI or Dec Alpha "off the self", then you must have a pretty cool
- >shelf.
- A lot of "impossible" things are very possible, IF you know how.
- If it wasn't easier to do things on the computer why would CAD exist? It
- wouldn't make any sense for people make a car engine in clay and then
- digitize it for a cad program.
- --
- M C L -
- Article: 19514
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!world1.bawave.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!howland.reston.ans.net!newsjunkie.ans.net!newsfeeds.ans.net!interaccess!mfrazin.interaccess.com!mfrazin
- From: mfrazin@interaccess.com (Shadow)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: adobe photoshop vs coraldraw 6
- Date: Mon, 13 May 1996 19:41:05 -0600
- Organization: InterAccess,Chicagoland's Full Service Internet Provider
- Lines: 3
- Message-ID: <mfrazin.21.00067726@interaccess.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: d227.nb.interaccess.com
- X-Newsreader: Trumpet for Windows [Version 1.0 Rev B final beta #4]
- For digital manipulation of images and animation which would be better? Any
- opinions?
- Article: 19515
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!world1.bawave.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!howland.reston.ans.net!newsjunkie.ans.net!newsfeeds.ans.net!interaccess!mfrazin.interaccess.com!mfrazin
- From: mfrazin@interaccess.com (Shadow)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: where to find renamer
- Date: Mon, 13 May 1996 19:44:40 -0600
- Organization: InterAccess,Chicagoland's Full Service Internet Provider
- Lines: 4
- Message-ID: <mfrazin.22.0009BF3F@interaccess.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: d227.nb.interaccess.com
- X-Newsreader: Trumpet for Windows [Version 1.0 Rev B final beta #4]
- Where can I find renamer for the amiga or PC. I need it to rename file
- extensions on PC generated images so the VT4000 can read and display them.
- thank you.
- Article: 19516
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!world1.bawave.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!swrinde!howland.reston.ans.net!newsjunkie.ans.net!newsfeeds.ans.net!interaccess!mfrazin.interaccess.com!mfrazin
- From: mfrazin@interaccess.com (Shadow)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Where to find LW 3rd party product in chicago area
- Date: Mon, 13 May 1996 19:50:10 -0600
- Organization: InterAccess,Chicagoland's Full Service Internet Provider
- Lines: 5
- Message-ID: <mfrazin.23.000EC646@interaccess.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: d227.nb.interaccess.com
- X-Newsreader: Trumpet for Windows [Version 1.0 Rev B final beta #4]
- Finding hardware and third party items for lightwave on the amiga and PC in
- the chicagoarea is proving to be difficult. Can anyone recommend a good
- store stocking these items?
- thank you.
- Article: 19517
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!world1.bawave.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in2.uu.net!n3ott.istar!istar.net!infoshare!passport.ca!news
- From: Jean Marc Rodrigue <cpostinc@passport.ca>
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: out-put to flc!
- Date: 14 May 1996 01:16:22 GMT
- Organization: Creative Post Inc.
- Lines: 17
- Message-ID: <4n8mt6$783@forged.passport.ca>
- References: <3188dd4b.0@news.netropolis.net>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: dial041.passport.ca
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- X-Mailer: Mozilla 1.22 (Windows; I; 16bit)
- Try the Newtek FTP site: ftp.newtek.com.
- There is a zip file (somewhere in there) called flicsave.zip that should help you.
- I have previously tried to use the HIIP flic saver that came with Elastic Reality
- morphing software but that didn't work. I thought all HIIP loaders and savers were
- supposed to work with all supported software but according to a tech at Elastic
- Reality ( the developers of HIIP ) Newtek didn't implement HIIP properly.
- I wonder why ?
- Jean Marc Rodrigue
- Motion Control Camera\Computer Animation
- ART 'n Motion
- A division of Creative Post Inc.
- ** Watch the skies !! TWISTER is coming !!**
- (And I'm not talking about the Speilberg movie)
- Article: 19518
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!howland.reston.ans.net!news.cac.psu.edu!news.cse.psu.edu!news.cc.swarthmore.edu!netnews.upenn.edu!news.voicenet.com!news2.noc.netcom.net!noc.netcom.net!ixnews1.ix.netc
- From: achan@ix.netcom.com(Alan Chan)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: Unclean Boolean unions.
- Date: 13 May 1996 23:29:24 GMT
- Organization: Netcom
- Lines: 11
- Message-ID: <4n8gkk$3kh@dfw-ixnews8.ix.netcom.com>
- References: <mad.77ws@torment.tmisnet.com> <4n83n2$jc4@news1.t1.usa.pipeline.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: whx-ca3-11.ix.netcom.com
- X-NETCOM-Date: Mon May 13 6:29:24 PM CDT 1996
- In <4n83n2$jc4@news1.t1.usa.pipeline.com>
- mikeling@nyc.pipeline.com(Michael C. Ling) writes:
- >
- >Thanks, but I think it is probably notthat. The objects I am referring
- were
- >made from metaformed objects.
- Slicing a nonplanar polygon _will_ create a seam.
- AC
- Article: 19519
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!world1.bawave.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!newshost.vvm.com!usenet
- From: lara@vvm.com (Paul Lara)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: LW is an Island
- Date: Tue, 14 May 1996 01:50:27 GMT
- Organization: VDO Productions
- Lines: 16
- Message-ID: <4n8or3$tt4@newshost.vvm.com>
- References: <4msga5$dbb@newsbf02.news.aol.com> <4mtcil$lv5@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: slip151.vvm.com
- X-Newsreader: Forte Free Agent 1.0.82
- stranahan@aol.com (Stranahan) wrote:
- >Everyone at an individual level at NewTek is a good person, and has the
- >best intentions at heart.
- >------------------------------------------------
- >Well, not everyone.
- Damn, Lee! Can't you let a rotting dog lie?
- You really should have a Coke and a Smile, ya know?
- Paul.
- Article: 19520
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!world1.bawave.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!newshost.vvm.com!usenet
- From: lara@vvm.com (Paul Lara)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: VT/Windows in Indiana?
- Date: Tue, 14 May 1996 02:07:14 GMT
- Organization: VDO Productions
- Lines: 17
- Message-ID: <4n8pqi$tt4@newshost.vvm.com>
- References: <3190D0F1.21C0@pop.nlci.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: slip151.vvm.com
- X-Newsreader: Forte Free Agent 1.0.82
- "David J. Hillyer" <dhillyer@pop.nlci.com> wrote:
- >I'm looking for a production house in Indiana that is using a Video
- >Toaster for Windows.
- > I'd like to do 1 or more of the videos with a company so I have some idea of
- >how the toaster would meet our needs before I put a proposal through to
- >get one for here. Any help/ideas appreciated!!
- Judging by the 'challenges' NewTek faced at this year's NAB, I
- wouldn't hold out hope for a 'Toaster for Windows' anytime soon. That
- was the one conspicuously absent product from their presentations.
- There was _one_ unit sitting on the desk, and on Tuesday morning, it
- seemed to take them several *hours* to get the thing to even boot!
- (Tim was over there fretting over the startups; something about SCSI
- problems).
- Article: 19521
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!world1.bawave.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!newshost.vvm.com!usenet
- From: lara@vvm.com (Paul Lara)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: Firewire interface
- Date: Tue, 14 May 1996 02:15:10 GMT
- Organization: VDO Productions
- Lines: 21
- Message-ID: <4n8q9e$apr@newshost.vvm.com>
- References: <3190D39C.74E8@inetnebr.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: slip151.vvm.com
- X-Newsreader: Forte Free Agent 1.0.82
- Robert Christoffersen <rjchris@inetnebr.com> wrote:
- >Looking to see if anyone knows of a third party addition to the Flyer
- >that would allow direct dumping of Sony DV into a Flyer? Somebody did
- >mention a VLAB plug-in that was to be available, but I didn't think that
- >was the 1394 protocol? Am I wrong? Is there a flyer news group on-line?
- Tim Jennison is "very, very,very interested" in development of a
- firewire I/O for the Flyer, but the holdup for everyone now seems to
- be Sony; they haven't yet released the Codecs chips for others to use.
- >Is there a flyer news group on-line?
- Been wondering the same thing myself. If anyone knows of a
- mailing list or newsgroup, please let me know!
- Paul Lara
- VDO PROductions
- Article: 19522
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!world1.bawave.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in2.uu.net!news.usa.net!earth!jgjones
- From: jgjones@earth.usa.net (James Jones/Nibbles and Bits)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Hidden Features: take 5.0
- Date: 14 May 1996 02:36:04 GMT
- Organization: Internet Express (800-592-1240 customer service)
- Lines: 20
- Message-ID: <4n8rik$adg@shiva.usa.net>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: earth.usa.net
- X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2]
- At the extreme personal risk of being drawn and quartered (sounds like
- something to do in Modeler, don't it?) I thought I'd bravely toss out a
- LightWave related question:
- The "Experimental Features" thingy is still in 5.0 (Intel),
- (Ctrl-Shift-F1), yet none of the key sequences for the previous hidden
- features (ones now standard) have an effect in any of the various panels.
- (Ctrl-Shift-F2, Ctrl-Shift-F3... etc.).
- So, is the Experimental Features warning an impotent vestige of prior
- functionality? (Gawd, aren't computerized thesauri great?) Or are there
- *new* hidden features yet undiscovered? And has anyone found 'em yet? :)
- -Jim
- James G. Jones
- Nibbles & Bits
- jgjones@usa.net
- Article: 19523
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!world1.bawave.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!uwm.edu!math.ohio-state.edu!usc!newshub.cts.com!usenet
- From: Hell@down.com (Pixel Twister)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.animation,comp.graphics.apps.lightwave,comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio
- Subject: Re: MAX or Lightwave? Pick one and shut up....
- Date: Tue, 14 May 1996 03:01:36 GMT
- Organization: CTS Network Services
- Lines: 36
- Message-ID: <4n8t5v$mhi@news2.cts.com>
- References: <jmonahan-0605960210270001@phx-ip-71.netzone.com> <3197DA57.546C@ix.netcom.com> <4n6ihp$93c@dfw-ixnews5.ix.netcom.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: down.cts.com
- Xref: news2.cais.com comp.graphics.animation:35655 comp.graphics.apps.lightwave:19523 comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio:16645
- bman2@ix.netcom.com(Brenden Mecleary ) wrote:
- > Well put! Enough with all this competition! Haven't you got
- >better things to do with your time?
- > Brenden Mecleary
- > bman2@ix.netcom.com
- > http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/1979/
- >>
- >>Shut up and get back to animating.
- >>
- >>George.
- Yer Damn Right, Brenden!
- I propose we start a new thread about not arguing about brand names!
- In all seriousness, I believe that these "pissing contests" are a
- byproduct of being Human. Everyone wants to think that what they are
- using is best, and will go to extreme measures to prove to themselves
- that they are correct. I have been silent about thus far, but the
- previous to articles finally sparked something. George, wonderful
- advice! Until everybody learns, however, I am just dumping these
- threads in my killfile.
- Happy Animating!
- yer pal
- t od d d d d d d
- toddcr@cts.com
- http://www.users.cts.com/crash/t/toddcr/
- Article: 19524
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!hookup!news.nstn.ca!news.inforamp.net!news1.istar.ca!news
- From: crs2093@inforamp.net (crs2093)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: MAX or Lightwave? How about some MAX here folks.
- Date: 14 May 1996 02:43:02 GMT
- Organization: iSTAR internet inc.
- Lines: 35
- Message-ID: <1451.6707T1303T150@inforamp.net>
- References: <4mt2cm$co1@news.nstn.ca> <4mtnfb$pk4@newsbf02.news.aol.com> <4n8b9k$7nt@news.nstn.ca>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: ts65-08.tor.istar.ca
- X-Newsreader: THOR 2.22 (Amiga;TCP/IP) *UNREGISTERED*
- >In article <4mtnfb$pk4@newsbf02.news.aol.com>, virtualbri@aol.com says...
- >>
- >>Mack proves he has no idea what he is talking about:
- >>
- >>>You get what you pay for. The Lightwave users for TV effects and the like
- >>are
- >>>using custom and upgraded versions of Lightwave costing ten thousand
- >>dollars
- >>>and more. running on expensive hardware. the modeling is rarely done in
- >>>software, but digitized like most highend models.
- >>
- >>No, they are using Beta versions of software, which show features we see
- >>in about 6 months to a year. The computers it runs on I could by off the
- >>shelf. And many of the models are constructed by very talented artists.
- >>Please, learn something about LightWave before commenting like this.
- >>--Brian
- >>
- >>====== http://members.aol.com/virtualbri/ ======
- >>== Home of the rather large and mostly complete ==
- >>===== LightWave 3D Internet Resource Lists =====
- >the B5 Station was modeled in Lightwave, i don't think so.
- >rarely are models for the high end actually modeled in software.
- [snip]
- Not to get into the my-software-is-better-than-your-software bit, you should
- know that the B5 station WAS modeled using LW. If you wish to learn Ron
- Thorton's techniques for building models similar to the B5 station, I would
- recommend checking out his tapes. There is no modeling in clay on those...
- -Dave
- david.wyand@canrem.com
- Article: 19525
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!nntp.coast.net!news2.acs.oakland.edu!newsfeed.concentric.net!news
- From: Bryant Reif <reifbrya@pilot.msu.edu>
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: Unclean Boolean unions.
- Date: Mon, 13 May 1996 23:39:37 -0400
- Organization: Concentric Internet Services
- Lines: 19
- Message-ID: <31980079.56A2@pilot.msu.edu>
- References: <mad.77ws@torment.tmisnet.com> <4n83n2$jc4@news1.t1.usa.pipeline.com> <4n8gkk$3kh@dfw-ixnews8.ix.netcom.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: cnc045149.concentric.net
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- X-Mailer: Mozilla 3.0b3 (Win95; I)
- Alan Chan wrote:
- >
- > In <4n83n2$jc4@news1.t1.usa.pipeline.com>
- > mikeling@nyc.pipeline.com(Michael C. Ling) writes:
- > >
- > >Thanks, but I think it is probably notthat. The objects I am referring
- > were
- > >made from metaformed objects.
- >
- > Slicing a nonplanar polygon _will_ create a seam.
- >
- > AC
- ...and metaforming produces a lot of nonplanars.
- --
- Bryant Reif
- mailto:reifbrya@pilot.msu.edu
- http://www.aiesec.org/~bryant
- Article: 19526
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!uunet!in2.uu.net!news.sprintlink.net!new-news.sprintlink.net!news.rain.org!usenet
- From: John Brandwood <jcb@mail.rain.org>
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: NT to Mac ?
- Date: Mon, 13 May 1996 17:20:18 -0700
- Organization: RAIN Public Access Internet (805) 967-RAIN
- Lines: 28
- Message-ID: <3197D1C2.34B8@mail.rain.org>
- References: <mad.7684@torment.tmisnet.com> <31962F8C.2B3D@mail.rain.org> <31972D16.F5@ademco.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: @user29.term2.ventura.rain.org
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- X-Mailer: Mozilla 2.01 (Win16; U)
- Ken Geary wrote:
- > O.K. , let's go further, if you have a hub, does the server control what
- > goes in/out of the hub or is it similar electrically to a direct
- > connection between cpu's? Thanks.
- In simplistic terms it just acts like a big hunk of metal connecting all the
- different wires together.
- In real terms, there are 'managed' hubs and 'unmanaged' hubs.
- Unmanaged hubs don't care what protocols (NFS, AppleTalk, NT) the attached
- machines are using, it only cares about the electrical signal. It will
- typically be smart enough to handle the situation when devices get disconnected
- whilst in use, and even artificially disconnect a device if it causes too many
- collisions.
- Managed hubs understand the software protocols, and add significant functionality
- in large networks. They are expensive, and not needed for home or small-business
- use.
- That's about the limit of my knowledge, I'm afraid. I've never had to look after
- anything bigger than the small 2-hub network at the office, or my single hub
- network at home.
- Hope this helps,
- John.
- Article: 19527
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!uunet!in2.uu.net!nntp.earthlink.net!usenet
- From: fwtep@earthlink.net
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.animation,comp.graphics.apps.lightwave,comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio
- Subject: Re: MAX or Lightwave? How about some MAX here folks.
- Date: Tue, 14 May 96 04:40:31 GMT
- Organization: Earthlink Network, Inc.
- Lines: 34
- Message-ID: <N.051396.214031.93@earthlink.net.earthlink.net>
- References: <jmonahan-0605960210270001@phx-ip-71.netzone.com>
- <4mlgjf$rkk@newsbf02.news.aol.com> <4mlp8i$mm4@nnrp1.news.primenet.com>
- <4mm0dc$7uo@news1.io.org> <31913eb2.6430666@news.ftech.net>
- <N.050996.014033.18@earthlink.net.earthlink.net> <31944AD5.16C4@odyssee.net>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: max2-so-ca-30.earthlink.net
- X-Newsreader: Quarterdeck Message Center [2.00]
- Xref: news2.cais.com comp.graphics.animation:35656 comp.graphics.apps.lightwave:19527 comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio:16648
- On 5/11/96 1:07AM, in message <31944AD5.16C4@odyssee.net>, Gordon Cameron
- <gocam@odyssee.net> wrote:
- > > A dual processor Pentium Pro (which is available and a good deal) IS faster
- > > than almost any SGI workstation.
- >
- > Perhaps true in raw processor performance - but it really depends what you
- > are
- > doing. SGI are, contrary to popular opinion, the kings of medium-scale SMP
- > (symmetric multi-processing), and, on top of this, they do many things very
- > very well - e.g. D1 realtime video boards *today* (NOBODY has this on NT
- > shipping yet),
- I believe Intergraph does.
- > good realtime texture mapping with large scenes where all
- > textures are not resident in texmem, remarkable memory bandwidth
- The Alpha chip communicates with RAM at 256 bits.
- >
- > > SGI _CAN'T_ produce machines that are even remotely faster than what's
- > > available in the PC world. They haven't for quite a long time now.
- >
- > This is plain not true... They own MIPS, whose R5000s, for example, perform
- > not badly at all.
- >
- "Not badly at all" is hardly a good thing considering it hasn't been released
- yet and that DEC has faster chips waiting in the wings too.
- --
- -=Fred=-
- Article: 19528
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!uunet!in2.uu.net!nntp.earthlink.net!usenet
- From: fwtep@earthlink.net
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.animation,comp.graphics.apps.lightwave,comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio
- Subject: Re: MAX or Lightwave? How about some MAX here folks.
- Date: Tue, 14 May 96 04:45:20 GMT
- Organization: Earthlink Network, Inc.
- Lines: 19
- Message-ID: <N.051396.214520.73@earthlink.net.earthlink.net>
- References: <4mobr9$d92@newshost.convex.com> <4mpfur$clk@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- <4mqahd$5ot@cville-srv.wam.umd.edu> <4mqmf6$qdg@nnrp1.news.primenet.com>
- <4n3asp$320@cville-srv.wam.umd.edu>
- <jmonahan-1205961521190001@phx-ip-57.netzone.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: max2-so-ca-30.earthlink.net
- X-Newsreader: Quarterdeck Message Center [2.00]
- Xref: news2.cais.com comp.graphics.animation:35657 comp.graphics.apps.lightwave:19528 comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio:16649
- On 5/12/96 3:21PM, in message
- <jmonahan-1205961521190001@phx-ip-57.netzone.com>, Joe Monahan
- <jmonahan@netzone.com> wrote:
- > The new Indy's with R5000 Mips chips and ready for full 64 bit operating
- > systems, 128 MGS RAM, 2 Gig HDrive, 20" monitor, Photoshop, Illustrator,
- > Kai's AND ALIAS Animator are available for $17,000.
- >
- > Doesn't that head them in the right direction?
- >
- > Joe Monahan
- >
- >
- Yes, it heads them in the right direction, but they'd better stay to the side
- to make way for faster traffic.
- --
- -=Fred=-
- Article: 19529
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!uunet!in2.uu.net!nntp.earthlink.net!usenet
- From: fwtep@earthlink.net
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.animation,comp.graphics.apps.lightwave,comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio
- Subject: Re: MAX or Lightwave? How about some MAX here folks.
- Date: Tue, 14 May 96 04:50:21 GMT
- Organization: Earthlink Network, Inc.
- Lines: 23
- Message-ID: <N.051396.215021.61@earthlink.net.earthlink.net>
- References: <jmonahan-0605960210270001@phx-ip-71.netzone.com>
- <31938B5D.3AC1@osu.edu> <4n1b3m$aof@dfw-ixnews5.ix.netcom.com>
- <31945794.5DAF@osu.edu> <N.051196.233155.59@earthlink.net.earthlink.net>
- <4n5r69$8k@vixen.cso.uiuc.edu>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: max2-so-ca-30.earthlink.net
- X-Newsreader: Quarterdeck Message Center [2.00]
- Xref: news2.cais.com comp.graphics.animation:35658 comp.graphics.apps.lightwave:19529 comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio:16650
- On 5/12/96 4:11PM, in message <4n5r69$8k@vixen.cso.uiuc.edu>, Noam Ben-Ami
- <nbenami@uiuc.edu> wrote:
- >
- > Sorry to disagree with you Fred, but as a programmer, I'd be willing to
- > consider the new changes as a qualifier for the title of "completely
- > new." Heck, multithreaded operation alone is worth that title! The
- > improvements to be gotten from threads are pretty terrific. As for the
- > rest, they are much more than simple lensflares.
- > I haven't seen any Max output, and IMHO, the old 3DStudio renderer was
- > kind of shitty unless you were willing to put a lot of work into making
- > everything look just right.
- >
- > --
- > Noam Ben-Ami is nbenami@ux4.cso.uiuc
- West Side Story was a complete re-write of Romeo & Juliet, but it was still
- Romeo & Juliet.
- --
- -=Fred=-
- Article: 19530
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!uunet!in2.uu.net!nntp.earthlink.net!usenet
- From: fwtep@earthlink.net
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.animation,comp.graphics.apps.lightwave,comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio
- Subject: Re: MAX or Lightwave? How about some MAX here folks.
- Date: Tue, 14 May 96 04:52:23 GMT
- Organization: Earthlink Network, Inc.
- Lines: 22
- Message-ID: <N.051396.215223.43@earthlink.net.earthlink.net>
- References: <jmonahan-0605960210270001@phx-ip-71.netzone.com>
- <4mlgjf$rkk@newsbf02.news.aol.com> <4mlp8i$mm4@nnrp1.news.primenet.com>
- <4mm0dc$7uo@news1.io.org> <31913eb2.6430666@news.ftech.net>
- <N.050996.014033.18@earthlink.net.earthlink.net>
- <jmonahan-1005960144490001@phx-ip-90.netzone.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: max2-so-ca-30.earthlink.net
- X-Newsreader: Quarterdeck Message Center [2.00]
- Xref: news2.cais.com comp.graphics.animation:35659 comp.graphics.apps.lightwave:19530 comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio:16651
- On 5/10/96 1:44AM, in message
- <jmonahan-1005960144490001@phx-ip-90.netzone.com>, Joe Monahan
- <jmonahan@netzone.com> wrote:
- > In article <N.050996.014033.18@earthlink.net.earthlink.net>,
- > fwtep@earthlink.net wrote:
- >
- > > A dual processor Pentium Pro (which is available and a good deal) IS faster
- > > than almost any SGI workstation.
- > > SGI _CAN'T_ produce machines that are even remotely faster than what's
- > > available in the PC world. They haven't for quite a long time now.
- > -=Fred=-
- >
- > Thats funny Fred. really.
- >
- > Joe
- I've clocked them side by side, have you? (Assuming sarcasm in your post above)
- --
- -=Fred=-
- Article: 19531
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!uunet!in2.uu.net!nntp.earthlink.net!usenet
- From: fwtep@earthlink.net
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.animation,comp.graphics.apps.lightwave,comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio
- Subject: Re: MAX or Lightwave? Pick one and shut up....
- Date: Tue, 14 May 96 04:53:22 GMT
- Organization: Earthlink Network, Inc.
- Lines: 17
- Message-ID: <N.051396.215322.86@earthlink.net.earthlink.net>
- References: <jmonahan-0605960210270001@phx-ip-71.netzone.com>
- <3197DA57.546C@ix.netcom.com> <4n6ihp$93c@dfw-ixnews5.ix.netcom.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: max2-so-ca-30.earthlink.net
- X-Newsreader: Quarterdeck Message Center [2.00]
- Xref: news2.cais.com comp.graphics.animation:35660 comp.graphics.apps.lightwave:19531 comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio:16652
- On 5/12/96 10:49PM, in message <4n6ihp$93c@dfw-ixnews5.ix.netcom.com>, Brenden
- Mecleary <bman2@ix.netcom.com> wrote:
- > Well put! Enough with all this competition! Haven't you got
- > better things to do with your time?
- >
- > Brenden Mecleary
- > bman2@ix.netcom.com
- > http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/1979/
- >
- Well, you see, since I use Lightwave on an Alpha, I have TONS of time I have
- to fill now...
- --
- -=Fred=-
- Article: 19532
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!uunet!in2.uu.net!news2.digex.net!access1.digex.net!erniew
- From: Ernie Wright <erniew@access.digex.net>
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: Whats new in LW5.0
- Date: Mon, 13 May 1996 23:56:45 -0400
- Organization: Express Access Online Communications, USA
- Lines: 17
- Message-ID: <Pine.SUN.3.93.960513233037.577C-100000@access1.digex.net>
- References: <4n4o9b$qb3@harbinger.cc.monash.edu.au> <scotta.831926418@shellx> <oj6k9ygha70.fsf@hpsrk.fc.hp.com> <4n7mh6$gdc@guitar.sound.net>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: access1.digex.net
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
- X-Sender: erniew@access1.digex.net
- In-Reply-To: <4n7mh6$gdc@guitar.sound.net>
- Dinosaur wrote:
- > Import/Export on the Amiga LightWave uses the RAM disk (one of the
- > benefits of the Amiga OS.) Of course, there is no true Ram disk on
- > WINNT or Win 95 so Layout and Modeler didn't have import/export for
- > 4.0
- Amiga standalone 3.5 didn't have it either, as I recall. The real
- difference is that the LW components are more tightly coupled under the
- Toaster. When it became possible for Layout and Modeler to run asyn-
- chronously, a true IPC mechanism became necessary for import/export.
- As it happens, LW is still passing data through a temp file.
- - Ernie
- Article: 19533
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!uunet!in2.uu.net!news2.digex.net!access1.digex.net!erniew
- From: Ernie Wright <erniew@access.digex.net>
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: Speed Question
- Date: Tue, 14 May 1996 00:10:01 -0400
- Organization: Express Access Online Communications, USA
- Lines: 14
- Message-ID: <Pine.SUN.3.93.960513235839.577D-100000@access1.digex.net>
- References: <oj6n33chal6.fsf@hpsrk.fc.hp.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: access1.digex.net
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
- X-Sender: erniew@access1.digex.net
- In-Reply-To: <oj6n33chal6.fsf@hpsrk.fc.hp.com>
- Steve Koren wrote:
- > Mostly I was just trying to point out (since many folks don't realize
- > it) that you *can* render using VM without it slowing your render by a
- > factor of 1000 :-).
- A good point to make--hitting virtual memory isn't like falling off a
- cliff. I run LW in 32 megs under Win 95 and hit vm often enough, but
- a lot of the time this means the drive light blinks for about a second,
- once per segment.
- - Ernie
- Article: 19534
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!misery.millcomm.com!usenet
- From: ejd@millcomm.com (Eric Donaldson)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: For Sale: DPS PAR for Amiga with 1.6G Drive
- Date: 14 May 1996 04:32:49 GMT
- Organization: Waka Naka Beachside
- Lines: 5
- Message-ID: <4n92dh$2bp@misery.millcomm.com>
- References: <4n5fe8$ik2@misery.millcomm.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: dial-25.roch.millcomm.com
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Content-Type: Text/Plain; charset=US-ASCII
- X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.99.7
- The PAR has been sold.
- - Eric
- Article: 19535
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!guitar.sound.net!news
- From: format@guitar.sound.net (SURFER)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Bug is fixed for 5.0!
- Date: Tue, 14 May 1996 04:58:07 GMT
- Organization: Sound Advice Limited's Internet Access for KC
- Lines: 11
- Message-ID: <4n93lo$imm@guitar.sound.net>
- NNTP-Posting-Host:
- X-Newsreader: Forte Free Agent v0.55
- There was a bug with LW 4.0...you couldn't save a scene with 'Anim
- Type' turned on, you always had to turn it off before saving the scene
- or LW would crash the next time the scene was loaded in and rendered.
- I just got my new 5.0 Intel:
- I saved a scene with AVI Anim Type turned on. Loaded the scene back in
- and rendered it directly with no problems. I also loaded the scene in
- and changed the Anim type without it crashing either.
- Article: 19536
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!howland.reston.ans.net!psinntp!psinntp!psinntp!interramp.com!usenet
- From: caviello@interramp.com (Anthony Caviello)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: Best animation format!
- Date: Tue, 14 May 1996 04:27:05 GMT
- Organization: PSI Public Usenet Link
- Lines: 9
- Message-ID: <4n9212$rjq@usenet6.interramp.com>
- References: <317ED196.170B@sonetis.com> <317FEF93.5B88@atlanta.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: ip64.garden-city.ny.interramp.com
- X-Newsreader: Forte Free Agent 1.0.82
- I was curious about using the new INTEL IVI codec for lightwave
- rendering.
- My question is how do you actually implement it. Right now when I
- render an AVI from lightwave I get to pick the codec. To start using
- the new intel IVI do I have to replace something in my LW config.
- Obviously I must download the new codec, but I'm not clear how I use
- it, or render directly with. Do I need to swap it with the old intel
- codec in my control panel (NT).
- Article: 19537
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!howland.reston.ans.net!psinntp!psinntp!psinntp!interramp.com!usenet
- From: caviello@interramp.com (Anthony Caviello)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: In defense of separate Modeler/Layout
- Date: Tue, 14 May 1996 04:27:01 GMT
- Organization: PSI Public Usenet Link
- Lines: 11
- Message-ID: <4n920u$rjq@usenet6.interramp.com>
- References: <317BACC3.2098@dev.uol.com> <317C0A3D.7506@pilot.msu.edu> <317E403A.2A67@got.net>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: ip64.garden-city.ny.interramp.com
- X-Newsreader: Forte Free Agent 1.0.82
- I love having a separate modeler and layout. I hope it stays
- separate. I think it has a lot to do with why so much good work is
- done with lightwave.
- For me, when I use layout, it's like I've entered a soundstage. While
- in modeler I'm in a workshop building and sculpting. In each area, I
- can clearly focus without distraction.
- It seems baffling to combine the two, it would be like walking onto a
- hollywood soundstage on the set, and finding the carpenters building
- sets and props, behind the actors, while the director and cameraman
- are trying to set up their scene.
- Article: 19538
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!newsserver.jvnc.net!newsserver2.jvnc.net!netnews.upenn.edu!news.voicenet.com!news2.noc.netcom.net!noc.netcom.net!ixnews1.ix.netcom.com!ix.netcom.com!news
- From: gregtee@ix.netcom.com(William Teegarden)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.animation,comp.graphics.apps.lightwave,comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio
- Subject: Re: MAX or Lightwave? How about some MAX here folks.
- Date: 14 May 1996 03:45:29 GMT
- Organization: Netcom
- Lines: 112
- Message-ID: <4n8vkp$1pm@dfw-ixnews7.ix.netcom.com>
- References: <4mt2cm$co1@news.nstn.ca> <4mtnfb$pk4@newsbf02.news.aol.com> <4n8b9k$7nt@news.nstn.ca>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: lax-ca38-55.ix.netcom.com
- X-NETCOM-Date: Mon May 13 10:45:29 PM CDT 1996
- Xref: news2.cais.com comp.graphics.animation:35663 comp.graphics.apps.lightwave:19538 comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio:16656
- --->the B5 Station was modeled in Lightwave, i don't think so.<---
- Not only was it modeled in LW, but it was done on an Amiga. The B5
- station is not a difficult object to make. Perhaps at the time it was,
- considering how far modeler has come since 2.0 beta. A difficult model
- at the time was the seaQuest sub. It was done in software by two
- talented artists.
- --->rarely are models for the high end actually modeled in software.
- and if you
- >call an SGI or Dec Alpha "off the self", then you must have a pretty
- cool
- >shelf.<---
- You can get a DEC machine for about 5K right now, with RAM and a good
- size drive. SGIs are still overpriced.
- --->All Software has it's limits. Even ILM and Pixar, with access to
- the best
- >modeling software around, Alias, use clay models for most of their
- movies.<----
- Sure, if you have a cyber scanner, why not build it clay first. TV
- productions don't have these tools, so the artists make models in
- software. Not one single model made at Amblin Imaging was ever
- digitized, not even the Voyager ship for Star Trek. All built by hand.
- -->Casper, Toy Story, B5, and many more used DIGITIZED models.<---
- So, does that mean motion capture is better than keyframed animation?
- FYI, digitized models generally come into a package as a complete mess,
- and need extensive cleanup. They do provide a good place to start, but
- it's not like you get a perfect mesh right out of a digitizer.
- --->if Lightwave was so great there would be no copies of Alias sold
- >and no 3d digitizers either.<---
- That's a really stupid statement. By that rational I could argue that
- Alias is not the best modeler, because if it was then there would be no
- copies of LW or anything alse for that matter around, and if digitizing
- were so great we wouldn't need software at all. LW does have the best
- polygonal modeler around though.
- --->use the proper tool for the job. if i'm going to animate sci-fi
- scenes for TV,
- >yes, use Lightwave.<---
- LW is best as a sort of digital model shop, and a creator of
- environments. Whether it's TV or film, the results would be the same.
- >
- -->animation for games, 3D Studio<---
- That is their biggest market.
- >
- --->High end paarticle effects and rendering, Alias.<---
- Why not, but it's not the only choice.
- >
- --->hardcore charater animation, SoftImage.<---
- Some would argue Alias is better in this department.
- ----> I have a week, in most
- >cases, to get my animation completed from start to finish, if i'm
- lucky.<---
- Your breaking my heart! Yeah, so did I. And I also had to HAND model
- all the new submarines, colonies, etc, plus paint maps, light scenes,
- and of course the animation, plus the expolsion of the week. And that
- was just ONE of the shots we'd get. Usually, we'd get about 5 to 8 to
- complete in that type of time frame. And this was at D1 res, not game
- res, at 24 bit, not 8 bit. Then of course there was the snow.....and I
- had to walk to work up hill, both ways....
- --->couldn't say to my customer, "wait a little while longer and you'll
- get a nice
- >raytraced image to display at 256 colours"<---
- Niether could we. If we didn't deliver on time at the beginning of the
- next week, the show wouldn't get it's shots, which meant there'd be
- hell to pay. In 3 seasons of seaQuest, we never once missed a
- deadline.
- --->If i want film quaility, i'll use Alias.<---
- Does Alias have the market cornered on "film quality"? What is film
- quality anyway. People who use Alias in feature work don't render in
- it, they use rendermen. Alias is far too slow for production work, and
- it's prone to crashing under it's own bloat. I know, I've seen it.
- Yeah, it looks great, but the trade off as far as whether you're going
- to meet your deadline or not is often not worth it.
- GT
- Article: 19539
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!tank.news.pipex.net!pipex!netcom.net.uk!ix.netcom.com!news
- From: gregtee@ix.netcom.com(William Teegarden)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: Hidden Features: take 5.0
- Date: 14 May 1996 03:47:28 GMT
- Organization: Netcom
- Lines: 39
- Message-ID: <4n8vog$pqn@dfw-ixnews6.ix.netcom.com>
- References: <4n8rik$adg@shiva.usa.net>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: lax-ca38-55.ix.netcom.com
- X-NETCOM-Date: Mon May 13 10:47:28 PM CDT 1996
- In <4n8rik$adg@shiva.usa.net> jgjones@earth.usa.net (James
- Jones/Nibbles and Bits) writes:
- >
- >
- >At the extreme personal risk of being drawn and quartered (sounds like
- >something to do in Modeler, don't it?) I thought I'd bravely toss out
- a
- >LightWave related question:
- >
- >The "Experimental Features" thingy is still in 5.0 (Intel),
- >(Ctrl-Shift-F1), yet none of the key sequences for the previous hidden
- >features (ones now standard) have an effect in any of the various
- panels.
- >(Ctrl-Shift-F2, Ctrl-Shift-F3... etc.).
- >
- >So, is the Experimental Features warning an impotent vestige of prior
- >functionality? (Gawd, aren't computerized thesauri great?) Or are
- there
- >*new* hidden features yet undiscovered? And has anyone found 'em yet?
- :)
- >
- >-Jim
- >James G. Jones
- >Nibbles & Bits
- >jgjones@usa.net
- >
- >
- There are no hidden features in the current release that I know of.
- Often, the programmers will do this to enable the beta tester to try
- out the feature as a proof of concept. If it works and they get good
- feedback from the testers, it's then implemented into the software's
- interface.
- GT
- Article: 19540
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!van-bc,bofh.dot!unixg.ubc.ca!info.ucla.edu!library.ucla.edu!csulb.edu!csus.edu!news
- From: david zbriger <dzbriger@sfsu.edu>
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Help (.avi)
- Date: 14 May 1996 06:31:58 GMT
- Organization: California State University Sacramento
- Lines: 4
- Message-ID: <4n99cu$39f@news.csus.edu>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: dzbriger@apollo.sfsu.edu
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- X-Mailer: Mozilla 1.1N (Windows; I; 16bit)
- Hey there,
- Everytime I try to render an animation, I get an error that says,
- "Module doesn't support animation." Can anybody help me out? Thanx
- Article: 19541
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in2.uu.net!news2.digex.net!news1.digex.net!news.cstone.net!usenet
- From: jheyden@cstone.net
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Lightwave Anim Question Please Help!!!!
- Date: Tue, 14 May 1996 09:41:07 GMT
- Organization: Cornerstone Networks - Pure Internet!
- Lines: 9
- Message-ID: <4n99um$1ar@dot.cstone.net>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: dialin5.cstone.net
- X-Newsreader: Forte Free Agent 1.0.82
- Does anyone have, or know where I can get a utility for LW4.0 for the
- PC that will let me save my wireframe previews as a "anim" file and
- what utility I would use to play it back to tape rather than rendering
- out a complete anim only to find I needed to make correction for the
- client. A answer would be greatly appreciated.
- Thanks,
- John
- Article: 19542
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!news.sprintlink.net!new-news.sprintlink.net!news.aus.sig.net!news
- From: Chipp Walters <chipp@humancode.com>
- Subject: Japanese fix for LightWave 5.0??
- X-Nntp-Posting-Host: lap1.humancode.com
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
- Message-ID: <3197F921.21F6@humancode.com>
- Sender: news@sig.net (Signet ISP Network news)
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- Organization: Human Code
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Date: Tue, 14 May 1996 03:08:17 GMT
- X-Mailer: Mozilla 2.01Gold (Win95; I)
- Lines: 6
- I've just received our 3 upgrades, one of them for our Japan office. I
- seem to remember someone here talking about a fix for Modeler running on
- the Japanese version of Win95 (startup failure 213). If anyone can
- remember the thread, or the fix, can you please Email me? Our Japanese
- President is currently here and looking to take back the new version
- when he leaves later this week. thanks!!!
- Article: 19543
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!news.kei.com!nntp.coast.net!news2.acs.oakland.edu!news.tacom.army.mil!marge.eaglequest.com!oxy.rust.net!news1.agis.net!agis!holonet!colossus.holonet.net!mercopus!dan.bloomfield
- From: dan.bloomfield@mercopus.com (DAN BLOOMFIELD)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: POV to DXF and trees
- Message-ID: <8C074E2.0B9500009D.uuout@mercopus.com>
- Date: Sun, 12 May 96 20:50:00 -0400
- Distribution: world
- Organization: Mercury Opus BBS - Dunedin, Florida - 1 813 734 2799
- Reply-To: dan.bloomfield@mercopus.com (DAN BLOOMFIELD)
- References: <4mojua$1qv@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- X-Newsreader: PCBoard Version 15.22
- X-Mailer: PCBoard/UUOUT Version 1.20
- Lines: 6
- -> 2. Any suggestions on how to go about modeling realistic trees???
- -> Any help is appreciated
- You could see my article in the March LW Pro on how to use clip mapped
- trees. If you have to have 3d trees you could try the program LParser,
- which is I believe on the NewTek ftp site, if not it should be around
- lots of other places, it allows you to grow your own:)
- Article: 19544
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!netserv.com!news.ossi.com!pagesat.net!news.smartlink.net!usenet
- From: Jack Walsh <jwalsh@imaginate.com>
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.animation,comp.graphics.apps.lightwave,comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio
- Subject: Re: MAX or Lightwave? How about some MAX here folks.
- Date: Tue, 14 May 1996 00:15:16 -0700
- Organization: The Imagination Workshop
- Lines: 5
- Message-ID: <31983304.FB2@imaginate.com>
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- Xref: news2.cais.com comp.graphics.animation:35665 comp.graphics.apps.lightwave:19544 comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio:16659
- No, it's not the same renderer. The color saturation is much, much
- better. It has a much better look than 3DS4. This is my opinion from
- experience using 3DS4 and MAX. MAX is far superior.
- Jack
- Article: 19545
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!ncar!noao!ennfs.eas.asu.edu!news.asu.edu!nntp.primenet.com!news.primenet.com!steph
- From: Steph Greenberg <steph@primenet.com>
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.animation,comp.graphics.apps.lightwave,comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio
- Subject: Re: MAX or Lightwave? How about some MAX here folks.
- Date: 13 May 1996 23:08:02 -0700
- Organization: Primenet (602)416-7000
- Lines: 86
- Sender: root@primenet.com
- Message-ID: <4n9802$6r1@nnrp1.news.primenet.com>
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- Xref: news2.cais.com comp.graphics.animation:35666 comp.graphics.apps.lightwave:19545 comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio:16660
- Mack <what@do.you.want.> wrote:
- : >No, they are using Beta versions of software, which show features we see
- : >in about 6 months to a year. The computers it runs on I could by off the
- : >shelf. And many of the models are constructed by very talented artists.
- : >Please, learn something about LightWave before commenting like this.
- : >--Brian
- : the B5 Station was modeled in Lightwave, i don't think so.
- Why's that? First, it is not that complex, and second, it was originally
- modeled at a time when they couldn't afford to use anything else. Of
- course it was modeled and textured in Lightwave.
- : rarely are models for the high end actually modeled in software. and if you
- : call an SGI or Dec Alpha "off the self", then you must have a pretty cool
- : shelf.
- That's the most ridiculous statement I've ever heard. Rarely are models
- for the high end actually modeled in software? What!!!??? Are you talking
- about ditizing? An awful lot of us high end CGI artists model completely
- freehand, and while I think LW needs work in the animation department,
- their modeler is one of the best two polygonal modelers available. The
- other is Nichemen Graphics (formerly Triple I, Del Rey and Symbolics).
- : All Software has it's limits. Even ILM and Pixar, with access to the best
- : modeling software around, Alias, use clay models for most of their movies.
- : Casper, Toy Story, B5, and many more used DIGITIZED models.
- This is not a limitation of the artists. It is a limitation of the
- clients. Models are often digitized because the clients want to see a
- solid thing and make a buyoff, and have a much harder time making up
- their minds on what they want. In Pixar's case, Disney.
- : There are some things that still take to long to model in software and as a
- : sculture, I can work faster in clay and althought here are some things I can
- : model in software better and faster, clay is still the most natural medium to
- : work in. if Lightwave was so great there would be no copies of Alias sold
- There are sculpters today who have never touched clay. It also means that
- the tools still need work, but there are people who can sculpt quickly
- and accurately in LW and Alias. And many things are easier in LW.
- : and no 3d digitizers either.
- : use the proper tool for the job. if i'm going to animate sci-fi scenes for TV,
- : yes, use Lightwave.
- Well, that's besides the point. There are a few things you can do with
- Alias that you certainly can't do with LW, like animate with NURBS, blend
- patch objects (and have the blends update during an animation, so the
- objects continue to blend) and other nifty stupid NURBS tricks.
- But, modeling wise you can do excellent characters in polys using LW, and
- there are good things about polygons that are a big pain in Alias and SI
- using NURBS and patches. On my last project we had 18 characters modeled
- in LW and animated on Alias. Worked out very well.
- : High end paarticle effects and rendering, Alias.
- : hardcore charater animation, SoftImage.
- I'd take Alias over Softimage any day for character animation. In fact, I
- speced it over Softimage and Alias is what we bought. It has animatable
- constraint weights, which lets you do some novel things, and hierarchies
- can be assembled more arbitrarily and keyframing options are more robust.
- : Though i'm sure my words will be twisted yet again by some person with
- : software's equivilant of penis envy, others considering which package to buy
- : should consider which package best suits their personal needs, not's some
- : yahoo's opinion of what the Holy Grail is.
- The Holy Grail is 3D software with Alias' features and refinement at a
- Lightwave or 3DS price. Better yet, Animation Master's price. That's
- around the corner, though that corner is about 18 months away. And that's
- for today's functionality. Alias is moving ahead, so to keep up, any
- pretender to the throne has to move farther than today.
- --
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Steph Greenberg, 3DCGIMD CGI Character Orthopedic Surgeon,
- steph@primenet.com Chiropracter, and Podiatrist.
- Copyright 1996. All Rights Reserved. Permission granted for non-commercial
- electronic republication only, such as Usenet and Email, and
- non-commercial educational purposes such as charge free WWW pages.
- Express permission is required for any other use. When in doubt, ask.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Article: 19546
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!news.kei.com!news.texas.net!nntp.primenet.com!news.primenet.com!steph
- From: Steph Greenberg <steph@primenet.com>
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: LW vs Alias
- Date: 13 May 1996 23:41:01 -0700
- Organization: Primenet (602)416-7000
- Lines: 94
- Sender: root@primenet.com
- Message-ID: <4n99tt$9ne@nnrp1.news.primenet.com>
- References: <4n2pen$pc0@nnrp1.news.primenet.com> <4n6diq$b4j@news2.h1.usa.pipeline.com>
- X-Posted-By: steph@usr2.primenet.com
- ebarba@usa.pipeline.com wrote:
- : Steph Greenberg, 3DCGIMD CGI Character Orthopedic Surgeon,
- : steph@primenet.com Chiropracter, and Podiatrist.
- :
- : wrote:
- :
- : ::There are other things that LW does just fine. The main argument is
- : ::whether LW is ultimately capable of *everything* Alias can do, and
- : ::whether the additional effort continues to make LW a "cost effective"
- : ::choice.
- :
- : The main "argument" is not whether LW is capable of "everything" Alias can
- : do. That's absurd. Where did that come from? First of all, if we turn that
- : around, Alias in not capable of doing everything LW is. Does that make
- : Alias cost effective? I am curious, what package do you render in?
- Answer one, is that Lee Stranahan claimed it was, with the right artist.
- So far as I and the 3 other former LW artists are concerned in my group,
- it appears to be. And I render in Alias. Their raytracer is pretty damn good.
- But I'm game. Someone else familiar with both know what LW is better than
- Alias at.
- And BTW, we have LW at work. We're always looking for something LW is
- better at, so we can work at home.
- : is not the equal of Alias in character animation, yet. It has not been the
- : major priority for us, or NewTek. When NewTek decides it is a priority,
- Yeah, I know. When they decide it's a priority they'll only be a couple
- of years behind SI and Alias. Right now it's about 4 years.
- : then it will become an excellent alternative. There are many things LW is
- : good at that Alias is not. I personally have requested things be added to
- : Alias (back when Amblin was being wooed by Alias) and did not seem them put
- : in. (one of those took two and a half years! And when it was put in, it did
- : not work correctly!)
- Well, like? Not that I don't see room for improvement, but their particle
- effects are excellent and their animation is excellent. Their modeling is
- excellent. Their shaders are excellent. Their lights are OK. You can
- animate several cameras at once. So long as you stay with NURBS,
- texturing is excellent. The tricks I use to get the greatest speed out of
- Alias I learned on LW.
- : I am curious, as to what package you are rendering in though.
- Alias. Again.
- : This forum is not about Alias and a war of words between the two. This
- : forum is about Lightwave, and a comparission and information exchange.
- : The average guy who is looking at purchasing LW, is probably not also
- : comtemplating buying Alias. If he is, then the simple reply is... buy both.
- Not every potential LW user has access to Alias users like you do. And I
- didn't start this thread, I just jumped in. And since I, and several
- other former and current LW users, use both, I'm qualified to speak in
- general terms on the subject. A few people asked me what Alias IK could
- do that I didn't think LW could do, and so thus are challenged to see if
- they can prove me wrong. More power to them.
- : LW is dirt cheap compared to Alias, and it will do 90% of the work. It will
- : allow you to learn 3D and maybe, just maybe, get a job in the Industry
- : without selling all your worldly possesions just to own an SGI with a
- : hobbled Alias seat.
- I agree. It is one of the two programs I recommend to people who want to
- work in the business. If you can prove your potential talent at all, it
- can be done in LW or Animation Master, but the animation won't have the
- same level of refinement unless someone works very, very hard. Regardless
- of rendering (it's not what I look for, since the people I look for are
- other character animators). Patience and tenacity are good skills for a
- CGI animator to have, since they come in really handy on higher end
- programs all the time.
- All of this for the time being of course. Next year Newtek might put
- Alias out of business ;)
- :
- : --
- : Eric Barba
- : ericb@d2.com Digital Domain
- : ebarba@usa.pipeline.com Home
- --
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Steph Greenberg, 3DCGIMD CGI Character Orthopedic Surgeon,
- steph@primenet.com Chiropracter, and Podiatrist.
- Copyright 1996. All Rights Reserved. Permission granted for non-commercial
- electronic republication only, such as Usenet and Email, and
- non-commercial educational purposes such as charge free WWW pages.
- Express permission is required for any other use. When in doubt, ask.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Article: 19547
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!news.kei.com!news.texas.net!nntp.primenet.com!news.primenet.com!steph
- From: Steph Greenberg <steph@primenet.com>
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.animation,comp.graphics.apps.lightwave,comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio
- Subject: Re: MAX or Lightwave? How about some MAX here folks.
- Date: 13 May 1996 08:56:05 -0700
- Organization: Primenet (602)416-7000
- Lines: 26
- Sender: root@primenet.com
- Message-ID: <4n7m2l$qcf@nnrp1.news.primenet.com>
- References: <4mobr9$d92@newshost.convex.com> <4mpfur$clk@newsbf02.news.aol.com> <4mqahd$5ot@cville-srv.wam.umd.edu> <4mqmf6$qdg@nnrp1.news.primenet.com> <4n3asp$320@cville-srv.wam.umd.edu> <jmonahan-1205961521190001@phx-ip-57.netzone.com>
- X-Posted-By: steph@usr4.primenet.com
- Xref: news2.cais.com comp.graphics.animation:35667 comp.graphics.apps.lightwave:19547 comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio:16661
- Joe Monahan <jmonahan@netzone.com> wrote:
- : The new Indy's with R5000 Mips chips and ready for full 64 bit operating
- : systems, 128 MGS RAM, 2 Gig HDrive, 20" monitor, Photoshop, Illustrator,
- : Kai's AND ALIAS Animator are available for $17,000.
- : Doesn't that head them in the right direction?
- If it were Alias PowerAnimator, and the R5000 Indy had full hardware
- acceleration, I'd say yes. Though for some reason, I'd heard $27,000 for
- the above package. The above wouldn't be too far off the mark as an NT
- system, other than the fact that you can't buy a nice Accelgraphics card
- or something to make up for lack of hardware rendering.
- : Joe Monahan
- --
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Steph Greenberg, 3DCGIMD CGI Character Orthopedic Surgeon,
- steph@primenet.com Chiropracter, and Podiatrist.
- Copyright 1996. All Rights Reserved. Permission granted for non-commercial
- electronic republication only, such as Usenet and Email, and
- non-commercial educational purposes such as charge free WWW pages.
- Express permission is required for any other use. When in doubt, ask.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Article: 19548
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- From: Steph Greenberg <steph@primenet.com>
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.animation,comp.graphics.apps.lightwave,comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio
- Subject: Re: MAX or Lightwave? How about some MAX here folks.
- Date: 13 May 1996 22:41:03 -0700
- Organization: Primenet (602)416-7000
- Lines: 36
- Sender: root@primenet.com
- Message-ID: <4n96df$4ak@nnrp1.news.primenet.com>
- References: <4mobr9$d92@newshost.convex.com> <4mpfur$clk@newsbf02.news.aol.com> <N.051396.214520.73@earthlink.net.earthlink.net>
- X-Posted-By: steph@usr2.primenet.com
- Xref: news2.cais.com comp.graphics.animation:35668 comp.graphics.apps.lightwave:19548 comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio:16662
- fwtep@earthlink.net wrote:
- : On 5/12/96 3:21PM, in message
- : > The new Indy's with R5000 Mips chips and ready for full 64 bit operating
- : > systems, 128 MGS RAM, 2 Gig HDrive, 20" monitor, Photoshop, Illustrator,
- : > Kai's AND ALIAS Animator are available for $17,000.
- : >
- : > Doesn't that head them in the right direction?
- : >
- : Yes, it heads them in the right direction, but they'd better stay to the side
- : to make way for faster traffic.
- The first thing you've said that I must agree with. And well put, too.
- I do think that SGI is losing the next generation of CGI talent. The
- younger people entering the business came up from the PC world (Amiga Mac
- or otherwise) and they're alot more open minded about platforms, and there
- are certain disappointments in using high end software and hardware, like
- how all that power and memory are sqandered. The rough and tumble PC and
- Amiga world, where a 16 MB system used to be more than enough and even
- rare, the performance of a 128 MB I2X is a major letdown, regardless of
- how fast it could be if all of the software used it as efficiently as the
- smaller systerms we know.
- : -=Fred=-
- --
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Steph Greenberg, 3DCGIMD CGI Character Orthopedic Surgeon,
- steph@primenet.com Chiropracter, and Podiatrist.
- Copyright 1996. All Rights Reserved. Permission granted for non-commercial
- electronic republication only, such as Usenet and Email, and
- non-commercial educational purposes such as charge free WWW pages.
- Express permission is required for any other use. When in doubt, ask.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Article: 19549
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!news.fibr.net!nntp.primenet.com!news.primenet.com!steph
- From: Steph Greenberg <steph@primenet.com>
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.animation,comp.graphics.apps.lightwave,comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio
- Subject: Re: Bill Gates -Was "MAX or LightWave? How about some MAX here"
- Date: 13 May 1996 09:06:06 -0700
- Organization: Primenet (602)416-7000
- Lines: 36
- Sender: root@primenet.com
- Message-ID: <4n7mle$r5h@nnrp1.news.primenet.com>
- References: <jmonahan-0605960210270001@phx-ip-71.netzone.com> <4mlgjf$rkk@newsbf02.news.aol.com> <4mlp8i$mm4@nnrp1.news.primenet.com> <4mm0dc$7uo@news1.io.org> <jmonahan-0805960155000001@phx-ip-77.netzone.com> <319118A8.6389@osu.edu> <jmonahan-10059602442
- X-Posted-By: steph@usr4.primenet.com
- Xref: news2.cais.com comp.graphics.animation:35669 comp.graphics.apps.lightwave:19549 comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio:16663
- Bryant Reif <reifbrya@pilot.msu.edu> wrote:
- : > The patent on standard VHS has probably run out, but not S-VHS, hence the
- : > lack of cheap, superior, S-VHS machines.
- : Who cares. S-VHS sucks. Let's go digital!
- As it turns out, the most likely contender for a digital consumer format
- (Sony doesn't believe in a consumer anything that isn't priced for
- professionals until it's been out for 10 years) is from Matsushita,
- parent company of JVC, though it may well have been developed by JVC.
- That's digital on tape. Digital on disc is another problem since tape is
- vastly cheaper.
- Either way, Matsushita has got you.
- Also, Matsushita/JVC were responsible for torpedoing Video 8 and Hi 8.
- While it has found a niche in the camcorder market, they successfully
- kept it out of the home market. Just as people feel MS has suppressed
- OS/2 and Linux and the Mac and Nextstep.
- So, boycott VHS and all related formats ;)
- : Bryant Reif
- : mailto:reifbrya@pilot.msu.edu
- : http://www.aiesec.org/~bryant
- --
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Steph Greenberg, 3DCGIMD CGI Character Orthopedic Surgeon,
- steph@primenet.com Chiropracter, and Podiatrist.
- Copyright 1996. All Rights Reserved. Permission granted for non-commercial
- electronic republication only, such as Usenet and Email, and
- non-commercial educational purposes such as charge free WWW pages.
- Express permission is required for any other use. When in doubt, ask.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Article: 19550
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
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- From: fredie.layberger@columbiasc.ncr.com (Fredie J. Layberger)
- Subject: Re: Bluescreening with Premeire
- Message-ID: <DrDBBw.HEv@ncrcae.ColumbiaSC.ATTGIS.COM>
- Sender: news@ncrcae.ColumbiaSC.ATTGIS.COM (news)
- Organization: NCR
- X-Newsreader: News Xpress 2.0 Beta #0
- References: <4n71c2$qo3@columbia.acc.brad.ac.uk> <3197417E.5486@cyberoptics.com>
- Date: Mon, 13 May 1996 23:43:02 GMT
- Lines: 36
- In article <3197417E.5486@cyberoptics.com>, Nate Hayes <nhayes@cyberoptics.com> wrote:
- Nate,
- How about posting your tutorial to the Newtek ftp site (ftp.newtek.com) or to
- the Tomahawk Lightwave site (tomahawk.grandi.com)?
- Thanks...fred
- >Stormfront wrote:
- >>
- >> Sorry to bother you lightwave users with this, but I'm SURE I saw it here
- >> a while back. Someone was discussing the posibilities of doing
- >> bluescreen and compositing in lightwave, and someoner else pointed out
- >> that it was possible to do some very good comp's with Premiere and
- >> Photoshop and that there was a tutorial to show you how.
- >>
- >> I would really like to read this tutorial as I have just hold of a demo
- >> fo premiere and would like to play with the keyer to see if I can get
- >> good quality bluescreens for video works. So if anyone has it or can
- >> tell me where to get it - please email me.
- >>
- >> Thanks in advance.
- >
- >Hi Benjamin,
- >
- >I'm the one who wrote the tutorial. I've got copies of it uploaded to
- >CompuServe under both the LightWave User's Group forum (GO GUGRPA) and
- >the Premiere/PC forum (GO ADOBEAPP). Unfortunately, there's not a way to
- >post it here in this newsgroup or else I'd do so....
- >
- >But yes, you can get very professional compositing results with the
- >Adobe Photoshop/Premiere combination. For people on a budget, I highly
- >recommend them both.
- >
- >Nate
- Article: 19551
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!sgigate.sgi.com!swrinde!howland.reston.ans.net!news-e2a.gnn.com!newstf01.news.aol.com!newsbf02.news.aol.com!not-for-mail
- From: virtualbri@aol.com (VirtualBri)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.animation,comp.graphics.apps.lightwave,comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio
- Subject: Re: MAX or Lightwave? How about some MAX here folks.
- Date: 14 May 1996 05:10:13 -0400
- Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364)
- Lines: 12
- Sender: root@newsbf02.news.aol.com
- Message-ID: <4n9ill$mem@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- References: <N.051396.215021.61@earthlink.net.earthlink.net>
- Reply-To: virtualbri@aol.com (VirtualBri)
- NNTP-Posting-Host: newsbf02.mail.aol.com
- Xref: news2.cais.com comp.graphics.animation:35670 comp.graphics.apps.lightwave:19551 comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio:16664
- >
- >West Side Story was a complete re-write of Romeo & Juliet, but it was
- still
- >Romeo & Juliet.
- >--
- > -=Fred=-
- Oh fine, and next you'll tell me Star Wars is Hidden Fortress...
- --Brian
- ======== http://members.aol.com/virtualbri/ =======
- == Home of the LightWave 3D Internet Resource Lists ==
- ============= So, why aren't you on it? =============
- Article: 19552
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- From: virtualbri@aol.com (VirtualBri)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: LW is an Island
- Date: 14 May 1996 05:11:49 -0400
- Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364)
- Lines: 255
- Sender: root@newsbf02.news.aol.com
- Message-ID: <4n9iol$mfe@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- References: <4n8or3$tt4@newshost.vvm.com>
- Reply-To: virtualbri@aol.com (VirtualBri)
- NNTP-Posting-Host: newsbf02.mail.aol.com
- >Damn, Lee! Can't you let a rotting dog lie?
- >You really should have a Coke and a Smile, ya know?
- How can you, when you get things like this off the plug-in mailing list?
- >Date: Sat, 11 May 1996 23:47:27 -0400
- >To: lwplugin-l@netcom.com
- >cc: brad@newtek.com
- >Subject: Re: SGI Compilation (now porting sensibility)
- >Sender: owner-lwplugin-l@netcom.com
- >Reply-To: lwplugin-l@netcom.com
- >
- >In a message dated 96-05-10 01, John Foust whined:
- >
- >> Although apparently at NewTek, it's OK to run your own off-hours
- business
- >> on company time and equipment - I believe Brad Peebler has an animation
- >> business, and certainly Dan Milling was using NewTek equipment to
- >> develop his translators that supplanted Syndesis', although at the time
- >> he was working on them, he supposedly was going to publish the
- >> product through someone other than NewTek, or so I was told.
- >
- >I have spent plenty of time at NewTek and I have never seen Brad doing
- work
- >on "company time". What I HAVE seen is Brad Peebler puting in countless
- hours
- >of unpaid "overtime" evenings and weekends. Brad, and most of the other
- >people at NewTek, are devoted, hardworking employees who give a lot more
- of
- >themselves to NewTek than any company would have a right to ask.
- >
- >Dan Milling uses his OWN computer to do NewTek work, including the
- >translators that supplanted yours.
- >
- >The interesting question is "WHY did they supplant yours?". The pathetic
- >excuse for code you sent us before the 4.0 release would never work, and
- what
- >did work, worked poorly. We told you over and over of problems, and you
- kept
- >saying over and over that you had fixed them when you hadn't. What were
- you
- >doing with the time you were supposedly working on the translators?
- Working
- >on an "off-hours business"?
- >
- >David Hibsher
- >Speaking for myself
- >
- >dph
- >cc: Brad P
- Now what you have to ask, is what company would let an employee go off
- half-cocked like this, even if he is speaking for himself? If I did that
- for Alesis, my butt would have been kicked out of the state, and I'd still
- feel the bootprint over a year later.
- But the response is the type of thing that just fills you with confidence
- in a company.
- >Subj: Re: SGI Compilation (now porting sensibility)
- >Date: 96-05-12 21:56:12 EDT
- >From: syndesis@inc.net (Syndesis Corporation)
- >To: lwplugin-l@netcom.com
- >CC: brad@newtek.com
- >
- >At 11:47 PM 5/11/96 -0400, DavHibsher@aol.com wrote:
- >>
- >>I have spent plenty of time at NewTek and I have never seen Brad doing
- work
- >>on "company time".
- >
- >I didn't say that Brad did his own off-hours work "on company time."
- >I said, apparently it's OK to use NewTek equipment on private,
- >non-NewTek enterprises. I was only relating what Brad told me himself.
- >
- >>Dan Milling uses his OWN computer to do NewTek work, including the
- >>translators that supplanted yours.
- >
- >Does Dan own MIPS, Alpha and SGI machines and compilers, or was
- >he using NewTek equipment for that? As I explained, for a long time
- >I was told these translators were Dan's own product, not NewTek's.
- >
- >Of course, I'm no dummy, so when I'd heard of his translators in
- >early 1995, I saw the writing on the wall, and expected NewTek use
- >his translators eventually. I was told he had done those cross-platform
- >versions of his translators even before NewTek ended our licensing.
- >
- >>The interesting question is "WHY did they supplant yours?". The pathetic
- >>excuse for code you sent us before the 4.0 release would never work, and
- what
- >>did work, worked poorly. We told you over and over of problems, and you
- kept
- >>saying over and over that you had fixed them when you hadn't. What were
- you
- >>doing with the time you were supposedly working on the translators?
- Working
- >>on an "off-hours business"?
- >
- >Not that this has anything to do with the current thread topic
- >regarding the economics of making plug-ins for everyone's favorite
- >3D program, but apparently you think a little personal attack will
- >help... so I'll fill you in, and since you decided to do this
- >publically, I'll fill everyone else in, too. I would recommend
- >that you take this discussion off-line and private immediately,
- >unless you like provoking people into Stranahan-esque public rants.
- >
- >I can tell you what I was told by NewTek: "it was a business
- >decision," or to put it another way, they got Milling's translators
- >for less money than Syndesis's.
- >
- >Considering that in February 1995, NewTek agreed to renew the Syndesis
- >license, as well as to increase the royalty, your declaration that
- >NewTek felt these translators were inadequate doesn't hold much water.
- >
- >More precisely, Peebler arranged this renewal. You'd think if he thought
- >our translators sucked as much as you think they do, he wouldn'tve
- >done that. I can also say that the contract clearly states, all
- >NewTek had to do was describe a bug in writing and we had thirty
- >days to fix it.
- >
- >I can also say that NewTek was many months behind on royalty
- >payments to Syndesis. We played ball during most of 1995, we
- >let the overdue payments slide until the cash arrived from the
- >first shipments of LW x86, but then the payments still didn't
- >arrive. And then NewTek and Xaos began to demand the MIPS
- >and SGI versions of the plug-ins, which we had completed - but
- >which I "held hostage" until we were paid what we were promised.
- >This was in mid-September or so.
- >
- >And surprise surprise, a few weeks later, with no intervening
- >communication, this "business decision" arrived. What an amazing
- >coincidence that it followed my demand for payment!
- >
- >And what really, really sucks are all the other people involved
- >with LightWave and the Toaster, names you know and love, who
- >were stuck without royalties for months and months, too.
- >
- >Now mind you, NewTek never once informed us that they were ready
- >to dump Syndesis's plug-ins because of bugs. They never even said,
- >oh, we can't afford you any more, or let's haggle and compare
- >your translators to the ones made by this guy in tech support,
- >and see who will give them to us for the lowest price, or to
- >actually have some kind of open comparison of the translators...
- >
- >They just called one day and said it was over. And it wasn't until
- >January 1996 that we ever got paid, and that was *only* because I
- >came up with the creative idea of getting paid in copies of LW,
- >which I quickly exchanged for cash at the local dealer. Oh, wait -
- >NewTek did manage to send a check for two hundred dollars in late
- >November, a tiny fraction of what was owed. If it wasn't for my
- >settlement, according to NewTek's schedule, they *might* have paid
- >us by *now* in May 1996.
- >
- >As for bugs, I'm tempted to say Syndesis never received a reproducible,
- >adequately described bug from NewTek - but perhaps someone can find
- >a counter-example, and I'd be willing to admit it, and then we can
- >decide whether it was really our bug or whether we fixed it quickly
- >enough for your taste. As for whether they worked or not, are you
- >saying they worked better or worse than, say, ASDG's HIIP plug-ins
- >for LW? And who is "we," and when did "we" tell Syndesis of the bugs,
- >and how did you do it? Telepathically?
- >
- >Once last summer, someone from NewTek did send me one sample 3DS file
- >that supposedly wasn't right - however, as I recall, it was an example
- >of a "judgement call," where we translated a morph target or something,
- >and they didn't, or that a double-sided material flag wasn't set
- >correctly on a material, and that these bugs were fixed immediately.
- >
- >Mind you, these problems were found *in a beta version*, as you said,
- >before 4.0 shipped, so this is exactly what was supposed to happen.
- >I even asked Milling directly about any bugs he knew of or questions
- >he had about Syndesis's translators, and I didn't even get a response.
- >Very professional attitude over there, as I'll describe in more
- >detail below.
- >
- >Over the course of the years, there *were* bugs that *we* found, and
- >improvements that Syndesis made, and bugs that customers submitted
- >directly to Syndesis because they knew their bug report had a snowball's
- >chance of getting forwarded if they left the responsibility up to
- >NewTek's crack tech support department.
- >
- >Another frustrating aspect of this - whenever a customer
- >would call and say they were forwarded to Syndesis by NewTek, they
- >were never given the name of the person they were talking to at
- >NewTek, so we'd have no way to even trace these referrals. And
- >then there's the hundreds of calls Syndesis handled, again forwarded
- >from NewTek tech support, where as soon as the customer said the
- >word "PC" or "Mac", they'd pass the call on to us, whereupon we'd
- >solve the user's misunderstanding about CrossDOS.
- >
- >Then there's the bug fixes we made to the Amiga versions even
- >before LW x86 was available, the improved TIO converters that NewTek
- >couldn't find the time to bother to integrate, even though customers
- >had spotted these bugs, we fixed them, we made other improvements
- >that we were not strictly required to make contractually, which NewTek
- >decided weren't important enough to integrate.
- >
- >As for "working" during work hours, I can tell you from my examination
- >of Milling's (public-readable) history files on the NewTek developer
- >Internet machine, he spends a lot of day-time hours chatting
- electronically
- >with a female at an ISP in Milwaukee, and checking his e-mail on
- >his student account back at Marquette.
- >
- >When I told Peebler I was upset by Milling's development of this
- supposedly
- >non-NewTek personally-owned product using NewTek's equipment, he tried to
- >calm me by saying he'd send me a copy of Milling's program, which I never
- >received. A few weeks later, when I saw a file called "TRAN3D.ZIP" in
- >Milling's public-readable directory on the NewTek's Internet site,
- >I downloaded it, thinking it was the file I was promised. It contained
- >the following header, followed by 800K of useless Linux source code:
- >
- >/*******************************************************/
- >/* If you are reading this... The following applies */
- >/* to you: (Otherwise disregard this file) */
- >/* You fucking asswipe! You are so fucking dead! */
- >/* I guess you need to steal it if you can't do it. */
- >/* My lawyer will be in touch.... */
- >/* Have a nice day... butmunch! */
- >/*******************************************************/
- >
- >#define GETACLUE TRUE
- >#define YOUARE AN_IDIOT
- >
- >#include <realprogramer.h>
- >
- >Needless to say, Milling's lawyer has not yet called me. I asked
- >Peebler to explain this, and again reminded him of his offer to
- >send me an executable of Milling's translators, or an explanation
- >of any improvements for in my translators, but I received no reply.
- >And this happened well before NewTek had told me they'd decided
- >to use his translators. Very, very professional attitude.
- >
- >Next time you flame, at least know what you're talking about.
- >And also, let this be a lesson for any company who decides to sell
- >their plug-ins through NewTek.
- >
- >I must also add that after this situation had gone to hell in a
- >handbasket, it was only the direct attention of Tim Jenison who
- >managed to at least perform damage control. These screw-ups and
- >unprofessional business practices were not happening at the "Tim"
- >level. I wish I'd been dealing with him all along.
- >
- >- John
- And some people wonder why some of us worry about LightWave.
- --Brian
- ======== http://members.aol.com/virtualbri/ =======
- == Home of the LightWave 3D Internet Resource Lists ==
- ============= So, why aren't you on it? =============
- Article: 19553
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- From: Rafe Purnell <darkeye@unicorn.demon.co.uk>
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave,comp.graphics.animation,comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio
- Subject: Re: MAX or Lightwave? How about some MAX here folks.
- Date: Tue, 14 May 1996 09:32:04 +0000
- Organization: Unicorn Glade
- Lines: 9
- Sender: Rafe Purnell <darkeye@unicorn.demon.co.uk>
- Message-ID: <VA.0000005e.00615540@unicorn.system3.com>
- References: <4n8b9k$7nt@news.nstn.ca>
- Reply-To: darkeye@unicorn.demon.co.uk
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- X-Newsreader: Virtual Access by Ashmount Research Ltd, http://www.ashmount.com
- Xref: news2.cais.com comp.graphics.apps.lightwave:19553 comp.graphics.animation:35672 comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio:16665
- > the B5 Station was modeled in Lightwave, i don't think so.
- Sorry your wrong. The B5 station and all it's bit were constructed in
- the model maker !
- Regards
- Darkeye.
- Article: 19554
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!nntp.primenet.com!news.primenet.com!steph
- From: Steph Greenberg <steph@primenet.com>
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.animation,comp.graphics.apps.lightwave,comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio
- Subject: Re: MAX or Lightwave? How about some MAX here folks.
- Date: 13 May 1996 09:14:08 -0700
- Organization: Primenet (602)416-7000
- Lines: 38
- Sender: root@primenet.com
- Message-ID: <4n7n4g$rp1@nnrp1.news.primenet.com>
- References: <jmonahan-0605960210270001@phx-ip-71.netzone.com> <31944AD5.16C4@odyssee.net> <4n2l9h$jcg@nnrp1.news.primenet.com> <4n5pd4$l0k@news1.io.org>
- X-Posted-By: steph@usr4.primenet.com
- Xref: news2.cais.com comp.graphics.animation:35673 comp.graphics.apps.lightwave:19554 comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio:16666
- Matt. <mjmackin@io.org> wrote:
- : >: Perhaps true in raw processor performance - but it really depends what you are
- : >: doing. SGI are, contrary to popular opinion, the kings of medium-scale SMP
- : >: (symmetric multi-processing), and, on top of this, they do many things very
- : >: very well - e.g. D1 realtime video boards *today*
- : But they do you need to have real time D1 output if you can get close
- : with the Perception. Its D1 output (but you have to render to it's
- : hard drive.) It costs a small fraction of the SGI.
- I'm afraid the Perception has too much artifacting, and the D1 boards in
- higher end SGIs will combine multiple layers and do some pretty elaborate
- effects without pre-rendering.
- However, there are two Targa boards I saw at NAB that might be able to do
- some of that, Play's Trinity looks like it can do some pretty elaborate
- stuff, and Matrox has a board coming out that can do something like 8
- channels of realtime playback from a single card. There's also the Qubit
- from another bunch of ex-Newtek guys. All of these solutions are more
- expensive than the Perception.
- Which is a major point. When you are off the SGI you actually have a
- choice as to what you can buy. Oh yeah, Matrox has some over-the-top high
- speed bus they're promoting as a standard for digital video work, so that
- you might be able to do realtime, uncompressed D1. The PCI bus is too slow.
- --
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Steph Greenberg, 3DCGIMD CGI Character Orthopedic Surgeon,
- steph@primenet.com Chiropracter, and Podiatrist.
- Copyright 1996. All Rights Reserved. Permission granted for non-commercial
- electronic republication only, such as Usenet and Email, and
- non-commercial educational purposes such as charge free WWW pages.
- Express permission is required for any other use. When in doubt, ask.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Article: 19555
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!howland.reston.ans.net!psinntp!psinntp!psinntp!psinntp!usenet
- From: mikeling@nyc.pipeline.com(Michael C. Ling)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: How and where do you report bugs in LW 5.0?
- Date: 14 May 1996 10:07:04 GMT
- Organization: Pipeline
- Lines: 15
- Message-ID: <4n9m08$2iv@news1.t1.usa.pipeline.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host:
- X-PipeUser: mikeling
- X-PipeHub: nyc.pipeline.com
- X-PipeGCOS: (Michael C. Ling)
- X-Newsreader: Pipeline v3.5.0
- How and where do you report bugs in LW 5.0? I just found one in Modeler.
- When I hid the middle section of a head I was working on, the metanurb
- function on hidden polygons wouldn't reset itself. It would simply toggle
- off metanurbs on the ones that were on, and toggle on metanurbs on the ones
- that were off. I tried flipping all polygons on and metanurbing again it,
- but it ignored it. I hoped saving it and restarting modeler would work, but
- it saved the state it was in. Eventually I manually went in and flipped on
- each un-metanurbed surface by hiding all other surfaces and turning on
- metanurbs. So far, I haven't been able to duplicate this error, but I'd
- thought I'd mention it in case anyone else here encounters it in the
- future.
- --
- M C L -
- Article: 19556
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in2.uu.net!munnari.OZ.AU!news.ecn.uoknor.edu!solace!xinit!newsfeed.tip.net!news.jos.net!dos.canit.se!seunet!mn7.swip.net!mn6.swip.net!mn5.swip.net!news
- From: videoking@mbox200.swipnet.se (Johan Otterstrom)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: [AMIGA] Changing screen mode of Layout
- Date: 14 May 96 02:46:13 -500
- Organization: -
- Lines: 39
- Message-ID: <1578.6708T166T658@mbox200.swipnet.se>
- References: <oj6wx2llw4f.fsf@hpsrk.fc.hp.com>
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- NNTP-Posting-User: 3a9622cd6c88f300a7e6b08629051e1a
- X-Newsreader: THOR 2.22 (Amiga;TCP/IP) *UNREGISTERED*
- Steve Koren replyed:
- >> If LW5.0 for Amiga doesn't support CybergraphX I'm bailing out! If they
- >> can't do it properly the might aswell drop it.
- >What do you mean by "support"? After all, you *can* run both Modeler
- >and Layout in CyberGdx modes now.
- Oh, really.... Forcing Layout to open on a CybergraphX screen using NewMode is
- hardly the way to go. Also the most important feature in Layout, animation
- preview doesn't work at all!! Also when forced onto CGX the Layout is
- Somehow MacroSystem has fixed this problem on the DraCo, the layout and
- modeler are extremely responsive!!! Though the animation preview still doesn't
- work.
- My hope was that someone would make a plugin that could display the
- animpreview on a separate screen or in a window.
- >But I agree, there is a lot that it would be nice to see improved. I'd
- >really like to see the imagemap thumbnails etc take advantage of
- >CyberGfx modes. This is very easy to implement.
- >Some things, however, are probably difficult to do just given the
- >bandwidth limitations of the Z-III bus.
- I would think that 15MB/sec should be enough to move the Layout interface!!!
- Orebro Videoreklam - We sell DraCo systems and Amiga products!
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
- Swedes! Don't miss our NEW homepage: www.flevel.co.uk/videoking/
- Get your copy of Amiga-Pro here!! Videoproductions - 3D graphics
- Information on video editing on Amiga and DraCo - Read about it!
- tel./fax +46-(0)19-123807 email: videoking@mbox200.swipnet.se
- Article: 19557
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!howland.reston.ans.net!psinntp!psinntp!psinntp!psinntp!news.NetVision.net.il!news
- From: Jacky Talpalar <voodoo@netvision.net.il>
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: Problems with LWSN
- Date: Tue, 14 May 1996 12:50:03 -0700
- Organization: VooDoo Ltd.
- Lines: 28
- Message-ID: <3198E3EB.6147@netvision.net.il>
- References: <3194F0A5.7914@netvision.net.il> <wturber.138.00310D03@primenet.com>
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- Walter (Jay) Turberville (III) wrote:
- >
- > In article <3194F0A5.7914@netvision.net.il> Jacky Talpalar <voodoo@netvision.net.il> writes:
- > >From: Jacky Talpalar <voodoo@netvision.net.il>
- > >Subject: Problems with LWSN
- > >Date: Sat, 11 May 1996 12:55:17 -0700
- >
- > >I just got my LW 5.0 and I tryed installing the ScreamerNet render on my
- > > studio's network, but each time I try to run it I get a message like
- > >"unable to open file table" or something simmilar.
- > >Do You know of this problem?
- >
- > Please describe what you have done so far to set up ScreamerNet. Then I am
- > sure someone here will be happy to point you in the right direction.
- >
- > Walter (Jay) Turberville |wturber@primenet.com wturber@aol.com
- > Studio 522 Productions |http://www.primenet.com/~wturber
- > http://www.studio522.com |ftp.primenet.com/users/w/wturber
- I finnaly succeded setting up ScreamerNet. What I did wrong is I moved
- the lwsn.exe file to a new directory but ommited to move the Lw_err.enu
- file that is new to this version of LWSN. Notice that the importance of
- this file is not mentioned anywhere on the book. (and if it is, is
- nowhere near a logic place to be)
- Thanks, Walter, anyway.
- At your service
- Jacky.
- Article: 19558
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in2.uu.net!munnari.OZ.AU!news.ecn.uoknor.edu!solace!xinit!newsfeed.tip.net!news.jos.net!dos.canit.se!seunet!mn7.swip.net!mn6.swip.net!mn5.swip.net!news
- From: videoking@mbox200.swipnet.se (Johan Otterstrom)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: NT Server problems- Amiga?
- Date: 14 May 96 02:31:48 -500
- Organization: -
- Lines: 18
- Message-ID: <856.6708T151T2400@mbox200.swipnet.se>
- References: <3190AEE4.78B9@ademco.com> <wturber.116.08E42FD4@primenet.com> <31917A3A.1032@inreach.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: dialup118-2-13.swipnet.se
- NNTP-Posting-User: 3a9622cd6c88f300a7e6b08629051e1a
- X-Newsreader: THOR 2.22 (Amiga;TCP/IP) *UNREGISTERED*
- >How about connecting an Amiga to an NT server machine?
- >Is there a way to do this other than TCP/IP, which I
- >have found slow and inconvenient. I can't get NFS
- >to show the drives of either machine.
- I did hear of a "SCSI-hack" that let's you connect a PC and Amiga via the SCSI
- interfaces. You had to do a bit of hacking on the PC SCSI card to alter the
- unit number of the controller. I sure must be fast and cheap...
- Orebro Videoreklam - We sell DraCo systems and Amiga products!
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
- Swedes! Don't miss our NEW homepage: www.flevel.co.uk/videoking/
- Get your copy of Amiga-Pro here!! Videoproductions - 3D graphics
- Information on video editing on Amiga and DraCo - Read about it!
- tel./fax +46-(0)19-123807 email: videoking@mbox200.swipnet.se
- Article: 19559
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in2.uu.net!munnari.OZ.AU!news.ecn.uoknor.edu!solace!xinit!newsfeed.tip.net!news.jos.net!dos.canit.se!seunet!mn7.swip.net!mn6.swip.net!mn5.swip.net!news
- From: videoking@mbox200.swipnet.se (Johan Otterstrom)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: LW3.5 Amiga on Piccolo gfx board
- Date: 14 May 96 02:51:06 -500
- Organization: -
- Lines: 16
- Message-ID: <757.6708T171T320@mbox200.swipnet.se>
- References: <4mvt5n$h91@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: dialup118-2-13.swipnet.se
- NNTP-Posting-User: 3a9622cd6c88f300a7e6b08629051e1a
- X-Newsreader: THOR 2.22 (Amiga;TCP/IP) *UNREGISTERED*
- >Does anybody has an Idea how to run LW 3.5 on gfx-boards?
- >Was there an upgrade patch from newtek which I missed?
- >I tried EGS, Cybergfx with no results. Please help.
- >Render On!!!!
- You can't! Not with intact functions anyhow. Not with 4.0 either... I'm still
- hoping for 5.0, if that doesn't happen I going for Cinema4D.
- Orebro Videoreklam - We sell DraCo systems and Amiga products!
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
- Swedes! Don't miss our NEW homepage: www.flevel.co.uk/videoking/
- Get your copy of Amiga-Pro here!! Videoproductions - 3D graphics
- Information on video editing on Amiga and DraCo - Read about it!
- tel./fax +46-(0)19-123807 email: videoking@mbox200.swipnet.se
- Article: 19560
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.jsums.edu!neonlights.uoregon.edu!news.uoregon.edu!news.sol.net!uwm.edu!math.ohio-state.edu!howland.reston.ans.net!news-e2a.gnn.com!newstf01.news.aol.com!newsbf02.news.aol.com!not-for-mail
- From: nekrmncer@aol.com (Nekrmncer)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Humanoid
- Date: 14 May 1996 07:32:52 -0400
- Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364)
- Lines: 2
- Sender: root@newsbf02.news.aol.com
- Message-ID: <4n9r14$ob4@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- Reply-To: nekrmncer@aol.com (Nekrmncer)
- NNTP-Posting-Host: newsbf02.mail.aol.com
- Does anybody know where to get a demo version of this. I remember reading
- about it being given away in one of those conventions (I could be wrong).
- Article: 19561
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!howland.reston.ans.net!news-e2a.gnn.com!newstf01.news.aol.com!newsbf02.news.aol.com!not-for-mail
- From: marcmylar@aol.com (MarcMylar)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: LW vs Imagine [REVIEW]
- Date: 14 May 1996 08:13:06 -0400
- Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364)
- Lines: 22
- Sender: root@newsbf02.news.aol.com
- Message-ID: <4n9tci$pdd@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- References: <4n7d36$iq1@storm.cycor.ca>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: newsbf02.mail.aol.com
- X-Newsreader: AOL Offline Reader
- In article <4n7d36$iq1@storm.cycor.ca>, dgrant@peinet.pe.ca (Dennis Grant)
- writes:
- >Even better, LW's layout editor is *so* much more intuitive and faster to
- use
- >than Imagine's, that I literally save hours of work. Not to mention
- faster
- >rendering speed...
- >
- >So, to sum up, it's not enough to compare feature lists. You actually
- have to
- >work with a given program to see how well it fits into your way of
- working,
- >and all this "Max vs LW" stuff, most of it based solely on comparing
- >brochures, is a bunch of hooey.
- >
- I agree completely. After spending a couple of weeks trying to work with
- Imagine, I gave up. I was able to do some simple animations in LightWave
- the first day.
- -Marc
- Article: 19562
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!van-bc,bofh.dot!uniserve!n1ott.istar!n3ott.istar!istar.net!winternet.com!alpha.sky.net!news
- From: blaise@dti.com (Blaise Fanning)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.animation,comp.graphics.apps.lightwave,comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio
- Subject: Re: MAX or Lightwave? How about some MAX here folks.
- Date: 14 May 1996 14:43:05 GMT
- Organization: Deskstation Technology, Inc
- Lines: 18
- Message-ID: <4na65p$jkg@alpha.sky.net>
- References: <jmonahan-0605960210270001@phx-ip-71.netzone.com> <N.051396.214031.93@earthlink.net.earthlink.net>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: assman.dti.com
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Content-Type: Text/Plain; charset=US-ASCII
- X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.99.7
- Xref: news2.cais.com comp.graphics.animation:35679 comp.graphics.apps.lightwave:19562 comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio:16674
- >
- >> good realtime texture mapping with large scenes where all
- >> textures are not resident in texmem, remarkable memory bandwidth
- >
- >The Alpha chip communicates with RAM at 256 bits.
- >
- I realize that this is off-topic, but I can't just let this one lie
- out there. The Alpha chip communicates with RAM at 128 bits, not 256.
- I am quite sure of this. I design Alpha computers. If you're not
- careful, I'll start quoting from the reference manual again :-)
- Blaise Fanning
- VP Engineering
- DeskStation Technology
- Article: 19563
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!buck.intelli-net.com!usenet
- From: mitchell broome <rolanbus@intelli-net.com>
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.misc,comp.graphics.animation,comp.graphics.rendering.raytracing,comp.graphics.apps.lightwave,comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio
- Subject: Re: Real3D questions.
- Date: Tue, 14 May 1996 00:22:31 -0400
- Organization: rolan business machine co. inc.
- Lines: 6
- Message-ID: <31980A87.3D5A@intelli-net.com>
- References: <4mued5$7fc@sue.cc.uregina.ca> <3195322C.22F9@dds.nl>
- <3196A1A6.26DE@intelli-net.com> <hkqsELAF20lxEwTY@agog.demon.co.uk>
- NNTP-Posting-Host:
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- X-Mailer: Mozilla 2.01 (Win16; U)
- Xref: news2.cais.com comp.graphics.misc:10159 comp.graphics.animation:35680 comp.graphics.rendering.raytracing:10690 comp.graphics.apps.lightwave:19563 comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio:16676
- > I believe you're mistaken there. 3D studio has never been available on
- > the Amiga. I started out with Real3d classic on an A500, it's only been
- > available on intel for about 2 years.
- >
- please excuse me, "modified."
- Article: 19564
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!world1.bawave.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!news.compuserve.com!newsmaster
- From: 102710.3547@compuserve.com (David C. Bryant)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Best of LWPRO - which articles?
- Date: Tue, 14 May 1996 19:14:44 GMT
- Organization: Freelance animator
- Lines: 7
- Message-ID: <4nab9v$m3@arl-news-svc-3.compuserve.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: dd44-211.compuserve.com
- X-Newsreader: Forte Free Agent 1.0.82
- I've been a subscriber to LWPRO for the past year and a half.
- I don't need the Best Of unless I know which articles will not
- be repeats of the ones I have. Can anyone tell me what
- articles are in it so I can check against my old issues?
- Article: 19565
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in1.uu.net!nntp.primenet.com!news.primenet.com!steph
- From: Steph Greenberg <steph@primenet.com>
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: Bill Gates -Was "MAX or LightWave? How about some MAX here"-
- Date: 13 May 1996 09:29:06 -0700
- Organization: Primenet (602)416-7000
- Lines: 52
- Sender: root@primenet.com
- Message-ID: <4n7o0i$t14@nnrp1.news.primenet.com>
- References: <3195B069.373A@pilot.msu.edu> <4n52q7$7be@newsbf02.news.aol.com> <31966879.18BF@pilot.msu.edu>
- X-Posted-By: steph@usr4.primenet.com
- Bryant Reif <reifbrya@pilot.msu.edu> wrote:
- : Stranahan wrote:
- : >
- : > ----------------------------------------
- : > Exactly why MS's monopoly in OS's will continue. It is highly unlikely
- : > that a competing product could succeed.
- : > ---------------------------------------
- : >
- : > Steph hit the correct issue - the difference between the nature of a
- : > goverment enforced monopoly and a 'monopoly' that occurs because people
- : Steph missunderstood my point. I didn't mean to say that MS enjoy's the
- : legal definition of a monopoly, but a "monopoly" in which most rational PC
- : owners have little choice but to buy their OS's. I also never equated MS's
- : "monopoly" with bad.
- "Rational" PC owners go straight for Windows, or Windows NT. That's where
- the software is. Only ex-Unix gurus and ex-Amiga users and ex-Next users
- have an obsession with alternative OSes, which is why they haven't succeeded.
- The reason MS has a de-facto monopoly is because people want to go with
- something that is widespread and common. Going with the crowd on an OS is
- what makes people comfortable with all these different brands and
- configurations of computers, and the pre-loaded OS makes them feel that
- they can just plug in the computer and start it up.
- What you want is for the machine to come with *NO* operating system, so
- the consumer could choose their own OS. I can only say, that wouldn't
- have gone over too well with my wife, my parents or my sister, who own 4
- out of the 5 computers in my family (spread over a large distance, so I
- wouldn't be able to personally help if they needed it).
- This thinking reminds me of a friend who wants to eliminate the standard
- ballot for president, and replace it with an ordinal ballot, 3
- candidates, put a 1,2 or 3 by their name in order of preference. This
- way, Ross Perot could have won the '92 election.
- : Bryant Reif
- : mailto:reifbrya@pilot.msu.edu
- : http://www.aiesec.org/~bryant
- --
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Steph Greenberg, 3DCGIMD CGI Character Orthopedic Surgeon,
- steph@primenet.com Chiropracter, and Podiatrist.
- Copyright 1996. All Rights Reserved. Permission granted for non-commercial
- electronic republication only, such as Usenet and Email, and
- non-commercial educational purposes such as charge free WWW pages.
- Express permission is required for any other use. When in doubt, ask.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Article: 19566
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!news.fibr.net!nntp.primenet.com!news.primenet.com!steph
- From: Steph Greenberg <steph@primenet.com>
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: LW vs Alias
- Date: 13 May 1996 09:30:02 -0700
- Organization: Primenet (602)416-7000
- Lines: 37
- Sender: root@primenet.com
- Message-ID: <4n7o2a$j@nnrp1.news.primenet.com>
- References: <318B253F.25FC@montreal.com> <4mj9hk$6bu@newsbf02.news.aol.com> <bill_l-0705961003580001@> <319596fe.6970951@news.ipswich.gil.com.au> <4n5d0d$jgs@nnrp1.news.primenet.com> <319664CD.144A@pilot.msu.edu>
- X-Posted-By: steph@usr4.primenet.com
- Bryant Reif <reifbrya@pilot.msu.edu> wrote:
- : Steph Greenberg wrote:
- : > In places like DD that are starting to use LW, it can only do good. The
- : > competition between the traditional SGI people and the NT people will
- : > expose LW users to features they didn't even know that they wanted, and
- : > communication between them and Newtek should sharpen LW up quite a bit.
- : Um.. What makes you think that LW users are oblivious to other programs' features?
- This Usenet group.
- : You make it
- : sound like LightWave users live in their own little world and don't know of or use anything else.
- No, Lightwave users make it sound that way themselves. Seeing people work
- on other software and seeing how it is used is also different than
- looking at a feature list.
- : Is that true of Alias users?
- Not this Alias user.
- : Bryant Reif
- : mailto:reifbrya@pilot.msu.edu
- : http://www.aiesec.org/~bryant
- --
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Steph Greenberg, 3DCGIMD CGI Character Orthopedic Surgeon,
- steph@primenet.com Chiropracter, and Podiatrist.
- Copyright 1996. All Rights Reserved. Permission granted for non-commercial
- electronic republication only, such as Usenet and Email, and
- non-commercial educational purposes such as charge free WWW pages.
- Express permission is required for any other use. When in doubt, ask.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Article: 19567
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!buck.intelli-net.com!usenet
- From: mitchell broome <rolanbus@intelli-net.com>
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: adobe photoshop vs coraldraw 6
- Date: Tue, 14 May 1996 01:36:20 -0400
- Organization: rolan business machine co. inc.
- Lines: 7
- Message-ID: <31981BD4.45A8@intelli-net.com>
- References: <mfrazin.21.00067726@interaccess.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host:
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- X-Mailer: Mozilla 2.01 (Win16; U)
- Shadow wrote:
- >
- > For digital manipulation of images and animation which would be better? Any
- > opinions?Photoshop is for photo editing. I have not tried version 3.0 yet, but I
- hear is is great. Corel Draw is for drawing pictures with flat shades
- and gradiant fills. Photo Paint that comes with Corel Draw is has some
- nice features, but I don't much care for it.
- Article: 19568
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in2.uu.net!news2.digex.net!access1.digex.net!erniew
- From: Ernie Wright <erniew@access.digex.net>
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.animation,comp.graphics.apps.lightwave,comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio
- Subject: Re: MAX or Lightwave? How about some MAX here folks.
- Date: Tue, 14 May 1996 09:34:45 -0400
- Organization: Express Access Online Communications, USA
- Lines: 11
- Message-ID: <Pine.SUN.3.93.960514092941.14278A-100000@access1.digex.net>
- References: <4mt2cm$co1@news.nstn.ca> <4mtnfb$pk4@newsbf02.news.aol.com> <4n8b9k$7nt@news.nstn.ca> <4n8vkp$1pm@dfw-ixnews7.ix.netcom.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: access1.digex.net
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
- X-Sender: erniew@access1.digex.net
- In-Reply-To: <4n8vkp$1pm@dfw-ixnews7.ix.netcom.com>
- Xref: news2.cais.com comp.graphics.animation:35682 comp.graphics.apps.lightwave:19568 comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio:16680
- Greg Teegarden wrote:
- > [...] they use rendermen.
- Did this conjure an image in anyone else's mind of dozens of little
- elves with paintbrushes? I've always wondered how this wacky 3D stuff
- really works.
- - Ernie
- Article: 19569
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!vixen.cso.uiuc.edu!sdd.hp.com!hplabs!hp-pcd!hpbs2500.boi.hp.com!hpax!col.hp.com!fc.hp.com!news
- From: koren@hpsrk.fc.hp.com (Steve Koren)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: [AMIGA] Changing screen mode of Layout
- Date: 14 May 1996 08:47:28 -0600
- Organization: HP Fort Collins Site
- Lines: 19
- Sender: koren@hpsrk.fc.hp.com
- Message-ID: <oj6wx2fnwfz.fsf@hpsrk.fc.hp.com>
- References: <oj6wx2llw4f.fsf@hpsrk.fc.hp.com>
- <1578.6708T166T658@mbox200.swipnet.se>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: hpsrk.fc.hp.com
- In-reply-to: videoking@mbox200.swipnet.se's message of 14 May 96 02:46:13 -500
- X-Newsreader: Gnus v5.0.9
- videoking@mbox200.swipnet.se (Johan Otterstrom) wrote:
- > Somehow MacroSystem has fixed this problem on the DraCo, the layout
- > and modeler are extremely responsive!!!
- I wonder if it is perhaps because the Draco has a higher bandwidth to
- the graphics card? I may be wrong here, but I remember that the Draco
- doesn't have its gfx card on the Z-III bus. Instead it has some sort of
- faster proprietary bus, so if the responsiveness problems of Layout are
- due to Z-III bus speeds, it would run a lot faster on the Draco.
- (That's not to say Layout need be slow on the Amiga. Plenty of other
- modelers are blazingly fast, such as Vertex, etc, running on the same
- hardware. Even Modeler is faster than Layout by a good margin. You can
- write it in a more optimal way I think. I've seen a LW5 feature that
- says "improved refresh speed", so perhaps its coming in 5.0).
- - steve
- Article: 19570
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!vixen.cso.uiuc.edu!sdd.hp.com!hplabs!hp-pcd!hpbs2500.boi.hp.com!hpax!col.hp.com!fc.hp.com!news
- From: koren@hpsrk.fc.hp.com (Steve Koren)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: LW3.5 Amiga on Piccolo gfx board
- Date: 14 May 1996 08:49:54 -0600
- Organization: HP Fort Collins Site
- Lines: 20
- Sender: koren@hpsrk.fc.hp.com
- Message-ID: <oj6vihznwbx.fsf@hpsrk.fc.hp.com>
- References: <4mvt5n$h91@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- <757.6708T171T320@mbox200.swipnet.se>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: hpsrk.fc.hp.com
- In-reply-to: videoking@mbox200.swipnet.se's message of 14 May 96 02:51:06 -500
- X-Newsreader: Gnus v5.0.9
- videoking@mbox200.swipnet.se (Johan Otterstrom) wrote:
- > >Does anybody has an Idea how to run LW 3.5 on gfx-boards?
- >
- > You can't! Not with intact functions anyhow. Not with 4.0 either... I'm still
- Right, in 3.5 you can't, but in 4.0 you can. I do it all the time. It
- is a little more cumbersome than necessary, but it works after a
- fashion.
- Modeler can directly be told to use a CyberGfx screen mode. Layout has
- to be promoted. But both will run, unlike in 3.5. A few things like
- the animation preview don't work, but otherwise it runs OK.
- For some reason, though, it insists on drawing the imagemap previews
- etc. in just a few colors even if your screen is 8 or 16 bit deep. I
- hope they fix that in 5.0.
- - steve
- Article: 19571
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!news.kei.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!news.compuserve.com!newsmaster
- From: 102710.3547@compuserve.com (David C. Bryant)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Animator Resume - anyone hiring? - resume2.txt (1/1)
- Date: Tue, 14 May 1996 19:08:53 GMT
- Organization: Freelance animator
- Lines: 133
- Message-ID: <4naav1$m3@arl-news-svc-3.compuserve.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: dd44-211.compuserve.com
- X-Newsreader: Forte Free Agent 1.0.82
- begin 644 resume2.txt
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- `
- end
- Article: 19572
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!news.kei.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in2.uu.net!netnews.worldnet.att.net!cbgw2.att.com!nntphub.cb.att.com!news
- From: Lyle Milton <lmilton@whstar.wh.att.com>
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: My take on NAB: 3DS MAX vs. LW 5.0
- Date: 14 May 1996 16:17:17 GMT
- Organization: AT&T
- Lines: 30
- Message-ID: <4nabmd$ij4@nntpa.cb.att.com>
- References: <4m0g1q$bpg@nnrp1.news.primenet.com> <3184D1DA.2C2C@cyberoptics.com> <4m5sa6$73@nntpa.cb.att.com> <4m6hit$i3r@nnrp1.news.primenet.com> <4m8473$5ho@nntpa.cb.att.com> <4mdnor$4km@nntpd.lkg.dec.com> <4mleb8$126@nntpa.cb.att.com> <4mtdh3$elk@nntpd
- NNTP-Posting-Host: 135.5.44.*
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- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- X-Mailer: Mozilla 1.1 (Windows; U; 16bit)
- leimberger@marbls.enet.dec.com () wrote:
- >
- >
- >|>BTW, we had to delay production of the "MacroForm It!" e-zine but don't
- >|>worry; we will resume production on it and our web page as soon as we get
- >|>MacroForm 2.0 out the door. (You'll be able to access "MacroForm It!" from
- >|>our One And Only Media web site to get new LW/MacroForm tutorial, tip, and
- >|>hints)
- >|>
- >|>Enjoy MacroForm!
- >|>
- >|>-Lyle Milton
- >|>-One And Only Media
- >|>
- >|>
- > Lyle,
- > Will 2.0 be available for the Amiga ? When ? and what is planned for
- > upgrading ?
- >
- >
- > -bill
- > +-------------------------------+
- Yup! Mid June (delays, delays...). Registered users will have an
- opportunity for cross-platform or multiplatform upgrades.
- You will be notified by mail very shortly...
- -Lyle Milton
- -One And Only Media
- Article: 19573
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!uwm.edu!math.ohio-state.edu!usc!sdd.hp.com!hp-pcd!hpbs2500.boi.hp.com!hpax!news.waterloo.hp.com!hpuerci.atl.hp.com!hpscit.sc.hp.com!news.dtc.hp.com!col.hp.com!fc.hp.co
- From: koren@hpsrk.fc.hp.com (Steve Koren)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: Whats new in LW5.0
- Date: 14 May 1996 08:40:26 -0600
- Organization: HP Fort Collins Site
- Lines: 11
- Sender: koren@hpsrk.fc.hp.com
- Message-ID: <oj6ybmvnwrp.fsf@hpsrk.fc.hp.com>
- References: <4n4o9b$qb3@harbinger.cc.monash.edu.au> <scotta.831926418@shellx>
- <oj6k9ygha70.fsf@hpsrk.fc.hp.com> <4n7mh6$gdc@guitar.sound.net>
- <Pine.SUN.3.93.960513233037.577C-100000@access1.digex.net>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: hpsrk.fc.hp.com
- In-reply-to: Ernie Wright's message of Mon, 13 May 1996 23:56:45 -0400
- Ernie Wright <erniew@access.digex.net> wrote:
- > Amiga standalone 3.5 didn't have it either, as I recall. The real
- Hmm... I think it did (3.5 SA). My memory may be fading too, but I can
- distinctly recall using Import & Export in 3.5. However, you had to
- have started modeler *from* layout. If you started them separately, you
- didn't get import/export.
- - steve
- Article: 19574
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!newsreader.sprintlink.net!news.sprintlink.net!new-news.sprintlink.net!metro.atlanta.com!nntp.atlanta.com!usenet
- From: Henri Smulders <bwidget@atlanta.com>
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: adobe photoshop vs coraldraw 6
- Date: Tue, 14 May 1996 11:07:27 -0400
- Organization: IMT
- Lines: 14
- Message-ID: <3198A1AF.47DF@atlanta.com>
- References: <mfrazin.21.00067726@interaccess.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host:
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- X-Mailer: Mozilla 2.01 (Win95; I)
- Shadow wrote:
- > For digital manipulation of images and animation which would be better? Any
- > opinions?
- For what it does (Image-manipulation) nothing beats photoshop. Especially for 3D use in
- combination with Kai's power tools. photoshop is the best implementation of any image manipulating
- tool there is. However for 2/3 of the price you can get CorelDraw that includes a bitmap to raster
- program, a dedicated drawing program (in vectors) etc... . Bang for the buck corel is probably a
- better deal.
- Personnally I use photoshop. I use it so often that I said : "screw bang for buck: I want
- the best!" I guess that's how people justify more expensive packages than LW. However in that price
- range the buck tends to be so high that I have to go for bang and can't justify it.
- Hajo
- Article: 19575
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!uwm.edu!news.cse.psu.edu!news.cc.swarthmore.edu!netnews.upenn.edu!news.voicenet.com!news2.noc.netcom.net!noc.netcom.net!ixnews1.ix.netcom.com!ix.netcom.com!news
- From: gregtee@ix.netcom.com(William Teegarden)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.animation,comp.graphics.apps.lightwave,comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio
- Subject: Re: MAX or Lightwave? How about some MAX here folks.
- Date: 14 May 1996 15:41:25 GMT
- Organization: Netcom
- Lines: 21
- Message-ID: <4na9j5$djj@dfw-ixnews10.ix.netcom.com>
- References: <4mt2cm$co1@news.nstn.ca> <4mtnfb$pk4@newsbf02.news.aol.com> <4n8b9k$7nt@news.nstn.ca> <4n8vkp$1pm@dfw-ixnews7.ix.netcom.com> <Pine.SUN.3.93.960514092941.14278A-100000@access1.digex.net>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: lax-ca25-11.ix.netcom.com
- X-NETCOM-Date: Tue May 14 10:41:25 AM CDT 1996
- Xref: news2.cais.com comp.graphics.animation:35684 comp.graphics.apps.lightwave:19575 comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio:16683
- In <Pine.SUN.3.93.960514092941.14278A-100000@access1.digex.net> Ernie
- Wright <erniew@access.digex.net> writes:
- >
- >Greg Teegarden wrote:
- >
- >> [...] they use rendermen.
- >
- >Did this conjure an image in anyone else's mind of dozens of little
- >elves with paintbrushes? I've always wondered how this wacky 3D stuff
- >really works.
- >
- >- Ernie
- >
- >
- Doh! I meant Renderman....
- GT
- Article: 19576
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!guitar.sound.net!news
- From: chuck@bbs.newtek.com (Chuck Baker)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: VT/Windows in Indiana?
- Date: Tue, 14 May 96 12:56:23
- Organization: NewTek Technical Support
- Lines: 30
- Distribution: world
- Message-ID: <19960514.773FCC0.BA6C@bbs.newtek.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: bbs.newtek.com
- On Tue 14-May-1996 2:07 , Paul Lara wrote:
- PL> "David J. Hillyer" <dhillyer@pop.nlci.com> wrote:
- PL> >I'm looking for a production house in Indiana that is using a Video
- PL> >Toaster for Windows.
- PL> > I'd like to do 1 or more of the videos with a company so I have some
- PL> idea of
- PL> >how the toaster would meet our needs before I put a proposal through to
- PL> >get one for here. Any help/ideas appreciated!!
- PL> Judging by the 'challenges' NewTek faced at this year's NAB, I
- PL> wouldn't hold out hope for a 'Toaster for Windows' anytime soon. That
- PL> was the one conspicuously absent product from their presentations.
- PL> There was _one_ unit sitting on the desk, and on Tuesday morning, it
- PL> seemed to take them several *hours* to get the thing to even boot!
- PL> (Tim was over there fretting over the startups; something about SCSI
- PL> problems).
- The difficulty was that the host PC was down. We had no problems with the
- Blue Box itself. We demonstrated it in standalone operation, from its own
- front panel controls.
- ========================================================================
- Chuck Baker | TekWorld: NewTek Tech Support BBS
- Technical Support Online Services | telnet address: bbs.newtek.com
- NewTek, Inc. | modem ports: 913-271-9299
- ========================================================================
- CompuServe: Go AmigaVend, NewTek; DTVForum, NewTek; GUGRPA, LightWave UG
- AOL: Keyword NewTek Email: Tech@newtek.com
- ========================================================================
- Article: 19577
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!news.kei.com!nntp.coast.net!sgigate.sgi.com!enews.sgi.com!lll-winken.llnl.gov!fnnews.fnal.gov!uwm.edu!homer.alpha.net!daily-planet.execpc.com!usenet
- From: jeffsj@execpc.com (Jeffery S. Jones)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: Firewire interface
- Date: 14 May 96 12:38:06 +0000
- Organization: Exec-PC BBS - Milwaukee, WI
- Lines: 28
- Message-ID: <770.6708T758T342@execpc.com>
- References: <3190D39C.74E8@inetnebr.com> <4n8q9e$apr@newshost.vvm.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: hyades.execpc.com
- X-Newsreader: THOR 2.22 (Amiga;TCP/IP) *UNREGISTERED*
- On 14-May-96 02:15:10, Paul Lara <lara@vvm.com> wrote:
- >Robert Christoffersen <rjchris@inetnebr.com> wrote:
- >>Is there a flyer news group on-line?
- > Been wondering the same thing myself. If anyone knows of a
- > mailing list or newsgroup, please let me know!
- The Toaster mailing list also covers the Flyer. You can get
- information from
- majordomo@tomahawk.grandi.com
- With a message of
- You subscribe with a message to the same address; toaster subscribe
- for the mailing list. The digest form is slightly different.
- --
- *-__________________________ | *Starfire* | _________________________-*
- Jeff Jones email:jeffsj@execpc.com *//* Amiga Lives! |Born
- *TFG* *Starfire* Design Studio *\\//* 1985-1994, |again 1995!
- --
- Article: 19578
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in2.uu.net!news.voicenet.com!news2.noc.netcom.net!noc.netcom.net!ixnews1.ix.netcom.com!netcom.com!shf
- From: shf@netcom.com (Stuart Ferguson)
- Subject: Re: Japanese fix for LightWave 5.0??
- Message-ID: <shfDrEn8K.M6A@netcom.com>
- Organization: The Blue Planet
- References: <3197F921.21F6@humancode.com>
- Date: Tue, 14 May 1996 17:00:20 GMT
- Lines: 23
- Sender: shf@netcom20.netcom.com
- +-- Chipp Walters <chipp@humancode.com> writes:
- | I've just received our 3 upgrades, one of them for our Japan office. I
- | seem to remember someone here talking about a fix for Modeler running on
- | the Japanese version of Win95 (startup failure 213). If anyone can
- | remember the thread, or the fix, can you please Email me? Our Japanese
- | President is currently here and looking to take back the new version
- | when he leaves later this week. thanks!!!
- The temporary fix is to configure the system for US English when you
- start up Modeler. Or, you can get a fully localized Japanese version
- from our distributer if you want one that really works right.
- D-STORM, Inc.
- 2F, Akasaka Matsubara
- 6-8-8, Akasaka, Minato-Ku,
- Tokyo, 107 Japan
- Tel: 813-5570-8722
- Fax: 813-5570-8723
- WWW http://www.wellmet.or.jp/~dstorm/
- --
- Stuart Ferguson (shf@netcom.com)
- "How do you compute that? Where on the
- graph do `must' and `cannot' meet?"
- Article: 19579
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in2.uu.net!news.voicenet.com!news2.noc.netcom.net!noc.netcom.net!ixnews1.ix.netcom.com!netcom.com!shf
- From: shf@netcom.com (Stuart Ferguson)
- Subject: Re: How and where do you report bugs in LW 5.0?
- Message-ID: <shfDrEnpt.Mur@netcom.com>
- Organization: The Blue Planet
- References: <4n9m08$2iv@news1.t1.usa.pipeline.com>
- Date: Tue, 14 May 1996 17:10:40 GMT
- Lines: 31
- Sender: shf@netcom20.netcom.com
- +-- mikeling@nyc.pipeline.com(Michael C. Ling) writes:
- | How and where do you report bugs in LW 5.0? I just found one in Modeler.
- | When I hid the middle section of a head I was working on, the metanurb
- | function on hidden polygons wouldn't reset itself. It would simply toggle
- | off metanurbs on the ones that were on, and toggle on metanurbs on the ones
- | that were off. I tried flipping all polygons on and metanurbing again it,
- | but it ignored it. I hoped saving it and restarting modeler would work, but
- | it saved the state it was in. Eventually I manually went in and flipped on
- | each un-metanurbed surface by hiding all other surfaces and turning on
- | metanurbs. So far, I haven't been able to duplicate this error, but I'd
- | thought I'd mention it in case anyone else here encounters it in the
- | future.
- I'm not sure I'm understanding your description, but it sounds like you
- are suffering from a common misconception about MetaNURBS. MetaNURBS
- are not a modeling mode, they are a polygon type. When you hit TAB you
- are toggling the polygon type of selected polygons from faces to
- MetaNURBS, and vice versa. When you hide polygons and hit TAB, the
- hidden polygons are not changed because they are no longer selected.
- When you save an object, the MetaNURBS polygons are saved as MetaNURBS
- and are thus loaded back as same. When you have a mixture of face
- polygons and MetaNURBS polygons and use TAB, the faces are changed to
- MetaNURBS and the MetaNURBS to faces.
- The solution in your case would be to SELECT the polygons of the type
- you don't want (which can be done through Statistics) and hit TAB to
- change only them.
- --
- Stuart Ferguson (shf@netcom.com)
- "How do you compute that? Where on the
- graph do `must' and `cannot' meet?"
- Article: 19580
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!guitar.sound.net!news
- From: chuck@bbs.newtek.com (Chuck Baker)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: A newbie question....
- Date: Tue, 14 May 96 13:57:36
- Organization: NewTek Technical Support
- Lines: 88
- Distribution: world
- Message-ID: <19960514.7650990.CB38@bbs.newtek.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: bbs.newtek.com
- On Sat 11-May-1996 12:04 , Lemmin wrote:
- L> Does lightwave 4.0 run properly in Win95?
- L> It loads alright, but it won't save an avi
- L> and this is starting to annoy me.
- L> What am I missing? What should I have done?
- L> I've gone through the config file and
- L> set up directories and such, but it will
- L> not save.
- L> The only thing that I can think it is
- L> is the HIIP plugin that doesn't support
- L> Win95. I have to use the 16 bit version.
- L> HELP!
- L> Thanks in advance for any suggestions...
- L> Ken
- After you have installed Lightwave under Windows 95, you should
- 1) Go to the Settings option on the Windows "Start" menu,
- 2) Select the Control Panel,
- 3) Select Add/Remove Programs,
- 4) Select Windows Setup,
- 5) Select and remove the Multimedia group.
- 6) Exit and restart Windows.
- 7) Repeat 1-4 and re-add the multimedia group.
- 8) Exit and restart Windows again.
- 9) Delete the file NewTek\Programs\LW.CFG.
- 10) Run LightWave, add all Plugins from the NewTek\Plugins\Layout directory,
- including HIIPAVI16.P, HIIPAVI32.P, and NT_AVI.P.
- 11) Exit and restart LightWave.
- After this, the plugins, including the HIIP AVI and NT_AVI savers, should be
- available and working.
- There is a bug in the MicroSoft AVI codecs such that you can appear to have
- rendered a blank AVI. If you load the file in MediaPlayer and scrub the AVI
- you will find that, while blank sections may have been appended to the
- beginning and the end of the AVI, the AVI has actually rendered
- successfully.
- Windows 95 users who wish to use the PowerView OpenGL plugin need to get the
- Windows 95 OpenGL.DLL. The file is available on Compuserve, Go GraphDev,
- search by the filename OPENGL95.ZIP, or by "Windows 95". The file may be
- available at other locations on the Net as well.
- When saving an AVI, you must type in a complete filename in the filename
- requester, including the extension ".avi", or no file will be saved.
- We do have a known bug in the handling of the scene file parameter for the
- animation type, which is what you are experiencing in item 2. The
- workaround is to edit the scene file in a text editor. Look for the line:
- AnimationType 4
- (the number will vary depending on what you selected for type) and either
- remove the line or change the number to 0.
- Another workaround is never to save the scene with an animation type
- selected; always wait and select that at render time.
- The product team has reported that this is fixed in 5.0.
- ========================================================================
- Chuck Baker | TekWorld: NewTek Tech Support BBS
- Technical Support Online Services | telnet address: bbs.newtek.com
- NewTek, Inc. | modem ports: 913-271-9299
- ========================================================================
- CompuServe: Go AmigaVend, NewTek; DTVForum, NewTek; GUGRPA, LightWave UG
- AOL: Keyword NewTek Email: Tech@newtek.com
- ========================================================================
- Article: 19581
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.cinenet.net!Bugs
- From: rickmay@cinenet.net (Rick May)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: 3DS MAX's big flaws...
- Date: Tue, 14 May 96 16:21:11 GMT
- Organization: Cinenet Communications,Internet Access,Los Angeles;310-301-4500
- Lines: 23
- Message-ID: <4namdo$99p@marina.cinenet.net>
- References: <4n4pkb$715@dfw-ixnews4.ix.netcom.com> <4n5t41$6mr@news.corpcomm.net>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: ppp84.cinenet.net
- X-Newsreader: News Xpress Version 1.0 Beta #4
- In article <4n5t41$6mr@news.corpcomm.net>,
- "John W. Stetzer III" <jwsttzr3@iw.net> wrote:
- ->>1.)Most important, there is no provision for even basic skeletal
- ->>deformation.
- ->
- ->You can do basic skeletal deformation in Max using linked xform, but it is
- very
- ->basic. Pricing on C.S. hasn't been set yet, at least in my checking.
- ->
- ->John Stetzer
- ->JWS
- ->http://scream.iw.net/~jwsttzr3
- ->
- IK is incorporated into 3D Max without any plugins..
- I havent tried it- so I may be wrong- but I believe it also has the ability to
- connect the IK "bones" to geometry without any plug ins..
- rick
- Article: 19582
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in1.uu.net!news2.new-york.net!not-for-mail
- From: Ken Geary <ken_geary@ademco.com>
- Subject: Re: NT to Mac ?
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
- X-Nntp-Posting-User: (Unauthenticated)
- Reply-To: 174, Michael, Drive, Syosset, NY, 11791
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- Organization: Ademco
- Message-ID: <3198DD12.6D3A@ademco.com>
- References: <mad.7684@torment.tmisnet.com> <31962F8C.2B3D@mail.rain.org> <31972D16.F5@ademco.com> <3197D1C2.34B8@mail.rain.org>
- X-Mailer: Mozilla 3.0b3Gold (WinNT; I)
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- X-Trace: 832101701/24967
- X-Nntp-Posting-Host: wsn37.ademco.com
- Date: Tue, 14 May 1996 19:20:50 GMT
- Lines: 35
- John Brandwood wrote:
- >
- > Ken Geary wrote:
- >
- > > O.K. , let's go further, if you have a hub, does the server control what
- > > goes in/out of the hub or is it similar electrically to a direct
- > > connection between cpu's? Thanks.
- >
- > In simplistic terms it just acts like a big hunk of metal connecting all the
- > different wires together.
- >
- > In real terms, there are 'managed' hubs and 'unmanaged' hubs.
- >
- > Unmanaged hubs don't care what protocols (NFS, AppleTalk, NT) the attached
- > machines are using, it only cares about the electrical signal. It will
- > typically be smart enough to handle the situation when devices get disconnected
- > whilst in use, and even artificially disconnect a device if it causes too many
- > collisions.
- >
- > Managed hubs understand the software protocols, and add significant functionality
- > in large networks. They are expensive, and not needed for home or small-business
- > use.
- >
- > That's about the limit of my knowledge, I'm afraid. I've never had to look after
- > anything bigger than the small 2-hub network at the office, or my single hub
- > network at home.
- >
- > Hope this helps,
- >
- > John.
- --------------
- I'm sorry to re-iterate, but I DO need a hub to just connect one MAc to
- one NT workstation(running server)??? If so, how much are these beasties?
- Article: 19583
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!zombie.ncsc.mil!news.missouri.edu!news.umsl.edu!usenet
- From: "Farzad W." <s944258@umslvma.umsl.edu>
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: LW3.1 render question
- Date: Tue, 14 May 1996 14:11:15 -0600
- Organization: UM-St.Louis
- Lines: 21
- Message-ID: <3198E8E3.58BE@umslvma.umsl.edu>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: umslts1_11.umsl.edu
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- X-Mailer: Mozilla 2.0 (Macintosh; I; PPC)
- Greetings,
- We're using LW3.1 on Amiga4000 here at UM-St.Louis. recently we've
- been having strange render problems.
- A major problem that we face is that we can't get our scene completely
- rendered. It doesn't look like a memory problem because it is rendered
- on RAM and also it doesnot give us any memory errors!
- We've had one scene with 140 frames. After hitting 'Easyanim' button,
- we can see the last frames being rendered on the preview monitor but
- once it's done and loaded, we find that only 60-90 frames has been
- rendered!
- What may be the problem? Any solutions?
- Thank you in advance.
- -Farzad
- http://www.umsl.edu/studentlife/umsltv
- Article: 19584
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!csn!nntp-xfer-1.csn.net!magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu!news
- From: Jeff Jasper <jasper.7@osu.edu>
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: LW vs Alias
- Date: Tue, 14 May 1996 16:01:54 -0400
- Organization: The Ohio State University
- Lines: 39
- Message-ID: <3198E6B2.335E@osu.edu>
- References: <318B253F.25FC@montreal.com> <4mj9hk$6bu@newsbf02.news.aol.com> <3190400B.678A@montreal.com> <N.051196.234026.13@earthlink.net.earthlink.net> <jmonahan-1405960142080001@phx-ip-94.netzone.com>
- Reply-To: jasper.7@osu.edu
- NNTP-Posting-Host: ts35-12.homenet.ohio-state.edu
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- X-Mailer: Mozilla 3.0b3 (WinNT; I)
- > > Bull. Alias is for those who don't know any better. I'll put Lightwave's
- > > output against Alias' any day of the week.
- >
- > Your ON! As you know I started a web page to compare the rendering quality
- > of 3D Studio against a cheap modeling application. No one showed! I
- > suppose the same will be the case with you and Lightwave, huh?
- > The first page is at: http://www.netzone.com/~jmonahan/sketch.html
- Just e-mailed you a quick little picture to show MAX's new rendering capabilities.
- It's a simple scene but shows nice reflection and refraction that could easily pass
- for raytracing. I would like to see any raytracer render the scene as fast as I did
- on my measly Pentium 75. Hey notice I didn't use volumetric lights ;)
- > I'll get another up with images I've done in Alias Power Anmator as soon
- > as I can. What do you bet Lightwave's don't come close?
- Fred, William, I think he's taunting you.
- > Member, we're not talking just about rendering anymore - YOU said output -
- > not rendering quality.
- > Alias for people who don't know any better? That can ONLY be spoken by
- > someone who doesn't know it!
- If some of the pros respond, you'll be up to your eyeballs in good output.
- > > It may not have all the features,
- > > but then Alias doesn't have all Lightwave's either.
- >
- > Name one - I dare ya!
- Screen updates that don't take a year :) I love Alias, but Lightwave is a very
- capable program. What you will really be competing against is talent. Alias does
- many nice things that other software can't, but it does not make you a better
- artist.
- --
- Sr. Programmer 3
- Advanced Computing Center for the Arts and Design
- Emerging Technology Studio
- Article: 19585
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!swrinde!howland.reston.ans.net!news-e2a.gnn.com!newstf01.news.aol.com!newsbf02.news.aol.com!not-for-mail
- From: equinoxii@aol.com (Equinox II)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: LW vs Alias
- Date: 14 May 1996 16:08:34 -0400
- Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364)
- Lines: 92
- Sender: root@newsbf02.news.aol.com
- Message-ID: <4nap82$384@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- References: <jmonahan-1405960142080001@phx-ip-94.netzone.com>
- Reply-To: equinoxii@aol.com (Equinox II)
- NNTP-Posting-Host: newsbf02.mail.aol.com
- Joe Monahan wildly asserts in response to Fred Tepper:
- >Your ON! As you know I started a web page to compare the rendering
- quality
- >of 3D Studio against a cheap modeling application. No one showed! I
- >suppose the same will be the case with you and Lightwave, huh?
- Hmmm, maybe Fred is too busy working on motion pictures to respond to your
- challenge, so I'll have to ask some questions. Rendering quality compared
- to
- "a cheap modeling application"? Isn't that a rather useless comparason?
- No one
- compares modelers to renderers. Or are you generalizing?
- And since your stuff is apparently in Alias Sketch, are you saying you
- were
- comparing 3DS stuff to Sketch? I'm confused as to what you want to
- compare
- in this gauntlet throwdown. And when I went to look for other stuff on
- your site,
- I couldn't navagate to other pages.
- >The first page is at: http://www.netzone.com/~jmonahan/sketch.html
- I wont get into the poor HTML and bad web design, but your pictures
- are...nice.
- The massive amounts refraction, reflection and the like show you know how
- to make stills that look like marketing demo material, and you know how to
- use
- the lathing tools to make goblets, lamps etc. Some of the textures look
- nice,
- but others, like the marble and wood textures look cheap and phony, making
- me think they are either procedurals, or just poorly applied.
- I'm not saying *I'm* some 3D master; that's just what your pictures look
- like.
- They're OK, but nothing that impresses me. Maybe I'm just not looking at
- what you want to compare to other programs.
- >I'll get another up with images I've done in Alias Power Anmator as soon
- >as I can. What do you bet Lightwave's don't come close?
- Well, based on what you put up, I'd say it depends on the artist. If I
- did something,
- it might be on par with yours. If Ken Stranahan, Mojo, Fred, or a whole
- host of people
- I could list, had the time to do something, you'd look foolish.
- >Member, we're not talking just about rendering anymore - YOU said output
- -
- >not rendering quality.
- Hmm, now we're getting into the truely subjective here. If "output" is
- not rendering
- quality, then you must mean overall composition, modeling, texturing etc.
- If that's
- the case, you're in trouble.
- Maybe you should think some more about what your really comparing in this
- impromptu contest. And if you like, I can check out some
- LightWave artist galleries and point you at some images.
- >Alias for people who don't know any better? That can ONLY be spoken by
- >someone who doesn't know it!
- >Joe Monahan
- No, Fred may be exaggerating a bit, but Alias is often the first thing out
- of a
- producers mouth who doesn't know what the heck he is talking about. His
- shows can only be edited on an Avid, and the CGI can only be done on
- Alias,
- and comping has to be done on a Cineon. You have to appreciate Alias'
- quality,
- and marketing, to getting them to this point, but it is far from the Holy
- Grail of
- CGI solutions.
- Increasingly, you must take a hard look at price/performance ratios for
- hadware
- and software, and many of the old solutions no longer hold up as well.
- --Brian
- Equinox Images, Inc.
- http://members.aol.com/equinoxii/
- Article: 19586
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!newsxfer2.itd.umich.edu!agate!darkstar.UCSC.EDU!cats.ucsc.edu!adamchry
- From: adamchry@cats.ucsc.edu (Adam Ives Chrystie)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: Best of LWPRO - which articles?
- Date: 14 May 1996 19:57:19 GMT
- Organization: University of California, Santa Cruz
- Lines: 16
- Message-ID: <4naoiv$6or@darkstar.UCSC.EDU>
- References: <4nab9v$m3@arl-news-svc-3.compuserve.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: ese.ucsc.edu
- X-Newsreader: NN version 6.5.0 #1 (NOV)
- Almost everything that is int he old lw pro issues are in the best of
- issue...the best of issue doesn;t have every article..
- The best of starts with issue #1
- it also has a cd with objects, surfaces..plugins, updates that were only
- availalbe on the net..etc..i have yet to actually look in teh cd..
- Adam
- --
- ----------------------------------
- Adam Chrystie LightWave 3D Animator
- Cinema/Video Major, Senior
- University Of California at Santa Cruz
- Article: 19587
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in2.uu.net!tank.news.pipex.net!pipex!dispatch.news.demon.net!demon!sunsite.doc.ic.ac.uk!warwick!niss!bath.ac.uk!aber!not-for-mail
- From: jms93@aber.ac.uk (jms93)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: 3D computer graphics and the sciences
- Date: 14 May 1996 15:48:26 GMT
- Organization: University of Wales, Aberystwyth
- Lines: 21
- Message-ID: <4naa0a$1k2@infoserv.aber.ac.uk>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: pccbge.ccu.aber.ac.uk
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- X-Disclaimer: Warning - Sender not verified
- X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.93.11
- Hi all,
- I was wondering whether anyone out there is interested or indeed
- currently working with 3D graphics in the biochemistry/biological
- sciences field. I am envisaging pursuing this as a career and I would be
- really grateful if anyone could provide me with information related to
- this area, whether it be personal knowledge due to working in the area or
- just awareness of what is going on in the 3D computer world in relation
- to the sciences. I intend pursuing this as a career and so I would like
- absolutely any information anyone has before I waste the rest of my
- life!!!
- Any information you can zing my way would be gratefully accepted and
- appreciated. Thanks for your help....
- Cheerz,
- Jonathan Shillingford
- jms93@aber.ac.uk
- Article: 19588
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!uwm.edu!news.sol.net!daily-planet.execpc.com!usenet
- From: jeffsj@execpc.com (Jeffery S. Jones)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: Japanese fix for LightWave 5.0??
- Date: 14 May 96 15:30:13 +0000
- Organization: Exec-PC BBS - Milwaukee, WI
- Lines: 56
- Message-ID: <2233.6708T930T684@execpc.com>
- References: <3197F921.21F6@humancode.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: russia.execpc.com
- X-Newsreader: THOR 2.22 (Amiga;TCP/IP) *UNREGISTERED*
- On 14-May-96 03:08:17, Chipp Walters <chipp@humancode.com> wrote:
- >I've just received our 3 upgrades, one of them for our Japan office. I
- >seem to remember someone here talking about a fix for Modeler running on
- >the Japanese version of Win95 (startup failure 213). If anyone can
- >remember the thread, or the fix, can you please Email me? Our Japanese
- >President is currently here and looking to take back the new version
- >when he leaves later this week. thanks!!!
- Yes. In short, set up the OS for "English US", not Japan, and this fixes
- things. Should be somewhere in the control panel/setup area. An update is
- expected to cure this problem, but in the meantime this will let things run.
- It is the result of some bug in its international code.
- If this doesn't fix it, I'll try to find the thread and send it to you.
- Just let me know.
- This is a message from Stuart Ferguson on the fix needed.
- --
- +-- fwtep@earthlink.net writes:
- | > oxleyd@logica.co.uk (David Oxley) wrote:
- | > >I upgraded to LW5.0 last night. The installation appeared to be
- | > >successful. Layout comes up OK (although not all object are shaded when
- | > >using OpenGL...hmmm), but I can't run Modeler. It pops up a dialogue box
- | > >saying:
- | >
- | > > "Startup Failure 213: Message file missing"
- |
- | Here's what you need to do:
- |
- | Find these files and put them in your working directory (which is whatever
- | directory your LW configs are).
- | Mod_err.enu
- | Mod_err.im
- This is incorrect. The only file needed is MOD_ERR.ENU, which is the
- US English error messages, and it should be placed in the PROGRAM
- directory. That is, it should be in the same directory as the EXE file
- for Modeler. As I noted in another message, you should also set your
- localization to US English. This is a temporary work-around, but it
- will let you run until we can get you better solutions.
- --
- Stuart Ferguson (shf@netcom.com)
- "How do you compute that? Where on the
- graph do `must' and `cannot' meet?"
- --
- *-__________________________ | *Starfire* | _________________________-*
- Jeff Jones email:jeffsj@execpc.com *//* Amiga Lives! |Born
- *TFG* *Starfire* Design Studio *\\//* 1985-1994, |again 1995!
- --
- Article: 19589
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!news.kei.com!nntp.coast.net!howland.reston.ans.net!news-e2a.gnn.com!newstf01.news.aol.com!newsbf02.news.aol.com!not-for-mail
- From: virtualbri@aol.com (VirtualBri)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: Animator Resume - anyone hiring? - resume2.txt (1/1)
- Date: 14 May 1996 17:24:25 -0400
- Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364)
- Lines: 9
- Sender: root@newsbf02.news.aol.com
- Message-ID: <4natm9$4k1@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- References: <4nae29$2ok@darkstar.UCSC.EDU>
- Reply-To: virtualbri@aol.com (VirtualBri)
- NNTP-Posting-Host: newsbf02.mail.aol.com
- >You need to attach a demo reel too ;)
- alt.binaries.multimedia.unemployed.animators.reels
- Anyone feel like making a request for a new newsgroup? :)
- --Brian
- ======== http://members.aol.com/virtualbri/ =======
- == Home of the LightWave 3D Internet Resource Lists ==
- ============= So, why aren't you on it? =============
- Article: 19590
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!world1.bawave.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in1.uu.net!news.usa.net!earth!jgjones
- From: jgjones@earth.usa.net (James Jones/Nibbles and Bits)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: LW 5.0 Misc
- Date: 14 May 1996 21:12:03 GMT
- Organization: Internet Express (800-592-1240 customer service)
- Lines: 92
- Message-ID: <4nasv3$d02@shiva.usa.net>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: earth.usa.net
- X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2]
- I've been trying to assimilate (BORG joke deleted) all the new stuff in
- 5.0, and I thought I'd post some of things I've stumbled on while poking
- around and, embarrassing as it is to say, reading the new manuals. Of
- course, some of these things might have been in LW before 5.0, and I just
- somehow managed to miss 'em. :)
- You can use the escape key (ESC) to abort a scene load. (!)
- Center is now a mode, instead of a command. If toggled on, the selected
- object will, even while being moved, remain centered in the view. Wild.
- (This IS new, right?)
- This was probably there in 4.0 and 3.5, but I never noticed it: Polygon
- Size (Objects panel) values greater than 100% are possible. For a real
- hoot, make a level 3 tessellated sphere and set the Polygon Size to
- 2000%. (Yes, I mean two thousand percent; there doesn't seem to be an
- upper limit.)
- STILL they haven't replaced the missing Auto Size button in the spherical
- image map panel. (Yes, I know you can switch over to Planar, hit Auto
- Size to set the Center location, and switch back... but picture yourself
- doing this for several dozen widely-spaced spheres, each with it's own
- image map...) What's the harm, NewTek? Put it back! Call it "Auto Center"
- or something...
- You can use the Texture Opacity setting on a single texture to control
- the contribution of a Diffuse/Specular/Reflection/Transparency map.
- Example: if you have a black & white map, and the 255 value is too much,
- just turn down the Opacity instead of editing the image. (Note: set the
- main panel value to 0% -- that's what "shows through" the texture.)
- Many varied and interesting Lens Flare Star Filter (not Random Streaks)
- options to control the number and pattern of streaks.
- I think the following is A BAD THING: Light Intensity Falloff changed to
- "Maximum Range" ...doesn't adjust with changes in the lights intensity
- like the percent falloff did... have to envelope it. :-( Or is there an
- up side that I've overlooked?
- ALSO BAD: Limited Region adjustments are just as dog slow, if not slower.
- Crippled snail at 15 fps slow, even.
- The Watermark plugin is rather nice. Makes a nice raised relief outline
- of the logo or whatever. Also, contrary to the manual, it does not use
- the FG Alpha image... it has a pop-up to pick any loaded image.
- The "p" key will close any Layout panel. (Scene, Objects, etc.) Who
- knew? I didn't...
- If a polygon is selected, Drag will only select points belonging to that
- polygon.
- The Automatic button for Array now has multiplier fields. (1.0 =
- adjacent, 2.0 = object width apart, etc.) (Something not in the
- description of Array in the manual, either.)
- The Save View command (Ctrl-#, from numeric keypad) has a whole mess of
- options now. (E.g.: can assign different types of preview to number
- keys.) What's even better, the number key assignments are now SAVED and
- will return when next you start Modeler.) Oh, happy day!
- The OpenGL Sketch mode shows BG layers! In 3D! Intersecting with the
- foreground objects!! (This is good.)
- Also, under the heading "The Bug That Wouldn't Die":
- The bug that ignored a reflection map when doing a surface-morph from an
- object without one to one with, is not only still present, but has
- actually gotten worse. In 4.0, the reflection map didn't show up until
- the last frame of the morph. Now, in 5.0, it doesn't show up at all. (!)
- Although it has a work-around (use just a tad, 0.0001 or so, of the same
- reflection map on the object without), this is something that Amiga 3.5
- LW could do just fine, and Intel LW should too, given that the user
- should expect that no little tricks have to used in order to get a
- surface to morph correctly, regardless of the disparity of the surface
- settings.
- My apologies for not mentioning dongles or 3DS Max... :)
- -Jim
- James G. Jones
- Nibbles & Bits
- jgjones@usa.net
- Article: 19591
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in2.uu.net!news2.digex.net!usenet
- From: davep@access.digex.net (Dave Paige)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: help: export lightwave object to 3ds
- Date: Tue, 14 May 1996 21:50:31 GMT
- Organization: Express Access Online Communications, USA
- Lines: 22
- Message-ID: <3198ffff.11642400@news.digex.net>
- References: <Pine.SV4.3.91.960510091537.8175A-100000@titan.np.ac.sg>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: dcc11780.slip.digex.net
- X-Newsreader: Forte Agent .99e/32.227
- Goh Lian Koon <glk@titan.np.ac.sg> wrote:
- >Hi,
- >
- >I am new to lightwave. Just trying to check out the plugin for exporting
- >*.lwo files to *.3ds format. Somehow, the plugins did not prompt for
- >saveas or file name to export. So how to do it?
- >
- >I am using lightwave 4.0 and according to the manual, there is a export
- >button.. but no no.. there is none in the interface I see. So I suppose
- >the manual is outdated. Please advice.
- >
- >Thanks,
- >Vincent
- >glk@np.ac.sg
- Go to the 'tools' panel and look in the 'custom' menu for 'trans3d
- export'.
- Dave Paige
- Alfheim Imaging
- dave@access.digex.net
- Article: 19592
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in2.uu.net!news2.new-york.net!not-for-mail
- From: Ken Geary <ken_geary@ademco.com>
- Subject: Re: 3DS MAX's big flaws...
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
- X-Nntp-Posting-User: (Unauthenticated)
- Reply-To: 174, Michael, Drive, Syosset, NY, 11791
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- Organization: Ademco
- Message-ID: <3198FC6E.7E3D@ademco.com>
- References: <4n4pkb$715@dfw-ixnews4.ix.netcom.com> <4n5t41$6mr@news.corpcomm.net> <4namdo$99p@marina.cinenet.net>
- X-Mailer: Mozilla 3.0b3Gold (WinNT; I)
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- X-Trace: 832109729/11325
- X-Nntp-Posting-Host: wsn37.ademco.com
- Date: Tue, 14 May 1996 21:34:38 GMT
- Lines: 27
- Rick May wrote:
- >
- > In article <4n5t41$6mr@news.corpcomm.net>,
- > "John W. Stetzer III" <jwsttzr3@iw.net> wrote:
- > ->>1.)Most important, there is no provision for even basic skeletal
- > ->>deformation.
- > ->
- > ->You can do basic skeletal deformation in Max using linked xform, but it is
- > very
- > ->basic. Pricing on C.S. hasn't been set yet, at least in my checking.
- > ->
- > ->John Stetzer
- > ->JWS
- > ->http://scream.iw.net/~jwsttzr3
- > ->
- >
- > IK is incorporated into 3D Max without any plugins..
- >
- > I havent tried it- so I may be wrong- but I believe it also has the ability to
- > connect the IK "bones" to geometry without any plug ins..
- >
- > rick
- --------------
- Yes, but(I'm still trying to find out) can the bones be set to control
- only specified(or auto-assigned) points of an object, ala SI?
- Article: 19593
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in1.uu.net!nntp.teleport.com!usenet
- From: memex@teleport.com (Meme-X)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: BONES: World coordinates question(sort of)
- Date: Tue, 14 May 1996 21:59:17 GMT
- Organization: Meme-X
- Lines: 20
- Message-ID: <4navnp$jfj@nadine.teleport.com>
- References: <Dr6Auv.DAv@apollo.hp.com> <3195BF14.6C87@got.net> <DrD9Br.Kt0@apollo.hp.com>
- Reply-To: memex@teleport.com
- NNTP-Posting-Host: ip-pdx06-07.teleport.com
- X-Newsreader: Forte Free Agent 1.0.82
- Pat Borjon <borjon> wrote:
- >Sat night i thought about rot pitch 90 deg on bone, r, keyframe & then make a
- >null the parent of the bone so i can start w/0,0,0 rot deg BUT you CANT make a
- >NULL the parent of a bone. I'll try to resave the letter in modeller lying it
- >on its face, assign a bone, & rot object but i'd think the axes would still
- >give gimbal lock. i'll let ya know tho.
- Yes you can. Make a null BONE. Simply reduce the bones strength to
- 0. In LW 4 you'll have to make it's strength 0.0001, in LW 5 make
- it's strength 0%.
- Place and rest this null bone oriented how you want your 'real' bone
- to rest (0, 0, 0 rotation).
- Kreg Branden
- - Meme-X -
- Article: 19594
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!world1.bawave.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!howland.reston.ans.net!news-e2a.gnn.com!newstf01.news.aol.com!newsbf02.news.aol.com!not-for-mail
- From: virtualbri@aol.com (VirtualBri)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: Best of LWPRO - which articles?
- Date: 14 May 1996 18:47:59 -0400
- Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364)
- Lines: 6
- Sender: root@newsbf02.news.aol.com
- Message-ID: <4nb2iv$6je@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- References: <4nab9v$m3@arl-news-svc-3.compuserve.com>
- Reply-To: virtualbri@aol.com (VirtualBri)
- NNTP-Posting-Host: newsbf02.mail.aol.com
- Well, it's 99 articles from October 93 to December 95. So there will be a
- fair amount of repeat towards the end.
- --Brian
- ======== http://members.aol.com/virtualbri/ =======
- == Home of the LightWave 3D Internet Resource Lists ==
- ============= So, why aren't you on it? =============
- Article: 19595
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!world1.bawave.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!swrinde!howland.reston.ans.net!news-e2a.gnn.com!newstf01.news.aol.com!newsbf02.news.aol.com!not-for-mail
- From: virtualbri@aol.com (VirtualBri)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: LW vs Alias
- Date: 14 May 1996 18:48:16 -0400
- Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364)
- Lines: 40
- Sender: root@newsbf02.news.aol.com
- Message-ID: <4nb2jg$6jk@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- References: <4n7o2a$j@nnrp1.news.primenet.com>
- Reply-To: virtualbri@aol.com (VirtualBri)
- NNTP-Posting-Host: newsbf02.mail.aol.com
- >: Um.. What makes you think that LW users are oblivious to other
- programs' features?
- >
- >This Usenet group.
- >
- >: You make it
- >: sound like LightWave users live in their own little world and don't
- know of or use anything else.
- >
- >No, Lightwave users make it sound that way themselves. Seeing people work
- >on other software and seeing how it is used is also different than
- >looking at a feature list.
- Wow, what an amazingly dumb generalization you've made!
- You imply there are no people in any of the other newsgroups who do the
- same thing. Do you seriously believe that?
- Try pointing out a flaw in the Mac on a Mac newsgroup. Try telling
- someone the Amgia is dead in their turf. Try (gasp) telling Alias users
- that it might not be the messiah of animation. You'll get the same
- general flame wars, with a little bit of rational discussion.
- What we prey for, is the rational discussion, not crass generalization,
- snipes like "Lightwave loosers (sic)", and all the general platform
- fanaticism that just makes people look stupid.
- --Brian
- >: Bryant Reif
- >: mailto:reifbrya@pilot.msu.edu
- >: http://www.aiesec.org/~bryant
- >
- >--
- >-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------
- >Steph Greenberg, 3DCGIMD
- ======== http://members.aol.com/virtualbri/ =======
- == Home of the LightWave 3D Internet Resource Lists ==
- ============= So, why aren't you on it? =============
- Article: 19596
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!world1.bawave.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!howland.reston.ans.net!news-e2a.gnn.com!newstf01.news.aol.com!newsbf02.news.aol.com!not-for-mail
- From: virtualbri@aol.com (VirtualBri)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: How and where do you report bugs in LW 5.0?
- Date: 14 May 1996 18:49:41 -0400
- Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364)
- Lines: 5
- Sender: root@newsbf02.news.aol.com
- Message-ID: <4nb2m5$6k9@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- References: <4n9m08$2iv@news1.t1.usa.pipeline.com>
- Reply-To: virtualbri@aol.com (VirtualBri)
- NNTP-Posting-Host: newsbf02.mail.aol.com
- I'll check, but I think it's lwbugs@newtek.com.
- --Brian
- ======== http://members.aol.com/virtualbri/ =======
- == Home of the LightWave 3D Internet Resource Lists ==
- ============= So, why aren't you on it? =============
- Article: 19597
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!nntp.coast.net!news2.acs.oakland.edu!newsfeed.concentric.net!news
- From: Bryant Reif <reifbrya@pilot.msu.edu>
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: Bill Gates -Was "MAX or LightWave? How about some MAX here"-
- Date: Tue, 14 May 1996 19:10:01 -0400
- Organization: Concentric Internet Services
- Lines: 65
- Message-ID: <319912C9.1F39@pilot.msu.edu>
- References: <3195B069.373A@pilot.msu.edu> <4n52q7$7be@newsbf02.news.aol.com> <31966879.18BF@pilot.msu.edu> <4n7o0i$t14@nnrp1.news.primenet.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: cnc045146.concentric.net
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- X-Mailer: Mozilla 3.0b3 (Win95; I)
- Steph Greenberg wrote:
- >
- > Bryant Reif <reifbrya@pilot.msu.edu> wrote:
- > : Stranahan wrote:
- > : >
- > : > ----------------------------------------
- > : > Exactly why MS's monopoly in OS's will continue. It is highly unlikely
- > : > that a competing product could succeed.
- > : > ---------------------------------------
- > : >
- > : > Steph hit the correct issue - the difference between the nature of a
- > : > goverment enforced monopoly and a 'monopoly' that occurs because people
- >
- > : Steph missunderstood my point. I didn't mean to say that MS enjoy's the
- > : legal definition of a monopoly, but a "monopoly" in which most rational PC
- > : owners have little choice but to buy their OS's. I also never equated MS's
- > : "monopoly" with bad.
- >
- > "Rational" PC owners go straight for Windows, or Windows NT. That's where
- > the software is. Only ex-Unix gurus and ex-Amiga users and ex-Next users
- > have an obsession with alternative OSes, which is why they haven't succeeded.
- >
- > The reason MS has a de-facto monopoly is because people want to go with
- > something that is widespread and common. Going with the crowd on an OS is
- > what makes people comfortable with all these different brands and
- > configurations of computers, and the pre-loaded OS makes them feel that
- > they can just plug in the computer and start it up.
- Yes. The nature of an OS lends itself to one universal standard
- > What you want is for the machine to come with *NO* operating system, so
- No no no. C'mon Steph where did I ever say this? I don't think you and I have an disagreement
- here.
- > the consumer could choose their own OS. I can only say, that wouldn't
- > have gone over too well with my wife, my parents or my sister, who own 4
- > out of the 5 computers in my family (spread over a large distance, so I
- > wouldn't be able to personally help if they needed it).
- Of course this is a bad idea.
- > This thinking reminds me of a friend who wants to eliminate the standard
- > ballot for president, and replace it with an ordinal ballot, 3
- > candidates, put a 1,2 or 3 by their name in order of preference. This
- > way, Ross Perot could have won the '92 election.
- Maybe you are confusing your friend's arguements with mine? I don't think we have a
- disagreement at all.
- > -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- > Steph Greenberg, 3DCGIMD CGI Character Orthopedic Surgeon,
- > steph@primenet.com Chiropracter, and Podiatrist.
- >
- > Copyright 1996. All Rights Reserved. Permission granted for non-commercial
- > electronic republication only, such as Usenet and Email, and
- > non-commercial educational purposes such as charge free WWW pages.
- > Express permission is required for any other use. When in doubt, ask.
- > -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- --
- Bryant Reif
- mailto:reifbrya@pilot.msu.edu
- http://www.aiesec.org/~bryant
- Article: 19598
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.animation,comp.graphics.apps.lightwave,comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!bloom-beacon.mit.edu!apollo.hp.com!netnews
- From: Pat Borjon <borjon>
- Subject: Re: MAX or Lightwave? How about some MAX here folks.
- Sender: usenet@apollo.hp.com (Usenet News)
- Message-ID: <DrF3sM.6GD@apollo.hp.com>
- Date: Tue, 14 May 1996 22:57:57 GMT
- X-Url: news:N.051196.231203.60@earthlink.net.earthlink.net
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
- References: <4mobr9$d92@newshost.convex.com> <4mpfur$clk@newsbf02.news.aol.com> <4mpkf1$l1m@vixen.cso.uiuc.edu> <jmonahan-0805961406260001@phx-ip-92.netzone.com> <4mro1u$9b9@vixen.cso.uiuc.edu> <jmonahan-1005960259400001@phx-ip-90.netzone.com> <N.051196.2
- Nntp-Posting-Host: hpbs4517.boi.hp.com
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- X-Mailer: Mozilla 1.12 (X11; I; HP-UX B.09.10 9000/382)
- Organization: Hewlett-Packard Company
- Lines: 38
- Xref: news2.cais.com comp.graphics.animation:35694 comp.graphics.apps.lightwave:19598 comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio:16697
- On 5/10/96 2:59AM, in message
- <jmonahan-1005960259400001@phx-ip-90.netzone.com>, Joe Monahan
- <jmonahan@netzone.com> wrote:
- >> > Quick clue Joe. "alot" isn't a word.
- >> [snip]
- >>
- >> [snip]
- >>
- >> No, actually it is. I'm just not anal about it. And - I can usually get my
- >> point across even with misspelled words - something you seem to have a
- >> problem with.
- >>
- >Actually it isn't in the way you used it. What you meant was "a lot" which is
- >two words. "Allot" is a word but it means to grant or reserve, as in "I'm
- >going to allot you only one parking space."
- >--
- > -=Fred=-
- are you guys serious?
- don't whine about use of language here.
- while im on the subject & since these ARE model/anim groups, let me ask this:
- how to rot pitch 90 on a bone, then tell layout this is angle 0,0,0. this way
- the bone is standing upright like a leg. gimbal lock makes heading/bank rot
- the same function @ pitch=90. i wanted to just rot bone 90 pitch & make it the
- child of a NULL so i could manipulate the bone via the NULL, but you can't make
- a bone the child of a NULL.
- (& i think we all know how fun it is to manipulate the bone via the NULL) :)
- alright alright, enuf already, i'll stop now...
- any clues/help appreciated,
- pat
- Article: 19599
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!guitar.sound.net!news
- From: chuck@bbs.newtek.com (Chuck Baker)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: Crosstalk on Flyer?!?
- Date: Tue, 14 May 96 18:19:02
- Organization: NewTek Technical Support
- Lines: 71
- Distribution: world
- Message-ID: <19960514.773E3E8.1021B@bbs.newtek.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: bbs.newtek.com
- On Wed 8-May-1996 14:06 , Lance Gray wrote:
- LG> I'm getting crosstalk between signals....
- LG> Such as, when I play a clip on the Flyer and it finishes...and then goes
- LG> black---I can faintly see the other image buffer through the blackness!
- LG> I know it's some kind of a termination problem...but it has just shown
- LG> up. I had this problem 2 years ago with the YC+ card going bad, and I
- LG> pray that's not the reason again!
- LG> I'm using an A4000 with Flyer software 4.1 w/a YC+
- LG> I've also Autohued again & re-calibrated the Flyer to no avail?!?
- LG> Any suggestions
- LG> --
- LG> ________________________________________________________________________
- LG> Lance Gray (empire@airmail.net) **25 GIG Flyer & PC LightWave equipped**
- LG> "If you are insulted because of the name of CHRIST, you are blessed,
- LG> for the spirit of GOD rests on you." 1 Peter 14
- LG> ________________________________________________________________________
- If the equipment is otherwise ok then a ground loop is the most likely culprit
- for this. The best way to check this is to reduce the system to the simplest
- setup. The computer system and a monitor for program out, with the attached
- video equipment powered down, detached, and unplugged, including the Flyer
- drives. Boot the system up, run the software, select your framebuffer with
- the logo on preview, then alternately select inputs 3 and 4 on your program
- out. If you do see ghosting, isolate the computer itself by using two prong
- adaptors on the RGB and the Program out monitors, and retest. If you still
- see the ghosting, then you have a problem either in the system or in the
- Toaster or Flyer. If the Toaster or the Flyer is the source of the problem,
- contact Tech Support for repair authorization.
- If you see no ghosting, then the Toaster and Flyer are okay. Down the system,
- add a component, and retest.
- If you don't want to go through the entire painstaking process of putting the
- system back together a piece at a time to figure out the loop, you could
- simply set things up so that only the the computer system is grounded, and the
- attached equipment all goes to a power strip (or several) which are not
- grounded, plugged in using a two-prong adapter. This prevents the possibility
- of a loop, and the video and audio interconnections between the equipment
- cover the issue of grounding on the attached equipment.
- I chatted with Tim about the crosstalk issue, and the Toaster exhibits only
- the same level of crosstalk that by the laws of physics exists in any circuit
- board. Any trace or wire produces a minute field, and thus affects the signal
- in other traces or wires. In normal operations this kind of "crosstalk" is
- certainly not visible, and is most often undetectable. Ground loops in
- particular have the capability to amplify such crosstalk, and also to act as
- an antenna to pick up RF noise in the environment and inject it into the
- signal path.
- Ground loops will thus also have an effect on the video signal quality. The
- incoming composite video on a Toaster BNC is by necessity referenced to ground
- when it hits the first amp. If there is noise in the ground, that noise is
- translated directly into the video signal.
- .
- ========================================================================
- Chuck Baker | TekWorld: NewTek Tech Support BBS
- Technical Support Online Services | telnet address: bbs.newtek.com
- NewTek, Inc. | modem ports: 913-271-9299
- ========================================================================
- CompuServe: Go AmigaVend, NewTek; DTVForum, NewTek; GUGRPA, LightWave UG
- AOL: Keyword NewTek Email: Tech@newtek.com
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- Article: 19600
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!world1.bawave.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!uwm.edu!chi-news.cic.net!news.nd.edu!news.bsu.edu!iasmh.bsu.edu!darius
- From: Shadowbird <darius@iasmh.bsu.edu>
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: VT/Windows in Indiana?
- Date: Tue, 14 May 1996 18:25:12 -0500
- Organization: Ball State University
- Lines: 9
- Message-ID: <Pine.LNX.3.92.960514182433.12991B-100000@iasmh.bsu.edu>
- References: <19960514.773FCC0.BA6C@bbs.newtek.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: iasmh.bsu.edu
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
- In-Reply-To: <19960514.773FCC0.BA6C@bbs.newtek.com>
- > The difficulty was that the host PC was down. We had no problems with the
- > Blue Box itself. We demonstrated it in standalone operation, from its own
- > front panel controls.
- Fair enough. How long until mass production begins, out of
- curiosity?
- -=-N-=-
- Article: 19601
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!world1.bawave.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!news.digisys.net!usenet
- From: fredster@digisys.net (Fredster)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: 3DS MAX's big flaws...
- Date: Tue, 14 May 1996 23:47:25 GMT
- Organization: :)
- Lines: 29
- Message-ID: <3199183e.837554@news.digisys.net>
- References: <4n4pkb$715@dfw-ixnews4.ix.netcom.com> <4n5t41$6mr@news.corpcomm.net> <4namdo$99p@marina.cinenet.net> <3198FC6E.7E3D@ademco.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: modem56.digisys.net
- X-Newsreader: Forte Agent .99e/32.227
- On Tue, 14 May 1996 21:34:38 GMT, Ken Geary <ken_geary@ademco.com>
- wrote:
- >> I havent tried it- so I may be wrong- but I believe it also has the ability to
- >> connect the IK "bones" to geometry without any plug ins..
- >
- >Yes, but(I'm still trying to find out) can the bones be set to control
- >only specified(or auto-assigned) points of an object, ala SI?
- Nope. The bones system that ships with Max is a demo of what bones
- *could* do, and they don't really do anything(pg. 13-13 Vol 1). For
- usable bones, you have to wait for Character Studio, the first of the
- ridiculously overpriced plug-in$ to let Max do what we thought it
- would do out of the box (I'm not bitter or anything).
- I got someone to give me an approx. price on Character Studio - $1500
- msrp, but they're expecting the *real* price to be considerably lower.
- Oooo, hold me back.
- I believe LightWave has a usable bones system without spending more
- money.
- <sigh>
- -------------------------------------------------------
- Fredster
- fredster@digisys.net
- http://www.digisys.net/users/fredster
- Brownies - not just for breakfast anymore!
- Article: 19602
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!world1.bawave.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in2.uu.net!news.mathworks.com!news.kei.com!nntp.coast.net!oleane!jussieu.fr!math.ohio-state.edu!magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu!news
- From: Jeff Jasper <jasper.7@osu.edu>
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: 3DS MAX's big flaws...
- Date: Tue, 14 May 1996 20:49:36 -0400
- Organization: The Ohio State University
- Lines: 17
- Message-ID: <31992A20.1017@osu.edu>
- References: <4n4pkb$715@dfw-ixnews4.ix.netcom.com> <4n5t41$6mr@news.corpcomm.net> <4namdo$99p@marina.cinenet.net> <3198FC6E.7E3D@ademco.com> <3199183e.837554@news.digisys.net>
- Reply-To: jasper.7@osu.edu
- NNTP-Posting-Host: ts18-13.homenet.ohio-state.edu
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- X-Mailer: Mozilla 3.0b3 (WinNT; I)
- > Nope. The bones system that ships with Max is a demo of what bones
- > *could* do, and they don't really do anything(pg. 13-13 Vol 1). For
- > usable bones, you have to wait for Character Studio, the first of the
- > ridiculously overpriced plug-in$ to let Max do what we thought it
- > would do out of the box (I'm not bitter or anything).
- They are actually there for doing IK chains (pg.13-14 Vol 1). After you set
- up the IK chain and movement, you atach your object to it and viola, and easy
- way to do IK. I don't think Character Studio even uses the bones feature in
- MAX. Bones Pro does though and it significantly cheaper than character
- studio.
- Jeff
- --
- Sr. Programmer 3
- Advanced Computing Center for the Arts and Design
- Emerging Technology Studio
- Article: 19603
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!world1.bawave.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!howland.reston.ans.net!news-e2a.gnn.com!newstf01.news.aol.com!newsbf02.news.aol.com!not-for-mail
- From: gkeenan818@aol.com (GKeenan818)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: Save $30 on VTU/Lightwave Training Seminars
- Date: 14 May 1996 21:09:05 -0400
- Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364)
- Lines: 2
- Sender: root@newsbf02.news.aol.com
- Message-ID: <4nbarh$8ov@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- References: <4m3001$51k@decaxp.HARVARD.EDU>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: newsbf02.mail.aol.com
- X-Newsreader: AOL Offline Reader
- If I ever get my books delivered to the UK, the first person to Email me
- can get my voucher for free!!!
- Article: 19604
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!world1.bawave.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!uwm.edu!news.cse.psu.edu!news.cc.swarthmore.edu!netnews.upenn.edu!news.voicenet.com!news2.noc.netcom.net!noc.netcom.net!ixnews1.ix.netcom.com!ix.netcom.com!news
- From: bianco@ix.netcom.com(bia)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: 2cents on OS
- Date: 15 May 1996 00:32:59 GMT
- Organization: Netcom
- Lines: 32
- Message-ID: <4nb8nr$4u0@dfw-ixnews4.ix.netcom.com>
- References: <3195B069.373A@pilot.msu.edu> <4n52q7$7be@newsbf02.news.aol.com> <31966879.18BF@pilot.msu.edu> <4n7o0i$t14@nnrp1.news.primenet.com> <319912C9.1F39@pilot.msu.edu>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: phi-pa4-08.ix.netcom.com
- X-NETCOM-Date: Tue May 14 7:32:59 PM CDT 1996
- >> The reason MS has a de-facto monopoly is because people want to go
- >>with something that is widespread and common. Going with the crowd on
- >>an OS is what makes people comfortable with all these different
- >>brands and configurations of computers, and the pre-loaded OS makes
- >>them feel that they can just plug in the computer and start it up.
- _______________________________________________________________________
- I have to keep Win3.1, Win95, and WinNT stocked on my machine.
- It's less about "personal choice" than it is because of because of
- driver soup. (no PARDRV on Win95 for instance, thanks DPS)
- Is there anybody out there bitching about the fact that the "monopoly"
- standard for renting a video is VHS? "maybe I WANT betamax?".
- I think that the idea of microsoft as big-daddy or piggy-piggy is what
- scratches the iconoclast in all of us. Its instinctive. It erupts from
- suppressed memories of throwing eggs at nice cars on mischief nite as a
- restless and undervalued twelve year old. Why lay on this
- masses-are-sheep-going-with-the-crowd trip. I caught a whiff of Ayn
- Rand and Rush lyrics. I have friends who are Evangelists and
- Overclockers with very strong views on OS superiority (programmers and
- network-guys), but they dont have to make a living doing animation.
- If Photoshop ran fastest on an OS written by BurgerKing, then i'd be
- first in line. Whaler NT or whatever.
- bianco
- Article: 19605
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!world1.bawave.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!uwm.edu!news.cse.psu.edu!news.cc.swarthmore.edu!netnews.upenn.edu!news.voicenet.com!news2.noc.netcom.net!noc.netcom.net!ixnews1.ix.netcom.com!ix.netcom.com!news
- From: bianco@ix.netcom.com(bia)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: notice the thread death when the topic migrates. just trying to change the world. thats all.
- Date: 15 May 1996 00:33:45 GMT
- Organization: Netcom
- Lines: 1
- Message-ID: <4nb8p9$smu@dfw-ixnews3.ix.netcom.com>
- References: <19960514.773E3E8.1021B@bbs.newtek.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: phi-pa4-08.ix.netcom.com
- X-NETCOM-Date: Tue May 14 7:33:45 PM CDT 1996
- Article: 19607
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!world1.bawave.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!howland.reston.ans.net!vixen.cso.uiuc.edu!usenet
- From: Dean Oliver <oliver1@uiuc.edu>
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: DPS Capture Card For Sale
- Date: Tue, 14 May 1996 21:39:20 +0000
- Organization: Virtually Real
- Lines: 18
- Message-ID: <3198FD88.20D@uiuc.edu>
- References: <4mqo8n$d2s@news.net1.net> <4n84v3$80c@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: berlin-9.slip.uiuc.edu
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- X-Mailer: Mozilla 2.01Gold (WinNT; I)
- To: GKeenan818 <gkeenan818@aol.com>
- Um, it may help to know some specifics of this
- capture card. I.E., is it the DPS-IV? How old is
- it, any problems encountered with it? Why are you
- selling?
- Thanks,
- Dean Oliver
- Virtually Real
- GKeenan818 wrote:
- >
- > Anyone looking for a capture card for use with their Amiga or PC PAR card?
- >
- > We have one available which is as new, fully boxed etc...
- >
- > Offers!
- Article: 19608
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!howland.reston.ans.net!psinntp!psinntp!psinntp!psinntp!usenet
- From: mikeling@nyc.pipeline.com(Michael C. Ling)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: LW vs Alias
- Date: 14 May 1996 21:16:16 GMT
- Organization: Pipeline
- Lines: 24
- Message-ID: <4nat70$22d@news1.t1.usa.pipeline.com>
- References: <jmonahan-1405960142080001@phx-ip-94.netzone.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host:
- X-PipeUser: mikeling
- X-PipeHub: nyc.pipeline.com
- X-PipeGCOS: (Michael C. Ling)
- X-Newsreader: Pipeline v3.5.0
- On May 14, 1996 01:42:08 in article <Re: LW vs Alias>,
- 'jmonahan@netzone.com (Joe Monahan)' wrote:
- >Your ON! As you know I started a web page to compare the rendering quality
- >of 3D Studio against a cheap modeling application. No one showed! I
- >suppose the same will be the case with you and Lightwave, huh?
- >
- >The first page is at: http://www.netzone.com/~jmonahan/sketch.html
- >
- I couldn't get on the page when you first announced the address. I just
- went right now. The "render quality" seems okay to me. Your candle is a
- little too smooth though, too perfect. The second image is nice, but I
- think the wooden box should have had a different wood texture than the
- table. In the last image, the "glass" wine glass a plastic look to it.
- What would you want as a Lightwave rendering sample? a similarly arranged
- scene?
- --
- M C L -
- Article: 19609
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!newshost.vvm.com!usenet
- From: lara@vvm.com (Paul Lara)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: How and where do you report bugs in LW 5.0?
- Date: Wed, 15 May 1996 03:01:50 GMT
- Organization: VDO Productions
- Lines: 11
- Message-ID: <4nbeir$7uk@newshost.vvm.com>
- References: <4n9m08$2iv@news1.t1.usa.pipeline.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: slip2.vvm.com
- X-Newsreader: Forte Free Agent 1.0.82
- mikeling@nyc.pipeline.com(Michael C. Ling) wrote:
- >How and where do you report bugs in LW 5.0?
- >M C L -
- I guess the best place to start would be:
- tech@newtek.com
- Article: 19610
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!swrinde!sdd.hp.com!hplabs!hp-pcd!hpbs2500.boi.hp.com!hpax!news.waterloo.hp.com!hpuerci.atl.hp.com!hpscit.sc.hp.com!news.dtc.hp.com!col.hp.com!fc.hp.com!news
- From: koren@hpsrk.fc.hp.com (Steve Koren)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: where to find renamer
- Date: 14 May 1996 19:21:33 -0600
- Organization: HP Fort Collins Site
- Lines: 41
- Sender: koren@hpsrk.fc.hp.com
- Message-ID: <oj6ivdyloip.fsf@hpsrk.fc.hp.com>
- References: <mfrazin.22.0009BF3F@interaccess.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: hpsrk.fc.hp.com
- In-reply-to: mfrazin@interaccess.com's message of Mon, 13 May 1996 19:44:40 -0600
- X-Newsreader: Gnus v5.0.9
- mfrazin@interaccess.com (Shadow) wrote:
- > Where can I find renamer for the amiga or PC. I need it to rename file
- > extensions on PC generated images so the VT4000 can read and display them.
- There are some commands on Aminet that allow you to say "mv *.foo *.bar"
- to rename all files ending with .foo to end in .bar. Or, if you have
- sksh installed, just use the ch_ext command. Here is the source for it.
- It should be easy to port to ARexx or any other shell you want.
- Hope this helps,
- - steve
- if [ $# -lt 2 -o "$1" = '-?' ]
- then
- echo 'Usage:' $(basename $0) 'newext files...'
- echo ' (renames files with new extention)'
- return 1
- fi
- _newsuffix="$1"
- if [ -z $(car "$_newsuffix" '.') ]
- then
- _newsuffix=$(cdr "$_newsuffix" '.')
- fi
- shift
- for _fspec in $*
- do
- if [ ! -f "$_fspec" ]
- then
- echo -c $(basename $0) ": $_fspec not found, skipping."
- else
- _oldbase=$(extname -v "$_fspec")
- mv "$_fspec" "$_oldbase.$_newsuffix"
- fi
- done
- Article: 19611
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!newsreader.sprintlink.net!news.sprintlink.net!new-news.sprintlink.net!jupiter.planet.net!earth.planet.net!tlisanti
- From: tlisanti@earth.planet.net (Tony Lisanti)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Layout Tutoral #5 Questions
- Date: 15 May 1996 02:29:03 GMT
- Organization: Planet Access Networks - Stanhope, NJ
- Lines: 18
- Distribution: world
- Message-ID: <96040303254622@FrontierTech.COM>
- Reply-To: tlisanti@earth.planet.net
- NNTP-Posting-Host: nutl25.planet.net
- X-Newsreader: SuperHighway Access 2 for Windows Version 95.11
- I've encounted some problems with the layout #5 tutoral. Under step #15 it
- tells you how to apply brushed metal to the cube at frame #2, I followed it
- though though the surface was applied to frame #3 insted. Any idea why?
- Also on step #20 it refers to a cube.crumpled, in the surface pannel. This
- does not exist for some unknown reason.
- Any suggestions?
- Tony
- Article: 19612
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!news.kei.com!nntp.coast.net!howland.reston.ans.net!psinntp!psinntp!psinntp!psinntp!usenet
- From: mikeling@nyc.pipeline.com(Michael C. Ling)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: How and where do you report bugs in LW 5.0?
- Date: 14 May 1996 21:49:53 GMT
- Organization: Pipeline
- Lines: 38
- Message-ID: <4nav61$3n2@news1.t1.usa.pipeline.com>
- References: <shfDrEnpt.Mur@netcom.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host:
- X-PipeUser: mikeling
- X-PipeHub: nyc.pipeline.com
- X-PipeGCOS: (Michael C. Ling)
- X-Newsreader: Pipeline v3.5.0
- On May 14, 1996 17:10:40 in article <Re: How and where do you report bugs
- in LW 5.0?>, 'shf@netcom.com (Stuart Ferguson)' wrote:
- >I'm not sure I'm understanding your description, but it sounds like you
- >are suffering from a common misconception about MetaNURBS. MetaNURBS
- >are not a modeling mode, they are a polygon type. When you hit TAB you
- >are toggling the polygon type of selected polygons from faces to
- >MetaNURBS, and vice versa. When you hide polygons and hit TAB, the
- >hidden polygons are not changed because they are no longer selected.
- >When you save an object, the MetaNURBS polygons are saved as MetaNURBS
- >and are thus loaded back as same. When you have a mixture of face
- >polygons and MetaNURBS polygons and use TAB, the faces are changed to
- >MetaNURBS and the MetaNURBS to faces.
- Normally when you hit tab the selected polygons would become metanurbs
- type and nothing would happen to the unselected polygons. What was
- happening was that the unselected polygons became Metanurbs when I
- un-metnurbed the selected polygons. They simply switched places and the
- effect carried over in the saved object.
- Selecting or unselecting all polygons did not do anything since it did not
- affect which polygons were metanurbed.
- I had no way to reset them, except to manually hide the metanurbed polygons
- and then tab what was left. Unfortunately I have already saved over the
- object so I can not provide you with a sample of the problem I was having.
- >The solution in your case would be to SELECT the polygons of the type
- >you don't want (which can be done through Statistics) and hit TAB to
- >change only them.
- I was having trouble with which surfaces were or were not metanurbs. I
- think the statistics doesn't show metanurb stats.
- --
- M C L -
- Article: 19613
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!uunet!in2.uu.net!nntp.earthlink.net!usenet
- From: fwtep@earthlink.net
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.animation,comp.graphics.apps.lightwave,comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio
- Subject: Re: MAX or Lightwave? How about some MAX here folks.
- Date: Wed, 15 May 96 04:36:13 GMT
- Organization: Earthlink Network, Inc.
- Lines: 21
- Message-ID: <N.051496.213613.94@earthlink.net.earthlink.net>
- References: <N.051396.215021.61@earthlink.net.earthlink.net>
- <4n9ill$mem@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: max3-so-ca-10.earthlink.net
- X-Newsreader: Quarterdeck Message Center [2.00]
- Xref: news2.cais.com comp.graphics.animation:35698 comp.graphics.apps.lightwave:19613 comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio:16709
- On 5/14/96 2:10AM, in message <4n9ill$mem@newsbf02.news.aol.com>, VirtualBri
- <virtualbri@aol.com> wrote:
- > >
- > >West Side Story was a complete re-write of Romeo & Juliet, but it was
- > still
- > >Romeo & Juliet.
- > >--
- > > -=Fred=-
- >
- > Oh fine, and next you'll tell me Star Wars is Hidden Fortress...
- > --Brian
- > ======== http://members.aol.com/virtualbri/ =======
- > == Home of the LightWave 3D Internet Resource Lists ==
- > ============= So, why aren't you on it? =============
- ..and "The Searchers".
- --
- -=Fred=-
- Article: 19614
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!van-bc,bofh.dot!news.rmii.com!usenet
- From: stack@rmii.com (Steve Tack)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: caterpillar tracks anyone?
- Date: 15 May 1996 04:22:44 GMT
- Organization: Rocky Mountain Internet Inc.
- Lines: 15
- Message-ID: <4nbm6k$dct@natasha.rmii.com>
- References: <3198CB9A.1E72@ptf12.hro.nl>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: slip1137.rmii.com
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Content-Type: Text/Plain; charset=US-ASCII
- X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.99.6
- In article <3198CB9A.1E72@ptf12.hro.nl>, 0201367@ptf12.hro.nl says...
- >
- >We're (me 'n the lads) making a game. but I need
- >little tanks with catterpillar tracks as rendered sprites.
- >I want the tracks to move too, but I'm baffled.
- Point to http://www.portal.com/~amg/lwp/tracks.html
- It's a complete tank tread tutorial (Lightwave PRO online). Don't ask me
- how it's done, as I haven't done the tutorial and am quite new to LW. Let
- us know how it turns out.
- Steve Tack
- Article: 19615
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!world1.bawave.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!news.interport.net!usenet
- From: joeperez@interport.net (Joe Perez)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: 166 mhz Benchmarks please
- Date: Wed, 15 May 1996 04:23:36 GMT
- Organization: Interport Communications Corp.
- Lines: 8
- Message-ID: <4nbn15$o8r@park.interport.net>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: joeperez.port.net
- X-Newsreader: Forte Free Agent v0.55
- I'm considering buying an intel based machine to do LightWave,
- Photoshop, etc, and was curious: How fast are the 166's compared to
- the Amiga 040 accelerators? I currently have a 28 mhz Warp Engine in
- my 4000. Thanks for any info.
- Joe Perez
- Article: 19616
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!news.kei.com!news.texas.net!nntp.primenet.com!news.primenet.com!steph
- From: Steph Greenberg <steph@primenet.com>
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: Bill Gates -Was "MAX or LightWave? How about some MAX here"-
- Date: 14 May 1996 21:42:02 -0700
- Organization: Primenet (602)416-7000
- Lines: 33
- Sender: root@primenet.com
- Message-ID: <4nbnaq$rhs@nnrp1.news.primenet.com>
- References: <3195B069.373A@pilot.msu.edu> <4n52q7$7be@newsbf02.news.aol.com> <31966879.18BF@pilot.msu.edu> <4n7o0i$t14@nnrp1.news.primenet.com> <319912C9.1F39@pilot.msu.edu>
- X-Posted-By: steph@usr4.primenet.com
- Bryant Reif <reifbrya@pilot.msu.edu> wrote:
- : Steph Greenberg wrote:
- : > the consumer could choose their own OS. I can only say, that wouldn't
- : > have gone over too well with my wife, my parents or my sister, who own 4
- : > out of the 5 computers in my family (spread over a large distance, so I
- : > wouldn't be able to personally help if they needed it).
- : Of course this is a bad idea.
- : > This thinking reminds me of a friend who wants to eliminate the standard
- : > ballot for president, and replace it with an ordinal ballot, 3
- : > candidates, put a 1,2 or 3 by their name in order of preference. This
- : > way, Ross Perot could have won the '92 election.
- : Maybe you are confusing your friend's arguements with mine? I don't think we have a
- : disagreement at all.
- I can live with that.
- : Bryant Reif
- : mailto:reifbrya@pilot.msu.edu
- : http://www.aiesec.org/~bryant
- --
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Steph Greenberg, 3DCGIMD CGI Character Orthopedic Surgeon,
- steph@primenet.com Chiropracter, and Podiatrist.
- Copyright 1996. All Rights Reserved. Permission granted for non-commercial
- electronic republication only, such as Usenet and Email, and
- non-commercial educational purposes such as charge free WWW pages.
- Express permission is required for any other use. When in doubt, ask.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Article: 19617
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in2.uu.net!newsflash.concordia.ca!news.nstn.ca!news.inforamp.net!news1.istar.ca!news
- From: crs2093@inforamp.net (crs2093)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: LW is an Island
- Date: 15 May 1996 04:08:14 GMT
- Organization: iSTAR internet inc.
- Lines: 7
- Message-ID: <196.6708T1367T1437@inforamp.net>
- References: <4n8or3$tt4@newshost.vvm.com> <4n9iol$mfe@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: ts65-06.tor.istar.ca
- X-Newsreader: THOR 2.22 (Amiga;TCP/IP) *UNREGISTERED*
- Hi Brian.
- Could let me know how to connect up to the Plug-in Mailing List? Thanks.
- -Dave
- david.wyand@canrem.com
- Article: 19618
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!howland.reston.ans.net!nntp.crl.com!news1.crl.com!ephsa!endicor.com!news
- From: Tim_Irvin@fcircus.sat.tx.us (Tim Irvin)
- Subject: Re: where to find renamer
- Message-ID: <19960514.7580A88.14296@fcircus.sat.tx.us>
- Sender: news@endicor.com (Usenet News System)
- Nntp-Posting-Host: vizzini.endicor.com
- Organization: The Flying Circus Amiga BBX, San Antonio, Texas
- X-Newssoftware: BBX-UMB 1.06l (February 20, 1995)
- References: <mfrazin.22.0009BF3F@interaccess.com>
- Date: Wed, 15 May 1996 04:09:56 GMT
- Lines: 22
- In <mfrazin.22.0009BF3F@interaccess.com>, mfrazin@interaccess.com (Shadow)
- writes:
- > Where can I find renamer for the amiga or PC. I need it to rename file
- > extensions on PC generated images so the VT4000 can read and display them.
- >
- > thank you.
- I know there is a program that comes with toaster 4.1 (Amiga) called
- multirename. Its in the newtek/programs/utilities drawer.
- Hope that helps.
- Tim--
- Tim@Endicor.Com
- Tim_Irvin@fCircus.Sat.Tx.Us
- "Who Needs Sleep, When You Have LightWave!?"
- Article: 19619
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!netnews.nwnet.net!arclight.uoregon.edu!news.uoregon.edu!waikato!canterbury.ac.nz!cantva!misc1870
- From: TCM <misc1870@csc.canterbury.ac.nz> (The Cookie Monster [Glenn Fisher])
- Newsgroups: rec.games.programmer,comp.graphics.animation,rec.games.design,comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: Artist Needed for Game
- Date: 15 May 96 18:12:29 +1200
- Organization: University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand
- Lines: 60
- Message-ID: <1996May15.181229@cantva>
- References: <4lp5e5$ia0@crchh327.rich.bnr.ca> <31809A07.59A5@ucla.edu> <siu3xxka7s.fsf@a-s.NCRMicro.NCR.COM> <4mdmau$cui@news1.mnsinc.com> <318B3F10.3E19@pilot.msu.edu> <831597146.14312.16@thurgood.demon.co.uk> <Pine.LNX.3.92.960509141551.10945A-100000@ia
- NNTP-Posting-Host: cantva.canterbury.ac.nz
- Xref: news2.cais.com rec.games.programmer:91723 comp.graphics.animation:35701 rec.games.design:16271 comp.graphics.apps.lightwave:19619
- In article <Pine.LNX.3.92.960509141551.10945A-100000@iasmh.bsu.edu>, Shadowbird <darius@iasmh.bsu.edu> writes:
- >> Maybe it's just a personal thing, but how come there doesn't seem to be any
- >> really good artists nowadays. Or at least in galleries and such. Half the crap
- >> the have is not art. Whatever anybody says about 'expressing their inner
- >> feelings'. IMHO art is skill in portraying realism. To strive for photorealism.
- >> There are branch-offs like cartoons, which strive for character, and also
- >> require skill, but not as much. I was at an art place and I saw some of L.S
- >> lowry's paintings. A rough pencil drawing of a hand in the water. I mean rough.
- >> The hand was a stick, and the water was a few squiggles. The person has no
- >> artistic talent, but he has art gallery halls dedicated to his work.
- >
- > Wow, your opinions are going to totally shake up the art community as
- > we know it. I understand you completely. I mean, those stupid
- The art community has a vested interest in not getting shaken up, it's so full
- of frauds they would all lose their jobs ;)
- > impressionists just suck, Monet and the whole lot. I can't believe
- > anybody such as Van Gogh could be so untalented as to not paint
- > photorealistic stuff. And don't even get me started on Picasso. I mean,
- Yes, lets start on Van Gogh, I've just looked up a whole lot of his work to see
- if he's the guy I thought he was (he was).
- For something to be art (in my eyes) it must have required talent to create.
- I see no talent in Van Goghs work - I'm not very tolerant of abstract art (I
- tend to think its bollocks) but I will admit that even though there is little
- or no talent required in the painting part of abstract art there is talent
- required in the composition and so I can concieve of it requireing talent. Van
- Gogh also shows a complete lack of effort in the composition dept. his
- paintings have the compositional feel of holiday snaps. There is nothing
- wrong with this sort of composition, I'm just pointing out that anybody can
- do it.
- His painting skills... well can someone who knows why this guy wasn't forgotten
- when he shot himself please tell me why his paintings are considered better
- than the hundreds of high school folio works produced each year? The painting
- technique itself certainly seems to require little skill.
- Look at "sunflowers", composition you would find in a gardening book, and a
- painting style that joe public is capable of although I have no idea why joe
- public would want to paint that way.
- Someone tell me what I am missing.
- Is it his slightly warped sense of colour that arty people love so much (my
- monitor does that when people bump the cable)?
- I guess what I'm asking for is an imformed answer as to why?
- I doubt anyone will able to convince me that Van Gogh was talented, but my mind
- _is_ open to the possibility and I would like someone to try.
- > So, if one doesn't paint 'photorealism,' then one is not an artist.
- > If one writes anything other than essays, one is not a writer.
- Photorealisim is something that we know takes talent, high school art classes
- discourage this heavily - I have a sneaky suspicion it's a PC conspiracy
- to make sure people who can't draw arn't disadvantaged ;)
- --
- The Cookie Monster (TCM)
- - Nobody ever went out of business because they underestimated the
- intelligence of the public.
- Article: 19620
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!news.digisys.net!usenet
- From: fredster@digisys.net (Fredster)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: 3DS MAX's big flaws...
- Date: Wed, 15 May 1996 06:33:37 GMT
- Organization: :)
- Lines: 23
- Message-ID: <319979a9.25771958@news.digisys.net>
- References: <4n4pkb$715@dfw-ixnews4.ix.netcom.com> <4n5t41$6mr@news.corpcomm.net> <4namdo$99p@marina.cinenet.net> <3198FC6E.7E3D@ademco.com> <3199183e.837554@news.digisys.net> <31992A20.1017@osu.edu>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: modem1.digisys.net
- X-Newsreader: Forte Agent .99e/32.227
- On Tue, 14 May 1996 20:49:36 -0400, Jeff Jasper <jasper.7@osu.edu>
- wrote:
- >They are actually there for doing IK chains (pg.13-14 Vol 1). After you set
- >up the IK chain and movement, you atach your object to it and viola, and easy
- Ok, they do something, just not what I thought they would. So far,
- I've found it just as easy to link and move objects themselves...
- >way to do IK. I don't think Character Studio even uses the bones feature in
- >MAX. Bones Pro does though and it significantly cheaper than character
- >studio.
- Hmmm...gotta check it out! Thanks.
- -------------------------------------------------------
- Fredster
- fredster@digisys.net
- http://www.digisys.net/users/fredster
- Brownies - not just for breakfast anymore!
- Article: 19621
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!news.kei.com!nntp.coast.net!lll-winken.llnl.gov!ames!news.tulane.edu!news.starnet.net!newsreader.wustl.edu!usenet
- From: edrobson@artsci.wustl.edu ("tracer" robson)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: Bluescreening with Premeire
- Date: Wed, 15 May 1996 06:43:08 GMT
- Organization: fiction
- Lines: 33
- Message-ID: <31997cb8.10425883@newsreader.wustl.edu>
- References: <4n71c2$qo3@columbia.acc.brad.ac.uk> <3197417E.5486@cyberoptics.com>
- Reply-To: edrobson@artsci.wustl.edu
- NNTP-Posting-Host: @dialin2-27.wustl.edu
- On Mon, 13 May 1996 09:04:46 -0500, Nate Hayes <nhayes@cyberoptics.com> wrote:
- )>Hi Benjamin,
- )>
- )>I'm the one who wrote the tutorial. I've got copies of it uploaded to
- )>CompuServe under both the LightWave User's Group forum (GO GUGRPA) and
- )>the Premiere/PC forum (GO ADOBEAPP). Unfortunately, there's not a way to
- )>post it here in this newsgroup or else I'd do so....
- )>
- )>But yes, you can get very professional compositing results with the
- )>Adobe Photoshop/Premiere combination. For people on a budget, I highly
- )>recommend them both.
- )>
- )>Nate
- Could someone retrieve this and put it here, or on their web or ftp site.
- for those of us who don't have access to Compuserve?
- Thanks..
- e
- Article: 19622
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in1.uu.net!news.net1.net!news
- From: throb@net1.net (thROB)
- Newsgroups: houston.forsale,tx.forsale,misc.forsale.computers.pc-specific.misc,misc.forsale.computers.pc-specific.cards,misc.forsale.computers.pc-specific.systems,misc.forsale.computers.pc-specific.systems,comp.graphics.apps.lightwave,comp.graphics.animat
- Subject: ** Wanted : PC based DPS PAR Animation Recorder **
- Date: Wed, 15 May 1996 06:56:47 GMT
- Organization: Net One
- Lines: 9
- Message-ID: <4nbunv$dct@news.net1.net>
- Reply-To: throb@net1.net
- NNTP-Posting-Host: ppp038.net1.net
- X-Newsreader: Forte Agent .99c/32.126
- Xref: news2.cais.com houston.forsale:22582 tx.forsale:21536 misc.forsale.computers.pc-specific.misc:35055 misc.forsale.computers.pc-specific.systems:20073 comp.graphics.apps.lightwave:19622 comp.graphics.animation:35702
- I am looking to get a PAR with or with out a HD attached. Please let
- me know if you have such an animal.
- If you have the TBC IV, even better (but this is NOT necessary). I
- just want the PAR!!!!
- Thanks,
- Robert
- (throb@net1.net)
- Article: 19623
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.animation,comp.graphics.apps.lightwave,comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!newsfeed.internetmci.com!newsfeeder.servtech.com!news1.io.org!torfree!bj071
- From: bj071@torfree.net (Adrian van der Park)
- Subject: Re: MAX or Lightwave? How about some MAX here folks.
- Message-ID: <DrFMyE.Hx0.0.sheppard@torfree.net>
- Followup-To: comp.graphics.animation,comp.graphics.apps.lightwave,comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio
- Organization: Toronto Free-Net
- X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2]
- References: <jmonahan-0605960210270001@phx-ip-71.netzone.com> <4mlgjf$rkk@newsbf02.news.aol.com> <4mlp8i$mm4@nnrp1.news.primenet.com> <4mm0dc$7uo@news1.io.org> <jmonahan-0805960155000001@phx-ip-77.netzone.com> <4mr7ig$8av@marina.cinenet.net> <jmonahan-100
- Date: Wed, 15 May 1996 05:51:49 GMT
- Lines: 26
- Xref: news2.cais.com comp.graphics.animation:35703 comp.graphics.apps.lightwave:19623 comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio:16714
- Joe Monahan (jmonahan@netzone.com) wrote:
- : Again, Indigo2's are OLD technology. Compare the Indigoes with the *NEW*
- : R5000 and R10000 Mips chips please! According to Byte Magazine, " SGI is
- : reporting significant performance gains on its latest R5000 based Indy
- : workstation. According to SGI, the new Indy's [these are low end SGI
- : machines] run 3D graphics software about 83 percent faster than existing
- : R4400 [Indigo2] based systems. And because they use early versions of the
- : R5000 that run at 150 to 180 MHz, greater gains lie ahead when the R5000
- : achieves its target clock speed of 250MHz."
- just a clue, but it seems that it's _SGI_ who is doing the speed analysis
- here and of course they are going to try and put their product in a
- favorable review... wouldn't you?
- PS. I work with a 175MHz Indy w/ 96 ram, and it _is_a_lot_ slower than a
- dual p6 for Pro/Engineer work. (they have the same memory count, just to
- be fair). The P6 station was about half the price of the Indy.
- So it would seem that it's SGI who is playing the catch up game on
- desktop workstation speeds.
- Adrian
- --
- ___//L'Adder Noir\\__________________________________ _ _ _
- GothCode 1.1 GoEn+ T9 B12Bk c1(7)f-- P7 M+++ a+ n---
- b-:- H6'2" g m+ w++ r++ D-~ h+ s10 k+++ R- Ssw LcaON----
- __"I have a cunning plan..." -Baldrick_______________ _ _ _
- Article: 19624
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!btnet!news.compulink.co.uk!cix.compulink.co.uk!usenet
- From: snouty@cix.compulink.co.uk ("Phil South")
- Subject: Re: INSTALL PROBLEMS LW 5.0
- Message-ID: <DrFrB4.GF3@cix.compulink.co.uk>
- Organization: Compulink Information eXchange
- References: <3194C0D8.5F31@telepost.no>
- Date: Wed, 15 May 1996 07:25:52 GMT
- X-News-Software: Ameol32
- Lines: 23
- > I have recently got my Lw5.0 upgrade. but,
- > after i installed the software,
- > the modeler will not run. I get a message like
- >
- >
- > Lightwave layout are working 100%. and dongel is ok.
- >
- > I am working under windows NT 3.51
- >
- > Is there someone that have a clue.
- Is everyone out there getting strange deja vu sensations...
- :?)
- ---
- -------------------------------------------------------------
- Phil South <snouty@cix.compulink.co.uk> "nuqDaq yuch Dapol"
- Home Page http://www.webscape.co.uk/phil/
- Webscape Ltd http://www.webscape.co.uk
- -------------------------------------------------------------
- Article: 19625
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!btnet!news.compulink.co.uk!cix.compulink.co.uk!usenet
- From: snouty@cix.compulink.co.uk ("Phil South")
- Subject: Re: VIRUS WARNING!! DON'T OPEN "Good Times" E-Mail
- Message-ID: <DrFrB7.GFs@cix.compulink.co.uk>
- Organization: Compulink Information eXchange
- References: <4n12km$svt@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- Date: Wed, 15 May 1996 07:25:54 GMT
- X-News-Software: Ameol32
- Lines: 9
- ---
- -------------------------------------------------------------
- Phil South <snouty@cix.compulink.co.uk> "nuqDaq yuch Dapol"
- Home Page http://www.webscape.co.uk/phil/
- Webscape Ltd http://www.webscape.co.uk
- -------------------------------------------------------------
- Article: 19626
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!btnet!news.compulink.co.uk!cix.compulink.co.uk!usenet
- From: glynw@cix.compulink.co.uk ("Glyn Williams")
- Subject: Re: G6-strange problem
- Message-ID: <DrFrM1.HH5@cix.compulink.co.uk>
- Organization: Compulink Information eXchange
- References: <Dr9yzM.AFw@news2.new-york.net>
- Distribution: world
- Date: Wed, 15 May 1996 07:32:24 GMT
- X-News-Software: Ameol
- Lines: 24
- > Greetings all
- > Our company recently purchaced some Gateway computers for LW
- > animating/rendering.
- >
- > The problem is screen refreshing on the G6 (layout only!), windows NT
- > 3.51, LW4.0C, Matrox 4MB board, 64Meg.
- > We have a P133 with the EXACT same drivers, cards, OS, etc, and it
- > blows the G6 out of the water when it comes to screen updates.
- >
- > I have re-installed the entire system on the G6 twice- no cigar
- >
- > Has anyone encountered this type of problem?
- > Suggestions?
- >
- If your problem is slow screen update speeds under layout, then the
- problem is down to a bug in the PCI chipset. We had an identical machine
- with identical problems. The Intel based chipset limits the throughput of
- the PCI bus to about 8 megs per second. Gateway should soon start
- shipping a revised version of the Motherboard, (Venus) with a Natoma
- chipset.
- I would ask Gateway to replace you machine with one of these when it is
- available.
- Glyn Williams - Particle Systems Ltd
- Article: 19627
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!zombie.ncsc.mil!nntp.coast.net!swidir.switch.ch!swsbe6.switch.ch!surfnet.nl!tudelft.nl!news
- From: Wooly Mittens <0201367@ptf12.hro.nl>
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: Best animation format!
- Date: Wed, 15 May 1996 09:45:43 -0700
- Organization: Delft University of Technology
- Lines: 17
- Message-ID: <319A0A37.1E8F@ptf12.hro.nl>
- References: <317ED196.170B@sonetis.com> <317FEF93.5B88@atlanta.com> <4n9212$rjq@usenet6.interramp.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: dutsp211.stm.tudelft.nl
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- X-Mailer: Mozilla 2.01 (Win16; I)
- Anthony Caviello wrote:
- >
- > I was curious about using the new INTEL IVI codec for lightwave
- > rendering.
- > My question is how do you actually implement it. Right now when I
- > render an AVI from lightwave I get to pick the codec. To start using
- > the new intel IVI do I have to replace something in my LW config.
- > Obviously I must download the new codec, but I'm not clear how I use
- > it, or render directly with. Do I need to swap it with the old intel
- > codec in my control panel (NT).
- It's better to render individual frames, the merge them in a dedicated
- animation package like "adobe premier". That way you can control
- more parameters of your AVI's or MOV's(superior format) and even make
- crossfades between scenes.
- Wooly Mittens.
- Article: 19628
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!ringer.cs.utsa.edu!swrinde!newsfeed.internetmci.com!newsfeed.direct.ca!news
- From: kharmel@Direct.CA (Kurt Harmel)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Morphing Problem in Relation to Modeler
- Date: 15 May 1996 08:25:05 GMT
- Organization: Internet Direct Inc.
- Lines: 7
- Message-ID: <4nc4d1$s58@aphex.direct.ca>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: van-pm-0401.direct.ca
- X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.5
- I've noticed that if I miror an object in modeler and then
- attempt to morph both of them onto another object, the mirrored
- one distorts in layout. Does anyone know why this is so? Is there a trick that
- I'm missing, or do I have to abandon the mirroring tool if I wish to
- morph objects.
- Thanks; I'm using 4.0
- Article: 19629
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!tank.news.pipex.net!pipex!netcom.net.uk!ix.netcom.com!news
- From: Gameboy@ix.netcom.com (William Longworth)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: 3DS MAX's big flaws...
- Date: Tue, 14 May 1996 05:47:02 GMT
- Organization: Netcom
- Lines: 26
- Message-ID: <4nc5rt$ek3@dfw-ixnews8.ix.netcom.com>
- References: <4n4pkb$715@dfw-ixnews4.ix.netcom.com> <4n5t41$6mr@news.corpcomm.net> <4namdo$99p@marina.cinenet.net>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: lax-ca19-12.ix.netcom.com
- X-NETCOM-Date: Wed May 15 3:50:05 AM CDT 1996
- X-Newsreader: Forte Free Agent 1.0.82
- >IK is incorporated into 3D Max without any plugins..
- I'm talking about the ability to deform a continuous mesh with IK, not
- simply move a series of linked objects. MAX has the BONES in there as
- a teaser to get you to jump into Character Studio, character animation
- plug-in that lists for as much as a copy of LW.
- For more info on 3DS MAX and Character Studio, I suggest anyone
- interested jump to;
- http://www.ktx.com
- This is the Kinetix website (Kinetix is the name given to the branch
- of Autodesk responsible for marketing MAX).
- The degree of integration in MAX under NT is very impressive, and
- hopefully Newtek (and the apparently problematic Tim Jenison) will
- study it for LW 6.0.
- Still, when you consider that you can buy a nice Pentium 133+ AND
- Lightwave 5.0 for the price of MAX alone....
- Bill L.
- Article: 19630
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!usenet.eel.ufl.edu!bofh.dot!warwick!bradford.ac.uk!bpsmith
- From: B.P.Smith@bradford.ac.uk (Stormfront)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: NT driver for DPS PAR
- Date: 15 May 1996 08:53:42 GMT
- Organization: the University of Bradford
- Lines: 10
- Message-ID: <4nc62m$squ@columbia.acc.brad.ac.uk>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: muser-fddi.acc.brad.ac.uk
- X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2]
- Just thought I'd post for all those using the DPS PAR board that the
- revised version of the windows NT driver is now available from ftp.dps.com
- Lets hope it works this time.
- _____________________________________________________________________________
- Benjamin Smith
- University of Bradford, "Strike me down and I shall become more
- England powerful than you can possibly imagine"
- ----------------------------------------------------------Obi-Wan-Kenobi-----
- Article: 19631
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!news.kei.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!howland.reston.ans.net!newsjunkie.ans.net!newsfeeds.ans.net!newstf01.news.aol.com!newsbf02.news.aol.com!not-for-mail
- From: jbooth411@aol.com (JBooth411)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: In defense of separate Modeler/Layout
- Date: 15 May 1996 04:58:10 -0400
- Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364)
- Lines: 25
- Sender: root@newsbf02.news.aol.com
- Message-ID: <4nc6b2$de8@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- References: <4n920u$rjq@usenet6.interramp.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: newsbf02.mail.aol.com
- X-Newsreader: AOL Offline Reader
- In article <4n920u$rjq@usenet6.interramp.com>, caviello@interramp.com
- (Anthony Caviello) writes:
- >
- > I love having a separate modeler and layout. I hope it stays
- >separate. I think it has a lot to do with why so much good work is
- >done with lightwave.
- I agree with this, but from a plugin-point of view I would like the
- functionality to be mirrored. What I mean is that modeler and layout
- should be ONE program, so layout plugins could create polygons, for
- instance. But I believe the workspaces should be kept seperate, for the
- most part... I'd like to be able to perform basic twists, clones, etc in
- layout (like in modeler), but I don't need Booliens in layout anytime
- soon.. I like having the quad view, with layers for modeler - it would
- suck to have to model in layout..
- Jason Booth
- Second Nature, Inc.
- "I'm programing a raytracer that only outputs in ASCII art! I'LL BE
- RICH!!!!"
- Article: 19632
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!zombie.ncsc.mil!nntp.coast.net!howland.reston.ans.net!surfnet.nl!tudelft.nl!news
- From: Wooly Mittens <0201367@ptf12.hro.nl>
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: caterpillar tracks anyone?
- Date: Wed, 15 May 1996 12:02:48 -0700
- Organization: Delft University of Technology
- Lines: 32
- Message-ID: <319A2A58.6742@ptf12.hro.nl>
- References: <3198CB9A.1E72@ptf12.hro.nl> <4nae45$ij4@nntpa.cb.att.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: dutsp211.stm.tudelft.nl
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- X-Mailer: Mozilla 2.01 (Win16; I)
- Lyle Milton wrote:
- > If you're in a real crunch and you have LW 3.5 and MacroForm 1.0 running
- > on an Amiga (or know someone who does), you can use RailForm from the
- > RailToolz requester.
- >
- > 1. create your treads in all their detailed glory about a disc (clone one
- > tread with rotation)
- > 2. create a curve to represent the desired shape of your tracks
- > 3. RailForm your treads with the Absolute, Mold, and Curve settings
- > 4. save (or export) that deformed tread object and undo the deformation
- > 5. rotate your treads 360/#treads degrees
- > 6. repeat steps 3 & 4
- > 7. in Layout morph the first tread to the second tread over a specified
- > number of frames (e.g. 4, 5, or whatever) with the Repeat setting
- >
- > From there you can use bones to add wobble and other little nuances.
- >
- > Hope this helps...
- >
- > - Lyle Milton
- > - One And Only Media
- gee thanks, that gave me a whole new perspective on the problem.
- -I will look into the "railing" technique
- -also bending the tracks for running over objects seems a good idea too.
- If I'm realy nuts I'd like to clone individual segments in the
- layout editor and make 'm move with pivot points...
- but I'm not *that* nuts (or am I).
- Wooly Mittens.
- Article: 19633
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!tank.news.pipex.net!pipex!usenet1.news.uk.psi.net!uknet!pavilion!usenet
- From: acharala@pavilion.co.uk (Andy C)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Lightwave 4.0 won't save AVI files on PC
- Date: 12 May 1996 15:56:00 GMT
- Organization: Pavilion Internet plc
- Lines: 8
- Message-ID: <4n51mg$ghv@s02.pavilion.co.uk>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: poolc55.pavilion.co.uk
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Content-Type: Text/Plain; charset=US-ASCII
- X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.99.7
- Why is it doing this? I have got the tha HIIP-avi16 plug-in set up. I also
- tryed the AVI_256 plugin but that reports an error with one of the DLL files.
- HIIP-avi16 just does not create an AVI file even though it renders and seems
- to be saving to disk after each frame.
- Someone please help.
- Article: 19634
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!swrinde!cs.utexas.edu!news.ti.com!usenet
- From: Sc0t@msg.ti.com (The Glory Boys)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: Camera-Help
- Date: 15 May 1996 13:50:32 GMT
- Organization: GBI
- Lines: 24
- Message-ID: <4ncnf8$3tm@tilde.csc.ti.com>
- References: <ftn_2.203.316.100$FidoNet_317d5333_Rikard.Bosnjakovic@p100.ubase.ct.se>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: a0204280.dlin.sc.ti.com
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Content-Type: Text/Plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
- X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.99.7
- >>If I understand the problem correctly, more keyframes is the wrong
- >>solution - the better one is to parent the camera to a null, move the
- >>camera a distance away from the null, and then rotate the null.....
- Rikard, IÂ’ve been out for a week or so. "wrong solution" is LeeÂ’s way of saying "I
- would do it differently". Parenting the camera to a null and moving, rotating the
- null is a great technique, it makes dramatic sweeps very easy to do, and does
- cut down on keyframes. In fact without this technique some camera motions
- would almost be impossible.
- HereÂ’s the downside, in my PERSONAL opinion, using the null to simply rotate
- the camera a concentric distance around the object looks a little to perfect, a
- little to CGI. To fix this you may want to try moving the camera in or out in
- relation to the null. If your object does not fit neatly inside a concentric circle, you
- will have to do this. Also you may want try rotating the camera ever so slightly off
- center to give your camera a little inertia.
- Because Lee and I differ slightly, you now have two solutions.
- Enjoy
- Scott at GBI
- Article: 19635
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!news.kei.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!mr.net!newshub.tc.umn.edu!zib-berlin.de!zrz.TU-Berlin.DE!news
- From: Hicks <masi0534@mailszrz.zrz.tu-berlin.de>
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Model VP5075 wanted!
- Date: 15 May 1996 13:57:48 GMT
- Organization: ArtfulArt
- Lines: 5
- Message-ID: <4ncnss$4a4@brachio.zrz.TU-Berlin.DE>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: atc61.chem.tu-berlin.de
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- X-Mailer: Mozilla 1.2N (Windows; I; 16bit)
- Is there anyone who has Viewpoint Model VP5075?
- thanks in advance,
- Hicks
- Article: 19636
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!tank.news.pipex.net!pipex!dish.news.pipex.net!pipex!soap.news.pipex.net!pipex!usenet
- From: pauland@dial.pipex.com (Paul Andrews)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: WTB: UK - LightWave Videos
- Date: 15 May 1996 14:29:40 GMT
- Organization: PR Software Consultants Ltd
- Lines: 13
- Message-ID: <4ncpok$87h@soap.news.pipex.net>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: ao039.du.pipex.com
- X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.1
- Hi,
- Anyone in the UK want to sell their Lightwave videos to me?
- If so email me with the video titles and price!
- I guess the Lee Stranahan's videos would be my preference.
- Paul.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Paul Andrews P.R. Software Consultants Ltd.
- CA-Ingres, CA-OpenROAD Consultancy pauland@dial.pipex.com
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Article: 19637
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!uwm.edu!math.ohio-state.edu!magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu!sbennett
- From: sbennett@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu (Stephen G Bennett)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Lightwave file format
- Date: 15 May 1996 15:23:28 GMT
- Organization: The Ohio State University
- Lines: 17
- Message-ID: <4ncstg$jqh@charm.magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: beauty.magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu
- Was wondering if anyone could help me. I'm trying to find the file
- format for a lightwave object. What I'm trying to do is convert
- some contours that I have digitized in a proprietary format into
- a lightwave object so I can (obviously) load it into lightwave.
- The contours are relatively simple, being a two-dimensional polygon
- in the XY axis of about 100-200 points. Any help would be really
- appreciated.
- If possible, could you mail the results directly to my account.
- My e-mail address is:
- sbennett@magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu
- Thanks a lot.
- Steve Bennett
- Article: 19638
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!usenet.eel.ufl.edu!bofh.dot!warwick!leicester!usenet
- From: Chaz <SCS6@le.ac.uk>
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: A newbie question....
- Date: 15 May 1996 15:40:56 GMT
- Organization: University of Leicester, UK
- Lines: 17
- Message-ID: <4nctu8$6e9@falcon.le.ac.uk>
- References: <4n1vo1$9j@s02.pavilion.co.uk>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: pc173.sweetpea5.le.ac.uk
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- X-Mailer: Mozilla 1.22 (Windows; I; 16bit)
- jshimmin@pavilion.co.uk (Lemmin) wrote:
- >
- >Does lightwave 4.0 run properly in Win95?
- >
- >It loads alright, but it won't save an avi
- >and this is starting to annoy me.
- >
- >What am I missing? What should I have done?
- It runs fine in Win95, but when you are trying to save .avis, make sure
- you type in the filename with the extension, eg. anim.avi, otherwise it
- won't save it.
- Chaz
- Article: 19639
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!guitar.sound.net!news
- From: chuck@bbs.newtek.com (Chuck Baker)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: VT/Windows in Indiana?
- Date: Wed, 15 May 96 10:42:35
- Organization: NewTek Technical Support
- Lines: 28
- Distribution: world
- Message-ID: <19960515.779CB60.9D58@bbs.newtek.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: bbs.newtek.com
- On Tue 14-May-1996 18:25 , Shadowbird wrote:
- S> > The difficulty was that the host PC was down. We had no problems with
- S> the
- S> > Blue Box itself. We demonstrated it in standalone operation, from its
- S> own
- S> > front panel controls.
- S> Fair enough. How long until mass production begins, out of
- S> curiosity?
- S> -=-N-=-
- Shortly after the software development is finished. The official projection
- for shipping, as stated at NAB, is for first quarter '97. The host-system
- software portion of the project is being redone from the ground up in Java.
- Segments that have a need for speed and/or must be platform specific will be
- done in C++ or assembler, but for portability we are going to do as much as
- possible in Java.
- .
- ========================================================================
- Chuck Baker | TekWorld: NewTek Tech Support BBS
- Technical Support Online Services | telnet address: bbs.newtek.com
- NewTek, Inc. | modem ports: 913-271-9299
- ========================================================================
- CompuServe: Go AmigaVend, NewTek; DTVForum, NewTek; GUGRPA, LightWave UG
- AOL: Keyword NewTek Email: Tech@newtek.com
- ========================================================================
- Article: 19640
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!netaxs.com!bofh.dot!hunter.premier.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in2.uu.net!en.com!in-news.erinet.com!bug.rahul.net!rahul.net!a2i!ddsw1!news.mcs.net!usenet
- From: sales@mt-inc.com (MicroTech)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: LW3.1 render question
- Date: 15 May 1996 15:56:43 GMT
- Organization: MCSNet Internet Services
- Lines: 54
- Message-ID: <2093.6709T583T2873@mt-inc.com>
- References: <3198E8E3.58BE@umslvma.umsl.edu>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: mtinc.pr.mcs.net
- X-Newsreader: THOR 2.22 (Amiga;TCP/IP)
- On 14-May-96 14:11:15, Farzad W. (s944258@umslvma.umsl.edu) posted:
- > Greetings,
- > We're using LW3.1 on Amiga4000 here at UM-St.Louis. recently we've
- > been having strange render problems.
- > A major problem that we face is that we can't get our scene completely
- > rendered. It doesn't look like a memory problem because it is rendered
- > on RAM and also it doesnot give us any memory errors!
- > We've had one scene with 140 frames. After hitting 'Easyanim' button,
- > we can see the last frames being rendered on the preview monitor but
- > once it's done and loaded, we find that only 60-90 frames has been
- > rendered!
- > What may be the problem? Any solutions?
- > Thank you in advance.
- > -Farzad
- > http://www.umsl.edu/studentlife/umsltv
- You must remember that you can RENDER any size 'Easy Anim' that you want,
- up to hundreds of frames. However, PLAYBACK is limited by your available
- ram.
- Your experience seems to be fairly consistent with this. If you try to load
- in an anim larger than your available ram permits, it will be truncated at
- the point where your ram 'maxes' out. So if you create an anim of 300
- frames but only have enough ram for 90, it will only load the first 90
- frames and discard the rest.
- To see if this is the case, load in the 'GetSmall' project after a fresh
- reboot, and see if it now loads in more frames than it did previously. If
- so, you're hitting a ram limitation. Either limit yourself to smaller
- animations or buy more ram if this is the case.
- Regards,
- John Crookshank
- MicroTech
- --
- ______________________________________________________________
- / MicroTech Sales Staff | Raptor3 DEC Alpha Workstations \
- | MicroTech Solutions, Inc. | Lightwave 3D, Toaster/Flyer |
- | Desktop Video Systems Dealer | JVC Professional Video Products |
- | NewTek Systems Group Dealer | PVR, Speed Razor, Amiga Dealer |
- |------------------------------|---------------------------------|
- | sales@mt-inc.com http://www.mt-inc.com/ |
- \______________________________________________________________/
- Article: 19641
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!world1.bawave.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in2.uu.net!svc.portal.com!shell.portal.com!jobe.shell.portal.com!drakon
- From: drakon@shell.portal.com (Harry Benjamin Gibson)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: Unclean Boolean unions.
- Date: 15 May 1996 16:05:17 GMT
- Organization: Portal Communications Company -- 408/973-9111 (voice) 408/973-8091 (data)
- Lines: 26
- Message-ID: <4ncvbt$6si@news1.shell>
- References: <mad.77ws@torment.tmisnet.com> <4n83n2$jc4@news1.t1.usa.pipeline.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: jobe.shell.portal.com
- X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2]
- Michael C. Ling (mikeling@nyc.pipeline.com) wrote:
- : Thanks, but I think it is probably notthat. The objects I am referring were
- : made from metaformed objects.
- :
- : On May 12, 1996 10:18:50 in article <Re: Unclean Boolean unions.>,
- : 'mad@torment.tmisnet.com (Mark Dunakin)' wrote:
- :
- : >------------
- : >I had a similar thing happen like this and I couldn't figure out why the
- : seam
- : >wouldn't disappear. I did so much as to keep zooming in in the object to
- : see
- : >if I could figure out what was going on. Finally, when I went back into
- : >Modeler, I found out that what was happening was there was one polygon
- : still
- : >in the midel of the object slicing striaght through it. I deleted it and
- : had
- : >no more problems........md
- My problems with booleans have always occured when I had non-planar polys
- trying to do the intersecting. Once I found tehm and tripled (How come there
- ain't a quadruple function?) the offending polys, the seams were nice and
- smooth
- Ben Gibson
- Article: 19642
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!world1.bawave.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!guitar.sound.net!news
- From: chuck@bbs.newtek.com (Chuck Baker)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: LW3.1 render question
- Date: Wed, 15 May 96 11:04:28
- Organization: NewTek Technical Support
- Lines: 40
- Distribution: world
- Message-ID: <19960515.7797358.A119@bbs.newtek.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: bbs.newtek.com
- On Tue 14-May-1996 14:11 , Farzad W. wrote:
- FW> Greetings,
- FW> We're using LW3.1 on Amiga4000 here at UM-St.Louis. recently we've
- FW> been having strange render problems.
- FW> A major problem that we face is that we can't get our scene completely
- FW> rendered. It doesn't look like a memory problem because it is rendered
- FW> on RAM and also it doesnot give us any memory errors!
- FW> We've had one scene with 140 frames. After hitting 'Easyanim' button,
- FW> we can see the last frames being rendered on the preview monitor but
- FW> once it's done and loaded, we find that only 60-90 frames has been
- FW> rendered!
- FW> What may be the problem? Any solutions?
- FW> Thank you in advance.
- FW> -Farzad
- FW> http://www.umsl.edu/studentlife/umsltv
- I think if you load the anim, then use the T-bar to slowly scrub through the
- anim, you'll find all 140 frames are present. What you can playback is always
- limited by available RAM, when you just use the spacebar to do the normal
- speed play. How much RAM do you have on the 4000, and what is the file size
- of the stored animation? Do you make sure to unload all other program modules
- (CG, TPaint, LW) before attempting playback? Have you tried loading the
- Getsmall prroject and then playing the anim?
- .
- ========================================================================
- Chuck Baker | TekWorld: NewTek Tech Support BBS
- Technical Support Online Services | telnet address: bbs.newtek.com
- NewTek, Inc. | modem ports: 913-271-9299
- ========================================================================
- CompuServe: Go AmigaVend, NewTek; DTVForum, NewTek; GUGRPA, LightWave UG
- AOL: Keyword NewTek Email: Tech@newtek.com
- ========================================================================
- Article: 19643
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!world1.bawave.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!nntp.earthlink.net!usenet
- From: fwtep@earthlink.net
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: LW vs Alias
- Date: Wed, 15 May 96 17:02:19 GMT
- Organization: Earthlink Network, Inc.
- Lines: 43
- Message-ID: <N.051596.100219.87@earthlink.net.earthlink.net>
- References: <318B253F.25FC@montreal.com> <4mj9hk$6bu@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- <bill_l-0705961003580001@>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: max1-so-ca-01.earthlink.net
- X-Newsreader: Quarterdeck Message Center [2.00]
- On 5/7/96 2:03AM, in message <bill_l-0705961003580001@>, Bill
- Leonard <bill_l@magicnet.net> wrote:
- > In article <4mj9hk$6bu@newsbf02.news.aol.com>, stranahan@aol.com
- > (Stranahan) wrote:
- >
- > > I'm sorry, but I think it's very fair - the Industry works on a budget,
- > > period. LightWave and other reasonably priced tools offer more bang for
- > > the buck, period. You can simply do more, cheaper. If anyone doubts this,
- > > put out a bid to a Alias company and a LightWave company. I know which one
- > > can give you more for your money. I know that the right LightWave artist,
- > > and there are a few of them, can deliver anything - and I mean ANYTHING -
- > > the Alias artist can, on an equivilent budget. You don't think so? You
- > > don't know the right artists....
- >
- > Lee, you just contradicted yourself in the same message!!!
- >
- > "LightWave and other reasonably priced tools offer more bang for
- > > the buck, period. You can simply do more, cheaper."
- >
- > and then...
- >
- > "...the right LightWave artist,
- > > and there are a few of them, can deliver anything - and I mean ANYTHING -
- > > the Alias artist can, on an equivilent budget."
- >
- > So what do you mean?
- >
- > LW doesn't have the speed... and if you get more machines to stack up,
- > that blurs the whole cost thing.
- >
- > Sorry.
- >
- > Bill Leonard - bill_l@magicnet.net
- > cyber.lab g.f.x.
- > Orlando, Florida
- The speed issue is just not an problem for Lightwave. It runs on machines that
- make Alias users drool. I have seen them drool too and it's not a pretty sight.
- --
- -=Fred=-
- Article: 19644
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!world1.bawave.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in2.uu.net!n3ott.istar!istar.net!n1ott.istar!uniserve!oronet!news.netzone.com!phx-ip-62.netzone.com!user
- From: jmonahan@netzone.com (Joe Monahan)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.animation,comp.graphics.apps.lightwave,comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio
- Subject: Re: MAX or Lightwave? Pick one and shut up..
- Date: Wed, 15 May 1996 04:07:11 -0700
- Organization: Center for Advancing Computer Technologies
- Lines: 19
- Message-ID: <jmonahan-1505960407110001@phx-ip-62.netzone.com>
- References: <3197DA57.546C@ix.netcom.com> <4n6jkf$p4g@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: phx-ip-49.netzone.com
- Xref: news2.cais.com comp.graphics.animation:35710 comp.graphics.apps.lightwave:19644 comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio:16725
- It figures you would say so as soon as someone asked you to demonstrate
- your prowess....wimp.
- Joe Monahan
- In article <4n6jkf$p4g@newsbf02.news.aol.com>, instntguts@aol.com
- (InstntGuts) wrote:
- > <Shut up and get back to animating.>
- >
- > Ditto. A voice of sanity.
- >
- > Thanks, George.
- >
- > -- Jon
- Article: 19645
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!van-bc,bofh.dot!news.mindlink.net!uniserve!oronet!news.netzone.com!phx-ip-62.netzone.com!user
- From: jmonahan@netzone.com (Joe Monahan)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.animation,comp.graphics.apps.lightwave,comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio
- Subject: Re: MAX or Lightwave? Pick one and shut up....
- Date: Wed, 15 May 1996 04:11:37 -0700
- Organization: Center for Advancing Computer Technologies
- Lines: 49
- Message-ID: <jmonahan-1505960411370001@phx-ip-62.netzone.com>
- References: <jmonahan-0605960210270001@phx-ip-71.netzone.com> <3197DA57.546C@ix.netcom.com> <4n6ihp$93c@dfw-ixnews5.ix.netcom.com> <4n8t5v$mhi@news2.cts.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: phx-ip-49.netzone.com
- Xref: news2.cais.com comp.graphics.animation:35711 comp.graphics.apps.lightwave:19645 comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio:16726
- I agree. I challenged all the loud mouths to a free web page demo where I
- would place their images next to others for all to compare. Suddenly all
- the "experts" shut up. The one image I did recieve was actually stolen off
- the web!
- I'm keeping all these posts to present to the Internet class I teach -a
- good lesson for them, and for me!
- Joe Monahan
- In article <4n8t5v$mhi@news2.cts.com>, Hell@down.com (Pixel Twister) wrote:
- > bman2@ix.netcom.com(Brenden Mecleary ) wrote:
- >
- >
- > > Well put! Enough with all this competition! Haven't you got
- > >better things to do with your time?
- >
- > > Brenden Mecleary
- > > bman2@ix.netcom.com
- > > http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/1979/
- >
- >
- >
- >
- > >>
- > >>Shut up and get back to animating.
- > >>
- > >>George.
- >
- >
- > Yer Damn Right, Brenden!
- >
- > I propose we start a new thread about not arguing about brand names!
- > In all seriousness, I believe that these "pissing contests" are a
- > byproduct of being Human. Everyone wants to think that what they are
- > using is best, and will go to extreme measures to prove to themselves
- > that they are correct. I have been silent about thus far, but the
- > previous to articles finally sparked something. George, wonderful
- > advice! Until everybody learns, however, I am just dumping these
- > threads in my killfile.
- > Happy Animating!
- > yer pal
- >
- > t od d d d d d d
- > toddcr@cts.com
- > http://www.users.cts.com/crash/t/toddcr/
- Article: 19646
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!world1.bawave.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!howland.reston.ans.net!news-e2a.gnn.com!newstf01.news.aol.com!newsbf02.news.aol.com!not-for-mail
- From: virtualbri@aol.com (VirtualBri)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: Mailing List
- Date: 15 May 1996 12:17:14 -0400
- Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364)
- Lines: 15
- Sender: root@newsbf02.news.aol.com
- Message-ID: <4nd02a$jlj@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- References: <DrE8Cw.3pK@ncrcae.ColumbiaSC.ATTGIS.COM>
- Reply-To: virtualbri@aol.com (VirtualBri)
- NNTP-Posting-Host: newsbf02.mail.aol.com
- Could be because the list has moved:
- To subscribe tot he moved LightWave3D mailing list, send e-mail to:
- majordomo@tomahawk.grandi.com
- In the body of the message, include either
- subscribe lightwave
- or
- subscribe lightwave-digest
- Now, if you're on that list, I can't help you.
- --Brian
- ======== http://members.aol.com/virtualbri/ =======
- == Home of the LightWave 3D Internet Resource Lists ==
- ============= So, why aren't you on it? =============
- Article: 19647
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!world1.bawave.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!news.sprintlink.net!new-news.sprintlink.net!metro.atlanta.com!nntp.atlanta.com!usenet
- From: Henri Smulders <bwidget@atlanta.com>
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: 3D computer graphics and the sciences
- Date: Wed, 15 May 1996 10:13:32 -0400
- Organization: IMT
- Lines: 22
- Message-ID: <3199E68C.5DBB@atlanta.com>
- References: <4naa0a$1k2@infoserv.aber.ac.uk>
- NNTP-Posting-Host:
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- X-Mailer: Mozilla 2.01 (Win95; I)
- jms93 wrote:
- > Hi all,
- > I was wondering whether anyone out there is interested or indeed
- > currently working with 3D graphics in the biochemistry/biological
- > sciences field.
- > Jonathan Shillingford
- We do a lot of visualisation here at the shop. One of the key things in
- visualisation of molecules is being able to animate objects procedurally according to
- rules you program. As such I would go with some type of program which allows to
- program blobs or at least particles. I've used Real3D for such a project. Since
- Real3D does not have blobs we used spheres to represent molecules.
- Lussier wrote a program specifically for what you want to do. Check out:
- http://www.inside.net/silicon_softworks/
- I am afraid that LW is not the best program for what you want to do. (I don't
- want flames to start; Yes: LW can be programmed through plug-ins-No: It is not
- exactly well suited for simulation purposes)
- Lately we've been messing around with the visualisation of fluid dynamics and
- complex systems in softimage. That might be a little out of your price range; I know
- it is out of mine personnally.
- Hajo
- Article: 19648
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in1.uu.net!news2.new-york.net!not-for-mail
- From: Ken Geary <ken_geary@ademco.com>
- Subject: Re: 3DS MAX's big flaws...
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
- X-Nntp-Posting-User: (Unauthenticated)
- Reply-To: 174, Michael, Drive, Syosset, NY, 11791
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- Organization: Ademco
- Message-ID: <319A0EB5.50B@ademco.com>
- References: <4n4pkb$715@dfw-ixnews4.ix.netcom.com> <4n5t41$6mr@news.corpcomm.net> <4namdo$99p@marina.cinenet.net> <3198FC6E.7E3D@ademco.com> <3199183e.837554@news.digisys.net>
- X-Mailer: Mozilla 3.0b3Gold (WinNT; I)
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- X-Trace: 832179895/10904
- X-Nntp-Posting-Host: wsn37.ademco.com
- Date: Wed, 15 May 1996 17:04:53 GMT
- Lines: 37
- Fredster wrote:
- >
- > On Tue, 14 May 1996 21:34:38 GMT, Ken Geary <ken_geary@ademco.com>
- > wrote:
- >
- > >> I havent tried it- so I may be wrong- but I believe it also has the ability to
- > >> connect the IK "bones" to geometry without any plug ins..
- > >
- > >Yes, but(I'm still trying to find out) can the bones be set to control
- > >only specified(or auto-assigned) points of an object, ala SI?
- >
- > Nope. The bones system that ships with Max is a demo of what bones
- > *could* do, and they don't really do anything(pg. 13-13 Vol 1). For
- > usable bones, you have to wait for Character Studio, the first of the
- > ridiculously overpriced plug-in$ to let Max do what we thought it
- > would do out of the box (I'm not bitter or anything).
- >
- > I got someone to give me an approx. price on Character Studio - $1500
- > msrp, but they're expecting the *real* price to be considerably lower.
- > Oooo, hold me back.
- >
- > I believe LightWave has a usable bones system without spending more
- > money.
- >
- > <sigh>
- > -------------------------------------------------------
- > Fredster
- > fredster@digisys.net
- > http://www.digisys.net/users/fredster
- > Brownies - not just for breakfast anymore!
- ---------------
- BOGUS! I am now leaning further away from MAX everytime I find out about
- a new "feature" that really needs an expensive plugin for it to be any
- good! Even the people upgrading for $500 are in for some nasty
- surprises(can you imagine buying 3ds4 just to get the upgrade deal?).
- Article: 19649
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!van-bc,bofh.dot!news.mindlink.net!uniserve!news.sol.net!daily-planet.execpc.com!usenet
- From: jeffsj@execpc.com (Jeffery S. Jones)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: Mailing List
- Date: 15 May 96 12:29:31 +0000
- Organization: Exec-PC BBS - Milwaukee, WI
- Lines: 32
- Message-ID: <924.6709T749T1550@execpc.com>
- References: <DrE8Cw.3pK@ncrcae.ColumbiaSC.ATTGIS.COM>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: mimas.execpc.com
- X-Newsreader: THOR 2.22 (Amiga;TCP/IP) *UNREGISTERED*
- On 14-May-96 11:37:59, Fredie Layberger
- <Fredie.Layberger@ColumbiaSC.ATTGIS.COM> wrote:
- >Has something happened to the Lightwave Mailing List? I've not received
- > anything messages via the list for several days now.
- The mailing list was moved to a new server. I and some others had to
- resubscribe, so you may need to do that as well; if you've been off for
- more than a couple weeks this is the case for sure.
- You need to write to:
- majordomo@tomahawk.grandi.com
- With a message on its own line of
- or, if you just want information about the list, use
- --
- This is also the server for the Toaster mailing list, substitute
- TOASTER for LIGHTWAVE to get that.
- --
- *-__________________________ | *Starfire* | _________________________-*
- Jeff Jones email:jeffsj@execpc.com *//* Amiga Lives! |Born
- *TFG* *Starfire* Design Studio *\\//* 1985-1994, |again 1995!
- --
- Article: 19650
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!world1.bawave.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!uwm.edu!news.sol.net!daily-planet.execpc.com!usenet
- From: jeffsj@execpc.com (Jeffery S. Jones)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: LW3.1 render question
- Date: 15 May 96 12:01:21 +0000
- Organization: Exec-PC BBS - Milwaukee, WI
- Lines: 54
- Message-ID: <2381.6709T721T1059@execpc.com>
- References: <3198E8E3.58BE@umslvma.umsl.edu>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: mimas.execpc.com
- X-Newsreader: THOR 2.22 (Amiga;TCP/IP) *UNREGISTERED*
- On 14-May-96 14:11:15, Farzad W. <s944258@umslvma.umsl.edu> wrote:
- >Greetings,
- >We're using LW3.1 on Amiga4000 here at UM-St.Louis. recently we've
- >been having strange render problems.
- >A major problem that we face is that we can't get our scene completely
- >rendered. It doesn't look like a memory problem because it is rendered
- >on RAM and also it doesnot give us any memory errors!
- >We've had one scene with 140 frames. After hitting 'Easyanim' button,
- >we can see the last frames being rendered on the preview monitor but
- >once it's done and loaded, we find that only 60-90 frames has been
- >rendered!
- >What may be the problem? Any solutions?
- The scene rendered just fine. But the loader for the animation will
- quit *without* an error message, when it runs out of free memory to load
- into. The lack of an error message of any type is annoying, because you
- have no idea that it failed to load the entire thing.
- To correct it, if possible, you need to shut down everything before
- loading, possibly rebooting with the GetSmall Toaster project with no CG
- or LW loaded, in order to get the needed memory.
- An 18 meg A4000 can display a 200 frame animation, but only if it has
- about 16 megs of free RAM. Which gets hard to do, if you've loaded up
- anything. Getting 90-120 frames in that amount of RAM is more likely.
- The preview animation mode is HAM8, but is _not_ compressed other than
- using HAM8 format. That is why you can run it backwards and forwards,
- and shift frames in real time at any speed you wish. It takes about 90k
- per frame, or 8 megs for 90 frames, 12 megs for 140 -- and 18 megs for
- 200. And this entire block of memory must be contiguous, with no
- applications tying up any of it with extraneous data, with such
- applications including the animation player.
- There are two solutions, if you don't have enough RAM to play the
- entire thing, even rebooting without loading anything. You can render
- only part of it, or you can buy more RAM.
- --
- I haven't tried a preview ANIM of this type in Toaster 4.1, but I'll
- see how it reacts to large animations. Maybe it will tell me that I
- haven't enough memory; that would be nice of it.
- --
- *-__________________________ | *Starfire* | _________________________-*
- Jeff Jones email:jeffsj@execpc.com *//* Amiga Lives! |Born
- *TFG* *Starfire* Design Studio *\\//* 1985-1994, |again 1995!
- --
- Article: 19651
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!world1.bawave.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!uwm.edu!vixen.cso.uiuc.edu!cdc2.cdc.net!news.texas.net!nntp.primenet.com!news.primenet.com!steph
- From: Steph Greenberg <steph@primenet.com>
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.animation,comp.graphics.apps.lightwave,comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio
- Subject: Re: MAX or Lightwave? How about some MAX here folks.
- Date: 15 May 1996 10:43:01 -0700
- Organization: Primenet (602)416-7000
- Lines: 54
- Sender: root@primenet.com
- Message-ID: <4nd535$o7i@nnrp1.news.primenet.com>
- References: <jmonahan-0605960210270001@phx-ip-71.netzone.com> <4mlgjf$rkk@newsbf02.news.aol.com> <4mlp8i$mm4@nnrp1.news.primenet.com> <4mm0dc$7uo@news1.io.org> <jmonahan-0805960155000001@phx-ip-77.netzone.com> <4mr7ig$8av@marina.cinenet.net> <jmonahan-100
- X-Posted-By: steph@usr3.primenet.com
- Xref: news2.cais.com comp.graphics.animation:35714 comp.graphics.apps.lightwave:19651 comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio:16731
- Adrian van der Park <bj071@torfree.net> wrote:
- : : workstation. According to SGI, the new Indy's [these are low end SGI
- : : machines] run 3D graphics software about 83 percent faster than existing
- : : R4400 [Indigo2] based systems. And because they use early versions of the
- : : R5000 that run at 150 to 180 MHz, greater gains lie ahead when the R5000
- : : achieves its target clock speed of 250MHz."
- : just a clue, but it seems that it's _SGI_ who is doing the speed analysis
- : here and of course they are going to try and put their product in a
- : favorable review... wouldn't you?
- : PS. I work with a 175MHz Indy w/ 96 ram, and it _is_a_lot_ slower than a
- : dual p6 for Pro/Engineer work. (they have the same memory count, just to
- : be fair). The P6 station was about half the price of the Indy.
- : So it would seem that it's SGI who is playing the catch up game on
- : desktop workstation speeds.
- There are special hooks in the R5000 that the software has to take
- advantage of, which none of the major software does yet. It may run
- Alias faster, since Alias doesn't appear to use GL on much of its
- interactivity. The R5000 Indy is just another lame SGI brain dead
- entry level machine. No 3D hardware accelerator.
- If SGI can't use standardized tests, or give deeper explanations when
- claiming major speed increases, like a comparison of software (like
- Millimeter did with its rotating Chevy test) and relative performance
- doing familiar tasks, I can't give their claims any credibility.
- The R5000 looks just average when you look at the SpecInt and SpecFP '95
- figures, and some of the Pentium Pro chips like the P6 200 MHZ kick its
- butt. If it has special features that make it faster, tell us what apps
- it really speeds up and show us a comparison that makes sense.
- I agree with the above: SGI is playing catch up on the desktop
- workstation speeds, and they're almost a lap behind. They still have
- the software, but I hope more follow in SI's footsteps so we have a
- real choice. If SGI can fight fair and win, that is same packages
- which run on other machines and it's still faster and a comparable value,
- than more power to them.
- Right now, I'm unimpressed with what you get in the workstation class.
- Their high end machines are unsurpassed, though.
- --
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Steph Greenberg, 3DCGIMD CGI Character Orthopedic Surgeon,
- steph@primenet.com Chiropracter, and Podiatrist.
- Copyright 1996. All Rights Reserved. Permission granted for non-commercial
- electronic republication only, such as Usenet and Email, and
- non-commercial educational purposes such as charge free WWW pages.
- Express permission is required for any other use. When in doubt, ask.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Article: 19652
- From: Albert_Mejias@msn.com (Albert Mejias)
- Subject: FS: Painter and Poser
- Date: 15 May 96 18:30:15 -0700
- Message-ID: <0000940a+0000274a@msn.com>
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!news.sprintlink.net!news.msn.com!msn.com
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Organization: The Microsoft Network (msn.com)
- Lines: 18
- FS: Painter and Poser
- For Sale:
- Fractal Design Painter 4.0 and Wild Bundle
- for Windows $220 + s/h. – SRP $549
- Fractal Design Poser 1.0
- for Windows $70 + s/h. – SRP $199
- I inadvertently ordered extra copies of these programs and need to
- sell them off. They are full unregistered products (disk seals are
- unbroken). These are great for making textures and models.
- Those interested please e-mail me directly.
- Al Mejias
- AlMejias@aol.com
- Article: 19653
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!netaxs.com!bofh.dot!hunter.premier.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!news.kei.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in2.uu.net!news.ner.bbnplanet.net!www.netlabs.net!news.cybercom.net!news.netzone.com!phx-ip-62.netzone.com
- From: jmonahan@netzone.com (Joe Monahan)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: LW vs Alias
- Date: Wed, 15 May 1996 04:54:46 -0700
- Organization: Center for Advancing Computer Technologies
- Lines: 138
- Message-ID: <jmonahan-1505960454460001@phx-ip-62.netzone.com>
- References: <jmonahan-1405960142080001@phx-ip-94.netzone.com> <4nap82$384@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: phx-ip-49.netzone.com
- In article <4nap82$384@newsbf02.news.aol.com>, equinoxii@aol.com (Equinox
- II) wrote:
- > Joe Monahan wildly asserts in response to Fred Tepper:
- >
- > >Your ON! As you know I started a web page to compare the rendering
- > quality
- > >of 3D Studio against a cheap modeling application. No one showed! I
- > >suppose the same will be the case with you and Lightwave, huh?
- >
- > Hmmm, maybe Fred is too busy working on motion pictures to respond to your
- > challenge, so I'll have to ask some questions. Rendering quality compared
- > to
- > "a cheap modeling application"? Isn't that a rather useless comparason?
- > No one
- > compares modelers to renderers. Or are you generalizing?
- No, I'm responding to a claim that Lightwaves renderer is as good as
- Alias's - an absurd claim.
- >
- > And since your stuff is apparently in Alias Sketch, are you saying you
- > were
- > comparing 3DS stuff to Sketch? I'm confused as to what you want to
- > compare
- > in this gauntlet throwdown. And when I went to look for other stuff on
- > your site,
- > I couldn't navagate to other pages.
- Its simple. I'm saying that those who claim that raytracing can be "faked"
- as a previous poster did don't know what they're talking about
- > >The first page is at: http://www.netzone.com/~jmonahan/sketch.html
- >
- > I wont get into the poor HTML and bad web design, but your pictures
- > are...nice.
- Thanks. I put the page together in 20 minutes.
- > The massive amounts refraction, reflection and the like show you know how
- > to make stills that look like marketing demo material, and you know how to
- > use
- > the lathing tools to make goblets, lamps etc. Some of the textures look
- > nice,
- > but others, like the marble and wood textures look cheap and phony, making
- > me think they are either procedurals, or just poorly applied.
- I have to disagree. Compared to 3D Studio, I think they are an
- improvement. I did nothing fancy with the textures - just slapped them on.
- The challenge was in rendering quality only - not modeling, textures, etc.
- Thats why I kept the geometry as simple as possible.
- > I'm not saying *I'm* some 3D master; that's just what your pictures look
- > like.
- > They're OK, but nothing that impresses me. Maybe I'm just not looking at
- > what you want to compare to other programs.
- Maybe not....
- > >I'll get another up with images I've done in Alias Power Anmator as soon
- > >as I can. What do you bet Lightwave's don't come close?
- >
- > Well, based on what you put up, I'd say it depends on the artist. If I
- > did something,
- > it might be on par with yours. If Ken Stranahan, Mojo, Fred, or a whole
- > host of people
- > I could list, had the time to do something, you'd look foolish.
- I disagree. Let them try, enough of the news group bullshit. I'm busy too
- you know!
- > >Member, we're not talking just about rendering anymore - YOU said output
- > -
- > >not rendering quality.
- >
- > Hmm, now we're getting into the truely subjective here. If "output" is
- > not rendering
- > quality, then you must mean overall composition, modeling, texturing etc.
- > If that's
- > the case, you're in trouble.
- Nope. I was talking about the quality of other features. Particles,
- lights, shaders, etc....no trouble at all to prove how superior Alias is
- in these regards.
- > Maybe you should think some more about what your really comparing in this
- > impromptu contest. And if you like, I can check out some
- > LightWave artist galleries and point you at some images.
- If they are the same blow hards that have been dissin' me then fine, do so.
- If they are pros who spend their life producing the advertising output for
- a software company then forget it - I really do have other things to do!
- > >Alias for people who don't know any better? That can ONLY be spoken by
- > >someone who doesn't know it!
- >
- > >Joe Monahan
- >
- > No, Fred may be exaggerating a bit, but Alias is often the first thing out
- > of a
- > producers mouth who doesn't know what the heck he is talking about. His
- > shows can only be edited on an Avid, and the CGI can only be done on
- > Alias,
- > and comping has to be done on a Cineon.
- Exactly the kind of quality minded person I want to work with!
- > You have to appreciate Alias'
- > quality,
- > and marketing, to getting them to this point, but it is far from the Holy
- > Grail of
- > CGI solutions.
- Darn close though. I would hate to see Twister or Batman or The Mask done
- in anything less then Alias. Thats were the fun is.....
- > Increasingly, you must take a hard look at price/performance ratios for
- > hadware
- > and software, and many of the old solutions no longer hold up as well.
- > --Brian
- And we have to look at track records, the percentage of income put into
- research and developmet and who has traditioanlly been on the cutting
- edge. NO ONE who has used Alias Power Animator with any regularity would
- be hapy to go back to the limiting constraints of anything less...
- Joe Monahan
- >
- >
- >
- >
- >
- >
- > Equinox Images, Inc.
- > http://members.aol.com/equinoxii/
- Article: 19654
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!btnet!zetnet.co.uk!dispatch.news.demon.net!demon!mail2news.demon.co.uk!beanbaw.demon.co.uk
- From: John Reddington <john@beanbaw.demon.co.uk>
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: REVIEW: The Best of LightWavePro
- Date: Wed, 15 May 1996 19:21:37 GMT
- Organization: None
- Lines: 17
- Message-ID: <654974144wnr@beanbaw.demon.co.uk>
- References: <4n6qkg$r5o@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- Reply-To: john@beanbaw.demon.co.uk
- X-NNTP-Posting-Host: beanbaw.demon.co.uk
- X-Broken-Date: Wednesday, May 15, 1996 19.21.37
- X-Newsreader: Newswin Alpha 0.7
- X-Mail2News-Path: relay-4.mail.demon.net!post.demon.co.uk!beanbaw.demon.co.uk
- Sorry to spoil the party, but I feel I must mention that there are
- still many people who ordered this book BEFORE Christmas who still
- haven't received it.
- And just how in hell do they reckon that it should take 6 week to
- ship to the UK???
- I'm not saying anyone is being ripped off. I'm sure we're not, but the
- service stinks!!
- I would advise anyone to wait a while before ordering this book
- especially if you live in the UK.
- John Reddington - Email John@beanbaw.demon.co.uk
- Article: 19655
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in1.uu.net!zdc!szdc!proteus
- From: orbit@centcon.com (Kevin Jackson)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: where to find renamer
- Date: Wed, 15 May 96 09:06:45 GMT
- Organization: ORBIT imaging
- Lines: 6
- Message-ID: <4nc3tt$noh@clark.zippo.com>
- References: <mfrazin.22.0009BF3F@interaccess.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: slip164.centcon.com
- X-Newsreader: News Xpress 2.0 Beta #0
- In article <mfrazin.22.0009BF3F@interaccess.com>, mfrazin@interaccess.com (Shadow) wrote:
- >Where can I find renamer for the amiga or PC. I need it to rename file
- >extensions on PC generated images so the VT4000 can read and display them.
- >
- >thank you.
- Try RESEQ.ZIP on the NEWTEK ftp. I believe its in the incoming directory.
- Article: 19656
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!netnews.nwnet.net!arclight.uoregon.edu!dispatch.news.demon.net!demon!netcom.net.uk!ix.netcom.com!news
- From: bianco@ix.netcom.com(bia)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: layout plug-in: USE-MODELER-TOOL
- Date: 15 May 1996 17:03:38 GMT
- Organization: Netcom
- Lines: 40
- Message-ID: <4nd2pa$58l@dfw-ixnews9.ix.netcom.com>
- References: <4n920u$rjq@usenet6.interramp.com> <4nc6b2$de8@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: phi-pa1-20.ix.netcom.com
- X-NETCOM-Date: Wed May 15 12:03:38 PM CDT 1996
- >... I'd like to be able to perform basic twists, clones, etc in
- >layout (like in modeler), ..
- __________________________________________________________________
- why cant this be implemented. instead of having to use morph targets.
- layout could create a temp file of the transformed object, and do the
- morph automatically.
- can a plugin be written for layout: "USE MODELER TOOL"
- not only is switching to modeler a bother, but most deformations
- require some other scene-element to judge just how to deform the
- object.
- a boxer hitting a large punching bag -- the dents in the bag would
- depend on the speed and angle of the hits. imagine importing 60
- save-transformed boxers (from 2 seconds of anim) into modeler to do
- this. yipes. that's a lost weekend.
- well, you wouldnt import ALL 60 frames, but just think about how
- utterly handy it would be if, in layout, a popup toolbar appeared to
- allow you to bend, twist, and magnetize a given object when you needed
- it. I think our hard disks are big enough to hold the xtra 2-20 temp
- copies of the object.
- am i alone on this?
- bianco
- Article: 19657
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!howland.reston.ans.net!news-e2a.gnn.com!newstf01.news.aol.com!newsbf02.news.aol.com!not-for-mail
- From: virtualbri@aol.com (VirtualBri)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: REVIEW: The Best of LightWavePro
- Date: 15 May 1996 15:36:04 -0400
- Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364)
- Lines: 27
- Sender: root@newsbf02.news.aol.com
- Message-ID: <4ndbn4$oo1@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- References: <654974144wnr@beanbaw.demon.co.uk>
- Reply-To: virtualbri@aol.com (VirtualBri)
- NNTP-Posting-Host: newsbf02.mail.aol.com
- >Sorry to spoil the party, but I feel I must mention that there are
- >still many people who ordered this book BEFORE Christmas who still
- >haven't received it.
- >
- >And just how in hell do they reckon that it should take 6 week to
- >ship to the UK???
- >
- >I'm not saying anyone is being ripped off. I'm sure we're not, but the
- >service stinks!!
- >
- >I would advise anyone to wait a while before ordering this book
- >especially if you live in the UK.
- >
- >
- >John Reddington - Email John@beanbaw.demon.co.uk
- Fair enough, although irrelevant to a review of the book.
- I don't know what the delay is, but I know there are numerous hoops to
- jump through to get U.S. products shipped and distributed overseas
- legally, just as there is for foreign products to get here. Take that,
- and combine it with a small company like AMG, and there's going to be
- delays. We're not talking about Random House Publishing here.
- --Brian
- ======== http://members.aol.com/virtualbri/ =======
- == Home of the LightWave 3D Internet Resource Lists ==
- ============= So, why aren't you on it? =============
- Article: 19658
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!news.kei.com!nntp.coast.net!lll-winken.llnl.gov!enews.sgi.com!su-news-feed4.bbnplanet.com!news1.slip.net!news
- From: Erik Flom <elfworks@slip.net>
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.animation,comp.graphics.apps.lightwave,comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio
- Subject: Re: MAX or Lightwave? Pick one and shut up..
- Date: Wed, 15 May 1996 12:43:11 -0700
- Organization: ELFWorks 3D Construction Co.
- Lines: 18
- Message-ID: <319A33CF.5A35@slip.net>
- References: <3197DA57.546C@ix.netcom.com> <4n6jkf$p4g@newsbf02.news.aol.com> <jmonahan-1505960407110001@phx-ip-62.netzone.com>
- Reply-To: elfwork@aol.com
- NNTP-Posting-Host: eb-pm1-10-230.dialup.slip.net
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- X-Mailer: Mozilla 3.0b3Gold (Win95; I)
- Xref: news2.cais.com comp.graphics.animation:35719 comp.graphics.apps.lightwave:19658 comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio:16737
- Joe Monahan wrote:
- > It figures you would say so as soon as someone asked you to
- > demonstrate your prowess....wimp.
- > Joe Monahan
- Been to your web site....
- For some 'competition', try these on for size:
- http://www.iag.net/~cnelson/lw3d.htm
- http://www.aboveweb.com/ELFWorks
- (Of course, I just found out my site will be down until this evening, so
- try this one later tonight.)
- --
- Erik Flom - ELFWorks - 3D Construction Co.
- e-mail: ELFWork@aol.com
- URL: http://www.aboveweb.com/ELFWorks
- Article: 19659
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!swrinde!cs.utexas.edu!news.unt.edu!news
- From: tekell@art.unt.edu (steve)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: In defense of separate Modeler/Layout
- Date: 15 May 1996 20:08:09 GMT
- Organization: UNT Visual Arts
- Lines: 33
- Message-ID: <4nddj9$s5h@hermes.acs.unt.edu>
- References: <317BACC3.2098@dev.uol.com> <317C0A3D.7506@pilot.msu.edu> <317E403A.2A67@got.net> <4n920u$rjq@usenet6.interramp.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: lab2tchpc.art.unt.edu
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Content-Type: Text/Plain; charset=US-ASCII
- X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.99.7
- > It seems baffling to combine the two, it would be like walking onto a
- >hollywood soundstage on the set, and finding the carpenters building
- >sets and props, behind the actors, while the director and cameraman
- >are trying to set up their scene.
- Yeah right, like you would be forced to experience this if L&M were one.
- You could still work the old way, but you have many additional features and
- options otherwise impossible. Duh, lets keep keep power, options, and
- features from the user just so it matches some dumb real world metaphor - not.
- Alot of CGI actors and sets are asked to do alot of things (inc. build
- themselves over time) real actors and sets cannot do, why limit it to the
- "real" world.
- Have you never worked in a fully integrated enviroment? I *hate* the
- seperation. I think this is one of the *big* advantages of Max. With the
- seperation you are reduced to doing lots of morphs when often it could other-
- wise be easily done with an animated modeling feature in some. Instead of
- having to model a bunch of morphs you have the option of just moving in time
- and changing the model. LW has some good modeling features why not make them
- animatible? (Of course you would want construction histories to take full
- advantage of animatible modeling.)
- Come on, please don't discourage NewTek from given us more creative power
- and control. Its like hearing people say they don't want multiple cameras
- because *they* don't use them, while the rest of us would use the hell out of
- such a simple addition to LW.
- You may not see the advantage of having an single enviroment or a new
- feature if you have never worked with it or never needed to. So please don't
- discourage NewTek from adding it simply based on some goofy philisophy. You
- may not know what all something might benefit you until you tried.
- Article: 19660
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.cais.com!news
- From: puppetco@cais.com (puppetco)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: Lightwave crack
- Date: 15 May 1996 20:02:11 GMT
- Organization: Capital Area Internet Service info@cais.com 703-448-4470
- Lines: 20
- Message-ID: <1129.6709T959T1212@cais.com>
- References: <319513B2.720D@pilot.msu.edu>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: puppetco.cais.com
- X-Newsreader: THOR 2.2 (Amiga;TCP/IP) *UNREGISTERED*
- >P.S. What is wrong with NewTek making the CD-ROM part of the copy
- >protection. Just have LW check for the CD-ROM at start-up. It's just as
- >easy to crack that as it is the dongle, and it effectively stops the casual
- >pirate same as the dongle. It's cheaper, easier and more reliable than the
- >dongle. I have yet to hear a *good* arguement against this solution.
- The problem, as I see it is that NewTek is afraid of "Render Farms."
- One copy of LW running many machines in the same plant. CD copy
- protection might not preclude "in-house" piracy. I don't have a dongle,
- I have a Toaster. Of course, my LW won't run without it. Oh NO!! The
- Mother of All Dongles!!!
- ________________________________________________________________________
- * Christopher Piper }P-{> |||||||||||| The Puppet Co. Playhouse *
- * *****Puppet Master***** |||||||||||| Glen Echo Park, Maryland *
- * ***** E-Mail ***** |t|h|e|||||| -A non-profit professional- *
- * puppetco@cais.com P u p p|e|t| puppet theater for the *
- *_________________________________ C o ! _______Nation's Capital_______*
- Article: 19661
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!sgigate.sgi.com!nntp-hub2.barrnet.net!pacbell.com!amdahl.com!svpal.org!dondoug
- From: dondoug@svpal.svpal.org (Don Douglas)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Want to Buy Lightwave 4.0
- Date: 15 May 1996 19:23:45 GMT
- Organization: Silicon Valley Public Access Link
- Lines: 1
- Message-ID: <4ndb01$4hl@borg.svpal.org>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: svpal.svpal.org
- X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2]
- Article: 19662
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in2.uu.net!newstf01.news.aol.com!newsbf02.news.aol.com!not-for-mail
- From: virtualbri@aol.com (VirtualBri)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: LW vs Alias
- Date: 15 May 1996 16:17:18 -0400
- Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364)
- Lines: 117
- Sender: root@newsbf02.news.aol.com
- Message-ID: <4nde4e$pkp@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- References: <4nbv9g$etc@dfw-ixnews9.ix.netcom.com>
- Reply-To: virtualbri@aol.com (VirtualBri)
- NNTP-Posting-Host: newsbf02.mail.aol.com
- More fun from one of our resident Alias Fanatics, Joe Monahan:
- >I'm responding to a claim that Lightwaves renderer is as good as
- >Alias's - an absurd claim.
- Wait, is that the Alias renderer, or the renderers everyone actually
- uses with Alias? It doesnÂ’t matter reallyÂ…. OK, so we have
- something to compare. We arenÂ’t talking about "output" then,
- are we?
- >Its simple. I'm saying that those who claim that raytracing can be
- "faked"
- >as a previous poster did don't know what they're talking about
- Wait. ThatÂ’s different than LightWaveÂ’s renderer being as good
- as AliasÂ’. I wont even get into using shadow maps and reflection
- maps in place of raytracing, since all IÂ’m trying to find out is what
- your little challenge is about.
- >> The massive amounts refraction, reflection and the like show you
- >> know how to make stills that look like marketing demo material,
- >> and you know how to use the lathing tools to make goblets, lamps
- >> etc. Some of the textures look nice, but others, like the marble and
- >> wood textures look cheap and phony, making me think they are
- >>either procedurals, or just poorly applied.
- >I have to disagree. Compared to 3D Studio, I think they are an
- >improvement. I did nothing fancy with the textures - just slapped
- >them on. The challenge was in rendering quality only - not modeling,
- >textures, etc. Thats why I kept the geometry as simple as possible.
- OK, so if someone rendered that same scene in another program, what
- would you use to determine that AliasÂ’ renderer is better? What would
- be your criteria? Are we just back into the totally subjective again?
- >> Well, based on what you put up, I'd say it depends on the artist. If I
- >> did something, it might be on par with yours. If Ken Stranahan,
- >>Mojo, Fred, or a whole host of people I could list, had the time to
- >>do something, you'd look foolish.
- >I disagree. Let them try, enough of the news group bullshit. I'm busy too
- >you know!
- Apparently not too busy to make this ill-defined challenge over and over.
- And not too busy to gloat at the lack of a response as some sort of proof
- that you won.
- >>If "output" is not rendering quality, then you must mean overall
- >>composition, modeling, texturing etc. If that's
- >> the case, you're in trouble.
- >Nope. I was talking about the quality of other features. Particles,
- >lights, shaders, etc....no trouble at all to prove how superior Alias is
- >in these regards.
- OK, so we arenÂ’t talking about comparing just rendered output. This is
- pointless; itÂ’s obvious youÂ’re just an Alias fanatic who likes to make
- wild
- assertions about whatÂ’s better.
- And this "contest" is like playing cards with someone who makes up the
- rules as he goes. The only way to win, is not to play.
- >> Maybe you should think some more about what your really comparing in
- this
- >> impromptu contest. And if you like, I can check out some
- >> LightWave artist galleries and point you at some images.
- >If they are the same blow hards that have been dissin' me then fine, do
- so.
- >If they are pros who spend their life producing the advertising output
- for
- >a software company then forget it - I really do have other things to do!
- "DissinÂ’" you? Are you "down with that, homie"? So, the contest
- is only for some people? Hopefully those who wont embarrass you
- too much?
- >> No, Fred may be exaggerating a bit, but Alias is often the first thing
- out
- >>of a producers mouth who doesn't know what the heck he is talking
- >>about. His shows can only be edited on an Avid, and the CGI can
- >>only be done on Alias, and comping has to be done on a Cineon.
- >Exactly the kind of quality minded person I want to work with!
- I didnÂ’t realize you thought "quality minded" meant blowing millions
- of dollars unnecessarily based on the article they just read in Post
- or some buzzword they picked up in Wired. I always though that meant
- "idiot". IÂ’m sure you want to work with him, to soak him for all heÂ’s
- got based on brand name identification whether it really makes sense
- or not.
- >And we have to look at track records, the percentage of income put into
- >research and developmet and who has traditioanlly been on the cutting
- >edge. NO ONE who has used Alias Power Animator with any regularity would
- >be hapy to go back to the limiting constraints of anything less...
- >
- >
- >Joe Monahan
- Oooh,. I should be impressed by who has *traditionally* been on the
- cutting
- edge? Wow, if we want to look at long term track records and tradition,
- then I guess I should still be buying IBM mainframes. Tradition is a bad
- way to conduct decision making.
- By the way, what is the percentage of income Alias is putting into R&D?
- Maybe no one whoÂ’s used Alias wants to go back, but thatÂ’s not really
- what we weÂ’re discussing was it? But, unfortunately with your constantly
- changing criteria, IÂ’m not sure what weÂ’re talking about anymore.
- --Brian
- ======== http://members.aol.com/virtualbri/ =======
- == Home of the LightWave 3D Internet Resource Lists ==
- ============= So, why aren't you on it? =============
- Article: 19663
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!guitar.sound.net!news
- From: brian@newtek.com (Brian Thomas)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: "Their" LW is the same as yours
- Date: Wed, 15 May 1996 20:30:51 GMT
- Organization: NewTek
- Lines: 40
- Message-ID: <4ndem7$ba3@guitar.sound.net>
- NNTP-Posting-Host:
- X-Newsreader: Forte Free Agent v0.55
- Their seems to be some misunderstanding about what LightWave versions
- the HollyWood guys use and what 'Joe Customer' actually gets.
- Here's how it works (I know, because I am in charge of it:)
- Allen, Stuart, Arnie or the other LightWave Developers send new
- versions to NewTek during the beta testing phase. These versions will
- have new features or bug fixes. I then forward these beta versions to
- the Major Studios. They report back to me on bugs, requests or general
- "WOW, COOL NEW FEATURE!" stuff. After every bug is squashed and every
- feature added, the same LightWave and Plugins the Major Effects
- Studios use are put on a CD, an install is made and whoila! a new
- LightWave version is born.
- Here's a perfect example of how features are added: Back in March of
- this year, Wil Vinton Studios requested that the limit of 1000 objects
- in a scene be raised (their particle work calls for thousands of
- objects in a scene.) I forwarded their request to Allen, he found an
- easy way to implement it and now the customer has it for 5.0.
- (For those who didn't see the "README.TXT" on the 5.0 CD, this is how
- you change it:
- - The maximum number of objects, surfaces, images, and lights that can
- be loaded at one time can now be set in the config file. The default
- values are 1000, 1000, 200, and 1000 respectively, the same as in 4.0,
- but now any or all of these limits can be varied within the range 100
- to 32,000. Note that an image sequence counts as only one image, no
- matter how many frames it may contain. It is strongly recommended that
- these figures be left at default. If the limits need to be increased,
- the values should be at the minimum required. )
- As you can see, LightWaves development process fulfills the needs of
- the Major Film/TV Effects studios using it. When they are happy with
- it then we call it good enough to ship to the public.
- Brian Thomas
- LightWave 3D Testing Coordinator
- NewTek, Inc.
- Article: 19664
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in2.uu.net!news.iag.net!news
- From: TL Westgate <juris@oo.com>
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Edit Card Suggestions
- Date: Wed, 15 May 1996 16:47:28 -0400
- Organization: Juris Corporation
- Lines: 16
- Message-ID: <319A42E0.1A57@oo.com>
- Reply-To: juris@oo.com
- NNTP-Posting-Host: hercules.oo.com
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- X-Mailer: Mozilla 3.0b3 (Win95; I)
- Does anybody have any suggestions for a good quality capture/edit card
- akin to the PVR, but under a grand?
- A friend needs to capture video, do some simple editing, maybe some
- graphic overlays, and output back to tape.
- TIA,
- TL
- --
- ======================================================
- |visit the Juris web site at http://www.oo.com/~juris|
- | or visit my personal web site at |
- | http://members.aol.com/tlwestgate/home/livroom.htm |
- ======================================================
- Article: 19665
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!news.kei.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!swrinde!howland.reston.ans.net!news-e2a.gnn.com!newstf01.news.aol.com!newsbf02.news.aol.com!not-for-mail
- From: xtremes05@aol.com (Xtremes05)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: FireWorks Anyone?
- Date: 15 May 1996 16:45:49 -0400
- Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364)
- Lines: 6
- Sender: root@newsbf02.news.aol.com
- Message-ID: <4ndfpt$q6l@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- Reply-To: xtremes05@aol.com (Xtremes05)
- NNTP-Posting-Host: newsbf02.mail.aol.com
- Don't know if anyone can help me with this but here I go... Im trying to
- create a scene in LightWave 3D of FireWorks like the one in the DAC Demo
- Reel (Digital Animation Corporation). I try almost everything but can't
- seem to get it to look REAL like the one in the demo reel. The one scene
- that came with LW doesn't look as good as in the demo. I have Sparks too
- if anyone can help me with this would be Great! Thanks in advance.
- Article: 19666
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!guitar.sound.net!news
- From: videogi@bbs.newtek.com (Darrel Goheen)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Equipment 4 Sale
- Date: Wed, 15 May 96 16:03:24
- Organization: Total Video
- Lines: 19
- Distribution: world
- Message-ID: <19960515.7914078.E691@bbs.newtek.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: bbs.newtek.com
- For sale:
- Panasonic WVF-250 camera, AG-7450 VTR with docking kit, Hard Case, 1 battery,
- battery charger, Anton-Bauer brick battery mount. Very good condition.
- $4500.00
- 3 Anton Bauer Pro Pac 13 batteries and charger. $1000.00 (Only available after
- above camera is sold)
- Bogen tripod for large 3 chip cameras. 3066 head with 3191 legs with ball
- leveler. $400.00 (Only available after above camera is sold)
- All prices firm and include shipping in the US. Visa/MasterCard welcome. Call
- Darrel at 913-625-3546, Compuserve mail 102726,2363 or email at
- 102726.2363@compuserve.com
- | AmiQWK 2.9 - FREEWARE |
- ... "The hate is swelling in you. Take your Jedi weapon. Use it." - Emperor
- Article: 19667
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!news.abest.com!usenet
- From: helmet@tnp.com
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Lightwave tutorial videos for sale
- Date: Wed, 15 May 1996 21:04:36 GMT
- Organization: Abest Network Services Inc. http://www.abest.com
- Lines: 14
- Message-ID: <319a461a.6429101@news>
- Reply-To: helmet@tnp.com
- NNTP-Posting-Host: tnp153.tnp.com
- X-Newsreader: Forte Agent .99d/32.168
- Sorry if this doesn't belong but i wasn't sure where else to post
- these, but...
- I have the following Lightwave videos for sale -
- Pro Flying Logos - $40
- Tips & Tricks on creative pro quality flying logos
- Pyrotechniques - $40
- How to creative fire,smoke & explosions
- Take both for $75. Price includes priority shipping.
- Article: 19668
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!swrinde!cs.utexas.edu!ennfs.eas.asu.edu!news.maricopa.edu!rtd.com!news.netzone.com!phx-ip-62.netzone.com!user
- From: jmonahan@netzone.com (Joe Monahan)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: LW vs Alias
- Date: Wed, 15 May 1996 04:37:40 -0700
- Organization: Center for Advancing Computer Technologies
- Lines: 94
- Message-ID: <jmonahan-1505960437400001@phx-ip-62.netzone.com>
- References: <318B253F.25FC@montreal.com> <4mj9hk$6bu@newsbf02.news.aol.com> <3190400B.678A@montreal.com> <N.051196.234026.13@earthlink.net.earthlink.net> <jmonahan-1405960142080001@phx-ip-94.netzone.com> <3198E6B2.335E@osu.edu>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: phx-ip-49.netzone.com
- Try to wade through this one.....
- In article <3198E6B2.335E@osu.edu>, jasper.7@osu.edu wrote:
- This is what the original poster said:
- > > > Bull. Alias is for those who don't know any better. I'll put Lightwave's
- > > > output against Alias' any day of the week.
- This is what I said:
- > > Your ON! As you know I started a web page to compare the rendering quality
- > > of 3D Studio against a cheap modeling application. No one showed! I
- > > suppose the same will be the case with you and Lightwave, huh?
- > > The first page is at: http://www.netzone.com/~jmonahan/sketch.html
- This is what Jasper said:
- > Just e-mailed you a quick little picture to show MAX's new rendering
- capabilities.
- > It's a simple scene but shows nice reflection and refraction that could
- easily pass
- > for raytracing. I would like to see any raytracer render the scene as
- fast as I did
- > on my measly Pentium 75. Hey notice I didn't use volumetric lights ;)
- Funny thing is, he originally said he could fake raytracing and that if I
- couldn't I should re-evaluate what business I'm in. Then when I challenged
- him he said his dongle was gone. Then he said he lost all his previous
- images because he re-formatted his hard drive...(like he wouldn't make a
- back-up first!) THEN he sent an image that he claimed he made but in
- reality he took off the web! BTW, his .sig says he's a senior programmer
- at OSU, but he's really only an undergrad student.....More info for my
- internet class.
- Then I said:
- > > I'll get another up with images I've done in Alias Power Anmator as soon
- > > as I can. What do you bet Lightwave's don't come close?
- Then Jasper said:
- > Fred, William, I think he's taunting you.
- And know I'm saying:
- Indeed I AM! I would like to see what all you experts can actually do!
- Funny how quite you all get when challenged.
- But then I said:
- > > Member, we're not talking just about rendering anymore - YOU said output -
- > > not rendering quality.
- > > Alias for people who don't know any better? That can ONLY be spoken by
- > > someone who doesn't know it!
- And now I'm saying:
- Since none of you "pros" responded to my last challenge, I doubt I get
- alot of stuff from the new pros. And if I do, anyone visiting my web site
- will clearly see that I was right all along. The little rendering you sent
- was pathetic.
- >
- > If some of the pros respond, you'll be up to your eyeballs in good output.
- >
- > > > It may not have all the features,
- > > > but then Alias doesn't have all Lightwave's either.
- > >
- > > Name one - I dare ya!
- >
- > Screen updates that don't take a year :)
- Wow! What a feature! Maybe if you knew how to use Alias your screen
- updates wouldn't take that long!
- I love Alias, but Lightwave is a very
- > capable program. What you will really be competing against is talent.
- Alias does
- > many nice things that other software can't, but it does not make you a better
- > artist.
- Duh! Really? And judging from your web page and stolen graphics that your
- putting up as your own, your niether an artist or a 3D modeler/animator.
- So I guess we can say good-nite to you!
- Joe Monahan
- >
- > --
- > Sr. Programmer 3
- > Advanced Computing Center for the Arts and Design
- > Emerging Technology Studio
- Article: 19669
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in2.uu.net!nntp.primenet.com!news.primenet.com!ip010.phx.primenet.com!wturber
- From: wturber@primenet.com (Walter (Jay) Turberville (III))
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.animation,comp.graphics.apps.lightwave,comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio
- Subject: Re: MAX or Lightwave? How about some MAX here folks.
- Date: 15 May 1996 14:44:01 -0700
- Organization: Primenet Services for the Internet
- Lines: 30
- Sender: root@primenet.com
- Message-ID: <wturber.140.13B124D1@primenet.com>
- References: <jmonahan-0605960210270001@phx-ip-71.netzone.com> <4mlgjf$rkk@newsbf02.news.aol.com> <4mlp8i$mm4@nnrp1.news.primenet.com> <4mm0dc$7uo@news1.io.org> <4mmes3$rr4@nntp.crl.com> <N.050796.001316.25@earthlink.net.earthlink.net> <4mtmp1$oar@nntpd.
- X-Posted-By: ip010.phx.primenet.com
- X-Newsreader: Trumpet for Windows [Version 1.0 Rev B final beta #4]
- Xref: news2.cais.com comp.graphics.animation:35725 comp.graphics.apps.lightwave:19669 comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio:16740
- In article <4n2kqe$qjp@dfw-ixnews1.ix.netcom.com> gregtee@ix.netcom.com(William Teegarden) writes:
- >From: gregtee@ix.netcom.com(William Teegarden)
- >Subject: Re: MAX or Lightwave? How about some MAX here folks.
- >Date: 11 May 1996 18:03:58 GMT
- >In
- >>> I have to agree with Fred. NT is gaining market share pretty fast.
- >As for it
- >>> being a toy, next to IRIX/Unix ect, I don't see the logic in that
- >statement.
- >>
- >> NT vs Unix question:
- >>
- >> foreach i ( *.hrc )
- >> set n = echo $i | sed -e 's/hrc/als'
- >> soft2alias $i $n
- >> end
- >>
- >>200 models later......
- I am not a programmer, but this looks like a routine to convert all *.hrc
- files to *.als files using the program soft2alias. If this is correct, then I
- don't think this should be a problem under NT assuming that NT has at least as
- good of a batch "language" as plain old DOS.
- Walter (Jay) Turberville |wturber@primenet.com wturber@aol.com
- Studio 522 Productions |http://www.primenet.com/~wturber
- http://www.studio522.com |ftp.primenet.com/users/w/wturber
- Article: 19670
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in1.uu.net!nntp.primenet.com!news.primenet.com!ip010.phx.primenet.com!wturber
- From: wturber@primenet.com (Walter (Jay) Turberville (III))
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: G6-strange problem
- Date: 15 May 1996 15:06:02 -0700
- Organization: Primenet Services for the Internet
- Lines: 33
- Sender: root@primenet.com
- Message-ID: <wturber.142.13C2A2B5@primenet.com>
- References: <Dr9yzM.AFw@news2.new-york.net>
- X-Posted-By: ip010.phx.primenet.com
- X-Newsreader: Trumpet for Windows [Version 1.0 Rev B final beta #4]
- In article <Dr9yzM.AFw@news2.new-york.net> eclipse@sd.cybernex.net (Jim Maloney) writes:
- >From: eclipse@sd.cybernex.net (Jim Maloney)
- >Subject: G6-strange problem
- >Date: Sun, 12 May 1996 04:23:57 GMT
- >Greetings all
- >Our company recently purchaced some Gateway computers for LW
- >animating/rendering.
- >The problem is screen refreshing on the G6 (layout only!), windows NT
- >3.51, LW4.0C, Matrox 4MB board, 64Meg.
- >We have a P133 with the EXACT same drivers, cards, OS, etc, and it
- >blows the G6 out of the water when it comes to screen updates.
- >I have re-installed the entire system on the G6 twice- no cigar
- >Has anyone encountered this type of problem?
- >Suggestions?
- >Thanks -
- >Jim
- >Eclipse Digital Imaging
- Make sure PCI bursting is enabled in CMOS? Did you mean P6? If so, I thing
- that someone mentioned that some early P6 chipsets weren't handling PCI well
- and was causing very low PCI throughput. Maybe that is it.
- Walter (Jay) Turberville |wturber@primenet.com wturber@aol.com
- Studio 522 Productions |http://www.primenet.com/~wturber
- http://www.studio522.com |ftp.primenet.com/users/w/wturber
- Article: 19671
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in1.uu.net!nntp.primenet.com!news.primenet.com!ip010.phx.primenet.com!wturber
- From: wturber@primenet.com (Walter (Jay) Turberville (III))
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.animation,comp.graphics.apps.lightwave,comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio
- Subject: Re: Bill Gates -Was "MAX or LightWave? How about some MAX here"
- Date: 15 May 1996 15:02:01 -0700
- Organization: Primenet Services for the Internet
- Lines: 60
- Sender: root@primenet.com
- Message-ID: <wturber.141.13BF5A86@primenet.com>
- References: <jmonahan-0605960210270001@phx-ip-71.netzone.com> <4mlgjf$rkk@newsbf02.news.aol.com> <4mlp8i$mm4@nnrp1.news.primenet.com> <4mm0dc$7uo@news1.io.org> <jmonahan-0805960155000001@phx-ip-77.netzone.com> <319118A8.6389@osu.edu> <jmonahan-10059602442
- X-Posted-By: ip010.phx.primenet.com
- X-Newsreader: Trumpet for Windows [Version 1.0 Rev B final beta #4]
- Xref: news2.cais.com comp.graphics.animation:35726 comp.graphics.apps.lightwave:19671 comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio:16741
- In article <4n3vl5$mjv@nnrp1.news.primenet.com> Steph Greenberg <steph@primenet.com> writes:
- >From: Steph Greenberg <steph@primenet.com>
- >Subject: Re: Bill Gates -Was "MAX or LightWave? How about some MAX here"
- >Date: 11 May 1996 23:15:01 -0700
- >Bryant Reif <reifbrya@pilot.msu.edu> wrote:
- >: M$ is pretty damn close to having a monopoly on the OS market. OS2 will die soon, Linux
- >: is for hobbiests, so MS Windows is all that is left. They didn't let Ma Bell own all the
- >: telephone lines, how long before they realize that M$ owns all the PC operating systems?
- >When they realize JVC owns the VHS system?
- >Telephone lines were a monopoly by government intervention. Gates won on
- >the margins of the legal system of the free market. The situation is not
- >the same, since anyone can invent a competing operating system. So far
- >Windows is destroying them all without government intervention in their
- >favor. Who needs an operating system that either doesn't run the most
- >popular software or runs it slower because of emulation?
- >And I ask again, has any action ever been taken against the VHS monopoly?
- >: --
- >: Bryant Reif
- >: mailto:reifbrya@pilot.msu.edu
- >: http://www.aiesec.org/~bryant
- >--
- >-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- >Steph Greenberg, 3DCGIMD CGI Character Orthopedic Surgeon,
- >steph@primenet.com Chiropracter, and Podiatrist.
- >Copyright 1996. All Rights Reserved. Permission granted for non-commercial
- >electronic republication only, such as Usenet and Email, and
- >non-commercial educational purposes such as charge free WWW pages.
- >Express permission is required for any other use. When in doubt, ask.
- >-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- For what it is worth, there are over 15 independant dialtone providers
- (telcos) in Arizona. These were not due to the break-up of the Bell system.
- Most have been around for many years. Large businesses have been doing their
- own internal switching for years.
- Steph is correct. The telephone monopoly (actually only a "near" monopoly)
- was CREATED by our governement. It just took them a half a century or so to
- realize that such a decree was stifling innovation.
- Note also that VHS gained its "monopoly" (actually a very dominant position in
- the consumer market - not really a monopoly) by making its technology
- available to others via license agreement. If you don't invite others to
- play, you lose. See consumer Beta for an example.
- Fear of a monopoly in a relatively free market is based on myth and deception
- - not on facts of reality.
- Walter (Jay) Turberville |wturber@primenet.com wturber@aol.com
- Studio 522 Productions |http://www.primenet.com/~wturber
- http://www.studio522.com |ftp.primenet.com/users/w/wturber
- Article: 19672
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!van-bc,bofh.dot!uniserve!news.sol.net!spool.mu.edu!howland.reston.ans.net!news-e2a.gnn.com!newstf01.news.aol.com!newsbf02.news.aol.com!not-for-mail
- From: toastrguy@aol.com (ToastRGuy)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: VIRUS WARNING!! DON'T OPEN "Good Times" E-Mail
- Date: 15 May 1996 18:04:02 -0400
- Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364)
- Lines: 14
- Sender: root@newsbf02.news.aol.com
- Message-ID: <4ndkci$ruv@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- References: <4n12km$svt@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: newsbf02.mail.aol.com
- X-Newsreader: AOL Offline Reader
- I have been informed by many people that this whole thing is a Hoax.
- My most humble apologies for introducing a "Verbal Virus" into this
- newsgroup.
- I'm grateful that no one flamed me personally. I guess they knew I was
- just trying to help.
- Fortunately, this thread has turned into an exercise of the funny bone,
- rather than, "boy is Don stupid for posting that old Good Times story".
- Now, there's this kid with cancer in Ireland that want's to set a world's
- record for collecting business cards......
- ________________________________________________________________________
- Don James The Computer Room Colorado's Desktop Video Specialists
- 2760 S. Havana St. Aurora, CO 80014 (303) 696-8973
- Article: 19673
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!world1.bawave.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!howland.reston.ans.net!news-e2a.gnn.com!newstf01.news.aol.com!newsbf02.news.aol.com!not-for-mail
- From: toastrguy@aol.com (ToastRGuy)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: Toaster version or SA?
- Date: 15 May 1996 18:12:49 -0400
- Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364)
- Lines: 8
- Sender: root@newsbf02.news.aol.com
- Message-ID: <4ndkt1$s4n@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- References: <Pine.SOL.3.93.960513173513.6016B-100000@clark.net>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: newsbf02.mail.aol.com
- X-Newsreader: AOL Offline Reader
- NewTek has just released the 4.1 upgrade for the Video Toaster, and that
- includes LightWave 4.0.
- The Amiga LightWave 5.0 upgrade, will upgrade Video Toaster or Standalone
- 4.0, to 5.0
- ________________________________________________________________________
- Don James The Computer Room Colorado's Desktop Video Specialists
- 2760 S. Havana St. Aurora, CO 80014 (303) 696-8973
- Article: 19674
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!howland.reston.ans.net!news-e2a.gnn.com!newstf01.news.aol.com!newsbf02.news.aol.com!not-for-mail
- From: stranahan@aol.com (Stranahan)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: LW is an Island
- Date: 15 May 1996 18:28:23 -0400
- Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364)
- Lines: 29
- Sender: root@newsbf02.news.aol.com
- Message-ID: <4ndlq7$sfu@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- References: <4ndbdu$s5h@hermes.acs.unt.edu>
- Reply-To: stranahan@aol.com (Stranahan)
- NNTP-Posting-Host: newsbf02.mail.aol.com
- 1) It's not a matter of shifting R&D dollars to marketing - it's a matter
- of using marketing dollars wisely.
- 3) The Toaster was one of a hundred video effects devices. There were
- Toaster type all-in-one-boxes out very quickly, too.
- None of them were featured on Invention, or NBC news.
- None of them had a magazine.
- None of them were featured in Rolling Stone.
- None of them had their T-shirts in Wayne's World movies.
- Etc etc etc etc,
- This happened because of WORK - it may seem like magic to you if you don't
- do marketing, but I saw the work. NO PRODUCT SELLS ITSELF. Period. That
- statement is just marketing hype to tell you how good the product is...
- _____________________________________________
- Lee Stranahan
- "I shot a half hour, 35mm movie with professional quality visual effects
- for around $5000 - and I can show you how to do it, too."
- Access DeniedURL - http://users.aol.com/stranahan/access.htm
- Lee's Home Page URL - http://users.aol.com/stranahan/main.htm
- Article: 19675
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!howland.reston.ans.net!news-e2a.gnn.com!newstf01.news.aol.com!newsbf02.news.aol.com!not-for-mail
- From: stranahan@aol.com (Stranahan)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: LW is an Island
- Date: 15 May 1996 18:29:40 -0400
- Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364)
- Lines: 29
- Sender: root@newsbf02.news.aol.com
- Message-ID: <4ndlsk$sh2@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- References: <4ndbdu$s5h@hermes.acs.unt.edu>
- Reply-To: stranahan@aol.com (Stranahan)
- NNTP-Posting-Host: newsbf02.mail.aol.com
- 1) It's not a matter of shifting R&D dollars to marketing - it's a matter
- of using marketing dollars wisely.
- 3) The Toaster was one of a hundred video effects devices. There were
- Toaster type all-in-one-boxes out very quickly, too.
- None of them were featured on Invention, or NBC news.
- None of them had a magazine.
- None of them were featured in Rolling Stone.
- None of them had their T-shirts in Wayne's World movies.
- Etc etc etc etc,
- This happened because of WORK - it may seem like magic to you if you don't
- do marketing, but I saw the work. NO PRODUCT SELLS ITSELF. Period. That
- statement is just marketing hype to tell you how good the product is...
- _____________________________________________
- Lee Stranahan
- "I shot a half hour, 35mm movie with professional quality visual effects
- for around $5000 - and I can show you how to do it, too."
- Access DeniedURL - http://users.aol.com/stranahan/access.htm
- Lee's Home Page URL - http://users.aol.com/stranahan/main.htm
- Article: 19676
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!csn!nntp-xfer-1.csn.net!ub!newsstand.cit.cornell.edu!news.tc.cornell.edu!newsserver.sdsc.edu!news.cerf.net!pagesat.net!origin.ea.com!newsmaster
- From: jennifer davis <jdavis@origin.ea.com>
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Job Opening for 3D Artist
- Date: 15 May 1996 21:37:04 GMT
- Organization: Origin Systems, Inc
- Lines: 56
- Message-ID: <4ndiq0$ca6@studio.origin.ea.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: jdavis.origin.ea.com
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- X-Mailer: Mozilla 1.22 (Windows; I; 32bit)
- If you have ever played computer games, now is your chance to
- create one. The Ultima 9 and Ultima Online teams of Origin
- Systems are looking for skilled computer artists.
- Ultima is a an engrossing interactive experience that
- recreates a medieval fantasy world in intricate detail. Ultima
- Online takes this experience and opens it up to anyone with
- access to the Internet so that thousands of people can interact
- with each other at once--the ultimate in Multi-player games.
- Both of these teams are looking for creative, enthusiastic
- people who know how to have fun.
- Requirements:
- Extensive modeling and animation experience with 3D Studio 4.0
- or Lightwave
- Good texture mapping skills in either Adobe Photoshop or
- Fractal Design Painter.
- Overflowing creativity and good conceptual drawing skills
- An sense of humor and the ability to get along with a wide
- range of people.
- A strong work ethic.
- Additional appreciated skills:
- Modeling and animation skills in Lightwave or 3D Studio 4.0
- (whichever isn't primary)
- Experience with 3D Studio Max
- Experience with previous Ultima games or other fantasy/medieval
- genres
- Origin Systems has a lot to offer as an employer. Set in the
- lush Austin hill country, it is one of the oldest and most
- highly reputed companies in the computer gaming industry.
- Origin has produced hits such as the Wing Commander series,
- Crusader, the Ultima series and many more. Origin offers a
- stable environment with competitive salaries and tremendous
- opportunities for personal and professional growth; and yet it
- is not a typical corporate atmosphere, but rather a relaxed
- venue filled with warmth and friendship.
- For more information or to set up an interview please contact:
- Norma Vargas, Human resources
- Origin Systems
- 5918 West Courtyard Drive
- Austin, Texas 78730
- 512-434-4263-665
- nvargas@origin.ea.com
- Or on the Ultima Team:
- Joye McBurnett, Associate Producer
- Origin Systems
- 5918 West Courtyard Drive
- Austin, Texas 78730
- 512-434-4263
- jmcburnett@origin.ea.com
- Article: 19677
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!howland.reston.ans.net!math.ohio-state.edu!magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu!news
- From: Jeff Jasper <jasper.7@osu.edu>
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.animation,comp.graphics.apps.lightwave,comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio
- Subject: Re: MAX or Lightwave? Pick one and shut up....
- Date: Wed, 15 May 1996 18:54:56 -0400
- Organization: The Ohio State University
- Lines: 30
- Message-ID: <319A60C0.75D1@osu.edu>
- References: <jmonahan-0605960210270001@phx-ip-71.netzone.com> <3197DA57.546C@ix.netcom.com> <4n6ihp$93c@dfw-ixnews5.ix.netcom.com> <4n8t5v$mhi@news2.cts.com> <jmonahan-1505960411370001@phx-ip-62.netzone.com>
- Reply-To: jasper.7@osu.edu
- NNTP-Posting-Host: ts11-4.homenet.ohio-state.edu
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- X-Mailer: Mozilla 3.0b3 (WinNT; I)
- Xref: news2.cais.com comp.graphics.animation:35729 comp.graphics.apps.lightwave:19677 comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio:16742
- > I agree. I challenged all the loud mouths to a free web page demo where I
- > would place their images next to others for all to compare. Suddenly all
- > the "experts" shut up. The one image I did recieve was actually stolen off
- > the web!
- I sent him the one image and I can prove that it was not stolen off the web.
- I will send the scene data and the materials for anyone else to render the
- scene with. Hell if I was going to steal a scene I wouldn't have used the one
- I sent. It is a very basic scene with a few sphere (three crystal balls and a
- light blue steel ball) a wood claw is holding one sphere, there is also a
- bowl with a flame coming out of it using the free inferno plug-in from Kenetix
- site. And there is an hourglassand three piece of paper with a custom photoshop
- texture, the font is Monotype Sorts then I airbrushed it up to make it look like
- parchment. If he actually puts it up you can take a gander and have a laugh. Things
- I will point out that I screwed up in my scene, forgot to turn on reflection in the
- wood and the flame is too high out of the bowl. I would be interested to find out
- where I supposedly "stole" this picture from.
- > I'm keeping all these posts to present to the Internet class I teach -a
- > good lesson for them, and for me!
- >
- > Joe Monahan
- He also told me he taught 3D Studio. I am curious, where do you teach?
- Jeff
- --
- Sr. Programmer 3
- Advanced Computing Center for the Arts and Design
- Emerging Technology Studio
- Article: 19678
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in1.uu.net!nntp.primenet.com!news.primenet.com!steph
- From: Steph Greenberg <steph@primenet.com>
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: LW is an Island
- Date: 15 May 1996 16:13:00 -0700
- Organization: Primenet (602)416-7000
- Lines: 53
- Sender: root@primenet.com
- Message-ID: <4ndods$k41@nnrp1.news.primenet.com>
- References: <4ndbdu$s5h@hermes.acs.unt.edu> <4ndlsk$sh2@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- X-Posted-By: steph@usr2.primenet.com
- Stranahan <stranahan@aol.com> wrote:
- : 1) It's not a matter of shifting R&D dollars to marketing - it's a matter
- : of using marketing dollars wisely.
- : 3) The Toaster was one of a hundred video effects devices. There were
- : Toaster type all-in-one-boxes out very quickly, too.
- : None of them had their T-shirts in Wayne's World movies.
- It doesn't hurt that Brad Carvey, one of the Toaster's creaters,
- is Dana Carvey's brother. Also the Garth character is partially based
- on Brad.
- : This happened because of WORK - it may seem like magic to you if you don't
- : do marketing, but I saw the work. NO PRODUCT SELLS ITSELF. Period. That
- : statement is just marketing hype to tell you how good the product is...
- Face it, the guy demoing the latest incarnation of the Toaster is
- no Kiki. They were practically facing each other at NAB, and I'd say
- the only people hanging at the Newtek booth were already members of the
- Newtek choir, at least when I was there.
- The Toaster was ahead of its time. Methinks Newtek didn't realize
- that the world would eventually pass them buy. From what I saw, LW
- is the *only* worthwhile product they have, and they haven't been
- throwing the resources into it to once again make it a fully
- *state of the art* product again. By that, I mean no excuses
- about Alias and SI costing several times more. That didn't stop
- them from going after Wavefront in 1990.
- Wavefront didn't push the envelope much once they become dominant,
- and it only took a couple of years for them to become largely
- irrelevant.
- : _____________________________________________
- : Lee Stranahan
- : "I shot a half hour, 35mm movie with professional quality visual effects
- : for around $5000 - and I can show you how to do it, too."
- : Access DeniedURL - http://users.aol.com/stranahan/access.htm
- : Lee's Home Page URL - http://users.aol.com/stranahan/main.htm
- --
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Steph Greenberg, 3DCGIMD CGI Character Orthopedic Surgeon,
- steph@primenet.com Chiropracter, and Podiatrist.
- Copyright 1996. All Rights Reserved. Permission granted for non-commercial
- electronic republication only, such as Usenet and Email, and
- non-commercial educational purposes such as charge free WWW pages.
- Express permission is required for any other use. When in doubt, ask.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Article: 19679
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!howland.reston.ans.net!math.ohio-state.edu!magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu!news
- From: Jeff Jasper <jasper.7@osu.edu>
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: LW vs Alias
- Date: Wed, 15 May 1996 19:35:04 -0400
- Organization: The Ohio State University
- Lines: 45
- Message-ID: <319A6A28.1BD0@osu.edu>
- References: <318B253F.25FC@montreal.com> <4mj9hk$6bu@newsbf02.news.aol.com> <3190400B.678A@montreal.com> <N.051196.234026.13@earthlink.net.earthlink.net> <jmonahan-1405960142080001@phx-ip-94.netzone.com> <3198E6B2.335E@osu.edu> <jmonahan-1505960437400001@
- Reply-To: jasper.7@osu.edu
- NNTP-Posting-Host: ts22-8.homenet.ohio-state.edu
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- X-Mailer: Mozilla 3.0b3 (WinNT; I)
- > Just e-mailed you a quick little picture to show MAX's new rendering
- > capabilities.
- > It's a simple scene but shows nice reflection and refraction that could
- > easily pass
- > for raytracing. I would like to see any raytracer render the scene as
- > fast as I did
- > on my measly Pentium 75. Hey notice I didn't use volumetric lights ;)
- >
- > Funny thing is, he originally said he could fake raytracing and that if I
- > couldn't I should re-evaluate what business I'm in. Then when I challenged
- > him he said his dongle was gone. Then he said he lost all his previous
- > images because he re-formatted his hard drive...(like he wouldn't make a
- > back-up first!) THEN he sent an image that he claimed he made but in
- > reality he took off the web! BTW, his .sig says he's a senior programmer
- > at OSU, but he's really only an undergrad student.....More info for my
- > internet class.
- I, as I told Joe, wad to send in my 3DSr4 dongle to get MAX(only students have to do
- this) And since I turned my whole HD NTFS when I upgraded to NT, yes I did loose
- tons of data :( And no I didn't have any backup media at the time beside a single
- 3.5" floppy drive, after that fiasco i bought myself a nice little ZIP drive. I can
- send anyone the scene i created as a DXF or 3DS or whatever, I'll have to send some
- image maps too since some of the textures(ie. paper on the table) are custom. If you
- want to find out who I am just do a whois on me at Ohio State's web page, and you
- will notice it says Sr. Programmer. And yes I am an undergrad. I am in my senior
- year at OSU and am the only undergraduate animation major here. Animation was
- originally a grad only program here, but we have a nice thing called the
- personalized study program where you can create your own major. This is how I
- weasled my way into doing computer animation here :) And could you point me towards
- the picture I supposedly stole off the web? If you want I can render the same scene
- from various angles and send those to you. I thought you told me you were a 3D
- Studio teacher? Where do you teach at?
- > Duh! Really? And judging from your web page and stolen graphics that your
- > putting up as your own, your niether an artist or a 3D modeler/animator.
- > So I guess we can say good-nite to you!
- I don't have a web page, if I did I sure as hell wouldn't be sending stuff to you to
- put on yours, if you ever do. And you are no one to make judgement calls on skills.
- Jeff
- --
- Sr. Programmer 3
- Advanced Computing Center for the Arts and Design
- Emerging Technology Studio
- Article: 19680
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in1.uu.net!nntp.primenet.com!news.primenet.com!ip21-005.phx.primenet.com!wturber
- From: wturber@primenet.com (Walter (Jay) Turberville (III))
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: Bill Gates -Was "MAX or LightWave? How about some MAX here"-
- Date: 15 May 1996 16:25:01 -0700
- Organization: Primenet Services for the Internet
- Lines: 31
- Sender: root@primenet.com
- Message-ID: <wturber.143.13F07FC8@primenet.com>
- References: <3195B069.373A@pilot.msu.edu> <4n52q7$7be@newsbf02.news.aol.com> <4n564a$40j@nw003.infi.net> <4n5c9t$im8@nnrp1.news.primenet.com>
- X-Posted-By: ip21-005.phx.primenet.com
- X-Newsreader: Trumpet for Windows [Version 1.0 Rev B final beta #4]
- [snip]
- >: release, free, products of significant value. Example Internet Explorer.
- >: Released free while Netscape Navigator costs (retail or shareware) about
- >: $50. Same story is true of their "new" HTML editor. Net result = weakened
- >: competitors.Then less competitors.
- Ahhh - here is the myth/deception:
- If a company "drives out" the competition by providing free or below market
- priced products, the consumer benefits. If the competitor then raises prices
- in order to "gouge" the consumer will be hurt. But what this scenario ignores
- is that competition can always REENTER. And this is the deception.
- Pro-regulation folks conveniently leave out the other side of this
- equation. There are billions of investment dollars out there just waiting to
- assist someone in entering a market with high profit margins (such as the
- situation that is created when there is little competition). This, of course,
- will drive the prices back down.
- So, you end up with either a near monopoly and reasonable prices or a number
- of competitors and reasonable prices. When prices become "unreasonably" high
- or low, that usually indicates a change in the market. These changes
- eventually settle out. There is no impending horror story. Which is the
- myth.
- Walter (Jay) Turberville |wturber@primenet.com wturber@aol.com
- Studio 522 Productions |http://www.primenet.com/~wturber
- http://www.studio522.com |ftp.primenet.com/users/w/wturber
- Article: 19681
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!btnet!zetnet.co.uk!dispatch.news.demon.net!demon!mail2news.demon.co.uk!bumblbee.demon.co.uk
- From: Derek Sorensen <Derek@bumblbee.demon.co.uk>
- Newsgroups: rec.games.programmer,comp.graphics.animation,rec.games.design,comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: Artist Needed for Game
- Followup-To: rec.arts.fine
- Date: Wed, 15 May 96 22:57:49 GMT
- Organization: Bumblebee Games
- Lines: 20
- Message-ID: <832201069snz@bumblbee.demon.co.uk>
- References: <1996May15.181229@cantva>
- Reply-To: Derek@bumblbee.demon.co.uk
- X-NNTP-Posting-Host: bumblbee.demon.co.uk
- X-Newsreader: Demon Internet Simple News v1.30
- X-Mail2News-Path: bumblbee.demon.co.uk
- Xref: news2.cais.com rec.games.programmer:91815 comp.graphics.animation:35733 rec.games.design:16283 comp.graphics.apps.lightwave:19681
- In article <1996May15.181229@cantva>
- misc1870@csc.canterbury.ac.nz
- "The Cookie Monster [Glenn Fisher]" writes:
- >
- > Yes, lets start on Van Gogh,
- [giant snip]
- Umm, no, let's not. Let's take this discussion to an arts oriented news
- group, eg: rec.arts.fine, ok?
- Follow-up set.
- Regards,
- Derek Sorensen
- --
- : Bumblebee : Board, Tabletop and Play-By-Mail and eMail Games
- : Games : http://www.tightbeam.com/bumblebee <- Free PBM rules
- : : mailto://info@bumblbee.demon.co.uk <- Automated Info
- Article: 19682
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!news.kei.com!nntp.coast.net!oleane!jussieu.fr!math.ohio-state.edu!magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu!news
- From: Jeff Jasper <jasper.7@osu.edu>
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: LW vs Alias
- Date: Wed, 15 May 1996 19:38:51 -0400
- Organization: The Ohio State University
- Lines: 11
- Message-ID: <319A6B0B.5834@osu.edu>
- References: <jmonahan-1405960142080001@phx-ip-94.netzone.com> <4nap82$384@newsbf02.news.aol.com> <jmonahan-1505960454460001@phx-ip-62.netzone.com>
- Reply-To: jasper.7@osu.edu
- NNTP-Posting-Host: ts22-8.homenet.ohio-state.edu
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- X-Mailer: Mozilla 3.0b3 (WinNT; I)
- > Darn close though. I would hate to see Twister or Batman or The Mask done
- > in anything less then Alias. Thats were the fun is.....
- The Mask also used EIAS, and Batman was done mostly with in-house software.
- Not sure what Twister was done with.
- Jeff
- --
- Sr. Programmer 3
- Advanced Computing Center for the Arts and Design
- Emerging Technology Studio
- Article: 19683
- Path: news2.cais.com!news
- From: B Hayes <bjhayes@pacificnet.net>
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: "Their" LW is the same as yours
- Date: Wed, 15 May 1996 17:09:34 -0400
- Organization: Capital Area Internet Service, Inc.
- Lines: 20
- Message-ID: <319A480E.35DB@pacificnet.net>
- References: <4ndem7$ba3@guitar.sound.net>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: pm1-23.pacificnet.net
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- X-Mailer: Mozilla 3.0b3 (WinNT; I)
- To: Brian Thomas <brian@newtek.com>
- > As you can see, LightWaves development process fulfills the needs of
- > the Major Film/TV Effects studios using it. When they are happy with
- > it then we call it good enough to ship to the public.
- >
- > Brian Thomas
- > LightWave 3D Testing Coordinator
- > NewTek, Inc.
- Brian:
- How about the needs of the minor studios using it? For example I have had a dialog with Chuck through compuserve since last year, But every
- time I make a suggestion he sez he forwards it to the proper channels... then I never hear about it again. For example (as if no one has
- suggested this yet): there NEEDS to be a way to load Multiple Objects/Images at once. If WV studios has thousands of objects per scene I can't
- belive that some one is clicking "load Object" scrolling down to the object cliking on it and then doing is again, thousands of times. You need
- to have a "Load Directory" or at least Shift-Click / Ctrl-Click. I hate haveing to Waist Time repeating this task.
- Brad Hayes
- http://pacificney.net/~bjhayes
- P.S. Sorry I ment this in a friendly way, but every thing I have writen today sounds like I have a real attitude. Not so... Thanks!
- Article: 19684
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!howland.reston.ans.net!news-e2a.gnn.com!newstf01.news.aol.com!newsbf02.news.aol.com!not-for-mail
- From: virtualbri@aol.com (VirtualBri)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: "Their" LW is the same as yours
- Date: 15 May 1996 20:02:36 -0400
- Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364)
- Lines: 12
- Sender: root@newsbf02.news.aol.com
- Message-ID: <4ndras$1er@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- References: <4ndem7$ba3@guitar.sound.net>
- Reply-To: virtualbri@aol.com (VirtualBri)
- NNTP-Posting-Host: newsbf02.mail.aol.com
- Hey, it's the 3DS users who think hollywood is getting some other deal,
- not us.
- Part of what first got me interested in using LightWave was the fact that
- I could do what the broadcast guys were doing. Granted, after becoming a
- better artist....
- But thanks for putting the official word in print.
- --Brian
- ======== http://members.aol.com/virtualbri/ =======
- == Home of the LightWave 3D Internet Resource Lists ==
- ============= So, why aren't you on it? =============
- Article: 19685
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!netnews.nwnet.net!news.nodak.edu!news.uoknor.edu!news.ecn.uoknor.edu!solace!xinit!newsfeed.tip.net!news.jos.net!dos.canit.se!seunet!mn7.swip.net!mn6.swip.net!mn5.swip.
- From: "björn andersson" <bjorn.andersson@mbox300.swipnet.se>
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Need Help on DOC´s
- Date: 15 May 1996 17:22:23 GMT
- Organization: -
- Lines: 20
- Message-ID: <4nd3sf$c5b@mn5.swip.net>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: dialup108-2-4.swipnet.se
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
- NNTP-Posting-User: 7b7160697c301ebd6cef05223630d8dd
- X-Mailer: Mozilla 1.22 (Windows; I; 16bit)
- Please I really need help!
- I=B4ve looked all over for some good DOC=B4s on LW but I don=B4t
- seem to have any luck.
- If anybody out there in the big world knows anything,
- just anything, that you think should interest me about
- LW then write a few lines and tell me all about it.
- Also if you have made something that you are realy proud
- of and want to show the world, or maby just me, include it
- too. I=B4m trying to get a large database with LW stuff, but
- I=B4ve got too get more before I can refer to myself as an
- big collector.
- Any way, Thanks in advance to all.
- ----------------------------------------------------------
- () | "And The Rest, After a Sudden Wet thud, Was Silence"
- /\ |
- ----------Bjorn.Andersson@mbox300.swipnet.se--------------
- Article: 19686
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!news.kei.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in2.uu.net!newsflash.concordia.ca!news.nstn.ca!news
- From: what@do.you.want. (Mack)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: adobe photoshop vs coraldraw 6
- Date: 16 May 1996 00:25:28 GMT
- Organization: whatz up
- Lines: 32
- Message-ID: <4ndslo$qi8@news.nstn.ca>
- References: <mfrazin.21.00067726@interaccess.com> <3198A1AF.47DF@atlanta.com>
- Reply-To: not@here.no.more
- NNTP-Posting-Host: vega.torcomp.com
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Content-Type: Text/Plain; charset=US-ASCII
- X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.99.7
- In article <3198A1AF.47DF@atlanta.com>, bwidget@atlanta.com says...
- >
- >Shadow wrote:
- >> For digital manipulation of images and animation which would be better?
- >Any
- >> opinions?
- >
- > For what it does (Image-manipulation) nothing beats photoshop.
- Especially
- >for 3D use in
- >combination with Kai's power tools. photoshop is the best implementation of
- > any image manipulating
- >tool there is. However for 2/3 of the price you can get CorelDraw that incl
- >udes a bitmap to raster
- >program, a dedicated drawing program (in vectors) etc... . Bang for the buc
- >k corel is probably a
- >better deal.
- > Personnally I use photoshop. I use it so often that I said : "screw
- bang f
- >or buck: I want
- >the best!" I guess that's how people justify more expensive packages than L
- >W. However in that price
- >range the buck tends to be so high that I have to go for bang and can't jus
- >tify it.
- >
- >Hajo
- does any one know if this exists in the current or upgrades of
- photoshop(3.05)?
- bezier controls tools for doing selections. i may have missed it, but in alias
- eclipe and in animator studio i can manipulate a paths profile with bezier
- controls. can this be done in photoshop?
- Article: 19687
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!nntp.primenet.com!news.primenet.com!ip21-005.phx.primenet.com!wturber
- From: wturber@primenet.com (Walter (Jay) Turberville (III))
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Underrated LW 5.0 feature.
- Date: 15 May 1996 17:17:02 -0700
- Organization: Primenet Services for the Internet
- Lines: 8
- Sender: root@primenet.com
- Message-ID: <wturber.144.140D1389@primenet.com>
- X-Posted-By: ip21-005.phx.primenet.com
- X-Newsreader: Trumpet for Windows [Version 1.0 Rev B final beta #4]
- "Specular Off" for individual lights. OK - not nearly so razzle-dazzle is the
- various extremely cool "Meta" tools, but this really does enhance lighting
- possibilities.
- Walter (Jay) Turberville |wturber@primenet.com wturber@aol.com
- Studio 522 Productions |http://www.primenet.com/~wturber
- http://www.studio522.com |ftp.primenet.com/users/w/wturber
- Article: 19688
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!nntp.primenet.com!news.primenet.com!ip21-005.phx.primenet.com!wturber
- From: wturber@primenet.com (Walter (Jay) Turberville (III))
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.animation,comp.graphics.apps.lightwave,comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio
- Subject: Re: MAX or Lightwave? How about some MAX here folks.
- Date: 15 May 1996 17:19:02 -0700
- Organization: Primenet Services for the Internet
- Lines: 28
- Sender: root@primenet.com
- Message-ID: <wturber.145.140EFC48@primenet.com>
- References: <jmonahan-0605960210270001@phx-ip-71.netzone.com> <31944AD5.16C4@odyssee.net> <4n2l9h$jcg@nnrp1.news.primenet.com> <4n5pd4$l0k@news1.io.org>
- X-Posted-By: ip21-005.phx.primenet.com
- X-Newsreader: Trumpet for Windows [Version 1.0 Rev B final beta #4]
- Xref: news2.cais.com comp.graphics.animation:35734 comp.graphics.apps.lightwave:19688 comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio:16751
- In article <4n5pd4$l0k@news1.io.org> mjmackin@io.org (Matt. ) writes:
- >From: mjmackin@io.org (Matt. )
- >Subject: Re: MAX or Lightwave? How about some MAX here folks.
- >Date: Sun, 12 May 1996 22:40:52 GMT
- >>Gordon Cameron <gocam@odyssee.net> wrote:
- >>: > A dual processor Pentium Pro (which is available and a good deal) IS faster
- >>: > than almost any SGI workstation.
- >>: Perhaps true in raw processor performance - but it really depends what you are
- >>: doing. SGI are, contrary to popular opinion, the kings of medium-scale SMP
- >>: (symmetric multi-processing), and, on top of this, they do many things very
- >>: very well - e.g. D1 realtime video boards *today*
- >But they do you need to have real time D1 output if you can get close
- >with the Perception. Its D1 output (but you have to render to it's
- >hard drive.) It costs a small fraction of the SGI.
- Uhhhh - I love the Perception. However, I'd trade drive space for D1 quality
- in a second (for animation work).
- Walter (Jay) Turberville |wturber@primenet.com wturber@aol.com
- Studio 522 Productions |http://www.primenet.com/~wturber
- http://www.studio522.com |ftp.primenet.com/users/w/wturber
- Article: 19689
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!van-bc!news.mindlink.net!deep.mindlink.net.deep.mindlink.net!Jeff_Holinski
- From: Jeff_Holinski@mindlink.bc.ca (Jeff Holinski)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: Lightwave crack
- Date: Thu, 16 May 1996 00:26:05 GMT
- Organization: MIND LINK! - British Columbia, Canada
- Lines: 25
- Message-ID: <Jeff_Holinski.285.319A761D@mindlink.bc.ca>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: line244.nwm.mindlink.net
- X-Newsreader: Trumpet for Windows [Version 1.0 Rev B final beta #4]
- From: puppetco@cais.com (puppetco)
- Subject: Re: Lightwave crack
- Date: 15 May 1996 20:02:11 GMT
- >>P.S. What is wrong with NewTek making the CD-ROM part of the copy
- >>protection. Just have LW check for the CD-ROM at start-up. It's just as
- >>easy to crack that as it is the dongle, and it effectively stops the casual
- >>pirate same as the dongle. It's cheaper, easier and more reliable than the
- >>dongle. I have yet to hear a *good* arguement against this solution.
- >
- >The problem, as I see it is that NewTek is afraid of "Render Farms."
- >One copy of LW running many machines in the same plant. CD copy
- >protection might not preclude "in-house" piracy. I don't have a dongle,
- >I have a Toaster. Of course, my LW won't run without it. Oh NO!! The
- >Mother of All Dongles!!!
- I doubt if Newtek is worried about "Render Farms" showing up if they went to
- CD copy protection. They already give you Screamernet for that exact purpose
- when you buy a copy of Lightwave.
- More likely it's cause anybody with a $1000 CD recorder and a box of $15 blank
- discs could crank out copies of LW for their friends.
- Jeff H...
- Article: 19690
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!news1.erols.com!newsmaster@erols.com
- From: anonbbjjcc@anon.penet.fi (br!an)
- Newsgroups: comp.emacs,comp.emacs.xemacs,comp.emulators.apple2,comp.emulators.cbm,comp.emulators.mac.executor,comp.emulators.misc,comp.emulators.ms-windows.wine,comp.fonts,comp.graphics.algorithms,comp.graphics.animation,comp.graphics.api.inventor,comp.gr
- Subject: Re: ESSAYS FOR FREE!!!!!!!
- Date: Thu, 16 May 1996 03:29:00 GMT
- Organization: Erols Internet Services
- Lines: 33
- Message-ID: <319aa0da.13935340@news.erols.com>
- References: <4lshmk$ki5@spark.law.vill.edu> <3181FAD6.43E1@bgnet.bgsu.edu> <4m3bvp$6rg@news.bellglobal.com> <3188C9C5.3072@inetnow.net> <jefeDr9vpJ.9Ms@netcom.com>
- Reply-To: anonbbjjcc@anon.penet.fi
- NNTP-Posting-Host: as10s01.erols.com
- X-Newsreader: Forte Agent .99d/16.182
- Xref: news2.cais.com comp.emacs:32828 comp.emacs.xemacs:11198 comp.emulators.apple2:8111 comp.emulators.cbm:11531 comp.emulators.mac.executor:3174 comp.emulators.misc:8999 comp.emulators.ms-windows.wine:5102 comp.fonts:45345 comp.graphics.algorithms:32123
- That site is so great -- you all must go there!!!
- If you don't know the URL e-mail me!
- On Sun, 12 May 1996 03:15:19 GMT, jefe@netcom.com (Pablo) wrote:
- >Tarq3 (tarq3@inetnow.net) wrote:
- >: >
- >: > Where is this evil house of cheat my good man?????
- >: > Allynn Wilkinson <awilkin@bgnet.bgsu.edu> wrote:
- >: >
- >: > >HOUSE wrote:
- >: > >>
- >: > >> CHECK IT OUT!!!!
- >
- >: Were's the site with the essays
- >
- > Right next to the dictionary.
- >--
- >******************************************************************************
- > Thoughts by: Pablo (tm)
- >
- > Free Bob Kelly...
- >******************************************************************************
- >
- >People tend not to like one who is always right; people truly hate one who
- > really is...
- >
- > .mw
- Article: 19691
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in2.uu.net!newstf01.news.aol.com!newsbf02.news.aol.com!not-for-mail
- From: virtualbri@aol.com (VirtualBri)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: LW vs Alias
- Date: 15 May 1996 20:33:47 -0400
- Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364)
- Lines: 73
- Sender: root@newsbf02.news.aol.com
- Message-ID: <4ndt5b$24c@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- References: <jmonahan-1505960437400001@phx-ip-62.netzone.com>
- Reply-To: virtualbri@aol.com (VirtualBri)
- NNTP-Posting-Host: newsbf02.mail.aol.com
- Joe continues his crusade against sensibility:
- >Try to wade through this one.....
- OK.
- >Funny thing is, he originally said he could fake raytracing and that if I
- >couldn't I should re-evaluate what business I'm in. Then when I
- challenged
- >him he said his dongle was gone. Then he said he lost all his previous
- >images because he re-formatted his hard drive...(like he wouldn't make a
- >back-up first!) THEN he sent an image that he claimed he made but in
- >reality he took off the web! BTW, his .sig says he's a senior programmer
- >at OSU, but he's really only an undergrad student.....More info for my
- >internet class.
- Hmm, I suppose you've never had a computer problem ever. Is that one
- of the advantages of being a Alias user. Your SGI never has a problem?
- I think you better step back and make sure of your facts before
- saying this person stole a graphic off the web. That's libel unless
- you've
- got some proof.
- Also, who says you can't be a senior programmer and an undergraduate
- at a university? I was an Office of Instructional Development Technician
- Supervisor while being a lowly student at UCLA. What qualifies you
- to call yourself a teacher? Where do you teach? Your footer on the post
- says: "Center for Advancing Computer Technologies"? What is that?
- Is that part of a real school? God help your students.
- >> Fred, William, I think he's taunting you.
- >Indeed I AM! I would like to see what all you experts can actually do!
- >Funny how quite you all get when challenged.
- Shouldn't teachers know how to spell? See my previous posts about
- your swelled head.
- >Since none of you "pros" responded to my last challenge, I doubt I get
- >alot of stuff from the new pros. And if I do, anyone visiting my web site
- >will clearly see that I was right all along. The little rendering you
- sent
- >was pathetic.
- Now, I've got to see that rendering, since yours was no gem. See my
- previous post for why you're being ingored and why people may
- just not feel like playing your reindeer games. It doesn't mean you're
- right.
- >Wow! What a feature! Maybe if you knew how to use Alias your screen
- >updates wouldn't take that long!
- Ah, I see. When someone has something, then they're just dumb, while
- you are always correct. What school did you teach at again? I'll have
- to make sure not to come within 100 miles of such an institution.
- >Duh! Really? And judging from your web page and stolen graphics that your
- >putting up as your own, your niether an artist or a 3D modeler/animator.
- >So I guess we can say good-nite to you!
- >
- >Joe Monahan
- Um, look at your own poor excuse for work before accusing someone else
- of anything. If there's any of the two of you to cross off the
- believeability
- list, you're the one, Joe.
- --Brian
- ======== http://members.aol.com/virtualbri/ =======
- == Home of the LightWave 3D Internet Resource Lists ==
- ============= So, why aren't you on it? =============
- Article: 19692
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!world1.bawave.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in2.uu.net!newsflash.concordia.ca!news.nstn.ca!news
- From: what@do.you.want. (Mack)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: 3DS MAX's big flaws...
- Date: 16 May 1996 00:40:03 GMT
- Organization: whatz up
- Lines: 87
- Message-ID: <4ndth3$qi8@news.nstn.ca>
- References: <4n4pkb$715@dfw-ixnews4.ix.netcom.com>
- Reply-To: not@here.no.more
- NNTP-Posting-Host: vega.torcomp.com
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Content-Type: Text/Plain; charset=US-ASCII
- X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.99.7
- In article <4n4pkb$715@dfw-ixnews4.ix.netcom.com>, Gameboy@ix.netcom.com
- says...
- >
- >Having now seen 3DS MAX, I must say that I am both impressed and
- >disappointed. The designers seem to have included a ton of extras,
- >only to exclude some important funtionality. This kind of design
- >strategy is generally referred to as "plug-in," but I simply call it
- >screwing you, the customer, over.
- >
- >What do I mean? Let's take a look...
- >
- >1.)Most important, there is no provision for even basic skeletal
- >deformation. Any "bones" type work must be done through a plug-in,
- >i.e. Character Studio (a very impressive "step" driven animation
- >tool...that costs $1500...YIKES!!!) or Bones Pro (which I haven't seen
- >yet in its MAX incarnation). This is a vital animation tool present
- >in packages costing 1/7 what MAX does .
- >
- >2.)Close behind is the render engine. Is it better than the old 3DS?
- >Yes. Is it up to Lightwave's level? No. But this gives you the
- >freedom to buy a new render engine and dole out a paltry $500+ when
- >the urge strikes you.
- >
- >3.)No lens Flare. It's overused, but still a nice tool for creating
- >interesting and vibrant lighting effects. Yet another $500 out the
- >window.
- >
- >4.)Particle systems? Yup. Powerful? Nope. Crank out another $500+
- >smackers.
- >
- >There are nice tools, i.e. the volumetric lighting, the warp fx, the
- >integrated interface (I'm not getting into that debate, so don't
- >start), and the interactive modelling tools (change object complexity,
- >do boolens, bend, twist, shear, etc, in real time). However, with a
- >little sweat, you can duplicate most in the basic Lightwave package,
- >and than do a lot more. Is MAX better than Lightwave? In some ways
- >yes, and with the right plug-ins, definitely, but only if cost is not
- >an issue. Also, you might do some math and notice that after all the
- >plug-ins, MAX is dangerously close to being as expensive as SoftImage
- >NT, a more powerful program for the most part. With Microsoft backing
- >SoftImage, expect a bit of competition should MAX/SoftImage cut into
- >each other's sales (i.e. multi-platform release, cost cuts, and so
- >on).
- >
- >As for Lightwave, though I have a softspot for it, I am very troubled
- >by its lumbering progress. The interface is getting old, the shift to
- >a "plug-in" architecture seems a good idea implemented for the wrong
- >reasons (to reduce internal development), and overlooked programs like
- >Imagine are coming out with more features for less money (lens flares,
- >bones, meta balls, particles, several animation systems (cycles, for
- >instance), motion blur, depth of field, IK, powerful procedural
- >texture mapping, and so on ...) for much less than Lightwave ($500, I
- >think). The stuff I am reading about Tim Jenison makes me think that
- >Newtek is steaming through Amiga Country on a course for Atariville.
- >
- >What is the deal here kids?
- >
- >Bill L.
- >Past user of Imagine (up to 3.0) and Lightwave (up to 3.5), and
- >current user of 3DS 4.0 (for work) and Real 3D 3.1 (at home). Future
- >user of 3DS MAX, and with a little luck, Alias Power Animator (both
- >for work).
- >
- some of the reasons bones ala lightwave were notincluded may be the fact that
- it would have hurt digimation. as an exec from autodesk told me, they can be
- sued for hurting somes ones business and especially digimation , since they
- are one of the largest ipas makers for 3ds.
- character studio is an entirely different ball of wax.
- you get a tool in CS that is the equivilant or exceeds what is possible under
- many SGI platform tools. Your place steps and the character walks
- automaticlly.
- with real human motion as good as motion capture. you can then use ik to move
- the upper body around , but it helps automate walking cycles like could not
- believe.
- you can use gravity, different types of motion attributes, like jumping
- motion, running or wlking. how about doing a realistic back flip by placing
- two foot steps down on the ground and rotating them 360 degrees?
- how about joints that control musle and tenden flex depending on the position
- of the joint?
- all this done in an intergrated interface, realtime with enough ram, in a
- shaded view port that is part of the interface.
- 1500 Bucks pricey, sure, but cheaper than SoftImage.
- as a 3ds user i would love to see bones as part of the base package, but
- realize why is isn't. doesn't mean i'm not disapointed, but if oyu need the
- power you'll pay for it. cn you think of any other reason for using alias?
- Article: 19693
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!van-bc!news.mindlink.net!uniserve!news.sol.net!spool.mu.edu!munnari.OZ.AU!news.mel.connect.com.au!news.mel.aone.net.au!usenet
- From: Mark Midolla <markm@hypertec.com.au>
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Amiga Lightwave 5 ready yet ?
- Date: Thu, 16 May 1996 10:38:14 +1000
- Lines: 3
- Message-ID: <319A78F6.195E@hypertec.com.au>
- Reply-To: markm@hypertec.com.au
- NNTP-Posting-Host: flu.hypertec.com.au
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- X-Mailer: Mozilla 3.0b3 (WinNT; I)
- Anyone got it yet ?
- Mark
- Article: 19694
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!world1.bawave.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in2.uu.net!brighton.openmarket.com!decwrl!waikato!canterbury.ac.nz!cantva!misc335
- From: misc335@csc.canterbury.ac.nz
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: LW vs Alias,
- Date: 16 May 96 12:44:25 +1200
- Organization: University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand
- Lines: 32
- Message-ID: <1996May16.124425@cantva>
- References: <318B253F.25FC@montreal.com> <4mj9hk$6bu@newsbf02.news.aol.com> <3190400B.678A@montreal.com> <N.051196.234026.13@earthlink.net.earthlink.net> <jmonahan-1405960142080001@phx-ip-94.netzone.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: cantva.canterbury.ac.nz
- > Your ON! As you know I started a web page to compare the rendering quality
- > of 3D Studio against a cheap modeling application. No one showed! I
- > suppose the same will be the case with you and Lightwave, huh?
- (Controversy alert :)
- Y'know, I suspect most people who are good with high end software are quite
- likely to be secure in the knowledge that they define what is possible, not
- the software, and as such, less inclined to go out of their way to prove the
- merits of the software. (The exception being pirates, as the reasoning behind
- this observation is based on the assumption that "high end" means "not
- availible to any old joe". Sounds elitist I know, but I do mean it like that,
- and I'm being somewhat lighthearted anyway :-)
- Given that cheap apps tend to be used by hobbiests, such an apathy
- won't be a problem (in fact, you'll probably get people spending hugely
- unrealistic production times working on something to prove the merit of their
- apps). IOW, I could have told you you're chances of getting decent 3ds images
- were bugger all, and LW is likely to be the same (though it is probably used
- by more hobbiests, so the response should be a _bit_ better...)
- In other words, if you really really have to compare software, I think a more
- accurate way of doing it than judging the stuff sent to a site, is judging the
- general demenour of the artists using the software, and see how much of a shit
- they give what someone else thinks of their software.
- Of course, being _more_ accurate doesn't mean it _is_ accurate, far from it,
- we're talking gross generalisation city. (Though judging software from a few
- misc pics on a website seems just as bad :)
- But it's a new angle...
- (Well, an old one dressed up as something new... :-)
- Article: 19695
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!world1.bawave.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in2.uu.net!nntp.primenet.com!news.primenet.com!ip21-005.phx.primenet.com!wturber
- From: wturber@primenet.com (Walter (Jay) Turberville (III))
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: Whats new in LW5.0
- Date: 15 May 1996 17:35:02 -0700
- Organization: Primenet Services for the Internet
- Lines: 20
- Sender: root@primenet.com
- Message-ID: <wturber.146.141CDF63@primenet.com>
- References: <4n4o9b$qb3@harbinger.cc.monash.edu.au> <scotta.831926418@shellx> <oj6k9ygha70.fsf@hpsrk.fc.hp.com>
- X-Posted-By: ip21-005.phx.primenet.com
- X-Newsreader: Trumpet for Windows [Version 1.0 Rev B final beta #4]
- In article <oj6k9ygha70.fsf@hpsrk.fc.hp.com> koren@hpsrk.fc.hp.com (Steve Koren) writes:
- >From: koren@hpsrk.fc.hp.com (Steve Koren)
- >Subject: Re: Whats new in LW5.0
- >Date: 13 May 1996 09:20:03 -0600
- >> * Data sharing between Layout and Modeler. Import and Export are Back!
- >Back? Back from where? I'm using import and export just fine in 4.0,
- >and it was there in 3.5 too. Before that I dunno.
- [snip]
- > - steve
- It went away with the 4.0 release on non-Amiga platforms.
- Walter (Jay) Turberville |wturber@primenet.com wturber@aol.com
- Studio 522 Productions |http://www.primenet.com/~wturber
- http://www.studio522.com |ftp.primenet.com/users/w/wturber
- Article: 19696
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!nntp.primenet.com!news.primenet.com!ip21-005.phx.primenet.com!wturber
- From: wturber@primenet.com (Walter (Jay) Turberville (III))
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: NT to Mac ?
- Date: 15 May 1996 17:46:02 -0700
- Organization: Primenet Services for the Internet
- Lines: 23
- Sender: root@primenet.com
- Message-ID: <wturber.147.14278EE9@primenet.com>
- References: <mad.7684@torment.tmisnet.com> <31962F8C.2B3D@mail.rain.org> <31972D16.F5@ademco.com>
- X-Posted-By: ip21-005.phx.primenet.com
- X-Newsreader: Trumpet for Windows [Version 1.0 Rev B final beta #4]
- >O.K. , let's go further, if you have a hub, does the server control what
- >goes in/out of the hub or is it similar electrically to a direct
- >connection between cpu's? Thanks.
- Think of ethernet as a "broadcast" channel. Everybody "sees" what everybody
- else sends. That is why ethernet can work on a single coax line. Ethernet is
- very efficient for "bursty" traffic, but starts to fall down when average
- traffic levels get relatively high - but I digress.
- A "hub" as previously described is a bridge and no filtering occurs. All
- "cpus" see the same thing. Another type of "hub" is a router. A router can
- selectively restrict the passage of certain packets of data to certain
- network segments. This becomes an issue on larger networks to avoid the high
- traffic levels described above.
- Walter (Jay) Turberville |wturber@primenet.com wturber@aol.com
- Studio 522 Productions |http://www.primenet.com/~wturber
- http://www.studio522.com |ftp.primenet.com/users/w/wturber
- Article: 19697
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!howland.reston.ans.net!news-e2a.gnn.com!newstf01.news.aol.com!newsbf02.news.aol.com!not-for-mail
- From: howardst@aol.com (Howard ST)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: Lightwave crack
- Date: 15 May 1996 20:46:25 -0400
- Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364)
- Lines: 4
- Sender: root@newsbf02.news.aol.com
- Message-ID: <4ndtt1$2e4@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- References: <1129.6709T959T1212@cais.com>
- Reply-To: howardst@aol.com (Howard ST)
- NNTP-Posting-Host: newsbf02.mail.aol.com
- >>One copy of LW running many machines in the same plant. >>
- Light wave does this for free anyway. You don't need a dongle for a render
- only machine.
- -H
- Article: 19698
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!news.sprintlink.net!new-news.sprintlink.net!wagner.spc.videotron.ca!paperboy.RND.Softimage.COM!research43!gordon
- From: gordon@RND.Softimage.COM (Gordon D.B. Cameron)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.animation,comp.graphics.apps.lightwave,comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio
- Subject: Re: MAX or Lightwave? How about some MAX here folks.
- Followup-To: comp.graphics.animation,comp.graphics.apps.lightwave,comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio
- Date: 13 May 1996 18:02:19 GMT
- Organization: Softimage Inc.
- Lines: 47
- Message-ID: <4n7tfb$o1m@paperboy.RND.Softimage.COM>
- References: <jmonahan-0605960210270001@phx-ip-71.netzone.com> <31944AD5.16C4@odyssee.net> <4n2l9h$jcg@nnrp1.news.primenet.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: gordon%@research43.rnd.softimage.com
- X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2]
- Xref: news2.cais.com comp.graphics.animation:35736 comp.graphics.apps.lightwave:19698 comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio:16755
- : : Perhaps true in raw processor performance - but it really depends what you are
- : : doing. SGI are, contrary to popular opinion, the kings of medium-scale SMP
- : : (symmetric multi-processing), and, on top of this, they do many things very
- : : very well - e.g. D1 realtime video boards *today* (NOBODY has this on NT
- : : shipping yet), good realtime texture mapping with large scenes where all
- : : textures are not resident in texmem, remarkable memory bandwidth, good flexible
- : : processor scheduling etc etc.. A large portion of SGIs revenue is from their MP
- : : machines, and not from their graphics w/stations...With their alliance with
- : : Cray, we can expect good things in the future at the upper end of the
- : : performance spectrum.
- : I believe the statement was "almost any SGI *workstation*". The
- : multiprocessor machines don't fall into the workstation class, but rather
- : the lower end supercomputer class.
- I believe that will have to change soon - they don't have any MP
- machines on the desktop as yet, but I wouldn't be surprised to see
- some multi (at least dual) processor Indy-type machines soon
- (hopefully!)...
- My background before SI was is in working for a parallel computing
- centre (big Connection Machine, Cray T3D, etc), where it was
- fascinating to watch the industry evolve and reinvent itself, over the
- past 4 years. SGIs virtual takeover of the midrange supercomputer
- market was remarkably fast, and left many people gasping. Whilst they
- were doing that, however, as you say, the NT people were sneaking up
- on the heels of the graphics range of machines.
- It's an interesting industry,
- : It may be SGI's fate to be left only with it's supercomputer market,
- : which may itself be expanding.
- In fact it may well be a very profitable fate for SGI, but not
- necessarily for the graphics community until an equivalent new grapics
- innovator appears.
- -G.
- --
- ~ Gordon Cameron / software development / Gordon.Cameron@Softimage.COM ~
- ~ Channels, Viewing, Peformance Animation / Phone: (514) 845-1636 x3445 ~
- ~ SOFTIMAGE Inc, Montreal, Quebec / Fax : (514) 845-5676 ~
- ~ Editor, SIGGRAPH Computer Graphics / Gordon.Cameron@siggraph.org ~
- ~ `Languages, like sandwiches - in one ear, and out the other' ~
- Article: 19699
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in2.uu.net!news.mindspring.com!usenet
- From: patsmth@clt.mindspring.com (patrick smyth)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Wacom tablets and Lightwave
- Date: Thu, 16 May 1996 01:07:33 GMT
- Organization: MindSpring Enterprises, Inc.
- Lines: 26
- Message-ID: <4ndure$t74@mule2.mindspring.com>
- Reply-To: patsmth@clt.mindspring.com
- NNTP-Posting-Host: user-168-121-112-40.dialup.mindspring.com
- X-Newsreader: Forte Free Agent 1.0.82
- I'm sure that this has come up in this group before, but I must have
- missed it, so....
- I am trying to use Lightwave 3D release 4.0c with a Wacom ArtZ II
- digitizer tablet (one of their newer products) and have found that
- many functions within Lightwave respond *extremely* erratically to
- tablet input. I had this problem initially with Caligari's Truespace
- 2.0, and found that there was a setting in their preferences menu
- especially for tablet input to correct for these type of aberrations.
- Is there a similarly simple solution for Lightwave 4.0, or is an
- upgrade to 5.0 necessary (or does 5.0 have the same problem). I have
- wrist injuries, and therefore cannot use a mouse or trackball for the
- sort of extended precision work necessary in 3D modeling, so the
- digitizer tablet is a necessity.
- Thanks.
- ==============================================
- Patrick Smyth Patsmth@clt.mindspring.com
- Murphy's Law # 57 Tell a man that there are three hundred
- billion stars in the universe and he'll believe you. Tell
- him that a bench has wet paint and he'll have to touch
- it to be sure.
- ==============================================
- Article: 19700
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!nntp.primenet.com!news.primenet.com!ip21-005.phx.primenet.com!wturber
- From: wturber@primenet.com (Walter (Jay) Turberville (III))
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: adobe photoshop vs coraldraw 6
- Date: 15 May 1996 18:18:02 -0700
- Organization: Primenet Services for the Internet
- Lines: 34
- Sender: root@primenet.com
- Message-ID: <wturber.148.144279DA@primenet.com>
- References: <mfrazin.21.00067726@interaccess.com>
- X-Posted-By: ip21-005.phx.primenet.com
- X-Newsreader: Trumpet for Windows [Version 1.0 Rev B final beta #4]
- In article <mfrazin.21.00067726@interaccess.com> mfrazin@interaccess.com (Shadow) writes:
- >From: mfrazin@interaccess.com (Shadow)
- >Subject: adobe photoshop vs coraldraw 6
- >Date: Mon, 13 May 1996 19:41:05 -0600
- >For digital manipulation of images and animation which would be better? Any
- >opinions?
- Photoshop is probably the best image editor. I enjoy editing in
- Photoshop almost as much as animating in LW. However, it has a lot of
- specialization for print work that isn't necessarily a benefit for animation.
- CorelDraw is a package of apps that includes CorelPaint, CorelDraw
- (illustration software), Corel Dream (3D package), Corel Trace, and some
- other packages. Corel Paint isn't as good of a package as Photoshop, but it
- is very good. It has some other advantages though. The main one is
- that the CorelDraw 6.0 package has a scripting language (based on BASIC) that
- allows for batch processing images if you are willing to write a little code.
- There is a lot of flexibility in having this programming ability built in. In
- fact, I recently used its script to do a batch rename of some UNIX files to a
- format that the PVR could recognize. The files were long and had two "dots"
- and I converted them to DOS standard 8.3. This saved us a bunch of hassle and
- time.
- If I had to choose one and only one, I would grudgingly choose the CorelDraw
- package for its total collection of tools. If I could script in Photoshop,
- maybe not.
- Walter (Jay) Turberville |wturber@primenet.com wturber@aol.com
- Studio 522 Productions |http://www.primenet.com/~wturber
- http://www.studio522.com |ftp.primenet.com/users/w/wturber
- Article: 19701
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!nntp.primenet.com!news.primenet.com!ip21-005.phx.primenet.com!wturber
- From: wturber@primenet.com (Walter (Jay) Turberville (III))
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: LW is an Island
- Date: 15 May 1996 18:28:03 -0700
- Organization: Primenet Services for the Internet
- Lines: 21
- Sender: root@primenet.com
- Distribution: world
- Message-ID: <wturber.149.1449E3C5@primenet.com>
- References: <4n0gad$erv@hermes.acs.unt.edu> <4n1apg$3g0@newsbf02.news.aol.com> <4n89a8$54v@nntpd.lkg.dec.com>
- X-Posted-By: ip21-005.phx.primenet.com
- X-Newsreader: Trumpet for Windows [Version 1.0 Rev B final beta #4]
- >|>
- > Lee's right, I didn't see the work that went into making the Toaster a big
- > deal. Instead I was working at an amiga dealer and saw people that did not
- > even know the Toaster exsisted trip over themselves to buy one when they
- > saw it in use in the store. Newteks great marketing back then seemed to
- > miss a great many people. The people marketing the Toaster were in the right
- > place at the right time to be sure.
- > -bill
- I remember flipping by the shopping channel and seeing the guy who played the
- young ensign (can't remember the actor's name or his character's name -
- Wesley?) wearing a Toaster t-shirt and digressing from the topic on hand and
- talking about the Video Toaster. I know a lot of people who weren't "into"
- video who knew about the Toaster and I saw it presented to the average Joe a
- number of different times.
- Walter (Jay) Turberville |wturber@primenet.com wturber@aol.com
- Studio 522 Productions |http://www.primenet.com/~wturber
- http://www.studio522.com |ftp.primenet.com/users/w/wturber
- Article: 19702
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!nwgw.infi.net!not-for-mail
- From: kermit@infi.net (Kermit Woodall)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: Bill Gates -Was "MAX or LightWave? How about some MAX here"-
- Date: 16 May 1996 01:44:48 GMT
- Organization: InfiNet
- Lines: 67
- Message-ID: <4ne1ag$n3n@nw003.infi.net>
- References: <3195B069.373A@pilot.msu.edu> <4n52q7$7be@newsbf02.news.aol.com> <4n564a$40j@nw003.infi.net> <4n5c9t$im8@nnrp1.news.primenet.com> <wturber.143.13F07FC8@primenet.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: larry.infi.net
- X-Newsreader: TIN [UNIX 1.3 950824BETA PL0]
- Walter (Jay) Turberville (III) (wturber@primenet.com) wrote:
- :
- :
- : [snip]
- :
- : >: release, free, products of significant value. Example Internet Explorer.
- : >: Released free while Netscape Navigator costs (retail or shareware) about
- : >: $50. Same story is true of their "new" HTML editor. Net result = weakened
- : >: competitors.Then less competitors.
- :
- : Ahhh - here is the myth/deception:
- :
- : If a company "drives out" the competition by providing free or below market
- : priced products, the consumer benefits. If the competitor then raises prices
- : in order to "gouge" the consumer will be hurt. But what this scenario ignores
- : is that competition can always REENTER. And this is the deception.
- No "deception" Walter, it's obvious that anyone, at anytime, can enter a
- market currently dominated by one or more companies.
- : Pro-regulation folks conveniently leave out the other side of this
- : equation. There are billions of investment dollars out there just waiting to
- : assist someone in entering a market with high profit margins (such as the
- : situation that is created when there is little competition). This, of course,
- : will drive the prices back down.
- An interesting conception, but in reality few investors are going to be
- willing to back a company unless there's an excellent chance of return on
- that investment. Your idea of "billions" leaves out the point that these
- billions aren't targeting one company.
- What happens if the company that released a product for free, or below it's
- market value dramatically, never raises the price - but instead keeps that
- product's price point so low that nothing can enter and compete. The
- company underwrites that product by dominating a market that it can come to
- control and sell other products to to offset the original product's losses.
- What happens to that competitor that is forced into a collapse? How are
- they going reenter a market? How do they survive to reenter the market
- during such a period? How do they pay their employees? Can they get
- distibution channels to trust them again to carry their products? (If you
- think distributors are eager to carry new products, guess again. If you
- think they'll pay COD for new products, guess again.)
- : So, you end up with either a near monopoly and reasonable prices or a number
- : of competitors and reasonable prices. When prices become "unreasonably" high
- : or low, that usually indicates a change in the market. These changes
- : eventually settle out. There is no impending horror story. Which is the
- : myth.
- This is no myth, it's history. Anyone can look it up if they take the time
- to do so.
- The other point you've left out in your rebuttal is that a competitor that
- is bought out, taken over, or absorbed can vanish utterly. As has been
- pointed out by others, a large dominating company can buy smaller
- competitorswho can't keep up with giveaway software strategies, then simply
- discontinue the competing product. Remember Photostyler and other Aldus
- products? Adobe bought Aldus. According to the press the FTC passed on the
- deal specifically because Adobe's stated plans did not call for eliminating
- the Aldus products. Photostyler and other Aldus products are no more now.
- Kermit Woodall
- Nova Design, Inc.
- http://www.novadesign.com
- --
- Article: 19703
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!nntp.primenet.com!news.primenet.com!ip21-005.phx.primenet.com!wturber
- From: wturber@primenet.com (Walter (Jay) Turberville (III))
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.animation,comp.graphics.apps.lightwave,comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio
- Subject: Re: MAX or Lightwave? How about some MAX here folks.
- Date: 15 May 1996 18:53:01 -0700
- Organization: Primenet Services for the Internet
- Lines: 35
- Sender: root@primenet.com
- Message-ID: <wturber.150.1460ABB0@primenet.com>
- References: <jmonahan-0605960210270001@phx-ip-71.netzone.com> <N.051396.215021.61@earthlink.net.earthlink.net>
- X-Posted-By: ip21-005.phx.primenet.com
- X-Newsreader: Trumpet for Windows [Version 1.0 Rev B final beta #4]
- Xref: news2.cais.com comp.graphics.animation:35738 comp.graphics.apps.lightwave:19703 comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio:16767
- In article <N.051396.215021.61@earthlink.net.earthlink.net> fwtep@earthlink.net writes:
- >From: fwtep@earthlink.net
- >Subject: Re: MAX or Lightwave? How about some MAX here folks.
- >Date: Tue, 14 May 96 04:50:21 GMT
- >On 5/12/96 4:11PM, in message <4n5r69$8k@vixen.cso.uiuc.edu>, Noam Ben-Ami
- ><nbenami@uiuc.edu> wrote:
- >>
- >> Sorry to disagree with you Fred, but as a programmer, I'd be willing to
- >> consider the new changes as a qualifier for the title of "completely
- >> new." Heck, multithreaded operation alone is worth that title! The
- >> improvements to be gotten from threads are pretty terrific. As for the
- >> rest, they are much more than simple lensflares.
- >> I haven't seen any Max output, and IMHO, the old 3DStudio renderer was
- >> kind of shitty unless you were willing to put a lot of work into making
- >> everything look just right.
- >>
- >> --
- >> Noam Ben-Ami is nbenami@ux4.cso.uiuc
- >West Side Story was a complete re-write of Romeo & Juliet, but it was still
- >Romeo & Juliet.
- >--
- > -=Fred=-
- By that analogy all scanline renderers are "not new". Give it up Fred. The
- weight of evidence says you lost this one.
- Walter (Jay) Turberville |wturber@primenet.com wturber@aol.com
- Studio 522 Productions |http://www.primenet.com/~wturber
- http://www.studio522.com |ftp.primenet.com/users/w/wturber
- Article: 19704
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!nntp.primenet.com!news.primenet.com!ip21-005.phx.primenet.com!wturber
- From: wturber@primenet.com (Walter (Jay) Turberville (III))
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: 3DS MAX's big flaws...
- Date: 15 May 1996 19:08:02 -0700
- Organization: Primenet Services for the Internet
- Lines: 39
- Sender: root@primenet.com
- Message-ID: <wturber.151.146E16A6@primenet.com>
- References: <4n4pkb$715@dfw-ixnews4.ix.netcom.com> <4n5t41$6mr@news.corpcomm.net> <4namdo$99p@marina.cinenet.net> <4nc5rt$ek3@dfw-ixnews8.ix.netcom.com>
- X-Posted-By: ip21-005.phx.primenet.com
- X-Newsreader: Trumpet for Windows [Version 1.0 Rev B final beta #4]
- In article <4nc5rt$ek3@dfw-ixnews8.ix.netcom.com> Gameboy@ix.netcom.com (William Longworth) writes:
- >From: Gameboy@ix.netcom.com (William Longworth)
- >Subject: Re: 3DS MAX's big flaws...
- >Date: Tue, 14 May 1996 05:47:02 GMT
- >>IK is incorporated into 3D Max without any plugins..
- >I'm talking about the ability to deform a continuous mesh with IK, not
- >simply move a series of linked objects. MAX has the BONES in there as
- >a teaser to get you to jump into Character Studio, character animation
- >plug-in that lists for as much as a copy of LW.
- >For more info on 3DS MAX and Character Studio, I suggest anyone
- >interested jump to;
- >http://www.ktx.com
- >This is the Kinetix website (Kinetix is the name given to the branch
- >of Autodesk responsible for marketing MAX).
- >The degree of integration in MAX under NT is very impressive, and
- >hopefully Newtek (and the apparently problematic Tim Jenison) will
- >study it for LW 6.0.
- >Still, when you consider that you can buy a nice Pentium 133+ AND
- >Lightwave 5.0 for the price of MAX alone....
- >Bill L.
- Now THERE's an advert idea. Buy LW5.0 - Buy a workstation with the money
- you just saved!
- Walter (Jay) Turberville |wturber@primenet.com wturber@aol.com
- Studio 522 Productions |http://www.primenet.com/~wturber
- http://www.studio522.com |ftp.primenet.com/users/w/wturber
- Article: 19705
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!news.kei.com!news.texas.net!nntp.primenet.com!news.primenet.com!ip21-005.phx.primenet.com!wturber
- From: wturber@primenet.com (Walter (Jay) Turberville (III))
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: Whats new in LW5.0
- Date: 15 May 1996 19:10:04 -0700
- Organization: Primenet Services for the Internet
- Lines: 23
- Sender: root@primenet.com
- Message-ID: <wturber.152.146F78A8@primenet.com>
- References: <4n4o9b$qb3@harbinger.cc.monash.edu.au> <scotta.831926418@shellx> <oj6ybmvnwrp.fsf@hpsrk.fc.hp.com>
- X-Posted-By: ip21-005.phx.primenet.com
- X-Newsreader: Trumpet for Windows [Version 1.0 Rev B final beta #4]
- In article <oj6ybmvnwrp.fsf@hpsrk.fc.hp.com> koren@hpsrk.fc.hp.com (Steve Koren) writes:
- >From: koren@hpsrk.fc.hp.com (Steve Koren)
- >Subject: Re: Whats new in LW5.0
- >Date: 14 May 1996 08:40:26 -0600
- >Ernie Wright <erniew@access.digex.net> wrote:
- >> Amiga standalone 3.5 didn't have it either, as I recall. The real
- >Hmm... I think it did (3.5 SA). My memory may be fading too, but I can
- >distinctly recall using Import & Export in 3.5. However, you had to
- >have started modeler *from* layout. If you started them separately, you
- >didn't get import/export.
- > - steve
- This is how I remember it too.
- Walter (Jay) Turberville |wturber@primenet.com wturber@aol.com
- Studio 522 Productions |http://www.primenet.com/~wturber
- http://www.studio522.com |ftp.primenet.com/users/w/wturber
- Article: 19706
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!nntp.primenet.com!news.primenet.com!ip21-005.phx.primenet.com!wturber
- From: wturber@primenet.com (Walter (Jay) Turberville (III))
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: Problems with LWSN
- Date: 15 May 1996 19:16:03 -0700
- Organization: Primenet Services for the Internet
- Lines: 40
- Sender: root@primenet.com
- Message-ID: <wturber.153.14755194@primenet.com>
- References: <3194F0A5.7914@netvision.net.il> <wturber.138.00310D03@primenet.com> <3198E3EB.6147@netvision.net.il>
- X-Posted-By: ip21-005.phx.primenet.com
- X-Newsreader: Trumpet for Windows [Version 1.0 Rev B final beta #4]
- In article <3198E3EB.6147@netvision.net.il> Jacky Talpalar <voodoo@netvision.net.il> writes:
- >From: Jacky Talpalar <voodoo@netvision.net.il>
- >Subject: Re: Problems with LWSN
- >Date: Tue, 14 May 1996 12:50:03 -0700
- >Walter (Jay) Turberville (III) wrote:
- >>
- >> In article <3194F0A5.7914@netvision.net.il> Jacky Talpalar <voodoo@netvision.net.il> writes:
- >> >From: Jacky Talpalar <voodoo@netvision.net.il>
- >> >Subject: Problems with LWSN
- >> >Date: Sat, 11 May 1996 12:55:17 -0700
- >>
- >> >I just got my LW 5.0 and I tryed installing the ScreamerNet render on my
- >> > studio's network, but each time I try to run it I get a message like
- >> >"unable to open file table" or something simmilar.
- >> >Do You know of this problem?
- >>
- >> Please describe what you have done so far to set up ScreamerNet. Then I am
- >> sure someone here will be happy to point you in the right direction.
- >>
- >> Walter (Jay) Turberville |wturber@primenet.com wturber@aol.com
- >> Studio 522 Productions |http://www.primenet.com/~wturber
- >> http://www.studio522.com |ftp.primenet.com/users/w/wturber
- >I finnaly succeded setting up ScreamerNet. What I did wrong is I moved
- >the lwsn.exe file to a new directory but ommited to move the Lw_err.enu
- >file that is new to this version of LWSN. Notice that the importance of
- >this file is not mentioned anywhere on the book. (and if it is, is
- >nowhere near a logic place to be)
- > Thanks, Walter, anyway.
- > At your service
- > Jacky.
- News to me too. I'll check it out.
- Walter (Jay) Turberville |wturber@primenet.com wturber@aol.com
- Studio 522 Productions |http://www.primenet.com/~wturber
- http://www.studio522.com |ftp.primenet.com/users/w/wturber
- Article: 19707
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!news.kei.com!news.texas.net!nntp.primenet.com!news.primenet.com!ip21-005.phx.primenet.com!wturber
- From: wturber@primenet.com (Walter (Jay) Turberville (III))
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.animation,comp.graphics.apps.lightwave,comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio
- Subject: Re: MAX or Lightwave? How about some MAX here folks.
- Date: 15 May 1996 19:19:02 -0700
- Organization: Primenet Services for the Internet
- Lines: 30
- Sender: root@primenet.com
- Message-ID: <wturber.154.14785475@primenet.com>
- References: <jmonahan-0605960210270001@phx-ip-71.netzone.com> <N.051396.214031.93@earthlink.net.earthlink.net> <4na65p$jkg@alpha.sky.net>
- X-Posted-By: ip21-005.phx.primenet.com
- X-Newsreader: Trumpet for Windows [Version 1.0 Rev B final beta #4]
- Xref: news2.cais.com comp.graphics.animation:35740 comp.graphics.apps.lightwave:19707 comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio:16769
- In article <4na65p$jkg@alpha.sky.net> blaise@dti.com (Blaise Fanning) writes:
- >From: blaise@dti.com (Blaise Fanning)
- >Subject: Re: MAX or Lightwave? How about some MAX here folks.
- >Date: 14 May 1996 14:43:05 GMT
- >>
- >>> good realtime texture mapping with large scenes where all
- >>> textures are not resident in texmem, remarkable memory bandwidth
- >>
- >>The Alpha chip communicates with RAM at 256 bits.
- >>
- >I realize that this is off-topic, but I can't just let this one lie
- >out there. The Alpha chip communicates with RAM at 128 bits, not 256.
- >I am quite sure of this. I design Alpha computers. If you're not
- >careful, I'll start quoting from the reference manual again :-)
- >Blaise Fanning
- >VP Engineering
- >DeskStation Technology
- Well he didn't say 256 bits AT A TIME!!! ;^)
- Walter (Jay) Turberville |wturber@primenet.com wturber@aol.com
- Studio 522 Productions |http://www.primenet.com/~wturber
- http://www.studio522.com |ftp.primenet.com/users/w/wturber
- Article: 19708
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!news.corpcomm.net!news.gate.net!news
- From: porter@gate.net (Todd Porter)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: 3D Model CD (http://www.gate.net/~porter/3dcd.htm)
- Date: Thu, 16 May 1996 02:49:40 GMT
- Organization: CyberGate, Inc.
- Lines: 20
- Message-ID: <4ne557$3qns@news.gate.net>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: @jaxfl2-63.gate.net
- X-Newsreader: Forte Free Agent 1.0.82
- I am putting together a 3D model CD. It will have over 1200+ models
- on it all in DXF format. For a fee I can convert to over 35 formats
- if you need them, including VMRL!
- If you are interested in this check out:
- http://www.gate.net/~porter/3dcd.htm
- Over 250 of these models are real-time models (low poly count) Great
- for VRML pages, games etc...
- To keep from spamming I will make a few objects available at the WWW
- site!
- Thanks,
- Todd Porter
- Article: 19709
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in2.uu.net!newsflash.concordia.ca!news.nstn.ca!news.inforamp.net!news
- From: bcheuk@inforamp.net (bcheuk)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: looking for books on Lightwave 4.0 for beginner
- Date: Thu, 16 May 1996 05:53:38 GMT
- Organization: iSTAR Internet Inc.
- Lines: 13
- Message-ID: <4ne5dt$a50@news.inforamp.net>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: ts50-11.tor.istar.ca
- X-Newsreader: Forte Free Agent 1.0.82
- hi all,
- Is there a book on Lightwave 4.0 for beginner? Will you please e-mail
- me the name of the book and its publisher? thanks in advance.
- Brian Cheuk
- bcheuk@inforamp.net
- WWW Home Page: http://www.inforamp.net/~bcheuk
- links on Hongkong media, Classical music and my portfilio.....
- Article: 19710
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in2.uu.net!newstf01.news.aol.com!newsbf02.news.aol.com!not-for-mail
- From: stranahan@aol.com (Stranahan)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: LW is an Island
- Date: 15 May 1996 23:02:23 -0400
- Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364)
- Lines: 31
- Sender: root@newsbf02.news.aol.com
- Message-ID: <4ne5rv$5la@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- References: <wturber.149.1449E3C5@primenet.com>
- Reply-To: stranahan@aol.com (Stranahan)
- NNTP-Posting-Host: newsbf02.mail.aol.com
- ------------------------------------
- The people marketing the Toaster were in the right place at the right time
- to be sure.
- -----------------------------------
- You know, Foust hates it when I mention Play - but I re-read this sentence
- and it pissed me off. It implies that the marketing department of 'old'
- NewTek (some would call it 'real' NewTek) was lucky.
- Bite me.
- As I indicated, there was a ton of work. In addition, the same group of
- marketing people who launched Toaster made Snappy (a video digitizer that
- entered the market with a BUNCH of competition already there) the largest
- selling video product EVER for the PC in about a year. They launched
- Trinity in a huge way. They made a company that is larger and more
- sucessful than NewTek in that space of time, and it's a company that is
- 'cool' in the same way NewTek used to be.
- Marketing, kids.
- _____________________________________________
- Lee Stranahan
- "I shot a half hour, 35mm movie with professional quality visual effects
- for around $5000 - and I can show you how to do it, too."
- Access DeniedURL - http://users.aol.com/stranahan/access.htm
- Lee's Home Page URL - http://users.aol.com/stranahan/main.htm
- Article: 19711
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!hunter.premier.net!bofh.dot!netaxs.com!bofh.dot!not-for-mail
- From: tpalessi@netaxs.com (Tom Alessi)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: LW vs Alias
- Date: 16 May 1996 03:06:41 GMT
- Organization: Philadelphia's Complete Internet Provider
- Lines: 12
- Message-ID: <4ne641$2vi@netaxs.com>
- References: <jmonahan-1505960437400001@phx-ip-62.netzone.com> <4ndt5b$24c@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: unix3.netaxs.com
- X-Newsreader: TIN [UNIX 1.3 950824BETA PL0]
- idiots - complete idiots
- apparently some people must not be doing too well with their "skills"
- since they have all this time to bicker and harass each other...
- and btw I don't have the time either, I made the time because I was
- hoping for some more intelligent responses (I'm the original poster)
- thanks to all that replied! (to the original post of course)
- -joe
- Article: 19712
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!uwm.edu!news.cse.psu.edu!news.cc.swarthmore.edu!netnews.upenn.edu!dsinc!ub!newsstand.cit.cornell.edu!news.tc.cornell.edu!newsserver.sdsc.edu!news.cerf.net!pagesat.net!
- From: mad@torment.tmisnet.com (Mark Dunakin)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: NT to Mac ?
- Message-ID: <mad.7ann@torment.tmisnet.com>
- Date: 15 May 96 00:30:50 PST
- Organization: Tierra-Miga BBS
- Lines: 48
- On Tue 14-May-1996 7:20p, Ken Geary wrote:
- KG> John Brandwood wrote:
- KG> >
- KG> > Ken Geary wrote:
- KG> >
- KG> > > O.K. , let's go further, if you have a hub, does the server control
- KG> what
- KG> > > goes in/out of the hub or is it similar electrically to a direct
- KG> > > connection between cpu's? Thanks.
- KG> >
- KG> > In simplistic terms it just acts like a big hunk of metal connecting all
- KG> the
- KG> > different wires together.
- KG> >
- KG> > In real terms, there are 'managed' hubs and 'unmanaged' hubs.
- KG> >
- KG> > Unmanaged hubs don't care what protocols (NFS, AppleTalk, NT) the
- KG> attached
- KG> > machines are using, it only cares about the electrical signal. It will
- KG> > typically be smart enough to handle the situation when devices get
- KG> disconnected
- KG> > whilst in use, and even artificially disconnect a device if it causes
- KG> too many
- KG> > collisions.
- KG> >
- KG> > Managed hubs understand the software protocols, and add significant
- KG> functionality
- KG> > in large networks. They are expensive, and not needed for home or
- KG> small-business
- KG> > use.
- KG> >
- KG> > That's about the limit of my knowledge, I'm afraid. I've never had to
- KG> look after
- KG> > anything bigger than the small 2-hub network at the office, or my single
- KG> hub
- KG> > network at home.
- KG> >
- KG> > Hope this helps,
- KG> >
- KG> > John.
- KG> --------------
- KG> I'm sorry to re-iterate, but I DO need a hub to just connect one MAc to
- KG> one NT workstation(running server)??? If so, how much are these beasties?
- -------------
- Mine was just under 100.00 bucks. And it works great :)....Mine is a
- LINKSYS........md
- Article: 19713
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!zombie.ncsc.mil!admaix.sunydutchess.edu!ub!dsinc!newsfeed.pitt.edu!scramble.lm.com!news.math.psu.edu!news.cse.psu.edu!news.cc.swarthmore.edu!netnews.upenn.edu!news.voicenet.com!news2.noc.netco
- From: mdmmds@netcom.com (Matthew Sorrels)
- Subject: CD-ROM Texture plugin
- Message-ID: <3199ec27.32764983@>
- Sender: mdmmds@netcom6.netcom.com
- Organization: NETCOM On-line Communication Services (408 261-4700 guest)
- X-Newsreader: Forte Agent .99d/32.182
- Date: Wed, 15 May 1996 14:50:52 GMT
- Lines: 101
- Recently there has been a thread on the lightwave mailing list about how
- to make a CDROM like texture(you know the surface of a CDROM). For some
- reason it seemed like something interesting so I've spent the last seven
- hours(I started around midnight) hacking together a shader plugin and a
- sample object. Its not the greatest thing, and I suspect you could do
- it without the plugin, but I'm not a render god. Anyway I've decided to
- give this one away. Here is the readme that goes with the files. You
- can find it on my FTP site:
- ftp.pontari.com/pub/pontari/lightwave/cdrom.zip
- or the web page(with a sample image just to see if you want to waste the
- time to get the 30k zip):
- http://www.pontari.com/pontari/lightwave
- NOTE: I haven't tired this under Win95(its not worth the reboot just to
- test it). I'm running 5.0, but I've used no 5.0 features so I think it
- will work fine with 4.0. Nor have I tried all sorts of other things I
- believe you need to do when dealing with floating point math. For all I
- know it blows up on just about anything other than my sample object. I
- would welcome bug reports and other general comments, but I doubt you
- will see much more work on this one. Enjoy!
- ===========================================
- CDROM Gradient Look Shader
- Copyright 1996 Pontari Productions
- All Rights Reserved.
- Info: info@pontari.com
- FTP: ftp.pontari.com/pub/pontari/lightwave/cdrom.zip
- WEB: http://www.pontari.com/pontari/lightwave
- This plugin and the sample object and gradient are free. However they
- are not freely redistributable. We ask that if you want to give this
- to others, please point them to our FTP server or WEB site. These are
- the only authorized distribution points. If you found this plugin on
- any other site please drop us a line so that we can have it removed.
- Overview:
- This shader places a rainbow gradient at certain angles on an object
- similar to the diffraction grating on a CDROM. Combining this with an
- image map and some clever use of motion blur a fairly realistic CDROM
- like effect can be achieved. Its not clear that this plugin is really
- all that necessary since you may be able to get the same effect with
- an image map. However the plugin does make it a bit easier to get the
- rainbow gradient. It is slightly wider than you would see on a real
- CDROM and it doesn't quite move like a real CDROM, but it can produce
- a nice effect. It may also have other uses, that I haven't thought
- of.
- The real trick to making it look right is to motion blur it spinning
- at about 18 rpm. Its not so practical for a still shot in an
- animation but it does make a reasonable still frame. Even without
- motion blur its a reasonable looking CDROM type texture.
- Install:
- To install the CDROM texture do to the options panel of lightwave
- layout and choose add plug-ins. Pick the cdrom.p file which you
- should have placed in your newtek\plugins\layout folder.
- Now under the Surface panel you will have a new Shader under Shader
- Plug-IN.
- There are no options with this plugin, the option screen is purely
- copyright information.
- Included is a sample cdrom.lwo which is a very poorly modeled cdrom
- with the necessary textures applied. Be sure to install the plugin
- before you load the object.
- Also included is a sample scene file with a reasonable set of rotation
- key frames. If you render any frame(other than 0) you will get a nice
- motion blurred CD-ROM.
- Matthew Sorrels mdmmds@netcom.com, matthews@pontari.com
- Pontari Productions (http://www.pontari.com/pontari)
- Article: 19714
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!van-bc!ddsw1!news.mcs.net!usenet
- From: mikicic@mcs.com
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: EPS to LWO???
- Date: Wed, 15 May 1996 23:29:52 -0500
- Organization: MCSNet Internet Services
- Lines: 15
- Message-ID: <319AAF40.118@mcs.com>
- References: <4mqqig$s1d@service-2.agate.net>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: mikicic.pr.mcs.net
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- X-Mailer: Mozilla 2.01Gold (Win95; I)
- John Hileman wrote:
- >
- > Is there a way to convert encapsulated postscript to lightwave object
- > format? It seems to me that desktop publishing with besier curves and splines
- > would translate to a 2D object in lightwave quite easily. Could someone point
- > me in the right direction, or, if you prefer, shoot a dozen tiny little holes
- > in my theory so i'll never bring it up again? :) thanks.
- Right there with ya John! I've been hoping to see an "auto-tracer" in Lightwave for simple alpha bitmaps. I
- use Pixel3D or Imagine to import black&white iff images. These programs can convert an image into a 2D
- multi-vertice polygon. For example, a white letter 'A' on a black background would result in an object with
- the inside part of the letter all ready cut out. If you vivsect a head and scanned all the pieces, you could
- skin all the polys once in lightwave to make a 3D head model. I believe Pixel3D is called Polyform on the
- Intel. I'm not sure if it reads EPS files? I would like to be able to import Adobe Illustrator files too.
- It seems possible since Lightwave all ready reads many font formats. :) Anyone else have any ideas?
- Article: 19715
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!nntp.primenet.com!news.primenet.com!ip21-242.phx.primenet.com!wturber
- From: wturber@primenet.com (Walter (Jay) Turberville (III))
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: "Their" LW is the same as yours
- Date: 15 May 1996 21:45:01 -0700
- Organization: Primenet Services for the Internet
- Lines: 31
- Sender: root@primenet.com
- Message-ID: <wturber.155.14D53DC5@primenet.com>
- References: <4ndem7$ba3@guitar.sound.net>
- X-Posted-By: ip21-242.phx.primenet.com
- X-Newsreader: Trumpet for Windows [Version 1.0 Rev B final beta #4]
- [snip]
- >Here's a perfect example of how features are added: Back in March of
- >this year, Wil Vinton Studios requested that the limit of 1000 objects
- >in a scene be raised (their particle work calls for thousands of
- >objects in a scene.) I forwarded their request to Allen, he found an
- >easy way to implement it and now the customer has it for 5.0.
- [snip]
- >As you can see, LightWaves development process fulfills the needs of
- >the Major Film/TV Effects studios using it. When they are happy with
- >it then we call it good enough to ship to the public.
- >Brian Thomas
- >LightWave 3D Testing Coordinator
- >NewTek, Inc.
- I sure hope this is only a superficial glossing over of the process. I would
- sure hate to believe that all the other LW users who have been making similar
- requests for similar reasons over the years were being ignored but that NewTek
- was able to do this because Wil Vinton Studios requested it. Now I can
- understand how the Vinton Studios should pull more weight, but this was a need
- that was identified a long time prior to March of 1996.
- Walter (Jay) Turberville |wturber@primenet.com wturber@aol.com
- Studio 522 Productions |http://www.primenet.com/~wturber
- http://www.studio522.com |ftp.primenet.com/users/w/wturber
- Article: 19716
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!van-bc!ddsw1!news.mcs.net!usenet
- From: mikicic@mcs.com
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: Power_Texture
- Date: Wed, 15 May 1996 23:52:10 -0500
- Organization: MCSNet Internet Services
- Lines: 11
- Message-ID: <319AB479.7ECA@mcs.com>
- References: <4n1kph$7rv@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: mikicic.pr.mcs.net
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- X-Mailer: Mozilla 2.01Gold (Win95; I)
- Freddric wrote:
- >
- > How does this plugin work in lightwave 5.0. What do you do with the text
- > file it writes. If anyone knows anything please let me know. Thankyou.
- I can't even load *.BMP files! Every time I try, Windows95 crashs Modeler. I get an error saying that it
- can't load the DIB file, whatever. I've tried every kind of method of saving BMP files; 24bit, colormapped,
- compressed, non-compressed, etc. ,used PhotoShop, Windows paint program, image-alchemy. I give up! Maybe
- its the powerful Windows95 thats the problem, wouldn't be surprised. I watched Fori (newtek programmer god)
- work with it fine at NAB. I bet he was running on NT. I know I should switch, but I just got 95 working,
- besides, NT has an upgrade far in-the-works (don't know the release date yet). Anyone have any ideas?
- Article: 19717
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!sgigate.sgi.com!enews.sgi.com!su-news-feed4.bbnplanet.com!news1.slip.net!news
- From: Russ Isler <jubei@slip.net>
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: Wacom tablets and Lightwave
- Date: Wed, 15 May 1996 21:38:47 +0000
- Organization: Slip.Net
- Lines: 11
- Message-ID: <319A4EE7.42CB@slip.net>
- References: <4ndure$t74@mule2.mindspring.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: sf-pm3-5-69.dialup.slip.net
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- X-Mailer: Mozilla 2.01 (Macintosh; I; PPC)
- patrick smyth wrote:
- > I am trying to use Lightwave 3D release 4.0c with a Wacom ArtZ II
- > digitizer tablet (one of their newer products) and have found that
- > many functions within Lightwave respond *extremely* erratically to
- > tablet input.
- Just change the tracking type on the stylus to "mouse" mode rather
- than absolute. That does it.
- Russ
- Article: 19718
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in2.uu.net!nntp.primenet.com!news.primenet.com!ip21-242.phx.primenet.com!wturber
- From: wturber@primenet.com (Walter (Jay) Turberville (III))
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: Lightwave crack
- Date: 15 May 1996 22:00:05 -0700
- Organization: Primenet Services for the Internet
- Lines: 60
- Sender: root@primenet.com
- Message-ID: <wturber.156.14E2F88B@primenet.com>
- References: <Jeff_Holinski.285.319A761D@mindlink.bc.ca>
- X-Posted-By: ip21-242.phx.primenet.com
- X-Newsreader: Trumpet for Windows [Version 1.0 Rev B final beta #4]
- In article <Jeff_Holinski.285.319A761D@mindlink.bc.ca> Jeff_Holinski@mindlink.bc.ca (Jeff Holinski) writes:
- >From: Jeff_Holinski@mindlink.bc.ca (Jeff Holinski)
- >Subject: Re: Lightwave crack
- >Date: Thu, 16 May 1996 00:26:05 GMT
- >From: puppetco@cais.com (puppetco)
- >Subject: Re: Lightwave crack
- >Date: 15 May 1996 20:02:11 GMT
- >>>P.S. What is wrong with NewTek making the CD-ROM part of the copy
- >>>protection. Just have LW check for the CD-ROM at start-up. It's just as
- >>>easy to crack that as it is the dongle, and it effectively stops the casual
- >>>pirate same as the dongle. It's cheaper, easier and more reliable than the
- >>>dongle. I have yet to hear a *good* arguement against this solution.
- >>
- >>The problem, as I see it is that NewTek is afraid of "Render Farms."
- >>One copy of LW running many machines in the same plant. CD copy
- >>protection might not preclude "in-house" piracy. I don't have a dongle,
- >>I have a Toaster. Of course, my LW won't run without it. Oh NO!! The
- >>Mother of All Dongles!!!
- >I doubt if Newtek is worried about "Render Farms" showing up if they went to
- >CD copy protection. They already give you Screamernet for that exact purpose
- >when you buy a copy of Lightwave.
- >More likely it's cause anybody with a $1000 CD recorder and a box of $15 blank
- >discs could crank out copies of LW for their friends.
- >Jeff H...
- But here is the funny thing. If you read your license agreement, you will
- find that it does not allow you to use Screamernet on other machines. Yup -
- that is correct. It was that way in 4.0 and is that way in 5.0 as well.
- OK - I am sure that is not what NewTek intended. It just wouldn't make sense
- to include a product designed for a purpose that was explicitely forbidden. If
- you read the license agreement, it appears to be a "boilerplate" document
- written by someone who has no idea of how LW is used or installed. There is a
- provision that you cannot install the software on more than one machine (which
- makes using Screamernet on a separate machine without a separate license an
- unauthorized use). This also means you are not allowed to install LW on a
- laptop or home machine and merely transfer the dongle as a means of avoiding
- multiple use.
- The other major absurdity is that if the software is available over a network
- to other machines, you can only install it if you have software in place to
- limit concurrent usage to the total number of licenses. This made no sense as
- long as 4.0 was the only version. It makes a little sense with the 5.0
- release (cuz you "re-use" the 4.0 dongle). Not that anybody is actually
- likely to bother with complying.
- I don't understand how NewTek or other software publishers can really expect
- users to take their license agreements seriously if THEY won't. But then,
- maybe they figure nobody reads them. Shoot - so few people even read the
- manuals.
- Walter (Jay) Turberville |wturber@primenet.com wturber@aol.com
- Studio 522 Productions |http://www.primenet.com/~wturber
- http://www.studio522.com |ftp.primenet.com/users/w/wturber
- Article: 19719
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!nntp.primenet.com!news.primenet.com!ip21-242.phx.primenet.com!wturber
- From: wturber@primenet.com (Walter (Jay) Turberville (III))
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: Wacom tablets and Lightwave
- Date: 15 May 1996 22:05:02 -0700
- Organization: Primenet Services for the Internet
- Lines: 43
- Sender: root@primenet.com
- Message-ID: <wturber.157.14E76E2B@primenet.com>
- References: <4ndure$t74@mule2.mindspring.com>
- X-Posted-By: ip21-242.phx.primenet.com
- X-Newsreader: Trumpet for Windows [Version 1.0 Rev B final beta #4]
- In article <4ndure$t74@mule2.mindspring.com> patsmth@clt.mindspring.com (patrick smyth) writes:
- >From: patsmth@clt.mindspring.com (patrick smyth)
- >Subject: Wacom tablets and Lightwave
- >Date: Thu, 16 May 1996 01:07:33 GMT
- >I'm sure that this has come up in this group before, but I must have
- >missed it, so....
- > I am trying to use Lightwave 3D release 4.0c with a Wacom ArtZ II
- >digitizer tablet (one of their newer products) and have found that
- >many functions within Lightwave respond *extremely* erratically to
- >tablet input. I had this problem initially with Caligari's Truespace
- >2.0, and found that there was a setting in their preferences menu
- >especially for tablet input to correct for these type of aberrations.
- >Is there a similarly simple solution for Lightwave 4.0, or is an
- >upgrade to 5.0 necessary (or does 5.0 have the same problem). I have
- >wrist injuries, and therefore cannot use a mouse or trackball for the
- >sort of extended precision work necessary in 3D modeling, so the
- >digitizer tablet is a necessity.
- >Thanks.
- >==============================================
- >Patrick Smyth Patsmth@clt.mindspring.com
- >Murphy's Law # 57 Tell a man that there are three hundred
- >billion stars in the universe and he'll believe you. Tell
- >him that a bench has wet paint and he'll have to touch
- >it to be sure.
- >==============================================
- 5.0 supposedly fixes this. I haven't personally verified this though. I
- think that if you change your Wacom from absolute to relative that this will
- help, but I have heard that this is not really a good solution.
- I suggest getting the upgrade - it really is worth it for the other features.
- OTOH, there are a lot of keystroke shortcuts and the numeric requesters that
- might provide some relief by getting you off the mouse and onto the keyboard.
- Walter (Jay) Turberville |wturber@primenet.com wturber@aol.com
- Studio 522 Productions |http://www.primenet.com/~wturber
- http://www.studio522.com |ftp.primenet.com/users/w/wturber
- Article: 19720
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!in1.uu.net!news.sandia.gov!tesuque.cs.sandia.gov!sloth.swcp.com!usenet
- From: bogle@swcp.com ()
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: DPS PAR DR-2100 Vs DPS PVR-2500?
- Date: Thu, 16 May 1996 04:47:52 GMT
- Organization: Southwest Cyberport
- Lines: 10
- Message-ID: <4ne8of$ia0@sloth.swcp.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: ppp91.swcp.com
- X-Newsreader: Forte Free Agent v0.55
- I am interested in the differences between a DPS PAR DR-2100 and a DPS
- PVR-2500. Will both work for putting animations onto video? Will
- both work for editing video clips? What is the difference between the
- Personal TBC IV for the PAR and the AD-2500 Live Video Capture
- Daughter card for the PVR?
- Thanks for the info!
- Article: 19721
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!swrinde!ihnp4.ucsd.edu!munnari.OZ.AU!news.mel.connect.com.au!harbinger.cc.monash.edu.au!news.cs.su.oz.au!kettle.magna.com.au!Zombie
- From: zombie@icam.com.au (Zombie)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: NT to Mac ?
- Date: Thu, 16 May 96 04:00:06 GMT
- Organization: Nexus
- Lines: 18
- Message-ID: <4necqe$nqq@kettle.magna.com.au>
- References: <mad.7684@torment.tmisnet.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: icam.magna.com.au
- X-Newsreader: News Xpress 2.0 Beta #0
- In article <mad.7684@torment.tmisnet.com>, mad@torment.tmisnet.com (Mark Dunakin) wrote:
- >-----------
- >This is true, except that you still need a hub for some reason to make things
- >talk. At least at the time when I was getting mine set up. I have heard a
- >rumor that NT has since changed the Services for Macintosh (SFM) to work
- >better and won't need the hub anymore, but I'd believe it when I see it or
- >hear of someone that is using the new patch how it works.
- >-----
- At my workplace we've got an NT Server 3.51machine with two ethernet cards, one's
- connected to the Mac 10Base2 network, the other is connected to the Windows95 10Base2
- Network. The can both access volumes that exist on the server, without a hub. But this
- does mean that transferring between a Mac and PC is a two-step process. They cannot access
- each other's local volumes ie: A Mac can't 'see' a HD that is on one of the Windows95 HD's
- and vice versa (this would probably be possible if TCP/IP protocol was set up on the
- network, using FTP). Is this why you need a hub with your NT network?
- Pete
- Article: 19722
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!swrinde!ihnp4.ucsd.edu!munnari.OZ.AU!news.mel.connect.com.au!harbinger.cc.monash.edu.au!news.cs.su.oz.au!kettle.magna.com.au!Zombie
- From: zombie@icam.com.au (Zombie)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: Lightwave Crack
- Date: Thu, 16 May 96 03:46:46 GMT
- Organization: Nexus
- Lines: 40
- Message-ID: <4nec1f$nen@kettle.magna.com.au>
- References: <4lpa56$num@newsbf02.news.aol.com> <4luhbe$18b@news.accessone.com> <N.050396.002104.22@earthlink.net.earthlink.net> <4mh1iv$80q@ddi2.digital.net> <318F5A2D.2BD@cyberoptics.com> <31900FD4.77A6@pilot.msu.edu> <4mt1ut$cdb@pheidippides.axion.bt.co
- NNTP-Posting-Host: icam.magna.com.au
- X-Newsreader: News Xpress 2.0 Beta #0
- In article <4mt1ut$cdb@pheidippides.axion.bt.co.uk>, Â scs@oyster. (Stuart Smith) wrote:
- >
- >Surely the fact that without the manuals, the software would be more or less unusable
- >is sufficient protection. Lw is not like Windows progs with nice little RTF help files.
- >Without the manual you would quickly loose interest in the package.
- >
- Not really. Imagine all the companies out there that would buy one legal copy of
- Lightwave, and then install it on multiple machines. That's where NewTek would lose LOTS
- of money, I suspect.
- >
- >The lamer will get sick of it quickly, and delete it. He would never have bought
- >the product anyway, so what is the loss?
- >
- I'm only speculating, but I believe that 90% of the people who use ONLY a cracked version
- of LW never would have bought it anyway. I'm sure many will disagree, but a lot of people
- would just get the cracked version to play with it for a while, then go on to other
- things.
- I really feel that it's the companies, and not the individuals, who NewTek is trying to
- stop from pirating LW. Hey, maybe we should just ask NewTek who their anti-piracy measures
- are aimed at?
- If I am right, then wouldn't the following combination of anti-piracy methods be better :-
- * CD must be in drive
- * Serial number protection (either encoded on CD, or entered by user during installation)
- * Checking for duplicate serial numbers on the network
- Anyway, that's my suggestion. Remember it's based on my presumption, NewTek is primarily
- concerned about piracy in the professional environment, where the machines would be
- permanently connected to the network.
- As an added benefit, NewTek don't have to keep paying out the dongle manufacturer.
- Pete
- Article: 19723
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!swrinde!howland.reston.ans.net!psinntp!psinntp!psinntp!interramp.com!usenet
- From: caviello@interramp.com (Anthony Caviello)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: Best animation format!
- Date: Thu, 16 May 1996 05:11:58 GMT
- Organization: PSI Public Usenet Link
- Lines: 14
- Message-ID: <4nedct$i7v@usenet6.interramp.com>
- References: <317ED196.170B@sonetis.com> <317FEF93.5B88@atlanta.com> <4n9212$rjq@usenet6.interramp.com> <319A0A37.1E8F@ptf12.hro.nl>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: ip138.garden-city.ny.interramp.com
- X-Newsreader: Forte Free Agent 1.0.82
- >It's better to render individual frames, the merge them in a dedicated
- >animation package like "adobe premier". That way you can control
- >more parameters of your AVI's or MOV's(superior format) and even make
- >crossfades between scenes.
- >Wooly Mittens.
- Thanks for the good advice. When using premiere, does it import the
- series of animation frames as a complete batch that you can place on
- the timeline as a single clip, or do you have to individually import
- each frame as a clip, and place each on timeline? Can premiere on a
- intel computer generate a MOV.
- Article: 19724
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!howland.reston.ans.net!newsjunkie.ans.net!newsfeeds.ans.net!lantana.singnet.com.sg!usenet
- From: cheers <chngcj@singnet.com.sg>
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: TAPE FOR SALE???
- Date: 16 May 1996 06:03:46 GMT
- Organization: Singapore Telecom Internet Service
- Lines: 9
- Message-ID: <4negg2$qac@lantana.singnet.com.sg>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: ts900-2207.singnet.com.sg
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- X-Mailer: Mozilla 1.22 (Windows; I; 16bit)
- HI,
- Article: 19725
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!nntp.earthlink.net!usenet
- From: fwtep@earthlink.net
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: LW vs Alias
- Date: Thu, 16 May 96 07:05:03 GMT
- Organization: Earthlink Network, Inc.
- Lines: 38
- Message-ID: <N.051696.000503.07@earthlink.net.earthlink.net>
- References: <jmonahan-1405960142080001@phx-ip-94.netzone.com>
- <4nap82$384@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- <jmonahan-1505960454460001@phx-ip-62.netzone.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: max2-so-ca-38.earthlink.net
- X-Newsreader: Quarterdeck Message Center [2.00]
- On 5/15/96 4:54AM, in message
- <jmonahan-1505960454460001@phx-ip-62.netzone.com>, Joe Monahan
- <jmonahan@netzone.com> wrote:
- > In article <4nap82$384@newsbf02.news.aol.com>, equinoxii@aol.com (Equinox
- > II) wrote:
- > > Joe Monahan wildly asserts in response to Fred Tepper:
- > >
- > > >Your ON! As you know I started a web page to compare the rendering
- > > quality
- > > >of 3D Studio against a cheap modeling application. No one showed! I
- > > >suppose the same will be the case with you and Lightwave, huh?
- > >
- > > Hmmm, maybe Fred is too busy working on motion pictures to respond to your
- > > challenge, so I'll have to ask some questions. Rendering quality compared
- > > to
- > > "a cheap modeling application"? Isn't that a rather useless comparason?
- > > No one
- > > compares modelers to renderers. Or are you generalizing?
- >
- > No, I'm responding to a claim that Lightwaves renderer is as good as
- > Alias's - an absurd claim.
- > >
- >
- Joe, if you're reading this, you should have some images of mine in your e-mail
- box. When will they be up on the web page? By the way, Lightwave's renderer
- IS as good as Alias'. If the Alias renderer is so great, why doesn't anyone
- actually USE it? ILM? NO. Pixar? NO. etc...
- --
- -=Fred=-
- PS: Since you are a teacher, I hope you notice my correct use of the words
- "you're" and "your". You don't seem to have gotten the hang of those simple
- words yet.
- Article: 19726
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!btnet!zetnet.co.uk!usenet
- From: terry.hill@zetnet.co.uk (Terry Hill)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: caterpillar tracks anyone?
- Date: Thu, 16 May 1996 04:15:25 +0100
- Lines: 28
- Message-ID: <4negpk$7b0@roch.zetnet.co.uk>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: piccadilly.zetnet.co.uk
- In message <3198CB9A.1E72@ptf12.hro.nl>
- Wooly Mittens <0201367@ptf12.hro.nl> writes:
- > We're (me 'n the lads) making a game. but I need
- > little tanks with catterpillar tracks as rendered sprites.
- > I want the tracks to move too, but I'm baffled.
- > I think an animated bumpmap is both lame and effective.
- > Wooly Mittens.
- Wooly Mittens?
- Take a shuftie at http://www.islandnet.com/~dretch/home.html
- It`s the url for `primordial soup` (a great LW web page). Log in
- and have a look in the Lightwave 3d techniques search engine. Pull
- down the page and you`ll find a good solution - i`ve used it myself
- and it worked excellently. BTW - something not mentioned in the tip
- is that you need to center your link along the path, or i`tll skew,
- and use enough links to make a realistic tread.
- Cheers,
- --
- Tel
- terry.hill@zetnet.co.uk
- Article: 19727
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!newsserver.jvnc.net!newsserver2.jvnc.net!news.cac.psu.edu!news.cse.psu.edu!news.cc.swarthmore.edu!netnews.upenn.edu!news.voicenet.com!news2.noc.netcom.net!noc.netcom.n
- From: wivey@ix.netcom.com(William H. Ivey)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.animation,comp.graphics.apps.lightwave,comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio
- Subject: Re: MAX or Lightwave? How about some MAX here folks.
- Date: 16 May 1996 04:12:42 GMT
- Organization: Netcom
- Lines: 23
- Message-ID: <4ne9vq$qog@dfw-ixnews8.ix.netcom.com>
- References: <N.051396.215021.61@earthlink.net.earthlink.net> <N.051496.213613.94@earthlink.net.earthlink.net>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: aus-tx7-08.ix.netcom.com
- X-NETCOM-Date: Wed May 15 11:12:42 PM CDT 1996
- Xref: news2.cais.com comp.graphics.animation:35746 comp.graphics.apps.lightwave:19727 comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio:16781
- In <N.051496.213613.94@earthlink.net.earthlink.net> fwtep@earthlink.net
- writes:
- >
- ><virtualbri@aol.com> wrote:
- >
- >> >
- >> >West Side Story was a complete re-write of Romeo & Juliet, but it
- was
- >> still
- >> >Romeo & Juliet.
- >> >--
- >> > -=Fred=-
- >>
- >> Oh fine, and next you'll tell me Star Wars is Hidden Fortress...
- >> --Brian
- >
- >..and "The Searchers".
- >--
- > -=Fred=-
- With the radio chatter for the attack on the Death Star lifte whole
- from "Dambusters" (couldn't resist) -Wm
- Article: 19728
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!nntp.earthlink.net!usenet
- From: fwtep@earthlink.net
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.animation,comp.graphics.apps.lightwave,comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio
- Subject: Re: MAX or Lightwave? Pick one and shut up....
- Date: Thu, 16 May 96 07:24:22 GMT
- Organization: Earthlink Network, Inc.
- Lines: 40
- Message-ID: <N.051696.002422.66@earthlink.net.earthlink.net>
- References: <jmonahan-0605960210270001@phx-ip-71.netzone.com>
- <3197DA57.546C@ix.netcom.com> <4n6ihp$93c@dfw-ixnews5.ix.netcom.com>
- <4n8t5v$mhi@news2.cts.com> <jmonahan-1505960411370001@phx-ip-62.netzone.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: max2-so-ca-38.earthlink.net
- X-Newsreader: Quarterdeck Message Center [2.00]
- Xref: news2.cais.com comp.graphics.animation:35747 comp.graphics.apps.lightwave:19728 comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio:16782
- On 5/15/96 4:11AM, in message
- <jmonahan-1505960411370001@phx-ip-62.netzone.com>, Joe Monahan
- <jmonahan@netzone.com> wrote:
- > I agree. I challenged all the loud mouths to a free web page demo where I
- > would place their images next to others for all to compare. Suddenly all
- > the "experts" shut up. The one image I did recieve was actually stolen off
- > the web!
- >
- > I'm keeping all these posts to present to the Internet class I teach -a
- > good lesson for them, and for me!
- >
- > Joe Monahan
- Joe,
- I finally looked at your Alias Sketch page. I think a better name would be
- "Alias Wretch" page. Here are some of the problems I have with the images.
- 1. In the top image, you've got this funky looking crumply looking glass vase,
- which is fine, but the shadow is decidedly uncrumply looking.
- 2. In the middle image, the translucent lamp is casting a shadow that's as
- dark as the picture frame's--and the lamp is ON!
- 3. In that same picture, the lamp isn't casting any light UP, only down.
- 4. Also in the middle one, the wood texture map is sized way too big. The
- grain is as wide as the fountain pen (I think that's what it is).
- 5. Finally, for the middle one, in the "mirror" picture, what's that
- reflection thing in the bottom right?
- You don't have a larger version of the bottom image to comment on. All in all,
- these images are pretty weak. If you actually think they are good compared to
- ANY professional work you are as mistaken about that as you are about a good
- many other things. But thanks for playing. Boy, Alias Sketch sure can make
- things look like fourth rate CGI.
- --
- -=Fred=-
- Article: 19729
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!nntp.earthlink.net!usenet
- From: fwtep@earthlink.net
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.animation,comp.graphics.apps.lightwave,comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio
- Subject: Re: MAX or Lightwave? Pick one and shut up....
- Date: Thu, 16 May 96 07:25:39 GMT
- Organization: Earthlink Network, Inc.
- Lines: 40
- Message-ID: <N.051696.002539.06@earthlink.net.earthlink.net>
- References: <jmonahan-0605960210270001@phx-ip-71.netzone.com>
- <3197DA57.546C@ix.netcom.com> <4n6ihp$93c@dfw-ixnews5.ix.netcom.com>
- <4n8t5v$mhi@news2.cts.com> <jmonahan-1505960411370001@phx-ip-62.netzone.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: max7-so-ca-00.earthlink.net
- X-Newsreader: Quarterdeck Message Center [2.00]
- Xref: news2.cais.com comp.graphics.animation:35748 comp.graphics.apps.lightwave:19729 comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio:16783
- On 5/15/96 4:11AM, in message
- <jmonahan-1505960411370001@phx-ip-62.netzone.com>, Joe Monahan
- <jmonahan@netzone.com> wrote:
- > I agree. I challenged all the loud mouths to a free web page demo where I
- > would place their images next to others for all to compare. Suddenly all
- > the "experts" shut up. The one image I did recieve was actually stolen off
- > the web!
- >
- > I'm keeping all these posts to present to the Internet class I teach -a
- > good lesson for them, and for me!
- >
- > Joe Monahan
- Joe,
- I finally looked at your Alias Sketch page. I think a better name would be
- "Alias Wretch" page. Here are some of the problems I have with the images.
- 1. In the top image, you've got this funky looking crumply looking glass vase,
- which is fine, but the shadow is decidedly uncrumply looking.
- 2. In the middle image, the translucent lamp is casting a shadow that's as
- dark as the picture frame's--and the lamp is ON!
- 3. In that same picture, the lamp isn't casting any light UP, only down.
- 4. Also in the middle one, the wood texture map is sized way too big. The
- grain is as wide as the fountain pen (I think that's what it is).
- 5. Finally, for the middle one, in the "mirror" picture, what's that
- reflection thing in the bottom right?
- You don't have a larger version of the bottom image to comment on. All in all,
- these images are pretty weak. If you actually think they are good compared to
- ANY professional work you are as mistaken about that as you are about a good
- many other things. But thanks for playing. Boy, Alias Sketch sure can make
- things look like fourth rate CGI.
- --
- -=Fred=-
- Article: 19730
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!van-bc!unixg.ubc.ca!info.ucla.edu!agate!news.ossi.com!pagesat.net!cg57.esnet.com!torment!mad
- From: mad@torment.tmisnet.com (Mark Dunakin)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: Artist Needed for Game
- Message-ID: <mad.7bz4@torment.tmisnet.com>
- Date: 15 May 96 23:12:19 PST
- Organization: Tierra-Miga BBS
- Lines: 97
- On Wed 15-May-1996 6:12p, The Cookie Monster [Glenn wrote:
- T> In article <Pine.LNX.3.92.960509141551.10945A-100000@iasmh.bsu.edu>,
- T> Shadowbird <darius@iasmh.bsu.edu> writes:
- T> >> Maybe it's just a personal thing, but how come there doesn't seem to be
- T> any
- T> >> really good artists nowadays. Or at least in galleries and such. Half
- T> the crap
- T> >> the have is not art. Whatever anybody says about 'expressing their
- T> inner
- T> >> feelings'. IMHO art is skill in portraying realism. To strive for
- T> photorealism.
- T> >> There are branch-offs like cartoons, which strive for character, and
- T> also
- T> >> require skill, but not as much. I was at an art place and I saw some of
- T> L.S
- T> >> lowry's paintings. A rough pencil drawing of a hand in the water. I
- T> mean rough.
- T> >> The hand was a stick, and the water was a few squiggles. The person has
- T> no
- T> >> artistic talent, but he has art gallery halls dedicated to his work.
- T> >
- T> > Wow, your opinions are going to totally shake up the art community as
- T> > we know it. I understand you completely. I mean, those stupid
- T> The art community has a vested interest in not getting shaken up, it's so
- T> full
- T> of frauds they would all lose their jobs ;)
- T> > impressionists just suck, Monet and the whole lot. I can't believe
- T> > anybody such as Van Gogh could be so untalented as to not paint
- T> > photorealistic stuff. And don't even get me started on Picasso. I
- T> mean,
- T> Yes, lets start on Van Gogh, I've just looked up a whole lot of his work
- T> to see
- T> if he's the guy I thought he was (he was).
- T> For something to be art (in my eyes) it must have required talent to
- T> create.
- T> I see no talent in Van Goghs work - I'm not very tolerant of abstract art
- T> (I
- T> tend to think its bollocks) but I will admit that even though there is
- T> little
- T> or no talent required in the painting part of abstract art there is talent
- T> required in the composition and so I can concieve of it requireing talent.
- T> Van
- T> Gogh also shows a complete lack of effort in the composition dept. his
- T> paintings have the compositional feel of holiday snaps. There is nothing
- T> wrong with this sort of composition, I'm just pointing out that anybody
- T> can
- T> do it.
- T> His painting skills... well can someone who knows why this guy wasn't
- T> forgotten
- T> when he shot himself please tell me why his paintings are considered
- T> better
- T> than the hundreds of high school folio works produced each year? The
- T> painting
- T> technique itself certainly seems to require little skill.
- T> Look at "sunflowers", composition you would find in a gardening book, and
- T> a
- T> painting style that joe public is capable of although I have no idea why
- T> joe
- T> public would want to paint that way.
- T> Someone tell me what I am missing.
- T> Is it his slightly warped sense of colour that arty people love so much
- T> (my
- T> monitor does that when people bump the cable)?
- T> I guess what I'm asking for is an imformed answer as to why?
- --------
- I guess it's the same thing as how nobody could stand any of Ed Wood's flicks
- either, but now they are concidered clasic si-fi junk, er "B" movies.
- And so the same thing goes with Van Gogh. Why do you think he killed himself?
- Cuz everyone liked his work? It's one of those wierd things, that after a long
- time suddenly become some sort of "cool" thing to look at, just because of the
- clasicness of it or something? I don't know? But even though I tend to agree
- with your general thought on the subject, I have to say that, I LOVE Ed Wood
- and I,,,guess I like Van Gogh too...Sometimes even a stick figure is cool if
- it's done right........md
- T> I doubt anyone will able to convince me that Van Gogh was talented, but my
- T> mind
- T> _is_ open to the possibility and I would like someone to try.
- T> > So, if one doesn't paint 'photorealism,' then one is not an artist.
- T> > If one writes anything other than essays, one is not a writer.
- T> Photorealisim is something that we know takes talent, high school art
- T> classes
- T> discourage this heavily - I have a sneaky suspicion it's a PC conspiracy
- T> to make sure people who can't draw arn't disadvantaged ;)
- T> --
- T> The Cookie Monster (TCM)
- T> - Nobody ever went out of business because they underestimated the
- T> intelligence of the public.
- Article: 19731
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!nntp.primenet.com!news.primenet.com!steph
- From: Steph Greenberg <steph@primenet.com>
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.animation,comp.graphics.apps.lightwave,comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio
- Subject: Re: MAX or Lightwave? How about some MAX here folks.
- Date: 16 May 1996 00:02:02 -0700
- Organization: Primenet (602)416-7000
- Lines: 56
- Sender: root@primenet.com
- Message-ID: <4nejta$3jc@nnrp1.news.primenet.com>
- References: <jmonahan-0605960210270001@phx-ip-71.netzone.com> <31944AD5.16C4@odyssee.net> <4n2l9h$jcg@nnrp1.news.primenet.com> <4n7tfb$o1m@paperboy.RND.Softimage.COM>
- X-Posted-By: steph@usr07.primenet.com
- Xref: news2.cais.com comp.graphics.animation:35749 comp.graphics.apps.lightwave:19731 comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio:16784
- Gordon D.B. Cameron <gordon@RND.Softimage.COM> wrote:
- : fascinating to watch the industry evolve and reinvent itself, over the
- : past 4 years. SGIs virtual takeover of the midrange supercomputer
- : market was remarkably fast, and left many people gasping. Whilst they
- : were doing that, however, as you say, the NT people were sneaking up
- : on the heels of the graphics range of machines.
- : It's an interesting industry,
- : : It may be SGI's fate to be left only with it's supercomputer market,
- : : which may itself be expanding.
- : In fact it may well be a very profitable fate for SGI, but not
- : necessarily for the graphics community until an equivalent new grapics
- : innovator appears.
- Well, I've seen some pretty interesting thing. I've seen how fast
- Animation Master runs on Win95 using the NVidia based Diamond edge card.
- That has non-subdivided patch rendering with UV mapping. Real time. It's
- made for VR type games and is astounding. And it has an audio card with
- Wavetable synthesis. There are evolutionary forces at play in the PC
- industry that don't exist at SGI's price level. And the margins of scale
- are amazing. You could start on the PC with Animation Master, and
- increase the power of your machine, work your way through LW, 3DMax to
- SI. You'd have an interesting suite of software.
- Also, there's innovative use of software. By this time next year, the
- various PC 3D packages will be competitive with the high end today, and
- SI will be even higher end than it is now. If 100,000 or more CGI artists
- had the tools available to them that now exist on the high end (not
- accounting for improvements done on the high end in the intervening
- period), you will see some interesting things being done.
- That, in my opinion, is what you miss by having decent packages only
- available with SGI. The software and hardware are so expensive, that few
- people have the time to experiment with long form projects. When you can
- work at home, you simply do things differently than when you're under the
- money gun at an office or studio.
- Then there's the whole cottage industry of Neil Stephenson-esque VR
- construction and custom bodies. It looks like that's where things are
- actually headed. And those tools will evolve fast. People will have
- computers at home already capable of workstation performance, and that
- will be a big market to tap. But you have to know when it's gotten to
- that point.
- --
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Steph Greenberg, 3DCGIMD CGI Character Orthopedic Surgeon,
- steph@primenet.com Chiropracter, and Podiatrist.
- Copyright 1996. All Rights Reserved. Permission granted for non-commercial
- electronic republication only, such as Usenet and Email, and
- non-commercial educational purposes such as charge free WWW pages.
- Express permission is required for any other use. When in doubt, ask.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Article: 19732
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!nntp.primenet.com!news.primenet.com!steph
- From: Steph Greenberg <steph@primenet.com>
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: LW is an Island
- Date: 16 May 1996 00:08:02 -0700
- Organization: Primenet (602)416-7000
- Lines: 29
- Sender: root@primenet.com
- Message-ID: <4nek8i$417@nnrp1.news.primenet.com>
- References: <wturber.149.1449E3C5@primenet.com> <4ne5rv$5la@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- X-Posted-By: steph@usr07.primenet.com
- Stranahan <stranahan@aol.com> wrote:
- : As I indicated, there was a ton of work. In addition, the same group of
- : marketing people who launched Toaster made Snappy (a video digitizer that
- : entered the market with a BUNCH of competition already there) the largest
- : selling video product EVER for the PC in about a year. They launched
- : Trinity in a huge way. They made a company that is larger and more
- : sucessful than NewTek in that space of time, and it's a company that is
- : 'cool' in the same way NewTek used to be.
- : Marketing, kids.
- Not to mention having some kick ass products to sell. And what about
- those Quvis or Qubis guys? If they have what they say they have, it will
- blow Accom and Abacus out of the water.
- : _____________________________________________
- : Lee Stranahan
- --
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Steph Greenberg, 3DCGIMD CGI Character Orthopedic Surgeon,
- steph@primenet.com Chiropracter, and Podiatrist.
- Copyright 1996. All Rights Reserved. Permission granted for non-commercial
- electronic republication only, such as Usenet and Email, and
- non-commercial educational purposes such as charge free WWW pages.
- Express permission is required for any other use. When in doubt, ask.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Article: 19733
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!world1.bawave.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!newsserver.jvnc.net!newsserver2.jvnc.net!netnews.upenn.edu!news.voicenet.com!news2.noc.netcom.net!noc.netcom.net!ixnews1.ix.netcom.com!ix.netcom.com!news
- From: achan@ix.netcom.com(Alan Chan)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.animation,comp.graphics.apps.lightwave,comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio
- Subject: Re: MAX or Lightwave? Pick one and shut up....
- Date: 15 May 1996 22:59:01 GMT
- Organization: Netcom
- Lines: 26
- Message-ID: <4ndnjl$l9f@dfw-ixnews7.ix.netcom.com>
- References: <jmonahan-0605960210270001@phx-ip-71.netzone.com> <3197DA57.546C@ix.netcom.com> <4n6ihp$93c@dfw-ixnews5.ix.netcom.com> <4n8t5v$mhi@news2.cts.com> <jmonahan-1505960411370001@phx-ip-62.netzone.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: whx-ca9-21.ix.netcom.com
- X-NETCOM-Date: Wed May 15 5:59:01 PM CDT 1996
- Xref: news2.cais.com comp.graphics.animation:35751 comp.graphics.apps.lightwave:19733 comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio:16785
- In <jmonahan-1505960411370001@phx-ip-62.netzone.com>
- jmonahan@netzone.com (Joe Monahan) writes:
- >
- >I agree. I challenged all the loud mouths to a free web page demo
- where I
- >would place their images next to others for all to compare. Suddenly
- all
- >the "experts" shut up. The one image I did recieve was actually stolen
- off
- >the web!
- >
- >I'm keeping all these posts to present to the Internet class I teach
- -a
- >good lesson for them, and for me!
- Have you ever thought about the fact that some of the work we're doing
- is as yet unreleased? The images we are generating are miles above
- those lovely images of yours, and I for one would not want to bother
- placing it on your web site. We're a little too busy working on real
- projects.
- AC
- ps. you need to work on your lighting, your images look like CGI.
- Article: 19734
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!newsfeed.direct.ca!news
- From: kharmel@Direct.CA (Kurt Harmel)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Date: 16 May 1996 07:12:49 GMT
- Organization: Internet Direct Inc.
- Lines: 7
- Message-ID: <4nekhh$sap@aphex.direct.ca>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: van-pm-0209.direct.ca
- X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.92.5
- Is it possible for someone to make a plugin for layout
- that will alow one to map a texture along a non-linear axis?
- This would eliminate so many unnecessary morphs and cut
- down on rendering time.
- Wouldn't some of you agree??????
- Article: 19735
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!nntp.primenet.com!news.primenet.com!steph
- From: Steph Greenberg <steph@primenet.com>
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: LW vs Alias
- Date: 16 May 1996 00:25:03 -0700
- Organization: Primenet (602)416-7000
- Lines: 25
- Sender: root@primenet.com
- Message-ID: <4nel8f$5cm@nnrp1.news.primenet.com>
- References: <318B253F.25FC@montreal.com> <4mj9hk$6bu@newsbf02.news.aol.com> <3190400B.678A@montreal.com> <N.051196.234026.13@earthlink.net.earthlink.net> <jmonahan-1405960142080001@phx-ip-94.netzone.com> <4nbv9g$etc@dfw-ixnews9.ix.netcom.com>
- X-Posted-By: steph@usr07.primenet.com
- William Teegarden <gregtee@ix.netcom.com> wrote:
- : So are we talking modeling as well then here? I'll bet I can model
- : ANYTHING you can make in Alias using LW, in the same or less amount of
- : time.
- Since you can't animate with patches in LW, that's a stupid statement.
- With patches, no matter how close you get to the edge of a curved object,
- you never see polygonal edges. You can also do all sorts of things with
- object history. A scene I've been working on subdivides at render to
- about 2.5 million polygons. That'd be pretty nasty in LW, since it would
- have to have 2.5 million polygons in the actual scene.
- Sooner or later LW will get on the stick and get NURBS and construction
- history. Until then, you can make some great models, but they'll cost ya.
- --
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Steph Greenberg, 3DCGIMD CGI Character Orthopedic Surgeon,
- steph@primenet.com Chiropracter, and Podiatrist.
- Copyright 1996. All Rights Reserved. Permission granted for non-commercial
- electronic republication only, such as Usenet and Email, and
- non-commercial educational purposes such as charge free WWW pages.
- Express permission is required for any other use. When in doubt, ask.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Article: 19736
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!nntp.primenet.com!news.primenet.com!news.primenet.com!not-for-mail
- From: lthouse@primenet.com (David Hopkins)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: LW 5.0 Misc
- Date: 16 May 1996 01:25:01 -0700
- Organization: Lighthouse Imaging
- Lines: 59
- Sender: root@primenet.com
- Message-ID: <4neoot$a0t@nnrp1.news.primenet.com>
- References: <4nasv3$d02@shiva.usa.net>
- X-Posted-By: ip229.sna.primenet.com
- X-Newsreader: WinVN 0.99.7
- MIME-Version: 1.0
- Content-Type: Text/Plain; charset=US-ASCII
- In article <4nasv3$d02@shiva.usa.net>, jgjones@earth.usa.net
- says...
- >
- >You can use the escape key (ESC) to abort a scene load. (!)
- Wow, that has been true for a REAL long time! Just caught that,
- did you? ;-)
- >
- >Center is now a mode, instead of a command. If toggled on, the
- selected
- >object will, even while being moved, remain centered in the view.
- Wild.
- >(This IS new, right?)
- >
- Yup, this one's new.
- >This was probably there in 4.0 and 3.5, but I never noticed it:
- Polygon
- >Size (Objects panel) values greater than 100% are possible. For a
- real
- >hoot, make a level 3 tessellated sphere and set the Polygon Size
- to
- >2000%. (Yes, I mean two thousand percent; there doesn't seem to be
- an
- >upper limit.)
- >
- Not new.
- >STILL they haven't replaced the missing Auto Size button in the
- spherical
- >image map panel. (Yes, I know you can switch over to Planar, hit
- Auto
- >Size to set the Center location, and switch back... but picture
- yourself
- >doing this for several dozen widely-spaced spheres, each with it's
- own
- >image map...) What's the harm, NewTek? Put it back! Call it "Auto
- Center"
- >or something...
- Ummm...why do you need an Auto Size button for a Spherical Image
- Map? Just set the Width and Height Tilings to 1....
- >The "p" key will close any Layout panel. (Scene, Objects, etc.)
- Who
- >knew? I didn't...
- Not only has this been there a LONG time, but pressing "p" actually
- OPENS the panel as well.
- -David
- Article: 19737
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!news.kei.com!nntp.coast.net!torn!nott!cunews!freenet-news.carleton.ca!FreeNet.Carleton.CA!ar409
- From: ar409@FreeNet.Carleton.CA (Saiyad Abdul)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Pwrview Prob. with 5.0(module handle)
- Date: 16 May 1996 08:16:04 GMT
- Organization: The National Capital FreeNet
- Lines: 10
- Sender: ar409@freenet2.carleton.ca (Saiyad Abdul)
- Message-ID: <4neo84$dto@freenet-news.carleton.ca>
- Reply-To: ar409@FreeNet.Carleton.CA (Saiyad Abdul)
- NNTP-Posting-Host: freenet2.carleton.ca
- I just got my 5.0 today. The powerivew plugin seems to me be giving me the
- same error(can't get module handle) as the one for 4.0 did before you changed
- the name and reinstalled. I have tried changing name to "pviewigl.p" and
- reinstalling it as this worked with 4.0 but alas it did not work. Does
- anyone have an answer on to how I can fix it? ..Oh yeah this is running
- under Win95.
- Sai
- Article: 19738
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!btnet!news.compulink.co.uk!cix.compulink.co.uk!usenet
- From: glynw@cix.compulink.co.uk ("Glyn Williams")
- Subject: Re: Now the Open GL board question
- Message-ID: <DrHr53.AC2@cix.compulink.co.uk>
- Organization: Compulink Information eXchange
- References: <4ndbfq$hh4@kadath.zeitgeist.net>
- Distribution: world
- Date: Thu, 16 May 1996 09:17:27 GMT
- X-News-Software: Ameol
- Lines: 25
- Thanks for a very detailed post, but it suggests that you don't know of
- the plans to merge the technologies.
- Both the OpenGL API and The Direct 3D API will make calls through the
- same structure and be able to exploit the same new Hardware and Software
- accelerators.
- This means that the software OpenGL implementation under NT is to be
- re-coded exploiting the Direct 3D architecture. At least on the Intel
- platform.
- OpenGL calls to NT will not change - but when the system comes to
- plotting the primitives - Direct3D (Rendermorphics) code will execute
- instead of the old slow SGi stuff.
- This will mean software-only OpenGL applications - (like the majority of
- Lightwave users will be using) will speed up quite a bit.
- Also bottom end cards designed to accelerate game will also be exploited
- by the NT OpenGL when possible.
- Another effect will be to narrow the performance advantage that hardware
- accelerators offer. I'd advise people considering purchasing a hardware
- accelerator to hold tight until this technology is in place.
- Glyn Williams - Particle Systems.
- Article: 19739
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!howland.reston.ans.net!news-e2a.gnn.com!newstf01.news.aol.com!newsbf02.news.aol.com!not-for-mail
- From: virtualbri@aol.com (VirtualBri)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: Wacom tablets and Lightwave
- Date: 16 May 1996 01:02:49 -0400
- Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364)
- Lines: 7
- Sender: root@newsbf02.news.aol.com
- Message-ID: <4nectp$8vc@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- References: <4ndure$t74@mule2.mindspring.com>
- Reply-To: virtualbri@aol.com (VirtualBri)
- There was a problem with relative versus absolute positioning while useing
- graphics tablets that has been addressed with 5.0. I think you'll have to
- upgrade to get the changes.
- --Brian
- ======== http://members.aol.com/virtualbri/ =======
- == Home of the LightWave 3D Internet Resource Lists ==
- ============= So, why aren't you on it? =============
- Article: 19740
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!news.kei.com!nntp.coast.net!howland.reston.ans.net!math.ohio-state.edu!magnus.acs.ohio-state.edu!news
- From: Jeff Jasper <jasper.7@osu.edu>
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Do not send your pictures to Joe Monahan!
- Date: Thu, 16 May 1996 06:13:40 -0400
- Organization: The Ohio State University
- Lines: 20
- Message-ID: <319AFFD4.5BF1@osu.edu>
- Reply-To: jasper.7@osu.edu
- NNTP-Posting-Host: ts22-2.homenet.ohio-state.edu
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- X-Mailer: Mozilla 3.0b3 (WinNT; I)
- It is a complete waste of time dealing with this guy.
- It all pretty much started when he said that you can't do realistic glass
- in 3D Studio. This guy told me he was a 3D Studio instructor. I figured
- someone who teaches 3D Studio would know something as easy as making
- realistic glass. Well he got pissy when I told him this so he started the
- whole web page thing. I sent him a picture which he now claims I stole
- off the web somewhere. It was a very basic scene, and my first picture
- done with MAX, if I was going to steal something, it would NOT be this.
- Anyway, he has yet to put up my picture, or anyone elses. The only
- response I get from him is slanderous e-mail. I have asked him numerous
- times which school he teaches at and he has yet to tell me, and have also
- asked where this web page is that I supposedly stole my rendering from.
- So for obvious reasons, protect yourself from harassment and don't send
- him anything.
- Jeff
- --
- Student Programmer 3(change is for Joe, who was confused)
- Advanced Computing Center for the Arts and Design
- Emerging Technology Studio
- Article: 19741
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!news.kei.com!nntp.coast.net!howland.reston.ans.net!news-e2a.gnn.com!newstf01.news.aol.com!newsbf02.news.aol.com!not-for-mail
- From: rbeffects@aol.com (RBeffects)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Viewing Animations
- Date: 16 May 1996 02:14:50 -0400
- Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364)
- Lines: 26
- Sender: root@newsbf02.news.aol.com
- Message-ID: <4neh4q$agc@newsbf02.news.aol.com>
- Reply-To: rbeffects@aol.com (RBeffects)
- Iam looking for the best way to view my Lightwave 5.0 animations for under
- $500.00. Should I be looking at video cards like
- miroVideo,Q-Motion,FAST,or a Matrox Millenium 4MB WRAM card?
- Iam also having a problem with LW5.0. It started on 4.0. Last week the
- rendering time stoped working. It now always reads 0 seconds. I added
- 5.0 and it still wont work. Is there any way to fix this?
- My system is: P-90
- 32RAM
- 1GIG
- ATI WinTurbo w/2vram
- Win 95
- Thanks
- Roger
- Article: 19742
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!uwm.edu!news.cse.psu.edu!news.cc.swarthmore.edu!netnews.upenn.edu!news.voicenet.com!news2.noc.netcom.net!noc.netcom.net!ixnews1.ix.netcom.com!ix.netcom.com!news
- From: Elliot Bain <ebain@ix.netcom.com>
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: Bill Gates -Was "MAX or LightWave? How about some MAX here"-
- Date: Wed, 15 May 1996 23:49:56 -0400
- Organization: Laurell Creative Services
- Lines: 40
- Message-ID: <319AA5E4.4FBF@ix.netcom.com>
- References: <3195B069.373A@pilot.msu.edu> <4n52q7$7be@newsbf02.news.aol.com> <4n564a$40j@nw003.infi.net> <4n5c9t$im8@nnrp1.news.primenet.com> <wturber.143.13F07FC8@primenet.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: col-oh5-14.ix.netcom.com
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- X-NETCOM-Date: Wed May 15 10:49:39 PM CDT 1996
- X-Mailer: Mozilla 2.0 (WinNT; I)
- Walter (Jay) Turberville (III) wrote:
- >
- > [snip]
- >
- >
- > Ahhh - here is the myth/deception:
- >
- > If a company "drives out" the competition by providing free or below market
- > priced products, the consumer benefits. If the competitor then raises prices
- > in order to "gouge" the consumer will be hurt. But what this scenario ignores
- > is that competition can always REENTER. And this is the deception.
- > Pro-regulation folks conveniently leave out the other side of this
- > equation. There are billions of investment dollars out there just waiting to
- > assist someone in entering a market with high profit margins (such as the
- > situation that is created when there is little competition). This, of course,
- > will drive the prices back down.
- >
- > So, you end up with either a near monopoly and reasonable prices or a number
- > of competitors and reasonable prices. When prices become "unreasonably" high
- > or low, that usually indicates a change in the market. These changes
- > eventually settle out. There is no impending horror story. Which is the
- > myth.
- >
- > Walter (Jay) Turberville |wturber@primenet.com wturber@aol.com
- > Studio 522 Productions |http://www.primenet.com/~wturber
- > http://www.studio522.com |ftp.primenet.com/users/w/wturber
- While this scenario is valid, it only addresses part of the problem. You've ignored
- the human side. People lose their jobs during these dislocations. And while it's
- easy to say that this is the price of progress, the view looks quite different when
- you're the one who's down-sized out of a job.
- The economic models never take into account what happens to people in the process of
- change. I don't think many of us would like to live in a society that was totally
- economically efficient.
- --
- Elliot Bain
- Laurell Creative Services
- 614.459.4404
- Article: 19743
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!uwm.edu!news.cse.psu.edu!news.cc.swarthmore.edu!netnews.upenn.edu!news.voicenet.com!news2.noc.netcom.net!noc.netcom.net!ixnews1.ix.netcom.com!ix.netcom.com!news
- From: Elliot Bain <ebain@ix.netcom.com>
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: VT/Windows in Indiana?
- Date: Thu, 16 May 1996 00:07:39 -0400
- Organization: Laurell Creative Services
- Lines: 34
- Message-ID: <319AAA0B.167A@ix.netcom.com>
- References: <19960515.779CB60.9D58@bbs.newtek.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: col-oh5-14.ix.netcom.com
- Mime-Version: 1.0
- Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
- Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
- X-NETCOM-Date: Wed May 15 11:07:21 PM CDT 1996
- X-Mailer: Mozilla 2.0 (WinNT; I)
- Chuck Baker wrote:
- >
- >
- > Shortly after the software development is finished. The official projection
- > for shipping, as stated at NAB, is for first quarter '97. The host-system
- > software portion of the project is being redone from the ground up in Java.
- > Segments that have a need for speed and/or must be platform specific will be
- > done in C++ or assembler, but for portability we are going to do as much as
- > possible in Java.
- >
- > .
- > ========================================================================
- > Chuck Baker | TekWorld: NewTek Tech Support BBS
- > Technical Support Online Services | telnet address: bbs.newtek.com
- > NewTek, Inc. | modem ports: 913-271-9299
- > ========================================================================
- > CompuServe: Go AmigaVend, NewTek; DTVForum, NewTek; GUGRPA, LightWave UG
- > AOL: Keyword NewTek Email: Tech@newtek.com
- > ========================================================================
- This is an April Fools joke that's 45 days late, isn't it?
- You guys have been working on this thing for a really long time, and now you're
- starting all over again? Something is really wrong with this picture.
- I get it. Newtek is trying to be cool, using the latest fad, instead of being
- steady, and getting products out when they might have a chance of getting a
- jump on the rest of the industry.
- --
- Elliot Bain
- Laurell Creative Services
- 614.459.4404
- Article: 19744
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!news.inc.net!arclight.uoregon.edu!dispatch.news.demon.net!demon!unicorn.demon.co.uk
- From: Rafe Purnell <darkeye@unicorn.demon.co.uk>
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: Lightwave 4.0 won't save AVI files on PC
- Date: Thu, 16 May 1996 08:25:11 +0000
- Organization: Unicorn Glade
- Lines: 20
- Sender: Rafe Purnell <darkeye@unicorn.demon.co.uk>
- Message-ID: <VA.00000064.00134561@sysman.system3.com>
- References: <4n51mg$ghv@s02.pavilion.co.uk>
- Reply-To: darkeye@unicorn.demon.co.uk
- NNTP-Posting-Host: unicorn.demon.co.uk
- X-NNTP-Posting-Host: unicorn.demon.co.uk
- X-Newsreader: Virtual Access by Ashmount Research Ltd, http://www.ashmount.com
- >
- > Why is it doing this? I have got the tha HIIP-avi16 plug-in set up. I
- also
- > tryed the AVI_256 plugin but that reports an error with one of the DLL
- files.
- >
- > HIIP-avi16 just does not create an AVI file even though it renders and
- seems
- > to be saving to disk after each frame.
- >
- > Someone please help.
- >
- Have you manualy typed the extension of .avi in the filename when
- setting up to save the animation ?
- Regards
- Darkeye.
- Article: 19745
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!uwm.edu!news.cse.psu.edu!news.cc.swarthmore.edu!netnews.upenn.edu!news.voicenet.com!news2.noc.netcom.net!noc.netcom.net!ixnews1.ix.netcom.com!ix.netcom.com!news
- From: gregtee@ix.netcom.com(William Teegarden)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.animation,comp.graphics.apps.lightwave,comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio
- Subject: Re: MAX or Lightwave? Pick one and shut up....
- Date: 16 May 1996 06:12:29 GMT
- Organization: Netcom
- Lines: 34
- Message-ID: <4neh0d$jod@dfw-ixnews7.ix.netcom.com>
- References: <jmonahan-0605960210270001@phx-ip-71.netzone.com> <3197DA57.546C@ix.netcom.com> <4n6ihp$93c@dfw-ixnews5.ix.netcom.com> <4n8t5v$mhi@news2.cts.com> <jmonahan-1505960411370001@phx-ip-62.netzone.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: lax-ca11-14.ix.netcom.com
- X-NETCOM-Date: Thu May 16 1:12:29 AM CDT 1996
- Xref: news2.cais.com comp.graphics.animation:35754 comp.graphics.apps.lightwave:19745 comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio:16790
- In <jmonahan-1505960411370001@phx-ip-62.netzone.com>
- jmonahan@netzone.com (Joe Monahan) writes:
- >
- >I agree. I challenged all the loud mouths to a free web page demo
- where I
- >would place their images next to others for all to compare. Suddenly
- all
- >the "experts" shut up. The one image I did recieve was actually stolen
- off
- >the web!
- >
- >I'm keeping all these posts to present to the Internet class I teach
- -a
- >good lesson for them, and for me!
- >
- >Joe Monahan
- >
- What are you teaching in your class? Hope it's not how to design a web
- page.
- I saw your images today from the browser at work. Although they are
- "nice" they certainly aren't anything that hasn't been done a million
- times already.
- Your lighting is simplistic, models unchallenging to create, especially
- with such a powerful program as Alias. I would think that you would
- have at the very least made something that would show off NURBS
- modeling rather than simple extrusions and lathes.
- GT
- Article: 19746
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!news.kei.com!nntp.coast.net!lll-winken.llnl.gov!uwm.edu!msunews!netnews.upenn.edu!news.voicenet.com!news2.noc.netcom.net!noc.netcom.net!ixnews1.ix.netcom.com!ix.netcom.com!news
- From: gregtee@ix.netcom.com(William Teegarden)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.animation,comp.graphics.apps.lightwave,comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio
- Subject: Re: MAX or Lightwave? Pick one and shut up....
- Date: 16 May 1996 06:22:55 GMT
- Organization: Netcom
- Lines: 61
- Message-ID: <4nehjv$a3r@dfw-ixnews6.ix.netcom.com>
- References: <jmonahan-0605960210270001@phx-ip-71.netzone.com> <3197DA57.546C@ix.netcom.com> <4n6ihp$93c@dfw-ixnews5.ix.netcom.com> <4n8t5v$mhi@news2.cts.com> <jmonahan-1505960411370001@phx-ip-62.netzone.com> <319A60C0.75D1@osu.edu>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: lax-ca11-14.ix.netcom.com
- X-NETCOM-Date: Thu May 16 1:22:55 AM CDT 1996
- Xref: news2.cais.com comp.graphics.animation:35755 comp.graphics.apps.lightwave:19746 comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio:16791
- In <319A60C0.75D1@osu.edu> Jeff Jasper <jasper.7@osu.edu> writes:
- >
- >> I agree. I challenged all the loud mouths to a free web page demo
- where I
- >> would place their images next to others for all to compare. Suddenly
- all
- >> the "experts" shut up. The one image I did recieve was actually
- stolen off
- >> the web!
- >
- >I sent him the one image and I can prove that it was not stolen off
- the web.
- >I will send the scene data and the materials for anyone else to render
- the
- >scene with. Hell if I was going to steal a scene I wouldn't have used
- the one
- >I sent. It is a very basic scene with a few sphere (three crystal
- balls and a
- >light blue steel ball) a wood claw is holding one sphere, there is
- also a
- >bowl with a flame coming out of it using the free inferno plug-in from
- Kenetix
- >site. And there is an hourglassand three piece of paper with a custom
- photoshop
- >texture, the font is Monotype Sorts then I airbrushed it up to make it
- look like
- >parchment. If he actually puts it up you can take a gander and have a
- laugh. Things
- >I will point out that I screwed up in my scene, forgot to turn on
- reflection in the
- >wood and the flame is too high out of the bowl. I would be interested
- to find out
- >where I supposedly "stole" this picture from.
- >
- >> I'm keeping all these posts to present to the Internet class I teach
- -a
- >> good lesson for them, and for me!
- >>
- >> Joe Monahan
- >
- >He also told me he taught 3D Studio. I am curious, where do you teach?
- >
- >Jeff
- >--
- >Sr. Programmer 3
- >Advanced Computing Center for the Arts and Design
- >Emerging Technology Studio
- I personally think this guy is around twelve years old. I was
- considering putting an image up but after seeing his web page I quickly
- lost interest. After all, if glass balls and wine glases are all he
- can muster from a program like Alias, then he is the one lacking in
- talent.
- It's funny how he hasn't responded to any of my posts. I wonder what
- professional experience he has too.
- GT
- Article: 19747
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!uwm.edu!news.cse.psu.edu!news.cc.swarthmore.edu!netnews.upenn.edu!news.voicenet.com!news2.noc.netcom.net!noc.netcom.net!ixnews1.ix.netcom.com!ix.netcom.com!news
- From: gregtee@ix.netcom.com(William Teegarden)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: LW vs Alias
- Date: 16 May 1996 06:36:38 GMT
- Organization: Netcom
- Lines: 31
- Message-ID: <4neidm$n3k@dfw-ixnews5.ix.netcom.com>
- References: <jmonahan-1405960142080001@phx-ip-94.netzone.com> <4nap82$384@newsbf02.news.aol.com> <jmonahan-1505960454460001@phx-ip-62.netzone.com> <319A6B0B.5834@osu.edu>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: lax-ca11-14.ix.netcom.com
- X-NETCOM-Date: Thu May 16 1:36:38 AM CDT 1996
- In <319A6B0B.5834@osu.edu> Jeff Jasper <jasper.7@osu.edu> writes:
- >
- >> Darn close though. I would hate to see Twister or Batman or The Mask
- done
- >> in anything less then Alias. Thats were the fun is.....
- >
- >The Mask also used EIAS, and Batman was done mostly with in-house
- software.
- >Not sure what Twister was done with.
- >
- >Jeff
- >--
- >Sr. Programmer 3
- >Advanced Computing Center for the Arts and Design
- >Emerging Technology Studio
- Jeff, this guy's an idiot. He obviously know almost NOTHING of how CGI
- is produced, his web page proves that. Don't waste your time with him.
- The films he throws out with such reckless abandon where not "done in
- Alias". Sure, Alias was probably used to built some of the geometry
- for these productions, but non of it was rendered in it. Alias is too
- much of a pig in that regard. Yeah, it's renders look good, but so do
- Renderman's, which is what's ALWAYS used for final output.
- He's not even using SGI Alias for that matter, but Alias Sketch, which
- is far from Poweranimator.
- GT
- Article: 19748
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!howland.reston.ans.net!spool.mu.edu!munnari.OZ.AU!hobyah.cc.uq.oz.au!bunyip.cc.uq.oz.au!news
- From: ren@mars.nettrek.net.au
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.animation,comp.graphics.apps.lightwave,comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio
- Subject: Re: MAX or Lightwave? How about some MAX here folks.
- Date: 15 May 1996 15:16:58 GMT
- Organization: University of Queensland
- Lines: 10
- Message-ID: <4ncsha$n5c@hobyah.cc.uq.oz.au>
- References: <jmonahan-0605960210270001@phx-ip-71.netzone.com> <4mlgjf$rkk@newsbf02.news.aol.com> <4mlp8i$mm4@nnrp1.news.primenet.com> <4mm0dc$7uo@news1.io.org> <jmonahan-0805960155000001@phx-ip-77.netzone.com> <319118A8.6389@osu.edu> <4mrk06$fai@nnrp1.new
- Reply-To: ren@mars.nettrek.net.au
- NNTP-Posting-Host:
- X-Newsreader: IBM NewsReader/2 v1.2
- Xref: news2.cais.com comp.graphics.animation:35756 comp.graphics.apps.lightwave:19748 comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio:16792
- In <4mrk06$fai@nnrp1.news.primenet.com>, Steph Greenberg <steph@primenet.com> writes:
- >I also regard SGI as being more monopolistic than Microsoft. When you
- >buy a program designed to run on SGI, you can't run it on a DEC, or Sun,
- >or HP, even though they all run Unix. You MUST buy only an SGI. With
- >NT, you get your OS for under $500, and pick the machine you want to
- >run it on to suit your needs and budget.
- True, but I guarantee if MS sold PCs it would be a different story - they're
- monopolistic in everything they sell - that's why all their apps are only available
- on their Operating System - They don't make PC's (thankfully).
- Article: 19749
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!news.mathworks.com!newsfeed.internetmci.com!howland.reston.ans.net!spool.mu.edu!munnari.OZ.AU!hobyah.cc.uq.oz.au!bunyip.cc.uq.oz.au!news
- From: ren@mars.nettrek.net.au
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.animation,comp.graphics.apps.lightwave,comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio
- Subject: Re: MAX or Lightwave? How about some MAX here folks.
- Date: 15 May 1996 15:22:48 GMT
- Organization: University of Queensland
- Lines: 42
- Message-ID: <4ncss8$n5c@hobyah.cc.uq.oz.au>
- References: <4mobr9$d92@newshost.convex.com> <4mpfur$clk@newsbf02.news.aol.com> <4mpkf1$l1m@vixen.cso.uiuc.edu> <jmonahan-0805961406260001@phx-ip-92.netzone.com> <4mro1u$9b9@vixen.cso.uiuc.edu>
- Reply-To: ren@mars.nettrek.net.au
- NNTP-Posting-Host:
- X-Newsreader: IBM NewsReader/2 v1.2
- Xref: news2.cais.com comp.graphics.animation:35757 comp.graphics.apps.lightwave:19749 comp.graphics.packages.3dstudio:16793
- In <4mro1u$9b9@vixen.cso.uiuc.edu>, nbenami@uiuc.edu (Noam Ben-Ami) writes:
- >jmonahan@netzone.com (Joe Monahan) writes:
- >
- >>And while every ones standing around saying. "see, almost as good as an
- >>SGI/Alias..." SGI and Alias are working on MAYA and their R10,000's which
- >>will put them well ahead of the pack again.
- >
- >Actually, we say, "look, Joe doesn't have a clue, hahahaha!"
- >
- >>As was pointed out in Variety's last issue, people aren't coming to
- >>Animation/Effects houses asking for "The same stuff that was done last
- >>year."
- >
- >Yeah, good old jimbob came to me yesterday asking for a fully articulated
- >fish character for jimbob's bait and tackle shop's spot during the NBA
- >finals.
- >
- >>Their asking for better - because the audience expects better. And just
- >>when everyone else is getting almost as good - the best is getting alot
- >>better.
- >
- >Quick clue Joe. "alot" isn't a word.
- >
- >>If anything the audience for much output is getting MORE demanding. And to
- >
- >English isn't your native language, is it?
- >
- >>meet their demands you can either work ona machine/software that is built
- >>for it or something that was built desperately hoping to immitate it. I'll
- >
- >Or you can just use Joe's TRS-80 running his super duper IRIX 3.0 emulator.
- >Ooooh.
- >
- >>stick with the innovators rather then the immatators any day.
- >
- >Another quick suggestion Joe: don't use words whose spelling you are
- >unsure about.
- >
- >Andone final suggestion: give it up. You're clueless. The sooner you realize
- >this, the sooner you will have taken the first step towards adulthood.
- >
- Same could be said for you... very mature...
- Article: 19750
- Path: news2.cais.com!news.cais.net!bofh.dot!newsfeed.internetmci.com!howland.reston.ans.net!nntp.coast.net!news2.acs.oakland.edu!newsfeed.concentric.net!galileo.cris.com!Golchert
- From: Golchert@cris.com (Chris Golchert)
- Newsgroups: comp.graphics.apps.lightwave
- Subject: Re: LW 5.0 Misc
- Date: 16 May 1996 13:05:15 GMT
- Organization: Concentric Internet Services
- Lines: 60
- Message-ID: <4nf96b$95k@tribune.concentric.net>
- References: <4nasv3$d02@shiva.usa.net> <4neoot$a0t@nnrp1.news.primenet.com>
- NNTP-Posting-Host: galileo.cris.com
- X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2]
- David Hopkins (lthouse@primenet.com) wrote:
- : In article <4nasv3$d02@shiva.usa.net>, jgjones@earth.usa.net
- : says...
- : >LAYOUT:
- : >
- : >You can use the escape key (ESC) to abort a scene load. (!)
- : Wow, that has been true for a REAL long time! Just caught that,
- : did you? ;-)
- : >
- : >Center is now a mode, instead of a command. If toggled on, the
- : selected
- : >object will, even while being moved, remain centered in the view.
- : Wild.
- : >(This IS new, right?)
- : >
- : Yup, this one's new.
- : >This was probably there in 4.0 and 3.5, but I never noticed it:
- : Polygon
- : >Size (Objects panel) values greater than 100% are possible. For a
- : real
- : >hoot, make a level 3 tessellated sphere and set the Polygon Size
- : to
- : >2000%. (Yes, I mean two thousand percent; there doesn't seem to be
- : an
- : >upper limit.)
- : >
- : Not new.
- : >STILL they haven't replaced the missing Auto Size button in the
- : spherical
- : >image map panel. (Yes, I know you can switch over to Planar, hit
- : Auto
- : >Size to set the Center location, and switch back... but picture
- : yourself
- : >doing this for several dozen widely-spaced spheres, each with it's
- : own
- : >image map...) What's the harm, NewTek? Put it back! Call it "Auto
- : Center"
- : >or something...
- : Ummm...why do you need an Auto Size button for a Spherical Image
- : Map? Just set the Width and Height Tilings to 1....
- : >The "p" key will close any Layout panel. (Scene, Objects, etc.)
- : Who
- : >knew? I didn't...
- : Not only has this been there a LONG time, but pressing "p" actually
- : OPENS the panel as well.
- : -David